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Subject: I like 2000s to end.
Yes I would like hear about the 2000s ending.This isnt a great time at all.Whats great about the 2000s?nothing.They ruined MTV.The Bee Gees have ended.Because of the Death of maurice Gibb.I feel bad for Barry/Robin Gibb..Actor John Ritter dead.On sept 11th of last year.also 80s singer Robert Palmer dead.
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
Also the losses of Joe Strummer, Joey Ramone, Jam Master Jay, Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes, George Harrison,etc. :(
Plus: MTV2 and VH1 quickly went down hill, war, and the whole reality tv craze. :P
Plus today's music & tv programs bites. :-/
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
The end of the decade isn't going to stop people from dying.
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
Or music and T.V from getting crap !!
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
:(Well I was born in 1965,so i missed out on seeing rock and roll begin.Plus the Cultural revolution in china.
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
Actually every decade has it's down side.
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
What if the 2010's even worse?
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
This is a normal case of "Getting Older" syndrome. As people get older, they start to notice the worse things that happen rather than the good things. Maybe radio and tv sucks now, but what was it like 10 years ago? Looking at the pop charts of 1993 and looking at the pop charts now, not a lot has changed except for the style if music. There are still plenty of great music out there, most you wont find on mainstream radio... but this was the case 10, 20 maybe even 30 years ago.
And what someone else said, will people look on the 2000s in 20 years time and think what a great decade that was? I'm pretty sure people will... just as people do the 80s now.
In conclusion, people tend to forget the bad things of the past, hence only focussing on the good things which in turn makes the past seem way better than now. But in the present, all we seem to focus on is the bad stuff (people dying, terrorists etc). The news and media dont help with this either.
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
Hey,things happen.We as adults have no control over what happens to people such as singers or actors every day.That's life for ya.We take the good and the bad. :)
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
Its all in your mind...In the early to mid 90s the music, tv, and movies were awesome. Now we have reality TV, and there are not that many great shows, and music was a lot better. More simpler.
Then-high-top fades
Now-Jackass, Average Joe
Then-Seinfeld, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Mtv Raps
Now-Jay Z, Chingy (talking about riches, all rap videos the same...dumb)
Then- Aristic rhyming about growing up, gangs, playing ball, actually dances in music videos, better beats.
Then-dumb and dumber, Forrest Gump, Tombstone, T2, etc.
Now- Too much special effects no plot. Same vulgar comedy movies with topics of gays, sex, or drugs...(same in 90s but not to an extent)
Then-parks ful
Now- deserted parks
THen-Kids played outside (ball, football) didnt care about their "image"
Now-Cell phones ringing, and constantly fixing their clothes. Trying to be pimps.
Then-NBA had tons of superstars.
Now- Way much marketing, cornrows, headbands, tatoos, suspensions, sewing, charges, slow games, "image"
Then-Nirvana, STP, Pearl Jam, Gin Blossoms
Now- Noisy Hip Hop (weird beats and no sense lyrics) took over....rock has gone outta control
Then-everybody knew about Mario, Seinfeld, Michael Jordan, Fresh Prince, Tupac, Snoop dogg, kurt kobain, etc.
Now- Messed up pop culture...
THen: Ppl sed SIKE
Now: PPl trying to talk southern (right ther)
Basically, people looked like they had more fun then... Now its more about the image and tech...SIMPLE life os way better.
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
THen-Kids played outside (ball, football) didnt care about their "image"
Now-Cell phones ringing, and constantly fixing their clothes. Trying to be pimps.
End Quote
I beg to differ, here. Even when I was growing up in the 80's, kids were very image conscious. That is something that will always be.
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
Yes I would like hear about the 2000s ending.This isnt a great time at all.Whats great about the 2000s?nothing.They ruined MTV.The Bee Gees have ended.Because of the Death of maurice Gibb.I feel bad for Barry/Robin Gibb..Actor John Ritter dead.On sept 11th of last year.also 80s singer Robert Palmer dead.
End Quote
Melissa, that's life! I mean...
MTV was ruined well before year 2000. Somewhere around 1987 or so they stopped showing videos and instead started all that crap programming.
In 1971 alone, we lost Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, and Jim Morrison, all at the age of 27. Cass Elliot died in 1974. Elvis in 1977. Keith Moon in 1978. Bottom line is perfomers tend to die young every year.
In 1988, Andy Gibb died as a cumulative result of his drug binges. The Bee gees tried to drag him out of his habit but they could not succeed. Even voluptuous Victoria Principal could not wrest him from the grip of dope.
Life is not about the cards we are dealt. it is about how we DEAL with those cards! :D
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
I beg to differ, here. Even when I was growing up in the 80's, kids were very image conscious. That is something that will always be.
End Quote
But the difference is that in the 80s kids dressed up to look nice and to have fun. Today, it seems different but I won't go there.
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
Its all in your mind...In the early to mid 90s the music, tv, and movies were awesome. Now we have reality TV, and there are not that many great shows, and music was a lot better. More simpler.
Then-high-top fades
Now-Jay Z, Chingy (talking about riches, all rap videos the same...dumb)
Then- Aristic rhyming about growing up, gangs, playing ball, actually dances in music videos, better beats.
THen-Kids played outside (ball, football) didnt care about their "image"
Now-Cell phones ringing, and constantly fixing their clothes. Trying to be pimps.
Then-NBA had tons of superstars.
Now- Way much marketing, cornrows, headbands, tatoos, suspensions, sewing, charges, slow games, "image"
Then-Nirvana, STP, Pearl Jam, Gin Blossoms
Now- Noisy Hip Hop (weird beats and no sense lyrics) took over....rock has gone outta control
Basically, people looked like they had more fun then... Now its more about the image and tech...SIMPLE life os way better.
End Quote
Ok lets start with the first subject. I don't mind the cornrows. I don't look everybody that has the baldy. Its just too common.
The rap music...I don't understand all these video's are the same. Is this way media wants to potray women by having them naked on music video's? Its just nuts. As a guy these video's are a disrespect to women. I remember when rap became in the late 90's rock music started to make video's like the rappers. "Space Lord" by Monster Magnet and "Pretty Fly For a White Guy by Offspring imitated rap video's in 1998. BET should have stopped as they call them in the rap world "booty video's".
and the rock music: there's no middle ground in rock music anymore..its either nu-metal or the top 40 stuff. There's no middle to split the 2.
NBA: I think the main thing is with the NBA nowadays is the players are coming out of high school. That never really happned until the mid 90's. Now its all becoming way too common. These high school players when they come into the NBA they are not ready for the NBA. They don't have their chance to develop their skills in College and in the pro's most of them sit on the bench as "benchwarmers". Garnett, Kobe, and McGrady have become successful but then there are the Kwame Brown's of the world.
Cell phone: I agree about the cell phone. I have one. Some people just yak on them all day which is kind of a hinderance. I used to play ball. I wasn't very good but I liked to play.
I don' care about the pimp thing. I was talking to somebody in their 40's and he didn't understand the pimp thing. I told him they will outgrow out it.
In summary:
As long as MTV wants to market to teenagers music will not have a quality feel to it.
With the NBA as long as long as players are coming out of high school the quality of play won't be as good as it used to be.
Technology-You can't stop it
TV shows-Neilson ratings show a drop off this year in the age range of 18-34 audience. Networks think the Neilson ratings are false. To me the Neilson ratings are fact and not fiction but thats just my opinion.
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
Don't wish your life away thinking something is going to get better. You make the decision to enjoy a period of time whether singers/actors have died or not.
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
Don't wish your life away thinking something is going to get better. You make the decision to enjoy a period of time whether singers/actors have died or not.
End Quote
In other words...
"Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we shall die..." (Isaiah 22:13, King James Bible)
Live life for what it is, or for what you are making it. Not for what it is not and for which you will not change. :D
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
The thing that I notice most is that when you take a road trip, you never see kids playing outdoors anymore. It's like a science fiction movie.
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
Everyday is a new adventure. :)
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
Its all in your mind...In the early to mid 90s the music, tv, and movies were awesome. Now we have reality TV, and there are not that many great shows, and music was a lot better. More simpler.
Then-high-top fades
Now-Jackass, Average Joe
Then-Seinfeld, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Mtv Raps
Now-Jay Z, Chingy (talking about riches, all rap videos the same...dumb)
Then- Aristic rhyming about growing up, gangs, playing ball, actually dances in music videos, better beats.
Then-dumb and dumber, Forrest Gump, Tombstone, T2, etc.
Now- Too much special effects no plot. Same vulgar comedy movies with topics of gays, sex, or drugs...(same in 90s but not to an extent)
Then-parks ful
Now- deserted parks
THen-Kids played outside (ball, football) didnt care about their "image"
Now-Cell phones ringing, and constantly fixing their clothes. Trying to be pimps.
Then-NBA had tons of superstars.
Now- Way much marketing, cornrows, headbands, tatoos, suspensions, sewing, charges, slow games, "image"
Then-Nirvana, STP, Pearl Jam, Gin Blossoms
Now- Noisy Hip Hop (weird beats and no sense lyrics) took over....rock has gone outta control
Then-everybody knew about Mario, Seinfeld, Michael Jordan, Fresh Prince, Tupac, Snoop dogg, kurt kobain, etc.
Now- Messed up pop culture...
THen: Ppl sed SIKE
Now: PPl trying to talk southern (right ther)
Basically, people looked like they had more fun then... Now its more about the image and tech...SIMPLE life os way better.
End Quote
??? ??? ???I hope this isn't a dumb question that everyone knows the answet to except me,but I looked up, Chingy on the net and I'm wondering if he got his name from a similar word.Cheers!
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
This is a normal case of "Getting Older" syndrome. As people get older, they start to notice the worse things that happen rather than the good things. Maybe radio and tv sucks now, but what was it like 10 years ago? Looking at the pop charts of 1993 and looking at the pop charts now, not a lot has changed except for the style if music. There are still plenty of great music out there, most you wont find on mainstream radio... but this was the case 10, 20 maybe even 30 years ago.
And what someone else said, will people look on the 2000s in 20 years time and think what a great decade that was? I'm pretty sure people will... just as people do the 80s now.
In conclusion, people tend to forget the bad things of the past, hence only focussing on the good things which in turn makes the past seem way better than now. But in the present, all we seem to focus on is the bad stuff (people dying, terrorists etc). The news and media dont help with this either.
End Quote
I agree 100%.
I'm pretty sure that in 2024, and actually probably as early as 2014, there will be people sitting around saying,---
"back when I was a kid in 2004, things were a lot better. We didn't have any fancy holographic chips that could be put in your brain back in '04. Kids respected the adults and no one acted badly back in 2004, TV and movies weren't as violent and the radio didn't play any evil music that corrupted the youth,...blah blah blah...blah blah blah..."
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
But the difference is that in the 80s kids dressed up to look nice and to have fun. Today, it seems different but I won't go there.
End Quote
True, but they were still just as set on looking good in the style of the day and I wish the style were still to look neat but I guess we don't get that. I miss the 80's where at least the guys looked like they showered once in a while. And pants didn't have that "dirty" wash when you bought them.
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
I miss the 80's where at least the guys looked like they showered once in a while.
End Quote
Hey, I shower every day. But I think I understand what you're saying. :)
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
Hey, I like vintaged faded jeans! I think the styles for guys(particularily the fitted vintage tee's and cargo look) are hot as hell. I'm not into the hip-hop look, but I'd take a '00's Express, Abercrombie & Fitch or Hot Topic dressed guy look over those horrid styles they had for guys in the 80's. Unless you were the rebel from The Breakfest Club, chances are you looked bad if you were a guy. And the hair? UGH! Hairstlyes are so much better right now. The 80's stuff just looked too high matinence. I'll take a girl with long layered hair over some freak with a pouffy 80's perm.
And as for tv not being good...may I present Six Feet Under, Nip/Tuck, Joan Of Arcadia, the O.C., Everwood, and Cold Case?
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
I'd take a '00's Express, Abercrombie & Fitch or Hot Topic dressed guy look over those horrid styles they had for guys in the 80's. End Quote
Hey... I think my Dexy's Midnight Runners overalls were awesome-looking, along with my Kajagoogoo hair style.
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
True, but they were still just as set on looking good in the style of the day and I wish the style were still to look neat but I guess we don't get that. I miss the 80's where at least the guys looked like they showered once in a while. And pants didn't have that "dirty" wash when you bought them.
End Quote
Hey, these kids pay good money to buy those "dirty" jeans!!
I guess they have to because they don't get outside enough to get them dirty themselves... :P
And for the life of me, I can't remember if I showered in the 80's or not...
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
Hey, these kids pay good money to buy those "dirty" jeans!!
I guess they have to because they don't get outside enough to get them dirty themselves... :P
And for the life of me, I can't remember if I showered in the 80's or not...
End Quote
Expensive or not, I still think they are yucky. (yes, that is a technical word ;))
Methodactor, I love the 80's styles on guys. You might not think they look good now, but they sure did then. It is a matter or perspective. 20 years down the road the kids will be wondering what the kids of the 2000's were thinking when it came to fashion or hair.
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
While I agree about music and tv being inferior (I don't count those stellar HBO shows as TV) to what they were in the 90s I think the biggest drop off I see is in the movies. The young actors/actresses these days seem to be judged more on their looks than any merit they may have. Some are so overrated its an insult. Now I know attractive actors have always had an advantage but it seems nowadays its worse than ever.
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
Is it just me or is the World getting worse?
-kids losing their virginity and doing drugs at a younger age
-more theft
-more crime
-too much technology
-teens killing other teens on school property
-teens taking guns to school :-/....
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
Life is really as bad as it seems. If you don't like something, do something about it. Start a revolution. I truly believe we are in for some new changes this decade. I believe music will change. It will get better, there are countless kids out there practicing some new music as you read this. In fact I think Nu-metal is it for music. The last final form of "new" music. We are going to see lots of old music revisited and blended together. I'm talking a samba beat, Jazzy vocals, 80's guitar leads, Bluesy riffs, Trumpet playing, all fused together not to create a new sound but to blend the old music for current times. Music will and should be at some point free. No More CDs all digital, downloadable and created by a couple kids in high school with a nice computer program. The Music Industry as we know it will be done with very soon and will be replaced with something more pure, creative, and spiritual, friendly, etc. Everything today's corporate music is not.
I believe American Idol is a step closer to this yet also a step back. We get to see singers with no "Training" in thier natural state for free. However these singers are soon owned for life by Simon, Paula, Randy, and all the Producers of American Idol, which is sad. Anyway, just watch, this Decade will be revolutionary musically. ;)
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
Could 2010's be any worse?!?!
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
This decade is not over yet. Too early to judge. Only 4 years of it passed.
Subject: Re: I like 2000s to end.
You got another 6 years to go. ;)