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Subject: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
I try very hard to be objective, especially when it comes to politics. No one is perfect. Most politicians have their good points and bad points. I don't particularly lie at either end of the political spectrum.
Just my opinion and my need to vent:
GW Bush basically spent all of his time, money, resources, energy and effort in homeland security and in military, warring, democratizing and rebuilding operations overseas.
The homeland security thing is necessary and good for the nation and I'm sure we're all better for it. No issue there.
The war and military operations are a whole other matter I don't wish to discuss in this thread.
My pieve is here:
I don't care what he or anyone says, I truly believe he "dropped the ball" on our nation's domestic issues like education, healthcare, unemployment, etc., etc...
As if that were not bad enough, he pursues the issues of space exploration and colonization and even asks for funding, clearly not having a clue as to what his priorities should be or what the people in the real world need. >:(
Many companies in our nation are relying on other countries like India to do the work Americans could be doing.
Where are the jobs? Nowhere to be found from what I can see. An engineer gets laid-off after working for the same company for years making a decent salary due to yearly monetary raises, to then have to work at a McDonald's fast food restaurant, starting from the bottom at minimum wage, in order to somehow survive for the rest of his days because no one is hiring!! :o :P
I could barely stomach watching him on TV last night, I'm so annoyed.
* For the record, I'm also annoyed with John Kerry because I remember his negativity the day of the capture of Saddam. Kerry attempted to overshadow the good news of his capture with continuous criticisms of Bush. It was definitely the wrong time and the wrong place for that kind of rhetoric. >:(
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
Don't forget how he illegally stole the election by working with his brother Jeb.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
My beef is that he spend 15 minutes talking about using performing enhancing drugs for baseball, as if anyone cares. Yes ,it is a serious problem that players cheat to padd their stats, but it isn't appropriate in a State of The Union speech, even if the President used to own the Texas Rangers. He only does this when he is asked questions on the Economy or Osama bin Laden.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
Don't forget how he illegally stole the election by working with his brother Jeb.
End Quote
::) ::) ::)
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
I don't think GWB ignored other issues, you have to admit that a war makes for "better" news stories though. And in his defense, I am glad that he took on the 'War on Terror'. I know I sleep better at night now since 9/11.
As far as jobs go, it's unfortunate that someone has to take a job that seems beneath him. It would be more unfortunate if he didn't have a job at all. I see your point though.
John Kerry lost my respect with his crappy attitude when Saddam was captured (I liked him for years and years). Dean is whack-o (the Dems are kicking themselves over this one!). Gebhardt dropped out (I liked him). Who's left among the Dems?
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
My beef is that he spend 15 minutes talking about using performing enhancing drugs for baseball, as if anyone cares. Yes ,it is a serious problem that players cheat to padd their stats, but it isn't appropriate in a State of The Union speech, even if the President used to own the Texas Rangers. He only does this when he is asked questions on the Economy or Osama bin Laden.
End Quote
That was maybe 3 minutes, if that, and that was including the applause. If you had seen or heard it in context he was linking professional athletes as role models to children with the policies against youth drug use.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
I didn't see the speech last night. I was going by what Tony Bruno said on his talk show on Fox Radio.
That was maybe 3 minutes, if that, and that was including the applause. If you had seen or heard it in context he was linking professional athletes as role models to children with the policies against youth drug use.
End Quote
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
Quoting:And in his defense, I am glad that he took on the 'War on Terror'. I know I sleep better at night now since 9/11.End Quote
Amen to that.
Quoting:As far as jobs go, it's unfortunate that someone has to take a job that seems beneath him. It would be more unfortunate if he didn't have a job at all. End Quote
As I drive through town, I literally see "Now Hiring" signs all over the place. Granted, they are at mostly retail and restaurants. But, the way I see it, these places are hiring new workers and if someone is unemployed and needs work, why aren't they taking these jobs?
Seems to me if someone is desperate, as some politicians (eh hem Howard Dean) keep saying they are, they would take these jobs. Even if its only for a while until something "up to their level" comes along.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
Don't forget how he illegally stole the election by working with his brother Jeb.
End Quote
He didn't steal the election. Granted he didn't get a majority of popular vote, but he got the electoral votes. It can work that way...I don't like the system, either but complaining about it won't fix it. (although, I was glad won and not Gore)
Quoting:As if that were not bad enough, he pursues the issues of space exploration and colonization and even asks for funding, clearly not having a clue as to what his priorities should be or what the people in the real world need.
End Quote
I agree with you here, Hair. As much as I would love to see us go back to the moon or go to Mars, there is more important stuff that we could use the money on in the country.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
Quoting:As I drive through town, I literally see "Now Hiring" signs all over the place. Granted, they are at mostly retail and restaurants. But, the way I see it, these places are hiring new workers and if someone is unemployed and needs work, why aren't they taking these jobs?
Seems to me if someone is desperate, as some politicians (eh hem Howard Dean) keep saying they are, they would take these jobs. Even if its only for a while until something "up to their level" comes along.End Quote
You're a fortunate man if you're seeing these signs all over the place in your area of the nation. I have traveled extensively and have witnessed 0 jobs available. Employers are continually laying people off. No one's hiring. In the retail district, I witnessed several people be "let go" on Christmas Eve. I was appalled. Most fast food chains are run by teens, so the opportunities for an older generation worker are slim. One of the popular reasons given for the "not hiring" trend to someone who finds themselves having to work a menial job - "Sorry, you're overqualified".
Unfortunately, I don't see the job situation improving anytime soon.
As far as Dems candidates go, there's John Edwards. What's your opinion on him guys and gals?
I read one page from his site and I thought he made some good points. He gave some stats about what I'm trying to say in reference to some of the issues I believe neglected during Bush's administration.
I'll link the page I read below for those who may be interested.
I'm not saying I will vote for this guy, or that I believe he has all the answers; just that I agree with his stats on jobs, health care and such.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
Quoting:I agree with you here, Hair. As much as I would love to see us go back to the moon or go to Mars, there is more important stuff that we could use the money on in the country.End Quote
Thank you, Dagwood. It's nice to know someone else agrees with me on at least one point.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
He didn't steal the election. Granted he didn't get a majority of popular vote, but he got the electoral votes. It can work that way...I don't like the system, either but complaining about it won't fix it. (although, I was glad won and not Gore)End Quote
And while many complained about the electoral college neither party has taken steps to change this system.
I agree with you here, Hair. As much as I would love to see us go back to the moon or go to Mars, there is more important stuff that we could use the money on in the country.
End Quote
Although a lot of our wonderful technology exists because of our space program, I would like to see Bush fix up health care and care for our elderly before planning more trips to the moon or Mars.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
Quoting:GW Bush basically spent all of his time, money, resources, energy and effort in homeland security and in military, warring, democratizing and rebuilding operations overseas.End Quote
Not just his - he spent OURS.
Here's an eye-opening link EVERYONE should read -
$127 billion: Amount of US budget surplus in the year that Bush became President in 2001
$374 billion: Amount of US budget deficit in the fiscal year for 2003
$23,920: Amount of each US citizen's share of the national debt as of 19 January 2004
And, more importantly:
501: Number of American servicemen to die in Iraq from the beginning of the war - so far
16,000: Approximate number of Iraqis killed since the start of war
Quoting:As I drive through town, I literally see "Now Hiring" signs all over the place. Granted, they are at mostly retail and restaurants. But, the way I see it, these places are hiring new workers and if someone is unemployed and needs work, why aren't they taking these jobs?End Quote
There are various reasons an unemployed person might not take a low-paying job. For example, for people with kids, the cost of childcare while they're at work might be about the same as what they'd be earning at the low-paying job. Or, a person may be receiving unemployment benefits that are more than what they'd earn at a minimum-wage job - if they took the job at Burger King, they'd not only lose their unemployment benefits, they'd have a lot less time to search for a good job. (Note that people have to be actively seeking work in order to keep receiving unemployment benefits.) As Hairspray mentioned, some are turned away for being overqualified. And then, some people develop depression after being laid off which would be exacerbated by a menial job; if they're seriously depressed, they may not even have the energy to make the fries. I guess you'd just have to ask each individual unemployed person the reason they don't take a menial job until something better comes along - I doubt there's a single one who hasn't already considered it and weighed the plusses and minuses.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
Quoting:There are various reasons an unemployed person might not take a low-paying job. For example, for people with kids, the cost of childcare while they're at work might be about the same as what they'd be earning at the low-paying job. Or, a person may be receiving unemployment benefits that are more than what they'd earn at a minimum-wage job - if they took the job at Burger King, they'd not only lose their unemployment benefits, they'd have a lot less time to search for a good job. (Note that people have to be actively seeking work in order to keep receiving unemployment benefits.) As Hairspray mentioned, some are turned away for being overqualified. And then, some people develop depression after being laid off which would be exacerbated by a menial job; if they're seriously depressed, they may not even have the energy to make the fries. I guess you'd just have to ask each individual unemployed person the reason they don't take a menial job until something better comes along - I doubt there's a single one who hasn't already considered it and weighed the plusses and minuses.End Quote
I have one thing to say about this excerpt -
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
Personally, I have think that Dubya is the worse president this country has ever seen. Not only have we gone from the highest surplus in history to the biggest defict in history under his watch, he have alienated many of our allies, and more jobs were lost. His Leave No Child Behind Act is a joke. I won't even talk about the illegal war we got us into.
I did listen to the State of the Union Address. He talked about supporting our men and women in uniform but he didn't mention the fact that he cut combat pay and VA benefits. He talked about all these spending packages but doesn't say how we are going to pay for them. He also mentioned about giving ex-cons a break. I think that is because a lot of them are his friends (like Ken Lay).
I have seen first hand what the present job market has done.
I'm sure most of you know that I run the local food shelf. Since Dubya entered the White House, the amount of people who have visited our food shelf (in a very small town) has grown. I have heard many people say, "I was laid off" or "My husband lost his job." I also know people who work at least two jobs and still have problems making ends meet. But yet, Dubya and all his buddies get this huge tax cuts. He is so out-of-touch with the real world it is unreal.
As for the Dems, I think Kerry, Edwards, and even Dean has what it takes to do the job and to clean up the mess that Duyba has made. I have heard a lot of your opinions about Dean. I sure some of you are aware that I am from Vermont. I have lived in this state the entire time Dean was governor so I have seen first hand what he is capible of. After Dubya initiated many of his programs, things fell to the states. Many states are having trouble financally because of that windfall. Vermont is not because Dean (who is a fiscal conservative) had balenced the state's budget for the past 11 years and we have a surplus and something to fall back on now. He also made sure that EVERY kid in the state under 18 has health insurence and some adults. In fact, I used to be a part of program. I only had to pay $20 ever 6 months and my co-pay was $2 or $3 depending on the services. (My doctor was $2 and my dentist and chiorpactor was $3). Before I was paying out of my pocket.
As for going to Mars, I hope that Dubya does go and take all his buddies with him.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
OK, I will prune this down, and respond to several of you at once. However, like Hairspray, I will not comment on the legality of the war, the election, or any other such thing. To me, that is hidtory, and is over and done with.
GW Bush basically spent all of his time, money, resources, energy and effort in homeland security and in military, warring, democratizing and rebuilding operations overseas.
I don't care what he or anyone says, I truly believe he "dropped the ball" on our nation's domestic issues like education, healthcare, unemployment, etc., etc...
End Quote
One thing that can never be denied: military makes jobs. In fact, the Defense Industry is one of the largest employers in the nation. That is both direct (making military equipment) and indirect (things like GPS, Computers, Hummers, and etc which came from military research). In the last 20 years, most of that was spent either in the military, or working for companies like Hughes and Boeing, where the Military was a major purchaser. And that money spent means jobs.
As far as education, it is amazing how an election can change outlooks. Bush proposed and passed the largest Education bill in US history! In fact, the bill sailed through Congress with overwhelming support on both sides. Yet now with an election on, you hear how he failed in education. This always amazes me.
As if that were not bad enough, he pursues the issues of space exploration and colonization and even asks for funding, clearly not having a clue as to what his priorities should be or what the people in the real world need. >:(
End Quote
I wonder how many people would be saying these things to JFK, when he promised to send men to the moon by the end of the 1960's.
NASA has been floundering with no mission since the 1980's. I feel he did the right thing, in giving them a hard goal to reach. ANd once again, look at the technology boom since the 1960's. There are hard payouts, just from the research alone. Not to mention all of the jobs made, from all over the nation!
Don't forget, jobs were made for Apollo in EVERY state in the country. Plus the R&D money, and the things made from that research. THat makes a ton of jobs. I don't know about you, but I would rather see money going to make jobs, then to give it away to the unemployed. If you give a man a fish, he is fed for a day. If you teach a man to fish, he is fed every day.
Many companies in our nation are relying on other countries like India to do the work Americans could be doing.
End Quote
That is simple supply and demand. India workers charge less. And without so many stupid unions in the way, who can blame them? I am sure that the grocery stores in LA could do that, instead of the strike going on now, because grocery workers want $25 an hour and full medical benefits.
Where are the jobs? Nowhere to be found from what I can see. An engineer gets laid-off after working for the same company for years making a decent salary due to yearly monetary raises, to then have to work at a McDonald's fast food restaurant, starting from the bottom at minimum wage, in order to somehow survive for the rest of his days because no one is hiring!! :o :P
End Quote
Well, you gotta start somewhere. I see a LOT of jobs here in Alabama. A gal I know started at McDonalds in August of last year, and she is now an assistant manager there. But a lot of people do not want to start at the bottom, they want instant money. There are lots of jobs in sales and food service. I even did it myself when I could not do my chosen career. And it kept me going until the right job came along.
As far as jobs go, it's unfortunate that someone has to take a job that seems beneath him. It would be more unfortunate if he didn't have a job at all.
End Quote
Amen, I agree 100%. I have done things I hated, because I needed work. Even though I am a computer tech with over 15 years experience, I have done such things as fast food, cell phone sales, apartment cleaning, ditch digging (no joke), DJ at a strip club, handed out cupons on street corners, and others. THe jobs all sucked, but at least I was working. ANd I got by until I got a better job.
As I drive through town, I literally see "Now Hiring" signs all over the place. Granted, they are at mostly retail and restaurants. But, the way I see it, these places are hiring new workers and if someone is unemployed and needs work, why aren't they taking these jobs?
Seems to me if someone is desperate, as some politicians (eh hem Howard Dean) keep saying they are, they would take these jobs. Even if its only for a while until something "up to their level" comes along.
End Quote
You're a fortunate man if you're seeing these signs all over the place in your area of the nation. I have traveled extensively and have witnessed 0 jobs available.
End Quote
I saw jobs like that in LA, and on my move from LA to Alabama. I see even more of them now.
A friend of mine here got a job after not working for 8 years (was a housewife, is now divorced). SHe got a job in 2 weeks. 4 months later she got laid off when the owner sold the business, and the new owner brought in his own people. SHe got another job with more pay a week later.
Just yesterday, I saw 6 "Help Wanted" signs! 1 at fast food, 2 at gas stations/convience stores, 1 at a bank, 1 at WalMart, and 1 at a laundramat.
There are various reasons an unemployed person might not take a low-paying job. For example, for people with kids, the cost of childcare while they're at work might be about the same as what they'd be earning at the low-paying job. Or, a person may be receiving unemployment benefits that are more than what they'd earn at a minimum-wage job.
End Quote
Then that is a problem with the system, not that there are no jobs.
But as the great philospher Forrest Gump said, "That's all I have to say about that".
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
We all have our different views about this topic. I expected opposing views and find them interesting. I do not agree with your responses, but I respect your opinion.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
That is simple supply and demand. India workers charge less. And without so many stupid unions in the way, who can blame them? I am sure that the grocery stores in LA could do that, instead of the strike going on now, because grocery workers want $25 an hour and full medical benefits.
End Quote
Well I suppose American firms could start paying $2 an hour for 10-hour shifts, 6 days a week with no sick pay, paid vacations, meal breaks, compensation or any of the other things that unions have fought to see introduced in the industrial age. I'm sure that would turn the economy around.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
Quoting:Just yesterday, I saw 6 "Help Wanted" signs! 1 at fast food, 2 at gas stations/convience stores, 1 at a bank, 1 at WalMart, and 1 at a laundramatEnd Quote
Same here.
Today, just going a few blocks away to Target, I saw at least 2 "Now Hiring" sign. And that was just within 2-3 blocks. You mentioned Walmart, my city has 3, and they are all hiring. Along with 3 Targets, both hiring. Tons of groceries, 75-80% hiring, along with many many restaraunts hiring.....and the list goes on.
I realise working at Walmart might not be "below" someone who is laid off from their high-paying exec. job. But hey, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do until something better comes along.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
Well I suppose American firms could start paying $2 an hour for 10-hour shifts, 6 days a week with no sick pay, paid vacations, meal breaks, compensation or any of the other things that unions have fought to see introduced in the industrial age. I'm sure that would turn the economy around.
End Quote
I think what he was getting at is how many unions have sort of went off the "reality" deep end with some of their demands.
Me personally, I don't have problems with unions demanding reasonable things suchs as worker protection, reasonable health benfits, reasonable pay, etc etc.
But you have to admit, many unions have went waaaay overboard with some demands in the past 10-15 years. And in many cases, we the consumers, pay for it.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
Same here.
Today, just going a few blocks away to Target, I saw at least 2 "Now Hiring" sign. And that was just within 2-3 blocks. You mentioned Walmart, my city has 3, and they are all hiring. Along with 3 Targets, both hiring. Tons of groceries, 75-80% hiring, along with many many restaraunts hiring.....and the list goes on.
I realise working at Walmart might not be "below" someone who is laid off from their high-paying exec. job. But hey, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do until something better comes along.
End Quote
Well, when I couldn't get a job in my field, I applied for a pile of jobs at places like Target and grocery stores, and they wouldn't hire me because I was either over-qualified or they were looking for someone under 21 they could pay minimum wage. The truth is there are a lot of jobs like that out there, but they're usually looking for workers they can exploit/underpay. Unless they're at some kind of mangerial level, most of the people I see working at grocery stores and family department stores are either older women returning to the workforce to help supplement an income, or they're kids under 22. If I lost my job tomorrow and applied to be a store clerk at my local Target, I wouldn't get a look in.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
I think what he was getting at is how many unions have sort of went off the "reality" deep end with some of their demands.
Me personally, I don't have problems with unions demanding reasonable things suchs as worker protection, reasonable health benfits, reasonable pay, etc etc.
But you have to admit, many unions have went waaaay overboard with some demands in the past 10-15 years. And in many cases, we the consumers, pay for it.
End Quote
I agree that unions can sometimes go too far. But we shouldn't blame workers' advocate groups for the downturn in the economy, especially when company presidents are voting themselves huge pay increases while they're closing down factories and offices across the country because they're feeling the squeeze. Unions have made labo(u)r expensive, but in many cases it damn well should be!
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
I can not believe some of you guys! First of all, alot of you Americans seem to think you are European. Legality of War?? Oh, Come on! War is always legal. I think the War was a great Idea. Bravo Bush, Bravo! Nobody else would of had the guts. Clinton didn't, Gore-Ya Right ::)
I feel sorry for Bush. After Clinton ruins the economy, and 9/11, Bush is the President of an economy in the slumps. So everyone (Including the Democrats) blames Mr.Bush for the Economy. Which by the way is growing very well, best growth in 20 years. If Kerry or another Dem becomes prez, he will be in office in Good Times and everyone will love him... (just you watch) That is the Story of life I guess :)
As to Legality... America can do whatever it wants, it doesn't need a hall pass. I hate how the whole world gets involved.
That's it for now :-X
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
I can not believe some of you guys! First of all, alot of you Americans seem to think you are European. Legality of War?? Oh, Come on! War is always legal. I think the War was a great Idea. Bravo Bush, Bravo! Nobody else would of had the guts. Clinton didn't, Gore-Ya Right ::)
I feel sorry for Bush. After Clinton ruins the economy, and 9/11, Bush is the President of an economy in the slumps. So everyone (Including the Democrats) blames Mr.Bush for the Economy. Which by the way is growing very well, best growth in 20 years. If Kerry or another Dem becomes prez, he will be in office in Good Times and everyone will love him... (just you watch) That is the Story of life I guess :)
As to Legality... America can do whatever it wants, it doesn't need a hall pass. I hate how the whole world gets involved.
That's it for now :-X
End Quote
RIGHT ON! Clinton Sucked and yet I kept my mouth shut for EIGHT LONG years of "Billary"...now I try to defend Bush against the haters and I get Crap! ::)
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
Well I suppose American firms could start paying $2 an hour for 10-hour shifts, 6 days a week with no sick pay, paid vacations, meal breaks, compensation or any of the other things that unions have fought to see introduced in the industrial age. I'm sure that would turn the economy around.
End Quote
I can give you one good example of jobs exported to India, and jobs left here in the US.
Last year, Dell moved their customer support to India. The wages are a lot less, and the cost of transferring the phone calls from the US to India was still cheeper then paying US workers.
YET, that was only the support for HOME users. CORPORATE users still have their support done in the good old USA. This is because if they loose one home user, so what? But if they loose a corporate user due to bad support, they can loose millions.
A lot of companies export things like this, and also programming. These are normally companies trying to cut corners to stay profitable. And as far as I am concerned, they are welcome to do this. After all, how many people complain about that when they can get a computer for $400???????
I find it amazing how some people complain about "exported jobs", but are happy to buy the cheeper products. Having done telephone support for a major ISP, I can tell you that kind of work is only one step above telemarketing, and two steps above streetwalking.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
Quoting:Last year, Dell moved their customer support to India. The wages are a lot less, and the cost of transferring the phone calls from the US to India was still cheeper then paying US workers.End Quote
A few other major companies that have or are in the process of moving their customer support to India include: Verizon, Columbia House, and I read just last week that Microsoft will be in that group as all very soon, if not already.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
America can do whatever it wants, it doesn't need a hall pass.
End Quote
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
We all have our different views about this topic. I expected opposing views and find them interesting. I do not agree with your responses, but I respect your opinion.
End Quote
I don't respect their opinions on this matter.
They have a right to voice their opinions, and I will always fight to live in a world where people can voice their opinions, but I don't respect certain opinions. These guys are the same usual Republicans and/or card carrying conservatives that support George Bush or the GOP no matter what they do.
Bush can come up with some loony toones crackpot reason for invading China tommorrow and you will see 80sRocked and Mr. 80s ready and willing to work with the spin machine on full wash, rinse, and tumble dry.
By the way, I think this whole "return to the moon", or "put people on Mars" is the BIGGEST POLITICAL SMOKESCREEN I have ever seen. Bush, Dick Cheney (the funny man behind the curtain), Donald Rumsfield, and the rest of the Neo-Cons are just trying to divert attention away from the real problems like the situation in Iraq, the WMDs, Bin Laden, and the biggest loss of jobs since Herbert Hoover. So Bush and Co. came up with this BS space exploration stuff to get people to stop talking about the real issues. I can just imagine what that meeting was like. "Hey let's come up with something crazy and patriotic, and let's echo JFK. How about going back to the moon or putting someone on Mars? People will eat that up and hopefully forget about how we screwed everything up"
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
Bush can come up with some loony toones crackpot reason... 80sRocked and Mr. 80s ready and willing to work with the spin machine on full wash, rinse, and tumble dry.End Quote
Well, first of all, even though I don't have a clue who you are, I am flattered you felt the need to mention me personally.
With that said, just because you don't agree with what I may say doesn't make what I say wrong. And furthermore doesnt make me a crackpot. I have seen all shades of the politcal spectrum on here, some I agree with and some I don't. But when it's all said and done, I always respect all points of view. Yes I come across as harsh and brash sometime, I acknowledge that. But its an internet message board fro crying out loud.
So therefore, I will rise above you, and say I do respect what you have to say, even if I disagree with it. :)
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
They have a right to voice their opinions, and I will always fight to live in a world where people can voice their opinions, but I don't respect certain opinions. These guys are the same usual Republicans and/or card carrying conservatives that support George Bush or the GOP no matter what they do.
End Quote
No matter what their opinions may be or how far they push the Republican line, I have never seen them say anything as dumb and ignorant as this:
Come on! War is always legal. I think the War was a great Idea. America can do whatever it wants, it doesn't need a hall pass. I hate how the whole world gets involved.
End Quote
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
I feel sorry for Bush. After Clinton ruins the economy, and 9/11, Bush is the President of an economy in the slumps. So everyone (Including the Democrats) blames Mr.Bush for the Economy. Which by the way is growing very well, best growth in 20 years. If Kerry or another Dem becomes prez, he will be in office in Good Times and everyone will love him... (just you watch) That is the Story of life I guess :)
End Quote
As I said last night....I agree with ^ for the most part....it's refreshing to FINALLY hear somebody else who tells it like it is...and has the guts to bash Clinton..the moron of the 90's and partially resonsible for morals going out the window....or should I say Under The Desk
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
Hairspray, you've really hit a nerve here with me so I'd like to return to your original points and put to one side the legality or motives of the war in Iraq.
On the issue of jobs in the USA, I see a similar trend here in the UK. Globalisation is a logical extension to the free market economy - if a corporation can get the same level of output and service by outsourcing jobs to the developing World, then by golly they're going to do it. The lower labour rates, less focus on health & safety, lower (or zero) employee benefits etc. delivers benefits to the bottom line (i.e. profit) which the exectives and shareholders are going to lap up. We've seen it first in the service sector (call centres etc.) and next in the tech sector (outsourcing of manufacturing and computer programming).
There is a big if about outsourcing some of these jobs though - personally I think the pendulum has swung too far and we may see some swing back to insourcing, in both manufacturing and support roles, as companies may start to suffer from quality reduction. However, it's unlikely to compensate for the massive job losses so far.
So what is left behind in the job market for the developed nations? Well, here in the UK our government is banking on the "knowledge economy". As I understand it, this means focussing on high value-add roles, e.g. product design and development rather than component manufacture. The problem with this idea is that it's a short term strategy. Are our leaders so arrogant that they believe the developing nations are basically less intelligent than us? Of course they will catch up in time and take these jobs as well.
I have friends and family who are now forced to work outside the UK in order to find a job that matches their experience and well as salary & job satisfaction expectation. My uncle, an experienced engineer, works full time in China and comes home to see his family only 3 times a year. He's in his 50s and is prepared to do this for the remaining years until he can retire. However, he knows and admits that what he's actually doing is transferring his knowledge to the local bright sparks so that in future, they won't need him or anyone from outside China!
All in all, I'm seriously worried about where this globalisation is taking us. From both a personal point of view and that of my children, I can't envisage a strong economy ever being sustainable by fast food restaurants, tanning salons and nail bars!
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
Then don't vote for him in 2004
Remember, he illegally stole the election with his brother Jeb.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
Who knows, many Dick Cheney is annoyed with him also, maybe alot of the White House staff is.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
To all Bush supporters, please read the following. IT IS ALL ABSOLUTELY FACTUAL! Unlike Iraq's WMD's
George W. Bush Resume Part 1
Past work experience:
a.. Ran for congress and lost.
b.. Produced a Hollywood slasher B movie.
c.. Bought an oil company, but couldn't find any oil in Texas, company went bankrupt shortly after I sold all my stock.
d.. Bought the Texas Rangers baseball team in a sweetheart deal that took land using tax-payer money. Biggest move: Traded Sammy Sosa to the Chicago Cubs.
e.. With fathers help (and his name) was elected Governor of Texas.
Accomplishments - Changed pollution laws for power and oil companies and made Texas the most polluted state in the Union. Replaced Los Angeles with Houston as the most smog ridden city in America. Cut taxes and bankruptedthe Texas government to the tune of billions in borrowed money. Set record for most executions by any Governor in American history.
f.. Became president after losing the popular vote by over 500,000 votes, with the help of my fathers appointments to the Supreme Court.
to be continued...
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
George W. Bush Resume Part 2
Accomplishments as president
a.. Attacked and took over two countries.
b.. Spent the surplus and bankrupted the treasury.
c.. Shattered record for biggest annual deficit in history.
d.. Set economic record for most private bankruptcies filed in any 12 month period.
e.. Set all-time record for biggest drop in the history of the stock market.
f.. First president in decades to execute a federal prisoner.
g.. First president in US history to enter office with a criminal record.
h.. First year in office set the all-time record for most days on vacation by any president in US history.
i.. After taking the entire month of August off for vacation, presided over the worst security failure in US history.
j.. Set the record for most campaign fund-raising trips than any other president in US history.
k.. In my first two years in office over 2 million Americans lost their job.
l.. Cut unemployment benefits for more out of work Americans than anypresident in US history.
m.. Set the all-time record for most foreclosures in a 12 month period.
n.. Appointed more convicted criminals to administration positions than any president in US history.
o.. Set the record for the least amount of press conferences than anypresident since the advent of television.
p.. Signed more laws and executive orders amending the Constitution than any president in US history.
q.. Presided over the biggest energy crises in US history and refused to intervene when corruption was revealed.
r.. Presided over the highest gasoline prices in US history and refused to use the national reserves as past presidents have.
s.. Cut healthcare benefits for war veterans.
t.. Set the all-time record for most people worldwide to simultaneously take to the streets to protest me (15 million people), shattering the record for protest against any person in the history of mankind. (http://www.hyperreal.org/~dana/marches/)u.. Dissolved more international treaties than any president in US history.
v.. My presidency is the most secretive and un-accountable of any in US history.
w.. Members of my cabinet are the richest of any administration in US history. (the 'poorest' multi-millionaire, Condoleeza Rice has an Exxon oiltanker named after her).
x.. First president in US history to have all 50 states of the Union simultaneously go bankrupt.
y.. Presided over the biggest corporate stock market fraud of any market in any country in the history of the world.
z.. First president in US history to order a US attack and military occupation of a sovereign nation.
aa.. Created the largest government department bureaucracy in the history of the United States.
ab.. Set the all-time record for biggest annual budget spending increases, more than any president in US history.
ac.. First president in US history to have the United Nations remove the US from the human rights commission.
ad.. First president in US history to have the United Nations remove the US from the elections monitoring board.
ae.. Removed more checks and balances, and have the least amount of congressional oversight than any presidential administration in US history.
af.. Rendered the entire United Nations irrelevant.
ag.. Withdrew from the World Court of Law.
ah.. Refused to allow inspectors access to US prisoners of war and by default no longer abide by the Geneva Conventions.
ai.. First president in US history to refuse United Nations election inspectors (during the 2002 US elections).
aj.. All-time US (and world) record holder for most corporate campaign donations.
ak.. My biggest life-time campaign contributor presided over one of thelargest corporate bankruptcy frauds in world history (Kenneth Lay, formerCEO of Enron Corporation).
al.. Spent more money on polls and focus groups than any president in US history.
am.. First president in US history to unilaterally attack a sovereign nation against the will of the United Nations and the world community.
an.. First president to run and hide when the US came under attack (and then lied saying the enemy had the code to Air Force 1)
ao.. First US president to establish a secret shadow government.
ap.. Took the biggest world sympathy for the US after 911, and in less than a year made the US the most resented country in the world (possibly the biggest diplomatic failure in US and world history).
aq.. With a policy of 'dis-engagement' created the most hostile Israeli-Palestine relations in at least 30 years.
ar.. Fist US president in history to have a majority of the people of Europe (71%) view my presidency as the biggest threat to world peace andstability.
as.. First US president in history to have the people of South Korea more threatened by the US than their immediate neighbor, North Korea.
at.. Changed US policy to allow convicted criminals to be awarded government contracts.
au.. Set all-time record for number of administration appointees who violated US law by not selling huge investments in corporations bidding forgovernment contracts.
av.. Failed to fulfill my pledge to get Osama Bin Laden 'dead or alive'.
aw.. Failed to capture the anthrax killer who tried to murder the leaders of our country at the United States Capital building. After 18 months I have no leads and zero suspects.
ax.. In the 18 months following the 911 attacks, I have successfully prevented any public investigation into the biggest security failure in the history of the United States.
ay.. Removed more freedoms and civil liberties for Americans than any other president in US history.
az.. In a little over two years created the most divided country in decades, possibly the most divided the US has ever been since the civil war.
ba.. Entered office with the strongest economy in US history and in less than two years turned every single economic category heading straight down.
to be continued...
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
George W. Bush Resume Part 3
Records and References
a.. At least one conviction for drunk driving in Maine (Texas driving record has been erased and is not available)
b.. AWOL from National Guard and Deserted the military during a time ofwar.
c.. Refuse to take drug test or even answer any questions about drug use.
d.. All records of my tenure as governor of Texas have been spirited away to my fathers library, sealed in secrecy and un-available for public view.
e.. All records of any SEC investigations into my insider trading orbankrupt companies are sealed in secrecy and un-available for public view.
f.. All minutes of meetings for any public corporation I served on the board are sealed in secrecy and un-available for public view.
g.. Any records or minutes from meetings I (or my VP) attended regarding public energy policy are sealed in secrecy and un-available for publicreview.
h.. For personal references please speak to my daddy or uncle James Baker (They can be reached at their offices of the Carlyle Group forwar-profiteering.)
interesting thing is - this hasn't been updated since July 2003. I'm just amazed that most people have absolutely no clue just how corrupt our president is. Just amazing... amazingly sad that people actually think he's doing a good job.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
Just amazing... amazingly sad that people actually think he's doing a good job. End Quote
Yea!! I'm amazingly sad!! :)
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
Quoting:I feel sorry for Bush. After Clinton ruins the economy, and 9/11, Bush is the President of an economy in the slumps. So everyone (Including the Democrats) blames Mr.Bush for the Economy. Which by the way is growing very well, best growth in 20 years. If Kerry or another Dem becomes prez, he will be in office in Good Times and everyone will love him... (just you watch) That is the Story of life I guess
End Quote
OK, just HOW did Clinton ruin the economy in the 90’s? I’ve heard this said before and don’t see any proof or action that supports this.
Secondly, I don’t see how any President, can bring us from such a surplus, to an overwhelming deficit can be called successful...Now aren’t the democrats supposed to be the ones spending our tax dollars? If Clinton really did ruin the economy just how does a record amount of spending help the situation?
Quoting:Just yesterday, I saw 6 "Help Wanted" signs! 1 at fast food, 2 at gas stations/convience stores, 1 at a bank, 1 at WalMart, and 1 at a laundramat.
End Quote
Quoting:Today, just going a few blocks away to Target, I saw at least 2 "Now Hiring" sign. And that was just within 2-3 blocks. You mentioned Walmart, my city has 3, and they are all hiring. Along with 3 Targets, both hiring. Tons of groceries, 75-80% hiring, along with many many restaraunts hiring.....and the list goes on.End Quote
Yes there are many more jobs saying “now hiring” in the local burger joint or Target/Wal-Mart...But the problem of employment is for the people who have been laid off or lost their jobs are college educated, or in skilled/trained jobs. The guy who has loyally put in his last 10 years at Joe’s Computer is not going to get any help from even working TWO of these $7/hr jobs...Hell three jobs aren’t going to help pay the mortgage, the car payment, insurance, and I’d add health care, but we know you’re not going to get that with a Target or Wal-Mart paying job..Are we really supposed to believe that a 30 yr old (or older), just laid off, or downsized due to outsourcing now should be competing with 16-19 yrs for jobs? Is this your idea of economic prosperity? These are not real jobs, and they don't pay a living wage. Its O.K. only if we really want to bring down the standard of living in this county..
Quoting:One thing that can never be denied: military makes jobs. In fact, the Defense Industry is one of the largest employers in the nation. That is both direct (making military equipment) and indirect (things like GPS, Computers, Hummers, and etc which came from military research). In the last 20 years, most of that was spent either in the military, or working for companies like Hughes and Boeing, where the Military was a major purchaser. And that money spent means jobs.
End Quote
What?..Is that what we really want this country to be and motivated by, war and exploration…what are we, Spain in the 13th century? Haven’t we progressed more than that? Am I supposed to tell my children that they shouldn’t worry about college (because I can’t afford it) or braces or owning their own home, because you’ll get a job at McDonnell Douglas making warplanes? Besides, I live in Long Beach, CA and I can tell you Boeing is doing nothing here but LAYING OFF people, almost 500-1000 at a time.
By the by Hummers are nothing to brag about, like we really need another gas (or diesel) guzzling/polluting SUV on our crowded roads. Military research? Ha! Is that anything like military intelligence? The history on AM General is that the HumVee wasn't the vehicle the military wanted or asked for, but paid for nonetheless..
Quoting:As I said last night....I agree with ^ for the most part....it's refreshing to FINALLY hear somebody else who tells it like it is...and has the guts to bash Clinton..the moron of the 90's and partially resonsible for morals going out the window....or should I say Under The DeskEnd Quote
No one, but no one, is responsible for morals going out the window than your parents (and you if you are a parent) and your fellow Americans. Clinton is no more responsible for bringing down morals anymore than the parent (that has the ultimate responsibility for teaching it to children) who lets it slide. If you, your parents/elders, church & neighbors do their job then that’s all we can expect or hope for..If you really expect our government official’s private life to be some sort of moral guide, then therein lies the problem with this country, with the exception of Ford, Carter & Truman, the private lives of past presidents have been less than ideal...to say the least. What he did was rotten, no getting around it, but I don’t see teen pregnancy, murder, drug use, cheating, lying or stealing etc., going up statically during or after Molinskygate. All that stuff happened before and is still here now...stop blaming the moral state of this country on Clintons one act, I think the country and the people in it are stronger then that.
Just in case you’re wondering I didn’t vote for Gore or Bush, I think, unfortunately the county gets the leadership it deserves..but I do think that Bush was the worst choice of the two..we’ll need someone more intelligent than Bush, and more gumption than Gore, Dean or Kerry, if those who agree are really serious and really upset then they’ll make the change, but I’m not sure America is ready to do that.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
Remember, he illegally stole the election with his brother Jeb.
End Quote
Jesus, Mary & Joseph - give us a break with this.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
Quoting:No one, but no one, is responsible for morals going out the window than your parents (and you if you are a parent) and your fellow Americans. Clinton is no more responsible for bringing down morals anymore than the parent (that has the ultimate responsibility for teaching it to children) who lets it slide. If you, your parents/elders, church & neighbors do their job then that’s all we can expect or hope for..If you really expect our government official’s private life to be some sort of moral guide, then therein lies the problem with this country, with the exception of Ford, Carter & Truman, the private lives of past presidents have been less than ideal...to say the least. What he did was rotten, no getting around it, but I don’t see teen pregnancy, murder, drug use, cheating, lying or stealing etc., going up statically during or after Molinskygate. All that stuff happened before and is still here now...stop blaming the moral state of this country on Clintons one act, I think the country and the people in it are stronger then that.End Quote
Well said, gumbypiz.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
OK, just HOW did Clinton ruin the economy in the 90’s? …
Yes there are many more jobs saying “now hiring” in the local burger joint or Target/Wal-Mart...
What?..Is that what we really want this country to be and motivated by, war and exploration…
By the by Hummers are nothing to brag about …
No one, but no one, is responsible for morals going out the window than your parents …
Just in case you’re wondering I didn’t vote for Gore or Bush,...
End Quote
Thank the gods on high and below that there are intelligent people left in the United States. There's hope for our poor abused country yet!
gumbypiz thank you very much for your post!!!!!!!!
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
OK, just HOW did Clinton ruin the economy in the 90’s? I’ve heard this said before and don’t see any proof or action that supports this.
...we’ll need someone more intelligent than Bush, and more gumption than Gore, Dean or Kerry, if those who agree are really serious and really upset then they’ll make the change, but I’m not sure America is ready to do that.
End Quote
Excellent post.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
I'm just amazed that most people have absolutely no clue just how corrupt our president is. Just amazing... amazingly sad that people actually think he's doing a good job.
End Quote
I couldn't agree more. Yes, I am angry that Bush is running this country into the toilet but I think I am more angry that many people think he is wonderful. I wonder what they will do when they hit 65 and there is no more Social Security or Medicare. Or when the Bill of Rights is just a piece of paper and have absolutely no meaning. I wonder if they will think that Bush is still wonderful when some corperate fat cat takes all of their pension and gets to live lavishly while they have to figure out how to pay the bills (look at the people at Enron). Will they still think he is wonderful when they have to work at least 80 hours a week just to make enough or even to make the same amount that they are making now at 40 hours? (Yes, my friends, he is trying to change the rules for overtime so many white collar workers-yes, the middle class will be denied overtime.) Well, at least we can go to the Moon or Mars. How nice.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
Well, at least we can go to the Moon or Mars. How nice.
End Quote
No matter how much of a political smoke screen this is, further space exploration is extremely important. The survival of future generations depends on the exploration of other planets. That isn't sci-fi, it's a fact. However, if the space program hadn't been cut back in the 70s, there would already be a colony on Mars by now and this issue would be moot.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
No matter how much of a political smoke screen this is, further space exploration is extremely important. The survival of future generations depends on the exploration of other planets. That isn't sci-fi, it's a fact. However, if the space program hadn't been cut back in the 70s, there would already be a colony on Mars by now and this issue would be moot.
End Quote
I don't have a problem with space exploration at all-I do have a problem with the timing. After Bush drives the surplus we had 3 years ago into the worst defict this country has ever seen, my question is where is the money to pay for this program going to come from? Social Sercurity? Medicare? If we still had that surplus, I would be for space exploration. I think it is a worth program but I think we need to take care of the people here on Earth first.
Subject: Re: I'm Annoyed About Bush (GW)
No matter how much of a political smoke screen this is, further space exploration is extremely important. The survival of future generations depends on the exploration of other planets. That isn't sci-fi, it's a fact. However, if the space program hadn't been cut back in the 70s, there would already be a colony on Mars by now and this issue would be moot.
End Quote
Every time an American president has wanted to explore space, it's been a political smokescreen. Going all the way back to the Republican Dwight D. Eisenhower and the Democrat John F. Kennedy. Both parties have gone to the space exploration well when they have needed to.
If you want to get people off the issues, coming up with some plan to send someone to the moon or Mars is a very reliable old diversionary hat trick. Dubya just doesn't have the charm that JFK did.