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Subject: Your concept of the Afterlife
My concept(as a Christian)
what I sincerely hope the Afterlife is like,
is a realm of increbible beauty, where all the hobbies and interests of Earthly life(food,drink,sex,video games,books,movies) exist,
where we could manifest perfect physical bodies if we want.
My concept and hope of the Afterlife would be also where the Weather is perfect all the time, where everyone could live the life of a Millionaire or Billionaire,
no suffering, Mental or Physical, all scars healed,
Yet also, My hope for the Afterlife is that it would be a Place of Rest, where we could do whatever we wanted to do. ::)
Subject: Re: Your concept of the Afterlife
If you go to this website you will see my belief of what the Afterlife will be. Read through and enjoy the clip :) (Click The TV set next to the Picture Of Jesus Christ)
This is where I know we will all be. And I can't wait to be reunited with all loved ones including God and the Savior.
Love you all and please take no offense to my belief, just answering a good question :)
Subject: Re: Your concept of the Afterlife
Andrew,have you tried talking to a psychologist? All these posts make wonder. nothing bad about you,just making me think. :)
Subject: Re: Your concept of the Afterlife
having absolutely everything you want might not actually be the best thing... it could be hell trying to figure out what to do with yourself. And not everyone knows what they want - have you seen Bruce Almighty?
Subject: Re: Your concept of the Afterlife
The afterlife? Guess it depends on who your Master is... ;D ;)
Subject: Re: Your concept of the Afterlife
The afterlife? Guess it depends on who your Master is... ;D ;)
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Amen to that. :)
Subject: Re: Your concept of the Afterlife
There is no afterlife - you die, period. Anything else is wishful thinking.
Subject: Re: Your concept of the Afterlife
I try not to bother with needless speculation and ideas about something out of our plane of reality.
Subject: Re: Your concept of the Afterlife
There is no afterlife - you die, period. Anything else is wishful thinking.
End Quote
I was gonna say "dark and wormy" but you beat me to it.
Subject: Re: Your concept of the Afterlife
All I can say with some certainty it that I will quickly develop a hygeing problem :P and you probably would find me a boring dinner guest. ;)
Subject: Re: Your concept of the Afterlife
while i don't think its out of this world to believe in a god that created us(blah blah blah big bang, evolution, whatever), i do think its pretty funny to believe that after we die(all 6 billion of us, not to mention those who will live after us, and those who died before us) our souls will occupy some infinite amount of space, whether it be below the ground or above the sky, forever and ever and ever and ever. Seriously, what the hell would you do for an eternity? I'd really like one sane person(im not saying at all that religious people are crazed) to tell what me they will do for the next ...ever..., let alone the next 100 years. If people really thought they were going to do something after their body stopped working, why would they work so hard to make a legacy that will go on years after their lives end? Because they know thats the only way they can truly "exist" after death.
Subject: Re: Your concept of the Afterlife
My concept of the Afterlife? Just wait and see... you will find out the day you die.
But I do think that what you do (good or bad) during life, could have some sort of direction of what happens after you die. Whether it be how well you decompose into the ground or who you could be reincarnated as... it all counts.
Subject: Re: Your concept of the Afterlife
O.K. on another direction..
Has anyone (espsciallly students of philosophy) ever thought that this IS THE AFTERLIFE?
The very life you lead, right now, is punishment or reward from the last (or many other) lives?
This could be your heaven, this could be your hell...Life really is what you make it..this could be one of the many lives you lead on a progression to heaven, nirvana, etc..
But then when someone asks me my philosophy of life, I say, I don't know yet, haven't lived all my life to be able to tell, I let you know when I'm dead..
Subject: Re: Your concept of the Afterlife
I believe in reincarnation, but not in a religious sense. It's hard to describe it, but I'll try.
To borrow the religious term "soul", how does your soul get into your body? Where does it come from and where does it go after death? Why are you you and not your father? Why can't you decide when you're twenty to transplant your soul into someone else and take over their body?
When you die, scienctifically speaking, you nor your surrondings exist. There is nothing, not even the colour black. So now that there is nothing, what stops "us" (or our "soul") from becoming something else. I believe when we are reincarnated (as a human, animal, or possibly another lifeform in the universe) we have no clue about our past lifes, we just consider ourselves like we do now.
I guess this belief is somewhat close to the Big Bang Theory that you can get something from nothing because "nothing" has unlimited possibilities to become "something".
The problem with describing this is you have to understand what "nothing" is. Most people picture "nothing" as black space. But isn't "black space" something? No living organism can understand what nothing really is and when we're dead, we can't understand anything anyways. So this leads to the question "Can nothing exist?" I don't think it can, which means there was always a universe and that time doesn't exist- its only a man made way to measure things...
My head hurts now and I'm getting off topic. In conclusion, I believe in scienctific reincarnation.
Subject: Re: Your concept of the Afterlife
O.K. on another direction..
Has anyone (espsciallly students of philosophy) ever thought that this IS THE AFTERLIFE?
The very life you lead, right now, is punishment or reward from the last (or many other) lives?
This could be your heaven, this could be your hell...Life really is what you make it..this could be one of the many lives you lead on a progression to heaven, nirvana, etc..
But then when someone asks me my philosophy of life, I say, I don't know yet, haven't lived all my life to be able to tell, I let you know when I'm dead..
End Quote
One thing I've never understood about reincarnation...
If you are being rewarded or punished in this life for your actions in a past life, how do you know? If you do not know who you were in a past life or what you did, how are you gonna improve on it? How are you gonna progress to "heaven" without knowing what to do to get there?
Subject: Re: Your concept of the Afterlife
while i don't think its out of this world to believe in a god that created us(blah blah blah big bang, evolution, whatever), i do think its pretty funny to believe that after we die(all 6 billion of us, not to mention those who will live after us, and those who died before us) our souls will occupy some infinite amount of space, whether it be below the ground or above the sky, forever and ever and ever and ever. Seriously, what the hell would you do for an eternity? I'd really like one sane person(im not saying at all that religious people are crazed) to tell what me they will do for the next ...ever..., let alone the next 100 years. If people really thought they were going to do something after their body stopped working, why would they work so hard to make a legacy that will go on years after their lives end? Because they know thats the only way they can truly "exist" after death.
End Quote
You know, I think about this too.
The Bible says that there are four "creatures" that sit around God's throne and say "Holy Holy Holy" 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I used to think, "How boring!! Is that what it is going to be like in heaven?".
But I don't think that anymore. I think that being in God's presence will bring us a satisfaction (and peace and joy and a thousand other emotions) that we can never know here on Earth. Like the old cliche "time flies when you're having fun". Think about your favorite thing to do. Something you never get tired of. Or someone you love to spend time with. Time becomes irrelevant.
When we die I am sure we will perceive things differently. Like growing up, as you get older you find you enjoy things that you never ever thought you would as a child. When you are young you cannot really conceive of what it is like being an adult. I believe it will be the same in the afterlife, we cannot really conceive of what things (or what we) will be like.
Subject: Re: Your concept of the Afterlife
Anyone ever see the Movie "Star Trek: Generations" The "Nexus"
My concept of the Afterlife would be,
any thing I wanted it to be,
So much knowledge to absorb in life, so little time, so much information and mis-information,
I hope in the Afterlife, God will share his Infinite Knowledge and Wisdom with all of us.
Subject: Re: Your concept of the Afterlife
I believe that there is no afterlife. Ecclesiastes 9:5 says 'For the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing; they have no further reward . . .'
Subject: Re: Your concept of the Afterlife
One thing I've never understood about reincarnation...
If you are being rewarded or punished in this life for your actions in a past life, how do you know? If you do not know who you were in a past life or what you did, how are you gonna improve on it? How are you gonna progress to "heaven" without knowing what to do to get there?
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I understand what you mean, but I guess I've always beleived that the good and evil that men/women do is cut and dry (so to speak).
In this life, you know if you've done the right things and you know if you've done wrong..
We may not know that the current life is punishment or reward but we pretty well know if we have done good or evil in the current one..
And if there is a such thing as reincarnation than you still have to be and do "good" in the current life you're in regardless of if you know your current life is reward or punishment.
The point is, most concepts of reincarnation makes you work harder to be a better person, lead a better life REGARDLESS of you past lives in order to make it to a higher plane (wheather that be heaven, or nirvana etc.).
Not saying that I know for sure reincarnation is true, but considering the motivations...its not a bad thing to be motivated to lead a better life! ;)
Subject: Re: Your concept of the Afterlife
O.K. on another direction..
Has anyone (espsciallly students of philosophy) ever thought that this IS THE AFTERLIFE?
End Quote
It's not so much an afterlife, more a sort of apres vie.
All I can say is, I hope the afterlife is like Douglas Adams thought it would be...
Subject: Re: Your concept of the Afterlife
Now that's a superb website,
I have my doubts about the Afterlife, I feel like doubting Thomas, unless I see the Afterlife in all it's beauty only then will I be truly convinced.