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Subject: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Their is this woman about a year younger than me, who works near where I work,
a few years ago I introduced myself to her,
at first things went great,
but then I screwed up Big time,and I do mean bigtime
She thinks I'm "weird"
I never got to really know her well, I never got to go out with her even on a first date,
Sometimes I see her on the Street, near where I work, she doesn't say hi to me, I don't say hi to her,
Everytime I see her, it's like a DAGGER in my Heart, I wonder just what MIGHT have been,
I'm so angry at myself, I can't get over it, I sometimes dream about her, Her and I getting married.
I long to be with her, if Not in this life, then hopefully I pray in the Afterlife(When we are Both in Heaven)
if Not Romantically, then at least her and I can be friends in the Afterlife
Does God feel my PAIN.
This Girl doesn't even want to be friends with me.
I'm 30, she's 29.
Why did this happen, Why Lord,
I am a Christian, yet sometimes I wonder does God understand my pain.
I sure hope it is possible that in the Afterlife, I can at least be Friends with her.
The "Weirdness" she saw of me, that is NOT the Real me.
I see her near where I work, at least once, a week,
and trust me, she is a Goddess, from what a Friend told me, she is a REAL "sweetheart", EVERY time, every week I see her, it is a Literal DAGGER in my Heart, I don't think she "hates" me, she just doesn't like me and thinks I'm weird
Who knows, maybe she thinks to herself, what COULD have been, if I didn't Screw up Big Time,Maybe she shares my Pain?
With God anything is possible, but would God allow me to be Friends with her in the Afterlife?
For Example I really want to see the Movie Star Wars Episode 3 when it comes out in 2005
But if Heaven Forbid I should die before it comes out (Since with God anything is possible)
And since God is All-powerful, God has the power to let me see the movie in the Afterlife, but would God allow it?
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Does anyone else have a Story similar to this one :'(
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
But then sometimes I think to myself,
Maybe me not being with her is a "Blessing in Disguise"
Who knows...
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Alright folks,
We mods will be watching this post very closely.
No offense intended, Andrew.
It's just that when the heart is laid bare, it has no protection.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Actually Pain would be an understatement,
At times I still think about her, the Profound Sorrow that I feel.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
To HairSpray:
I didn't mean for my post to be offensive or anything, I just wanted to share my pain.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
To HairSpray:
I didn't mean for my post to be offensive or anything, I just wanted to share my pain.
End Quote
Your post was not offensive.
My point is that there may be the one insensitive numbskull who may hurt your feelings with ease because you have laid your heart out on the line. When your personal feelings are "out there", you could be easily hurt. In my own way, I'm trying to help.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Gradually, over the years, the pain faded somewhat, but I remember feeling Very Depressed a couple years ago over her,
I was literally crying, I'll just call her "Pam"
I pray that we all find true love and happiness!
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
I share and feel your pain, Andrew.
Please know I've experienced pain and loss in my life as well and have grown stronger because of it. Things have a way of working out. Time is also a great healer. Hang in there, man. :)
You have a whole community here to support you. 8)
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
If anyone else can offer any suggestions on how to cope with my pain, please let me know.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
I would like to thank all of you for reading my Sad, but True story,
I take comfort in knowing that my suffering shall not be in silence,
every time I see her on the street, my Heart misses a beat, and I feel so empty inside,
I have a Girlfriend now, but if I could pick between her and "Pam"
I'd pick "Pam"
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
If anyone else can offer any suggestions on how to cope with my pain, please let me know.
End Quote
Yes, I have one -
Get outta the house!!! :D
Seriously, even if for a little while. Take a walk, go to a park, library, cafe, grocery store...
It'll help distract you, clear your mind a bit and.... Hey! You may meet someone new! :o :) ;)
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
I have a Girlfriend nowEnd Quote
What? ? ? :o
I'm all talked out for now.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
But then sometimes I think to myself,
Maybe me not being with her is a "Blessing in Disguise"
Who knows...
End Quote
This could be very true, Andrew.
You mentioned that you are a Christian. Is "Pam" a Christian too? If not, then you are probably better off without her.
My advice is to trust in God and LET HER GO. Like Hairspray said, get out of the house and get on with your life. Ask the Lord to help you forget about her. Ask Him to take away the pain. If you go to a church, maybe getting more involved at church will help you get your mind off Pam and maybe you will meet someone new.
Whatever happens, I will be praying for you.
God bless ya, Andrew.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Most of us have gone thru something similar to one degree or another. Here is my two cents on the issue, meant to be productive and NOT offensive.
She has made it clear that she wants nothing to do with you. Have you considered that it is more a reflection on HER instead of YOU? Maybe she is the weird one. From your posts here I see that you are a smart, introspective guy. Her loss, I say.
If she thinks that you are "weird" then she is no sweetheart. That would make her a snob.
In any event, you need to deal with it. It happened. So get on with your life. I am not suggesting that you "get over it". Rather, you need to "get past it" and move on to find someone who you like and who likes you back. (like your current girlfriend)
Honor your current girlfriend. She likes you. She does not think you are "weird", right? Seems that on the things that count, she is kicking Pam's butt.
Now that I have been around for 46 years, I look back at some of the babes that years ago rebuffed me. In almost all of those cases, they turned out to be complete losers in life. And the other ones made horrendous choices.
As for what God will or will not let you do in the afterlife, I suspect that He is VASTLY more interested in how you spend the life you are living RIGHT NOW. I suspect that He would say "I put plenty of fine women on the Earth for you to choose from, so move on to the next one." We have our life to enjoy in the present... not to simply while away the time waiting for the afterlife. Idly wasting the life we have is a sin!
I know that accepting this perspective is tough, even at 30, but that's life. Really.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
There's this girl that REALLY :o like. I look at her everyday, and wonder what it would be like to be with her. The point is that I doubt she has any interest in me whatsoever, and believe me I know what it's like to be rejected. >:( But that doesn't stop me. Anyways good luck.
P.S. If you don't mind me asking what did you do?
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
She has made it clear that she wants nothing to do with you. Have you considered that it is more a reflection on HER instead of YOU? Maybe she is the weird one. From your posts here I see that you are a smart, introspective guy. Her loss, I say.
End Quote
This was my first thought, too. Honey, if you need to talk, feel free to come here and talk. :)
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Their is this woman about a year younger than me, who works near where I work,
a few years ago I introduced myself to her,
at first things went great,
but then I screwed up Big time,and I do mean bigtime
She thinks I'm "weird"
I never got to really know her well, I never got to go out with her even on a first date,
Sometimes I see her on the Street, near where I work, she doesn't say hi to me, I don't say hi to her,
Everytime I see her, it's like a DAGGER in my Heart, I wonder just what MIGHT have been,
I'm so angry at myself, I can't get over it, I sometimes dream about her, Her and I getting married.
I long to be with her, if Not in this life, then hopefully I pray in the Afterlife(When we are Both in Heaven)
if Not Romantically, then at least her and I can be friends in the Afterlife
Does God feel my PAIN.
This Girl doesn't even want to be friends with me.
I'm 30, she's 29.
Why did this happen, Why Lord,
I am a Christian, yet sometimes I wonder does God understand my pain.
I sure hope it is possible that in the Afterlife, I can at least be Friends with her.
The "Weirdness" she saw of me, that is NOT the Real me.
I see her near where I work, at least once, a week,
and trust me, she is a Goddess, from what a Friend told me, she is a REAL "sweetheart", EVERY time, every week I see her, it is a Literal DAGGER in my Heart, I don't think she "hates" me, she just doesn't like me and thinks I'm weird
Who knows, maybe she thinks to herself, what COULD have been, if I didn't Screw up Big Time,Maybe she shares my Pain?
With God anything is possible, but would God allow me to be Friends with her in the Afterlife?
For Example I really want to see the Movie Star Wars Episode 3 when it comes out in 2005
But if Heaven Forbid I should die before it comes out (Since with God anything is possible)
And since God is All-powerful, God has the power to let me see the movie in the Afterlife, but would God allow it?
End Quote
This is just obsession or infatuation(getting married part.) How do you know she thinks your weird? You were like nervous of seeing her or something? Why don't you say hi? I don't understand. If she don't say hi back than move on. I have been through similar what you have been through(somewhat.)
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
I kind of feel like
the Ben Stiller Character in "Their's something about Mary"
How he couldn't get over Mary.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
As for "Pam" I think she is a Christian, although probably a "nominal" one, not the born again type.
Anyway, does anyone think, that at least in the afterlife it would be possible for me to at Least be Friends with her, for her to know the Real me.
I'd be thrilled to have the honor of being in her circle of friends.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
At times, I still cry out to God and ask "Why?"
over "Pam"
But at least on the Good side, I have learned from my mistakes with Pam, and hopefully I will never make them again .
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
As for "Pam" I think she is a Christian, although probably a "nominal" one, not the born again type.
Anyway, does anyone think, that at least in the afterlife it would be possible for me to at Least be Friends with her, for her to know the Real me.
I'd be thrilled to have the honor of being in her circle of friends.
End Quote
Wait... isn't she the one who supposedly thinks you are weird and will not give you the time of day? From how you have described her, being in her circle is a dubious "honor".
Instead, how about being honored to be in the circle of friends of your current girlfriend?
Grass always seems greener, my friend, :-/ but rarely is.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Yes, but it's MY FAULT, I admit it, for screwing up.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
To LyricBoy
I guess you could say it a loss for both me and "Pam"
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
To Fred: My advice is Why Not give it a shot and try to ask her out, the worst that can happen is that she says no,
I remember once before I even met "Pam" their was this girl that worked at a Macy's store, and she took an interest in me.
So I asked her out, ( I was close with her, she was debating it,within her)
But we just remained friends.
As for "Pam" a couple of days ago, I had this weird nightmare(it didn't make much sense) where she worked at a Library and she was angry at me, and yelling at me.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Prior to me screwing up with "Pam" I was more Marriage minded,
but now, I have decided to be more easygoing, and have lowered my standards
After all, Marriage isn't all that, Most Marriages end in divorce anyway, and I absolutely don't want any children(which might make it difficult to Marry)
I know guys that are in their 40's and 50's who have never been married and it doesn't bother them too much.
Besides, I figure to myself , being single(unmarried) has it's advantages.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
1st, you might be overblaming yourself, 2nd, maybe your problem can't be solved, 3rd, you're using a lot of time & energy lamenting over it which effects your mental and physical health.
Recommendations: straighten your shoulders and raise your chin about an inch, talk straight (maybe it wasn't so much what you said to Pam but how you said it), accept the fact that no one can rescue you, take the pain, learn from it, and move to resolving your problem. Having a new girlfriend is a great start, so get yourself together and be good to her, and have fun always.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Your current girlfriend may not appreciate being in second place. If she is good to you, don't take her for granted. Focus on the goodness right in front of you.
If you should lose your current girlfriend because of your state of mind, behaviours and attitudes stemming from your ideas about "Pam", you may end-up with much more regret. Think about the girl who's there loving you back.
This saying comes to mind -
"You don't know what you've got 'till it's gone."
I agree with many of the views and advice from the posters in this thread too. :)
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
As for what God will or will not let you do in the afterlife, I suspect that He is VASTLY more interested in how you spend the life you are living RIGHT NOW. I suspect that He would say "I put plenty of fine women on the Earth for you to choose from, so move on to the next one." We have our life to enjoy in the present... not to simply while away the time waiting for the afterlife. Idly wasting the life we have is a sin!
End Quote
This is bang on, Andrew. I felt depressed after unrequited love but it dawned on me that regardless of how depressed I was, the girl in issue didn't give my pain a second thought.
After that, I fell for a girl who had a social phobia - blimey that was tough going as well. I saw her twice and that was it.
What I am trying to say is that you will always find another woman better than the one you are trying to get over. Believe it and it will happen. :D
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Your current girlfriend may not appreciate being in second place. If she is good to you, don't take her for granted. Focus on the goodness right in front of you.
If you should lose your current girlfriend because of your state of mind, behaviours and attitudes stemming from your ideas about "Pam", you may end-up with much more regret. Think about the girl who's there loving you back.
End Quote
This is also bang on as well, Andrew - Gosh! There are so many insightful people on this forum. :)
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
I saw her Again today, the PAIIIN that I feel, I wonder if she wonders what could have been with me?
It's Not fair, I cry out to God, Why Lord, I want her so badly. Please at least in the Afterlife let me be friends with her, and be a close friend to her, as her other friends are.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
I am soo ANGRY at myself for how I screwed up with her a couple of years ago, I can't seem to forgive myself.
Just Hypothetically, if she posed for Playboy, would it be good or bad in your opinion, for me to view her.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Don't worry bout it andrew.just move on with your life. :)
I always wondered what would've happen if I was still with my Ex-girlfriend Annalee? I would've been with her 7 years today. :( >:(
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
I am soo ANGRY at myself for how I screwed up with her a couple of years ago, I can't seem to forgive myself.
Just Hypothetically, if she posed for Playboy, would it be good or bad in your opinion, for me to view her.
End Quote
Andrew... You need to take a time-out here. If you continue down this path, your current GF is gonna pick up on it and adios amigo.
Quit thinking about "Pam". Force yourself to think about something else. Football, Decades Messsageboard, Yankees, whatever. And if you do not do this already, why not start working out? It will make you feel better and burn off the energy.
By the way... you seem to be a Christian kind of dude from the posts that I have seen. If "Pam" did a spread in Playboy, I would imagine that you would be disgusted.
By the way, if I may ask, exactly how did you "screw up" with her in the past?
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Andrew, I hope I don't sound cruel but you're definitely not ready for a relationship with Pam. There's no way she can ever fill this need you have. She's just a human being. Guys this needy are even a little scarey to us. If you are meant to be together..... you'll have to get yourself together first. Trust me. Set about filling the need with your other passions in life, and you'll be so much more attractive to her.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Part of me has FAITH in God, that in the Afterlife, "Pam" will get to know the REAL me, that I could be her good friend, who knows, maybe know her intimately?
But part, of me thinks, God knows my PAIN, and Anguish over "Pam" and I think that God either Cannot or Willnot, allow me to be friends with her in the Afterlife, and allow her to know the real me. :'(
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Part of the Reason why I have trouble getting over "Pam" is because, at least once a week, I see her in the Neighborhood where I work.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Sometimes I wonder
"If I were to be killed in an accident or murdered, or die young, and "Pam" heard about it, since she works near where I work, would she feel sorry, for me, how would my Death affect her, if at all,
She thinks I'm a "loser"
At least I think she probably views me as a "loser"
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Chill, dude. :)
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Andrew,you're jumping way ahead of yourself! take a time out,count to 10 and deep breathe! :D ;)
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
I remember it was her
Goddess like looks that attracted me to her.
Her beautiful face and body.
It was that which prompted me to introduce myself to her.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
But then I say to myself,
Even if I didn't Screw up BIG TIME with her,
and if I got to go out with her, still
things might Not have worked out romantically I say to myself, but still I would have the pleasure of being her friend.
As for how I screwed up, I don't want to discuss it, it's TOO painful,
But that's NOT the real me.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
In Fact,
this one time a Friend sent me to buy something from the Department store where she works.
And, she was at the cashier, and I was hoping, that I wouldn't have to pay the price, of the clothing article to her,
IT was soo awkward and painful for me(maybe her also) as she put the change in my hand.
Why LORD, Why????
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
In Fact, I often tell my mother how upset I am over "Pam"
Why, did this have to happen to me
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
You have No idea, how wish I could travel back in time, and just correct how I screwed up "Big Time" with PAM
In fact part of the reason why I asked this other girl out that smiled when she saw me was because she kind of looked like
I was close, she was thinking about going out with me,(but I'm glad I asked) we remained friends, at least I didn't screw up with her.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
In fact, sometimes, when I see her across the Street, I feel ashamed to gaze upon her awesome beauty,
I don't stare,
I just feel so empty inside.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
I apologize if any of my posts seem "Ominous" I'm not quite sure what that means.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
And at the time, when I first introduced myself to her,
I not sure, but I don't think she had a boyfriend.
Part of the Problem is that, I think in General in the dating scene, women have it easier than men,
Men are more concerned with looks, while with women they are generally more concerned with Personality.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
From what I've seen, you are blowing what is nothing more than a simple crush way out of proportion. I've been there, and the best advice I can give you is that once one crush becomes unfeasible (as in this case), find someone else to crush on.
Or even better: Seeing as you can't be with the one you love, I suggest you love the one you're with. You have a girl. She presumably likes being around you. Some people don't have that and won't ever have that. Enjoy it. Enjoy it, instead of neglecting her for this other girl. You don't know this girl, not really. You don't really know anything about her. There's no use letting yourself obsess over what might have been. Live your life, man.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Am I really letting myself obsess over it?
At times I feel miserable over it.
Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Someone once said
Everything on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the best, and 10 being the worst, everything happens for a reason and a purpose.
Is their meaning to everything.?
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Am I really letting myself obsess over it?End Quote
At this point, it seems clear to me you may need professional counseling in order to help you sort out, understand and better manage your feelings and emotions.
Obsessions, especially to this degree, are not healthy. :-/
P.S. Have you made any effort in appreciating your current girlfirend?
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Am I really letting myself obsess over it?
At times I feel miserable over it.
Maybe I am, maybe I'm not.
End Quote
From experience you are going drain yourself out. Don''t beat yourself to death by thinking about it so much. Its just a crush. She's a person like everybody else. You can't go out with her right? So don't worry about it. The way I look at it is there is so many out women there. One woman isn't going to make a diifference. They are plenty of other women. You have a girlfriend so value what you have.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Sometimes I wonder
"If I were to be killed in an accident or murdered, or die young, and "Pam" heard about it, since she works near where I work, would she feel sorry, for me, how would my Death affect her, if at all,
She thinks I'm a "loser"
At least I think she probably views me as a "loser"
End Quote
This is called 'Catastrophizing' and I learnt about it while I was depressed. It's the 'ability' to make a situation far, far worse than it actually is by thinking about and judging it from your own angle. It happens usually when a person has a low self esteem.
I am not saying, in any way, that your situation isn't bad. To you it is. A crash of the ego is always debilitating.
A word of advice though Andrew. If you keep writing the same thing over and over again, people will think you are not taking anything they are saying on board. ;)
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
I just wonder why?
My only hope is in the Afterlife, someway,somehow.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
It's just that when I see her, I get angry at myself inside, for screwing up. I can't seem to forgive myself.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
In reference to a few of your topics in this forum -
As I read many of your posts, I get the feeling you're not reading everyone's responses, advice and show of support; or at least not paying a whole lot of attention.
It is my hope you will begin to gain something positive out of our communications on these issues in this forum.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
It's just that when I see her, I get angry at myself inside, for screwing up. I can't seem to forgive myself.
End Quote
What exactly did you do?
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
I don't want to go into details.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
I don't want to go into details.
End Quote
Sorry Andrew but LOL.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Does Anybody else here, regardless of what Religion you are,
Share the hope, the wish that I have that at least in the Afterlife, you could have a Relationship, or at least friendship with someone you couldn't have in Earthly life.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
The Relationships.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Does Anybody else here, regardless of what Religion you are,
Share the hope, the wish that I have that at least in the Afterlife, you could have a Relationship, or at least friendship with someone you couldn't have in Earthly life.
End Quote
Well, I am a Catholic and let me share with you my tale of woe about speculation regarding the Afterlife.
About 10 years ago, my father died after a very long and fulfilling life. He was 86 and basically "wore out". He was a great Dad. Anyway, at the funeral and at other gatherings, the Priest and other people, thinking that they were "comforting" my Mother, said things like "Gee you will see him again sooner than you know. When you die and go to heaven you will get to see LyricBoy's Dad again!".
This was about the WORST thing they could have told her. For more than a year she was convinced that she would die soon and that she and Dad would be together again. Shut out most of the friends in her life because she was "ready for the afterlife".
Fortunately for my Mom, one of her friends got sick, and my Mom had a "project" to work on... helping her friend live a better life. For the past 9 years Mom has had a great life, with all the usual ups-and-downs, and has helped many people in their lives.
So back to your question Andrew. Yes, I suppose that in the Afterlife, I will get to see again many persons who I've known who passed on. And since the Afterlife (in my opinion) is devoid of "bad feelings", I will probably be on "good terms" with people who, maybe, were my enemies in my life on earth.
That is cool. But BEFORE THAT, I gotta make the most of the life that I have and continue to help others. THAT WAY, I WILL GET TO SEE EVEN MORE PEOPLE IN THE AFTERLIFE because I will have been involved in more peoples' lives. ;D
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
I saw her "Pam" again yesterday,
The pain I feel,
My only hope is in the Afterlife,
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
In, fact part of the reason why I have trouble getting over her, is because she works near where I work,
and I see her like once a week, sometimes, twice.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
In, fact part of the reason why I have trouble getting over her, is because she works near where I work,
and I see her like once a week, sometimes, twice.
End Quote
I long for her to see the "Real" me, in the Afterlife.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
In, fact part of the reason why I have trouble getting over her, is because she works near where I work,
and I see her like once a week, sometimes, twice.
End Quote
Andrew, I'd recommend that you avoid seeing her. Maybe take a different route to work or otherwise "avert your eyes" when you walk past her store (or place of work).
Pining over her is not going to make you any happier. Besides, you have so much to offer to people who DO like you... so give your existing friends the full dose of "The Walnut" ! ;D
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Thank, you everyone here for listening to my story.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Thank, you everyone here for listening to my story.
End Quote
That's okay. :)
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
I know that God feels my Pain, it's just that part of me thinks that God either cannot or willnot allow me to be with "Pam" in the Afterlife,
That would be so cool, if "Pam" could see the real me, and that I could at least be her friend, as equally as her other friends, at her Job.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Sorry, but don't you think you're being a little too obsessive i regards to Pam and your afterlife.
Subject: Re: This Girl that I like(The Pain that I feel)
Sorry, but don't you think you're being a little too obsessive i regards to Pam and your afterlife.
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Yes he is. :-/
Now I must lock this thread.
Repetitively obsessive threads will be locked from now on.
Sorry dude.