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Subject: The President makes a surprise Thanksgiving visit
...to the troops in Iraq
Subject: Re: The President makes a surprise Thanksgiving vi
Good for him. The news anchor just said that he is the first US President to set foot in Iraq. I think that is cool.
Subject: Re: The President makes a surprise Thanksgiving vi
I heard about this earlier on the radio and I think its great.
It was a definite moral boost, and thats always a good thing in war. And it showed that Bush, making such a potentially dangerous trip to possibly the most hostile region on earth right now just to show support for the troops, really does appreciate their efforts. Something our military hasn't seen in a while.
Subject: Re: The President makes a surprise Thanksgiving vi
As much as I am opposed to the war and most of Bush's policies I must say it was a great move. And heck I'm not even American.
Those troops have no real say in what they are tasked with but having the Commander show up and demonstrate his support like that is a brilliant gesture.
Kudos to the PR guy who came up with it. Almost seems like a 'West Wing' plot.
Subject: Re: The President makes a surprise Thanksgiving vi
Im no big fan of Bush. However I have to compliment him on this move. Since when has any current president in recent history set foot in an active war zone? It took lots of guts to pull all that off.
Subject: Re: The President makes a surprise Thanksgiving vi
I applaud Bush for this, and that's a hard thing for me to do. A truly unprecedented action.
Subject: Re: The President makes a surprise Thanksgiving vi
I don't like Bush either, but it was nice to see him in Iraq. I thought it was more common (I'm not saying it's a tradition, but not a rare event either) for a president to travel to a foriegn war-torn country to have a Thanksgiving meal with the troops. :-/
Subject: Re: The President makes a surprise Thanksgiving vi
Since when has any current president in recent history set foot in an active war zone?
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Well, LBJ did it twice, and Nixon also did it in Vietnam in the 1960's. But I think this is the only time since then, and it was never done before then to my knowledge.
I think it was great that he did this, to take time away from his family to help them out. In fact, his own family had no idea he was going to do this.
I heard and saw this on TV after I woke up this morning, and saw the reaction the soldiers gave him when he walked into the dining area. I thought it was great. To anybody who thinks that the troops do not want to be there or are against the war, try and tell me that after their reaction.
The shock and happiness when he entered that room was obvious and sincere. This was no PR stunt where he was out for approval. He (and his advisors) had no idea how they would react, since the troops had no idea he would be there. They just as easily could have booed him and ignored him, but this was not the case.
Also, listen to their reactions of his speech. WHen he talked about not leaving a job half-finished, there was loud approval to that statement. As a former Marine, I can tell you that there is little worse to a military member then leaving a job half finished.
As a side note, I heard or saw nothing of Hillary's time over there this week. Not even yesterday when she was over there. And her trip was no secret, when compared to GW's trip. But there was still almost no press coverage, and it was announced over 2 weeks ago.
Subject: Re: The President makes a surprise Thanksgiving vi
I figure that President Lincoln probably visited a bunch of war zones during the American Civil War but I don't know if that counts...
Subject: Re: The President makes a surprise Thanksgiving vi
I figure that President Lincoln probably visited a bunch of war zones during the American Civil War but I don't know if that counts...
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Yes, I totally forgot about that. He was quite famous at the time for going right up to the front lines during combat to watch.
ANother I Imagine would be President Madison during the War of 1812. After all, he, his wife, and the cabinet did not flee Washington until right after the Brittish arrived and started to burn the Capitol.
Subject: Re: The President makes a surprise Thanksgiving vi
This is great and does not suprise me a bit....as I mentioned in the other thread...he even came here to Colorado Springs and spent time with the families of Fort Carson soldiers...Clinton NEVER did anything like that but had he it would've probably been for the sole purpose of hitting on the widows, daughters...ect.
Subject: Re: The President makes a surprise Thanksgiving vi
This is great and does not suprise me a bit....as I mentioned in the other thread...he even came here to Colorado Springs and spent time with the families of Fort Carson soldiers...Clinton NEVER did anything like that but had he it would've probably been for the sole purpose of hitting on the widows, daughters...ect.
End Quote
That does not surprise me at all. THis is because CLinton held the military in contempt, while Bush was a soldier, and holds them in great respect. The military members and their family know the difference, and respond to that.
Subject: Re: The President makes a surprise Thanksgiving vi
I read the details of his travel movements to Iraq. Very gutsy, indeed! He didn't even tell his family. I'll bet the Secret Service were sweating buckets the whole time too! :D
Subject: Re: The President makes a surprise Thanksgiving vi
I read the details of his travel movements to Iraq. Very gutsy, indeed! He didn't even tell his family. I'll bet the Secret Service were sweating buckets the whole time too! :D
End Quote
At least the ones who he "forgot" to tell ;)
Subject: Re: The President makes a surprise Thanksgiving vi
Im no big fan of Bush. However I have to compliment him on this move. Since when has any current president in recent history set foot in an active war zone? It took lots of guts to pull all that off.
End Quote
Clinton visited Kosovo in 1999. Complete list of all Presidential visits to combat zones:
Subject: Re: The President makes a surprise Thanksgiving vi
It disappoints me that this thread has turned into a Bush v. Clinton thing... yet again. I could have made a cynical comment about the vote-buying factor of Bush's action considering the unpopularity of the war and the fact there's an election soon, but I didn't. It was a noble thing to do regardless of political motive and that should be that.
Subject: Re: The President makes a surprise Thanksgiving vi
That does not surprise me at all. THis is because CLinton held the military in contempt, while Bush was a soldier, and holds them in great respect. The military members and their family know the difference, and respond to that.
End Quote
George Bush Jr. was NEVER a soldier. His father, yes. But Jr....ummm.....NO. You guys could have kept this into a decent "hey look Bush Jr. went to Iraq. That's nice." thread, but no......
you just had to drag Bill Clinton into this and say he had contempt for the miltary and then even worse turn around and make up stupid stuff about Dubya being some kind of a "soldier". The man was in the National Guard back in the 60's. What kind of big time soldier is that? Was he defending the coast of Texas from the Viet Cong?
Subject: Re: The President makes a surprise Thanksgiving vi
George Bush Jr. was NEVER a soldier. His father, yes. But Jr....ummm.....NO. You guys could have kept this into a decent "hey look Bush Jr. went to Iraq. That's nice." thread, but no......
you just had to drag Bill Clinton into this and say he had contempt for the miltary and then even worse turn around and make up stupid stuff about Dubya being some kind of a "soldier". The man was in the National Guard back in the 60's. What kind of big time soldier is that? Was he defending the coast of Texas from the Viet Cong?
End Quote
The National Guard is still a branch of the armed services, if you want to argue semantics.
Subject: Re: The President makes a surprise Thanksgiving vi
;D I was very happy to see that President Bush went to visit the troops. I just wrote the White House two weeks or so ago explaining to Mr. Bush how proud I was that he signed the "NO" to partial abortions. I went further to say that he had more "Cahoona's" than any President before him. How many years had President's darted that Political bomb.
Way to go President Bush.
Subject: Re: The President makes a surprise Thanksgiving vi
Quoting:you just had to drag Bill Clinton into this and say he had contempt for the miltary...End Quote
can't hide the truth. ;)
Quoting:and then even worse turn around and make up stupid stuff about Dubya being some kind of a "soldier". The man was in the National Guard back in the 60's. What kind of big time soldier is that? Was he defending the coast of Texas from the Viet Cong?
End Quote
nobody said he was a "big time" soldier. But yes, he was in the military. And if you think the National Gaurd is not a legitimate branch of the military, why don't you tell the National Gaurd troops currently in Iraq that you think they aren't important. ::)
Subject: Re: The President makes a surprise Thanksgiving vi
nobody said he was a "big time" soldier. But yes, he was in the military. And if you think the National Gaurd is not a legitimate branch of the military, why don't you tell the National Gaurd troops currently in Iraq that you think they aren't important. ::)
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This was the point I was going to make. Here in Utah, we have had a huge number of National Guard troops called to Iraq. If they aren't real soldiers, why did they get sent to war?
Subject: Re: The President makes a surprise Thanksgiving vi
George Bush Jr. was NEVER a soldier. His father, yes. But Jr....ummm.....NO. You guys could have kept this into a decent "hey look Bush Jr. went to Iraq. That's nice." thread, but no......
you just had to drag Bill Clinton into this and say he had contempt for the miltary and then even worse turn around and make up stupid stuff about Dubya being some kind of a "soldier". The man was in the National Guard back in the 60's. What kind of big time soldier is that? Was he defending the coast of Texas from the Viet Cong?
End Quote
For one, it was TRUE! Ask anybody that was in the military back then, they will tell you how they were treated by the White House. I am not bashing Clinton from meanness, but his policies against the military are well-known and public record. And for the most part, they treated him just as he treated them.
And there are a LOT of National Guard units that were called up during Vietnam, during the 1990 Gulf War, and again during the current conflicts. My uncle was in the California National Guard, and did 11 months in Vietnam after his unit was called up. And a budy I went to High School with was a Marine Lieutenant in the Gulf War, and is back there again now as a California National Guard Sergeant.
ANd this is not to mention when the National Guard helps out during other times, like during a disaster. I remember the California Guard erecting tent cities all over after the 1989 and 1994 earthquakes. They housed, fed, clothed, and took care of thousands of people during those times.
If you don't like the comparison people make between Bush and Clinton, that is not my fault. But please don't belittle those that serve in any capacity in our country. National Guardsmen have been involved in many conflicts, in addition to national disasters, riots, etc. I would say that is a far cry from somebody that hid in England as a conscientious objector.
FYI: Sergeant Alvin York, one of the most decorated heros in this country was also a conscientious objector. But he still served and fought with galantry. My problem is when people use "CO" status as a way to hide from their responsibility.