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Subject: Cool Countries besides U.S.
Besides America, what are you your top 5 countries of choice as of right now and why? No particular order.
This place is splendid and quite superb really. America is basically England's Child so to say with Our main language and customs, not to metion last Names. It seems to be rather quiet and quiant, yet very modern in certain places. Plus you gotta love British Humor! (Humour) ;)
This is a country that is very ancient yet, very modern. It is the opitomy of Eastern culture. They have thier own take on everything. Thier own comic books, Animation, and crazy TV game shows. Most technolgically advanced place as far a gadgets and consumer electronics.
Sure its bloody and crime ridden, but it is very full of it's own unique culture. With Mayan temples hidden away and a Day of the Dead Parade in Mexico City, I would say it has become a cooler place than it's Mother Spain.
How could you not like this country? Unique Geography and animals. Interesting people with a wicked sense of Humor. Definetly stands out among the world.
Similar to Mexico or is it?? With a native tongue of Brazilian Portuguese, you could enjoy Carnaval. Or the many beaches. The Amazon is beautiful and the people are very nice.
There's my 5 ;D
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
Uruguay (Montevideo, the capital, cool name)
OZ - I like the way they talk
Micronesia - really far out
Chile - sounds cool
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
Lol....well the USA isn't my idea of a 'cool' country, but I would go live at one of these places if I had the means:
New Zealand
alternates(but no less thatn the other 5):
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
The only ones I'd really care to visit are Canada and Switzerland, really.
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
this thread is funny
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
This is a great country. I've been there several times. The hospitality is great, and the demographic kind of feels like a latin "United States". Cost of living is very low. Big problem is crime rate though, especially in São Paulo.
Great country, especially in the backwoods. Plus this is the country that gave us Avril Lavigne and Shania Twain and Rachel Perry. :P
Nice, quaint country.
....Now for Japan, while it appears to be a nice country with polite people, I disliked it. Because the "politeness" is not done out of respect for you, but rather if someone is not polite it reflects badly on "them". I quickly tired of the hypocrisy of it.
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
Great country, especially in the backwoods. Plus this is the country that gave us Avril Lavigne and Shania Twain and Rachel Perry. :P
End Quote
What in the world is Rachel Perry doing in the States?
She had to be one of the worst ever VJs on MuchMusic.
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
This is a great country. I've been there several times. The hospitality is great, and the demographic kind of feels like a latin "United States". Cost of living is very low. Big problem is crime rate though, especially in São Paulo.
Great country, especially in the backwoods. Plus this is the country that gave us Avril Lavigne and Shania Twain and Rachel Perry. :P
Nice, quaint country.
....Now for Japan, while it appears to be a nice country with polite people, I disliked it. Because the "politeness" is not done out of respect for you, but rather if someone is not polite it reflects badly on "them". I quickly tired of the hypocrisy of it.
End Quote
No offense to you, Lyric Boy or Canada, but I don't consider Avril Lavigne a gift. ;) I'm sure there are a million other reasons to love Canada. (Rush is certainly one).
Also, Ireland is a beautiful country with very friendly people.
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
Israel (Even with that Peres terrorist in office)
Anywhere in the Carribean
And I would never want to go to France, for the reasons LyricBoy stated about Japan.
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
Greece---beautiful country, good food, want to go back
Australia---always wanted to go there
Ireland---to see where some of my ancestors came from, plus it's beautiful
The Virgin Islands---sunny, and I might be able to find a cabana boy ;)
Canada---I've never been there, but I hear it's beautiful
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
Canada---I've never been there, but I hear it's beautiful
End Quote
BACK OFF WOMAN! I know what you're up to with this one.
:-* :-* ;)
Unless we go there together... heeheeeee!
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
BACK OFF WOMAN! I know what you're up to with this one.
:-* :-* ;)
Unless we go there together... heeheeeee!
End Quote
:-X You're just jealous cuz I'm closer and cuz Tennessee's not a country :-* :-* ;)
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
What in the world is Rachel Perry doing in the States?
She had to be one of the worst ever VJs on MuchMusic.
End Quote
Her "regular gig" in the States is hosting VH-1's Top 20 Countdown each week.
Maybe she sucked up in Canada, but she is a MEGABABE down here in the lower 48. ;D
She's so hot... sometimes I watch the show with the sound turned off. :P
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
And I would never want to go to France, for the reasons LyricBoy stated about Japan.
End Quote
One thing to say about France, and that's that you know up front, going in, that the people are gonna be rude so you can deal with it.
The Japanese deep down really WANT to be rude to you, but since that would reflect badly on them, they pretend to be hospitable.
I do have to say this for Japan though. The average shopkeeper is scrupulously honest. I had shopkeepers on two different occasions chase after me in the street to apologize for giving me not enough change, then handing me the proper amount. So ya gotta give them points for that. :D
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
No offense to you, Lyric Boy or Canada, but I don't consider Avril Lavigne a gift. End Quote
Au contraire. Avril is babe-o-liscious, and has some class. You don't see her flashing her boobies all over the TV like other singers these days. I'd like to play hockey with her sometime. ;D
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
My 5 in particular order---
1) The U.K----Many of my ancestors are from there and my parents lived there from '72-74, but what I really love is that I love the people there and the shops and the music and.....
2) Japan----Sanrio everywhere! Like the way they live too.
3) Canada---it's much safer, cleaner, and the health care is far cheaper than next door
4) Barbados---no snow, the scenery
5) Norway---healthy lifestyles, scenic
Next five would be, again in no particular order:
Switzerland (I'm part Swiss)
Ireland (lots of Irish in my background)
Don't see the appeal in France even though a couple of my ancestors are from there as well.
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
I would love to go to USA, Canada and Australia. I don't know what they are like since I haven't been there before.
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
And at least the Japanese bathe once in a while. ;)
One thing to say about France, and that's that you know up front, going in, that the people are gonna be rude so you can deal with it.
The Japanese deep down really WANT to be rude to you, but since that would reflect badly on them, they pretend to be hospitable.
I do have to say this for Japan though. The average shopkeeper is scrupulously honest. I had shopkeepers on two different occasions chase after me in the street to apologize for giving me not enough change, then handing me the proper amount. So ya gotta give them points for that. :D
End Quote
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
1} Canada ~ They're my neighbors, love the mountains, Whistler/Blackcomb, their cute little accent, and I get to save $ shopping.
2} Amsterdam ~ Well, you know, it's fun there! 8)
3} Switzerland ~ The mountains, the beautiful country.
4} New Zealand ~ Beautiful, people seem fun.
5} Mexico ~ Sounds fun and cheap.
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
And at least the Japanese bathe once in a while. ;)
End Quote
Agreed, Indy_Gent.
Now if we can just get them to see a dentist once every few years. :P ;D
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
The UK: My favorite land. Its kicks bloody arse!
France: Middle-ages feel, Love it!
Australia: Land of natural/man made beauty. Plus not to mention REALLY HOT GUYS!!
Itlay: Pizza!
Canada: Close to my home in Michigan, and is like America, except the people are kinder and more relaxed. I have a special place in my heart for canadians ;D
But my favorite contenents are:Europe!!!,Asia,Africa, and Australia (and surrounding islands).
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
It's pretty cool in Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Canada, but Greenland is coolest of all! Brrrrr!
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
UK - love the people I've met from there, really nice with wicked sense of humor!
Ireland - maybe find some long lost relatives?
Italy - same as Ireland and the food!
Greece - heard it's a really beautiful country.
Australia - I've heard alot about how beautiful it is and how nice the people are.
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
Do I take it from the title of this thread that the US must be taken as a given ? :P LOL, how eccentric, now you will never know whether I would have included it in my list or not, but I am sure some of the longer termers will know which way I would vote :)
United Kingdom
New Zealand
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
Do I take it from the title of this thread that the US must be taken as a given ? :P LOL, how eccentric, now you will never know whether I would have included it in my list or not, but I am sure some of the longer termers will know which way I would vote :)
End Quote
I sure hope not because on my list, the U.S. would be WAY down on the bottom (at least at the moment)
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
As far as Canada goes, please come up with some better reasons than Avril Lavigne ::), Shania Twain, or Rachel Perry. Mega babe?
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
For me, my top 5 would be:
1.ENGLAND- Something tells me I don't need to explain this, some of you know why this is my top one!
2.Portugal- I am Portuguese, my family emmigrated from the Azores. I have always wanted to visit there!
3.France- I have a friend in France, she always wants me to come and visit her to see France! I really want to go there to see all of the castles and all of the history there!
4.Italy- Why not? I love Italian food, I love Italian everything, so I would love to see Italy!
5.Australia- I have always wanted to visit Australia, my roommate has and she talks of nothing else!!
My roomate and I plan on setting up a little trip to visit Europe sometime next year, so I can check out England, France, and all the other places I've always wanted to visit! I better be careful, I may not want to leave England when I get there!!!!
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
As far as Canada goes, please come up with some better reasons than Avril Lavigne ::), Shania Twain, or Rachel Perry. Mega babe?
End Quote
I picked Canada so I will have a stab at this.
I am a grumpy old bastard, so the above three would rate as negative reasons ;D Mind you Kylie is a negative for Australia, that's why we are glad to see the British take such a shine to her, they pay her money to stay there :P :P :P ;D
Canada ? I have some people I know and like who live there. It is very picturesque (admittedly, so are a lot of places). It has snow ! It is nice and cold !
I say this for all the people who think I am mad, and also those who above have said they would like to visit Australia.
By all means, it is a lovely, laid back, quiet place. Don't upset the locals and they won't bother you ! :P
But be prepared for two things !
Heat, and humidity - and craploads of it, maybe not so much down south (they get their share though) but where I live Summer lasts about 8 months, and it is oppresive. Hence my desire for snow :D
Distance and isolation. Australia's total population is roughly that of Los Angeles. :o 95% of our population lives within 50 miles of the coastline. That leaves an awful lot of nothing much in the middle bits.
I crap you not, we are frequently rescuing (or sending the Coroner to scoop up) stranded American, British and European backpackers who have this crazy notion that one can walk from one side of the country to another ::)
The motto is : See FussBudget first ;D 8)
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
I am a grumpy old bastardEnd Quote
Smashing! I'm not alone...!
I suppose 'familiarity breeding contempt' and all that, we could all pick holes in where we're from...I could excavate holes with a lot of things I dislike about this fair nation, but it's still home and I couldn't see me living anywhere else...(plays 'Land Of Hope And Glory' on nearby wind-up gramophone...)
I don't particulary travel well, but have made an solemn unwritten vow to myself that I'm at least going to go somewhere a bit further flung from Southend in the near future...
They include the usual suspects...USA, Aus, Canada, etc...most of Europe I've done and dusted...
Quoting:I crap you not, we are frequently rescuing (or sending the Coroner to scoop up) stranded American, British and European backpackers who have this crazy notion that one can walk from one side of the country to another ::)End Quote
We have the same problem with fools who decide to climb up Ben Nevis in a full-force blizzard, or take it upon themselves to go boating in a hurricane...mind you, I do have sympathy with the poor sods trying to get from one side of our country to the other via public transport...!
Quoting:The motto is : See FussBudget first ;D 8)
End Quote
...and he may let you kip in his garage - reasonable rates...!!
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
I would really like to visit the US, but I think that I would be arrested as I land, on principal.
The UK is a terrible place but I love it and I am never leaving - if that makes any sense.
South Africa was a great place to grow up, but not somewhere that one is likely to get the opportunity to grow old.
Subject: Re: Cool Countries besides U.S.
Italy is definitely a cool country. I found the young people there to be very creative and positive. Not to mention they got a lot of old neald stuff to check out.
I also have to say Japan is cool. I never knew that Japanese people take reggae music so seriously.
I'm also DYING to go to the UK and Ireland. I wanna ride in a real double decker bus. I heard the night clubs are hot too.