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Subject: Blood Glucose Meter Ads
I just had to start this topic coz I'm diabetic-Have any of you seen the recent glucose meter ads?
My faves are:
BB King One Touch Ultra ad'I'm leaving the pain behind me'. BTW,BB approached LifeScan(One Touch Ultra maker)about doing the ad because he uses their product and likes it
Accu-Chek Compact'the one with the drum'ad that shows it 'raining'test strips
the FreeStyle ad with the mom and her young daughter
Subject: Re: Blood Glucose Meter Ads
My favorite medical-product ads are: :D
Wilford Brimley- He does those "diabetic supply" ads. According to my mother, for all the oatmeal he's eaten and all the diabetic supplies he's had delivered to his doorstep, he does not look like any of it has done him any good. :P
Power Scooter Ads-You ever see those ads where the generous guy comes on and says "we will work WITH you to get Medicare or somebody else to pay for this sucker". Of course they will. If they can't find someone willing to pay for it they don't make a sale! ::)
Most Medicine Ads-You ever hear those "disclaimers" at the end of the ads? "Side effects incluse diarhea, constipation, nausea, sexual side effects, and vertigo". Hey no problem. If I gotta be incontinent, dizzy, and impotent to get rid of that toenail fungus then it's worth it! ;D
And don't get me started on those new K-Y Warming Sensation Personal Lubricant ads. Somehow weird. :o
Subject: Re: Blood Glucose Meter Ads
I am a diabetic myself and am currently using the Freestyle meter.
My favorite med ad is for Zim's Crack Cream for obvious reasons. ;)
Subject: Re: Blood Glucose Meter Ads
Living in Canada, there aren't any of the same type of commercials as there are in the States, since our health care system is different and all that. (It's FREE!) Anyway, the American ones we get really crack me up, except for the scooter ones.
As a legitimate user of a power scooter, it really bothers me that some company in the States calling themselves "The Scooter Store" is trying to sell their products to lazy-ass people who can't be bothered to get up and walk to the shops. Scooters and power chairs are not for people who are "just busy and need a little spring in their step." They are for people who have real difficulty walking from point A to point B because of a disability or some other disorder. I have been to the website, however, and they seem to be a bit more selective of their buyers than they let on to be in the commercials. But the commercials let on that anybody who has Medicare can get a scooter. This shouldn't be so. Scooters should be for people who really need them.
The commercials that crack me up are:
- The blood glucose meter one with the mother and little girl
- Any commercial about pills for genital herpes
- Stool softener ads
- The portable oxygen tank commercial (Helios?)
- The Zoloft commercials which are so cute. And yes, they really do make you feel like that! Whee! :D
Absolutely Vile
Subject: Re: Blood Glucose Meter Ads
I almost forgot...
Those AvlimilŽ Commercials where the women all talk about how they used to be too tired to be horny. Now they take AvlimilŽ and are getting more action than the town 'ho.
I think they ought to do an ad for this stuff aimed at husbands. Air it during the Super Bowl. In the ad, have a blue-collar type guy come on and say:
"It used to be that the little lady wouldn't even give me the time of day. But then I slipped a little AvilimilŽ into her morning coffee and now I'm getting more sex than Ron Jeremy in a double feature. Last night we even did it swinging from the chandelier in my mother-in-law's house. Do you AND your wife a favor and buy her AvilimilŽ... the ideal Christmas present.... For yourself! "(he winks to the camera).
Heh heh... ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Blood Glucose Meter Ads
- The Zoloft commercials which are so cute. And yes, they really do make you feel like that! Whee! :D
Absolutely Vile
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Those Zoloft ads are kinda cool. Every time I see them I want to go out and get some. The little "cartoon pill" guys that float around on the ad are neet. And the sound effects are also cool. Almost makes depression sound like a fun thing to have. :P
Subject: Re: Blood Glucose Meter Ads
I've actually seen the Helios oxygen tank,someone I know uses one! A couple of years ago I was on supplemental oxygen due to a COPD flare-up,and I used a regular portable cylinder tank coupled with a "pulse-dose"oxygen delivery system whenever I went out of my house. I also had an o2 concentrator at home with a 50-foot tube and nasal cannula.The machine made the apartment hot even with the central air on! I no longer have to use supplemental oxygen thank God!
Subject: Re: Blood Glucose Meter Ads
Those Zoloft ads are kinda cool. Every time I see them I want to go out and get some. The little "cartoon pill" guys that float around on the ad are neet. And the sound effects are also cool. Almost makes depression sound like a fun thing to have. :P
End Quote
Well, it's not a fun thing to have, but it can be a fun thing to treat, I suppose. :D Being on Zoloft was fun, then medical problems ensued and my doctor took me off of them just in case. They make you TOO happy though, or at least that's what they did with me! I don't know if I wanna be too happy. I hate people who are too happy. Maybe I should go on Prozac. It apparently has "other" beneficial side-effects. ;)
Absolutely Vile
Subject: Re: Blood Glucose Meter Ads
I don't want to upset anybody here BUT My brother passed away from a diabetic coma in 1995. :'(
Subject: Re: Blood Glucose Meter Ads
My Mom uses the One-Touch Ultra unit that B.B. King hawks on TV. It's the most convenient unit I've used. (I am not diabetic but I do Mum's testing). :D
Stuff is expensive though. A 50-pack of those test strips put me out $44.96 at the local Wal-Mart.
Subject: Re: Blood Glucose Meter Ads
My Mom uses the One-Touch Ultra unit that B.B. King hawks on TV. It's the most convenient unit I've used. (I am not diabetic but I do Mum's testing). :D
Stuff is expensive though. A 50-pack of those test strips put me out $44.96 at the local Wal-Mart.
End Quote
:)I was diagnosed with diabetes in 1997,the first meter I owned was the Accu-Chek Advantage. You could only test on the fingertip with that one! I now use a FreeStyle. :-*
Subject: Re: Blood Glucose Meter Ads
I just had to start this topic coz I'm diabetic-Have any of you seen the recent glucose meter ads?
My faves are:
Accu-Chek Compact'the one with the drum'ad that shows it 'raining'test strips
End Quote
Yes, i've seen that one. It was played very often in the evenings here in western Canada a couple of months ago.
I think it's weird that we'll give free syringes to druggies but make the diabetics like my brother, pay for them. Sorta like putting the cigarettes at the front of the drug store (a place that promotes health, now isn't THAT weird?) but we make the sick people walk all the way to the back for their medication. :P
I gotta cat that's just been diagnosed with diabetes. And with the explosion in obesity in Canada and the United States.. i'm sure we're going to see it more prevalent in the time to come. :( Health Canada is already predicting it to overtake cancer as the #1 killer here.
Subject: Re: Blood Glucose Meter Ads
And don't get me started on those new K-Y Warming Sensation Personal Lubricant ads. Somehow weird. :o
End Quote
Hmmm... haven't seen those. :o Just what cable channel are you seeing that on. . ? ;) (J/K)
Subject: Re: Blood Glucose Meter Ads
I've seen some of the ads. I've seen the Zim's Crack Cream commercial like 2 minutes ago (remember it's only found in the first-aid section ;)).
The BB King commercial was good the first 100 times, but then it annoyed me. I've seen the Zoloft commercials, those were ok. The Accu-Chek Compact was another ok commercial.
I'm so tired of those Liberty Medicare or whatever the company is called commericals. I'm also tired of the Viagra commercials with the men jumping up and down to the song "We Are the Champions". >:(
There are these scooter commercials I've only seen a few times and I find them funny. It has this elderly lady who is at the Grand Canyon and yells something like, "Look where (scooter's name) got me!". Then theres another commercial where the same elderly lady is at the base of the Statue of Liberty and yells the same thing out again and begins spinning in circles I think. I was expecting to see in the next commercial the eldery lady ontop and Mt. Everest yelling "Look where (scooter's name) got me!". Then I could picture her on the moon yelling the same thing.
I've seen most of these commercials on American stations.
Subject: Re: Blood Glucose Meter Ads
Hmmm... haven't seen those. :o Just what cable channel are you seeing that on. . ? ;) (J/K)
End Quote
Actually those K-Y Warming Sensation Personal Lube commercials are running on broadcast TV, not just cable!
They have some old bag saying how hard it is to keep her hubby interested in the horizontal department. So she announces that she's gonna try the new product which "creates a gentle warming sensation on contact". The ad then starts playing salsa background music and she and the hubby exchange knowing glances.
I mean, what the heck? Is she a cold, dead body or something? And if they sell this stuff on broadcast TV what's next, edible underwear?
This whole product reminds me of the old limerick:
There once was a caveman named Dave
Who kept a dead 'ho in his cave.
He said with a grunt
"How I hate this cold ****,
But think of the money I save."
Subject: Re: Blood Glucose Meter Ads
I'm also tired of the Viagra commercials with the men jumping up and down to the song "We Are the Champions". >:(
I've seen most of these commercials on American stations.
End Quote
Don't forget the Levitra ads (Levitra is a competitor to Viagra). In the Levitra ads, some geezer walks out to the toolshed and picks up a football. He tries to throw it through a car tire that's hanging from a tree, but the football just bounces off (i.e., he can't "raise the flag").
Then he takes Levitra and then is throwing that football right through the spare tire like a dozen times. Even Terry Bradshaw isn't that accurate. :P
Every time I see those Accu-Check commercials I remember an old Woody Allen movie, and a device in the movie called the AccuJack. ;D
Subject: Re: Blood Glucose Meter Ads
Yesterday I saw an ad for the Hoveround motorized wheelchair.
Thery actually have acrobats doing handstands and human pyramid formations on that wheelchair! That has to be the stupidest way to market a product to handicapped people ever. :-/
Subject: Re: Blood Glucose Meter Ads
I just had a wisdom tooth pulled a week or so ago, and the nice oral surgeon prescribed me Percocet. This stuff, let me tell you, is a wonderful product!! HEHE! It is described as a narcotic pain reliever, and that's pretty accurate. Kind of like being slightly drunk, but then add a happy euphoric feeling on top of that. They need to make some commercials for this stuff on TV ;D
I know it sounds bad, but it sure did help with this horrible soreness after the tooth was yanked out! I did get one of the side effects from it, though. Not bad, just some slight skin itching. Nothing that can't be scratched away, lol......,,,,AW
Subject: Re: Blood Glucose Meter Ads
Yeah those medical commercials are soemthing else. As far as diabetes goes, my mom has fallen in love with the freestyle.
My favorite scooter commerical has got to be the one where they are drag racing and square dancing with their scooters.
Out of all the bad commercials on TV those lawyer commercials have to be the absolute worst!
Subject: Re: Blood Glucose Meter Ads
How about those bed-wetting ads they've been running lately?
I hope that the kid in those ads is a professional, full time actor, because if he isn't, he's GOT to be getting regular abuse at school. :P
Subject: Re: Blood Glucose Meter Ads
Just saw two RIDICULOUS ads for those power scooter chair jobbies.
In one of them, some guy says "This power scooter is the best thing since... since LEGS!" :o
In another ad, there is a group of elderly people doing a square-dance riding their power chairs. ::)
Subject: Re: Blood Glucose Meter Ads
They should make Sugar-Free versions of all types of foods and drinks for Diabetics.
It would benefit BOTH, them and people with Diabetes.