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Subject: Stupid Career Decisions
Who do you think made the most BONEHEAD DECISIONS REGARDING THEIR CAREER?I'll mention Rob Lowe,he comes back from obscurity to get on the top rated "West Wing" and leaves for "probably a stupid reason".And Michael Keaton they broke his arm to do Batman 2(like he had anything else to do)and decides not to do anymore Batman flicks?Maybe he would still have a career today.
Subject: Re: Stupid Career Decisions
Who do you think made the most BONEHEAD DECISIONS REGARDING THEIR CAREER?End Quote
Topically, Michael Jackson. Many people suspected his motives towards children, but doing the Martin Bashir interview (where he admitted sleeping in the same bed as underage male guests) had to be one of the most ill-judged career moves of modern times- I hear it may now even come into play in the investigation of this most recent compaint against him.
Subject: Re: Stupid Career Decisions
How about Denise Crosby? She leaves Star Trek: The Next Generation because she felt that after 1 season, she was not used enough. She then faded quickly into obscurity.
THen there is Rosie O'Donnell, who did so many stupid things in the last year, I doubt she will ever recover. I remember when she was all over VH1 and Comedy Central, not to mention movies and her own TV show. Now, she is yet another angry woman.
Then there is Suzanne Summers, who left the #1 comedy on TV to star in "ThighMaster" comercials. In the same way, Eric Estrada left a hit TV show to star in mediocre soap operas in Mexico. Stupid moves.
And let's not all forget Joe Piscopo. He left acting for the glorious world of body building, and nobody has heard from him since.
Subject: Re: Stupid Career Decisions
David Caruso and Shelley Long come to mind when they both quit successful TV series for flop movie careers. Pee Wee Herman would win with his attempt to try "something different" (like doing lewd things at an adult theater. ::)) And George Clooney, for starring in a remake of "Solaris".
Subject: Re: Stupid Career Decisions
Topically, Michael Jackson. Many people suspected his motives towards children, but doing the Martin Bashir interview (where he admitted sleeping in the same bed as underage male guests) had to be one of the most ill-judged career moves of modern times- I hear it may now even come into play in the investigation of this most recent compaint against him.
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I'm gonna say MJ too. LOL, you can mention his name in any topic now. Hehehe.
Subject: Re: Stupid Career Decisions
Established actors who try to sing.....
Don Johnson, Eddie Murphy, Michael Damian, Keanu Reeves, John Travolta, Bruce Willis
Established musicians who try to act.....
Neil Diamond, Phil Collins, Jon Bon Jovi, Sting, Diana Ross, Peter Frampton (practically KILLED his career after the Sgt. Pepper movie), The Bee Gees, Roger Daltry, KISS, Michael Jackson, Sheena Easton, Lance Bass, Britney Spears (er um shes not exactly a musician), Eminem (not a exactly a musician either)
IMO the only people to have ever made a successful crossover are Cher, Vanessa Williams and maybe MeatLoaf
Subject: Re: Stupid Career Decisions
You forgot Mariah Carey. Remember her stinker, "Glitter"? ::)
Established musicians who try to act.....
Neil Diamond, Phil Collins, Jon Bon Jovi, Sting, Diana Ross, Peter Frampton (practically KILLED his career after the Sgt. Pepper movie), The Bee Gees, Roger Daltry, KISS, Michael Jackson, Sheena Easton, Lance Bass, Britney Spears (er um shes not exactly a musician), Eminem (not a exactly a musician either)
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Subject: Re: Stupid Career Decisions
I would definatly say Pee Wee Herman has faded, and nobody has heard of him for a long time. Except for that masturbation lawsuit. :P
Subject: Re: Stupid Career Decisions
IMO the only people to have ever made a successful crossover are Cher, Vanessa Williams and maybe MeatLoaf
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Striesand has excelled in both fields and is also a writer/director.
Oooh what about Russell Crowe !! I saw him in concert 2 years ago and he can actually sing - and writes a good ballad too.
Bad career decisions - what about the crossover from acting/singing - to politics ? Even worse - here we have footballers becoming TV hosts and politicians !!!!!
Subject: Re: Stupid Career Decisions
Hi, I'm Terence Trent D'Arby. You might remember me as the hottest new artist of 1987. After my platinum debut, I decided to follow it up with records of dizzyingly disgusting pretensiousness and ego, much like Prince, except I didn't establish the fifteen years of good music first.
Subject: Re: Stupid Career Decisions
I will have to say Michael Jackson too.
Going from the "King of Pop" to a washed-up 45 yr old who proudly proclaims on antional TV that he sleeps with kids can never be a good career move for anyone. ;)
Subject: Re: Stupid Career Decisions
Then there is Suzanne Summers, who left the #1 comedy on TV to star in "ThighMaster" comercials.
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Suzzane Summers yeah that wasn't a good career move leaving "Three's Company" like she did but she did good on "Step By Step" in the early to mid 90's period.
David Caruso leaving NYPD Blue like he did was a mistake. He even admits it was a bad mistake. He got a second chance though with "CSI Miami" though. Many actors don't get a second chance like he did though.
I think Eriq Lasalle leaving ER was a mistake.
Kim Delaney leaving "NYPD Blue" was a mistake. She came back though.
Subject: Re: Stupid Career Decisions
Hi. You might remember that I changed my name to a symbol in 1993. It probably wasn't a great career move, but at that point I had enough cash to buy Ferraris for every person in Minneapolis, so what did I care?
Subject: Re: Stupid Career Decisions
Hi, I'm Terence Trent D'Arby. You might remember me as the hottest new artist of 1987. After my platinum debut, I decided to follow it up with records of dizzyingly disgusting pretensiousness and ego, much like Prince, except I didn't establish the fifteen years of good music first.
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He has a 31-song greatest hits album, did you know that? How the heck did he come up with 31 freaking hits? He was a one-hit wonder as far as I know, and even that song sucked.
Subject: Re: Stupid Career Decisions
Hi. You might remember that I changed my name to a symbol in 1993. It probably wasn't a great career move, but at that point I had enough cash to buy Ferraris for every person in Minneapolis, so what did I care?
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Well,Prince your career is the same as Michael Jackson! >:(
Subject: Re: Stupid Career Decisions
Established musicians who try to act.....
Neil Diamond, Phil Collins, Jon Bon Jovi, Sting, Diana Ross, Peter Frampton (practically KILLED his career after the Sgt. Pepper movie), The Bee Gees, Roger Daltry, KISS, Michael Jackson, Sheena Easton, Lance Bass, Britney Spears (er um shes not exactly a musician), Eminem (not a exactly a musician either)
End Quote
I'd agree with all of those except Bon Jovi. He's not the greatest actor, but the fact that he's actually made quite a few films now and the others have made hardly any would suggest that he's at least okay.
Bad career decisions: Michael Jordan giving up basketball to play baseball. Worst. Decision. Ever.
Subject: Re: Stupid Career Decisions
I'd agree with all of those except Bon Jovi. He's not the greatest actor, but the fact that he's actually made quite a few films now and the others have made hardly any would suggest that he's at least okay.End Quote
true, but how many of his movies can most people name off the top of their head? Me, none.
Quoting:Bad career decisions: Michael Jordan giving up basketball to play baseball. Worst. Decision. Ever.
End Quote
actually, I think Jordan lost a lot of respect when he retired to a huge ovation, then came back to a huge welcome, then retired again, then came back again, then retired again, and so on and so on... ::)
He is old and a former star (much like Michael Jackson), and he can't accept the fact he's not in the spotlight anymore.
Subject: Re: Stupid Career Decisions
Wow, look at this Oscar. This is fabulous. And I'm back on the radio with "Turn Back Time." My career hasn't been this high since the early 70's. I guess it couldn't hurt to do a few INFOMERCIALS...
Robert Downey Jr.
In just a few short years, I've gone from peripheral Brat Pack member to a respected actor with an Oscar nomination for my portrayal of Charlie Chaplin! I think I'm going to celebrate by doing my first line of COKE...
Vanilla Ice
Hmm, my debut is one of the best-selling rap records ever, but I'm getting blasted by the press for being a pop sell-out. How can I win over the critics while keeping my teenage fanbase? I know! I'll wear dreads and re-style myself as a pot-smoking Cypress Hill-style gangsta rapper!
Subject: Re: Stupid Career Decisions
Wow, look at this Oscar. This is fabulous. And I'm back on the radio with "Turn Back Time." My career hasn't been this high since the early 70's. I guess it couldn't hurt to do a few INFOMERCIALS...
Robert Downey Jr.
In just a few short years, I've gone from peripheral Brat Pack member to a respected actor with an Oscar nomination for my portrayal of Charlie Chaplin! I think I'm going to celebrate by doing my first line of COKE...
Vanilla Ice
Hmm, my debut is one of the best-selling rap records ever, but I'm getting blasted by the press for being a pop sell-out. How can I win over the critics while keeping my teenage fanbase? I know! I'll wear dreads and re-style myself as a pot-smoking Cypress Hill-style gangsta rapper!
End Quote
I agree! Hee Hee Heee Hee ;D
Subject: Re: Stupid Career Decisions
IMO the only people to have ever made a successful crossover are Cher, Vanessa Williams and maybe MeatLoaf
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But which cross-over are you talking about?
If you ask Meat Loaf (and yes, he spells it as 2 words) he says he is an actor that took up singing. But because of his spotty on-screen acting career (he did a lot of small stage acting for many years - by his own choice) most people think of him as a singer.
He did a lot of on and off Broadway for many years (including of course "Rocky Horror", before he decided to try singing. When he started, everybody laughed saying "You are an actor, not a singer".
Then years later when he tried to go back to acting full-time, he was told "What are you doing, you are a singer, not an actor".
Marvin Lee Aday (his real name) started in musicals, so him going to singing or acting is still a continuation of his career. I think his stupidest moves though were turning down the lead in "Phantom Of The Opera" and turning down the lead singing position in Foreigner.
Subject: Re: Stupid Career Decisions
Bad career decisions: Michael Jordan giving up basketball to play baseball. Worst. Decision. Ever.
End Quote
ummm...MJ didn't really have a choice. It was either that or get in some deep trouble for gambling. At least, that's what "sources" that shall remain nameless have said. ;)
Subject: Re: Stupid Career Decisions
One word...
(Can't imagine a dumber career move then THAT.)
Subject: Re: Stupid Career Decisions
Borrowing from another thread:
Paula Coles and the whole armpit hair thing. What was she thinking? ??? She immediately turned off almost all of her male fans and (I presume) quite a few of the ladies too.
Subject: Re: Stupid Career Decisions
true, but how many of his movies can most people name off the top of their head? Me, none.
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Maybe so, but I don't think it's been a necessarily bad career decision because even though he hasn't made anything particularly memorable, it hasn't actually effected his career as a musician either, so I stand by my original post that Bon Jovi's move into acting wasn't that bad a move. I also feel that, apart from Vampires: Los Muertos, he's picked the roles he has played rather well because they haven't required him to do much more than just stand around and look good. Now, if he'd given up music to become an actor full time, that may have been a different story. Jordan's decision on the other hand was simply bad.
Subject: Re: Stupid Career Decisions
Ashton Kutcher is smart hes still on the 70s show and putting out movies unlike those other dummies who quit their shows.