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Subject: Another win for those against religion
Yet again, those that scream that their rights are violated by displays of religious belief have won.
This time, a monument in Boise Idaho is being moved, because the city council does not want to be sued. And yet again, it is a monument of the Ten Commandments.
The ironic thing is, this has been in place since 1965. I even remember going there when I was growing up and looking at it (and other monuments nearby).
Subject: Re: Another win for those against religion
You know what I think? If you don't like it, don't look at it. As long as it's not current $$ being spent on it, who cares? Don't they realize that it probably takes more $$ to remove these things than if they were just left where they were?
Subject: Re: Another win for those against religion
IMO, there are so many bigger things to worry about in this life, nation and world than old monuments, no matter what the inscriptions. I guess some people don't have anything else to worry about. ::)
Subject: Re: Another win for those against religion
You know what I think? If you don't like it, don't look at it. End Quote
Subject: Re: Another win for those against religion
This has nothing to do with people complaining about displays of religious belief. It's about an ignorant religious fanatic who is threatening to sue because he can't put up his own hate monument.
Subject: Re: Another win for those against religion
I think that if it's there now, and no one in the town has rejections to it, then keep it. However, I believe that no more monuments like this should be introduced, like the Winstom-Salem City Hall one.
ETA: Oh yeah, that crazy guy who might sue them - I hate him. I think even Christians that are anti-homosexuality agree that he's crossed the line.
Subject: Re: Another win for those against religion
I think that if it's there now, and no one in the town has rejections to it, then keep it.End Quote
I agree.
Like 99% of these cases, its all fine and dandy until someone decides they are suddenly "offended" and wants to cause a big stink about it.
My old hometown still to this day has a Nativity Scene on the Court House lawn every Christmas. Its a tradition thats been there for over 80 years. However, in my current city, it would be unheard of to do that, because someone already decided they were "offended" by it several years ago. ::)
Subject: Re: Another win for those against religion
I just read that link about that crackpot, and it just makes me sick!
I am religious, and to me, God watches over EVERYBODY. "Judge not", "Let he who is without sin", etc etc etc. It is people like that which gives those of us a bad name, making them think we are intolerant maniacs.
In reading about his monument, the last thing I would worry about is his monument, or a lawsuit about it. To me, his monument is a sham, and is a hate crime all to itself. You might as well erect a monument here in Alabama, showing a KKK member lynching a black man. Or go to Poland, and erect a monument of an SS Stormtrooper killing a Jew. It is hateful and wrong.
It is a sad state of affairs where we have to take people like that seriously. If I was a judge, I would probably order a mental competancy hearing on that lunatic, and let him spend some time in a nice room with padded walls and nothing but spoons to eat with, so he would not hurt himself. :)
On a side note, a state Senator now wants to have the council agree to move it, to the State Capitol. It would go on display there as a part of their "American Heritage" collection. :)
Subject: Re: Another win for those against religion
Quoting:In reading about his monument, the last thing I would worry about is his monument, or a lawsuit about it. To me, his monument is a sham, and is a hate crime all to itself. You might as well erect a monument here in Alabama, showing a KKK member lynching a black man. Or go to Poland, and erect a monument of an SS Stormtrooper killing a Jew. It is hateful and wrong....It is a sad state of affairs where we have to take people like that seriously. End Quote
Very true.
What is really sad is that even though this guy seems to be a total whack-job, he still managed to get the town to do what he wanted them to do just basically by saying the magic words: "I'll sue". ::)
Subject: Re: Another win for those against religion
ETA: Oh yeah, that crazy guy who might sue them - I hate him. I think even Christians that are anti-homosexuality agree that he's crossed the line.
End Quote
Definitely. I guess every group has it's lunatic fringe. This guy no more represents Christianity than the devil himself.
Subject: Re: Another win for those against religion
I am Pro-Spirituality.
Subject: Re: Another win for those against religion
I don't think it's a victory for those against religion as it is a victory for those against hate. People that use the Bible or the Ten Commandments as an excuse to promote hatred are doomed to the same fate as some of the objects of their hate. It's just too bad this judgment came at the expense of free speech. Now those that want to put a monument of love or racial harmony will probably receive criticism too. :-X :-/