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Subject: If YOU Could Pick The President!
Ok, if you could pick ANYONE as president who would it be?
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
John McCain.
Though not perfect (who is?), he calls them as he sees them and is one of very few office holders who does not pledge blind loyalty to any ONE party.
Though he is a Republican, he often disagrees with their party line, as well as often disagrees with the Dems. He's often sponsored bills alongside Dems as well as Repubs.
Hmm... a man of principal. What an interesting thought.
John Dean has a similar quality, but WAY too "liberal" for my tastes.
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
It doesn't really matter to me who the president is. My problem with most politicians is how very BADLY they want to be in office. This is because the term "public servant" is a joke--these people are worshipped like rock stars and do pretty much whatever they want as long as they placate their special interest groups. So my ideal president would be someone--anyone--who didn't really want to be president because they would refuse to sell out our rights to get elected. That said, I think congressman Ron Paul usually votes "nay" on just about everything.
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
I don't know of a person, but I would pick someone who is in the middle. Not too far left, not too far right. Someone who stands up for what they (and the american public) believe in. Not just someone who only listens to the loud ones. And, definately not someone who only believes what their party believes. Most americans don't just stick with one party...we have ideas that fit both places.
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
ME! Hehehe... ;D :P
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
I agree, I am usually more democratic than not, but I would vote for the person before I would vote for the party.
I don't know of a person, but I would pick someone who is in the middle. Not too far left, not too far right. Someone who stands up for what they (and the american public) believe in. Not just someone who only listens to the loud ones. And, definately not someone who only believes what their party believes. Most americans don't just stick with one party...we have ideas that fit both places.
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Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
I agree, I am usually more democratic than not, but I would vote for the person before I would vote for the party.
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This is exactly how I am (except replace the Democrat with Republican ;)). I think this is how most of America is.
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
I think this is how most of America is.
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From most of the on-line arguing I've seen, most of America is completely polarised on party lines, with a tiny percentage of "floaters" in the middle.
On-topic, Douglas Adams said it best:
Quoting:The major problem - one of the major problems, for there are several - one of the many major problems with governing people is that of whom you get to do it; or rather of who manages to get people to let them do it to them.
To summarize: it is a well known fact, that those people who most want to rule people are, ipso facto, those least suited to do it.
To summarize the summary: anyone who is capable of getting
themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job. To summarize the summary of the summary: people are a problem.End Quote
How can we say we have democracy when in the last few elections (here and in the USA), the biggest single correlation with votes cast is money spent? Seems like plutocracy to me.
IMO, there should be ability and aptitude testing for public office, ideally compulsory and with no refusal if it's decided that you're the perfect candidate. No chance of being pushed into being a president by a power-hungry father or wife...
Off-hand, I can't think of who I'd like to see as president, with the possible exception of Claude Prez... and he'd probably say that he didn't want the job, so he'd be PERFECT! ;-)
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
I'd put Clinton back in. ;D
Or I'd go with our real president, GORE! :-X :P ;)
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
Off-hand, I can't think of who I'd like to see as president, with the possible exception of Claude Prez... and he'd probably say that he didn't want the job, so he'd be PERFECT! ;-)
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Thanks for your support, Phil, and you're right; I don't even wanna be president of my household. (Our current leader is doing an excellent job).
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
Arnold Schwarzenegger.
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Darn. You said it before I could. :P
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
I'd pick Bam Margera..the kid is crazy and he'd let anything slide
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
I'd vote Red Forman from "That 70's Show" ;D
"What you need is a GOOD SWIFT KICK IN THE A$$!"
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
From most of the on-line arguing I've seen, most of America is completely polarised on party lines, with a tiny percentage of "floaters" in the middle.
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From my experience, the arguers are in the minority. The ones in the middle don't bother arguing.
I agree with Secret Squirrel...Red for Prez!
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
Michael Jackson ;D
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
Michael Jackson ;D
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Now that's just plain scary, Howard. :o ;)
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
Arnold Schwarzenegger.
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Let's see how well he governs first, shall we? ;)
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
From my experience, the arguers are in the minority. The ones in the middle don't bother arguing.
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And you have much more experience of Americans than I do, it's true ;-)
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
And you have much more experience of Americans than I do, it's true ;-)
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I just might.. ;) ;D
edited to add:
I just need to say one thing...I can't stand it when people (of either party) won't listen to the facts...they just scream party line. Trust me when I say if Rush Limbaugh dropped out of sight forever I wouldn't be hurt. He and other talk show hosts like him (both liberal and conservative) are the cause of alot of the political division in this country. There is a woman who wrote a book (Ann Richards) that basically said every democrat today and forever is evil. What is sad is that people actually believe it.
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
Now that's just plain scary, Howard. :o ;)
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oh yeah you right.It wouldn't work!
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
Here is just one interesting thought on the President of today. The President is a Figurehead. He has no power and really makes no decisions. Just think about it.
Not my opinion neccasarily. :)
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
No one else fits that bill, so some would have you believe.
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
No one else fits that bill, so some would have you believe.
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What makes you think He'd want the job?
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
Mel Brooks. His character in 'Blazing Saddles' even looks like Bush, if I hadn't seen the film first, I would have thought it was a parody of Dubya ;D- no point in changing too much... ;)
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
Either Evan Bayh or Richard Lugar, but I'd prefer Jesus. ;D
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
Ann Coulter
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
Michael Jackson
That way we could have a man and a woman in office at the same time!
...ok that was bad, but seriously I don't know.
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
I'd put Clinton back in. ;D
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Yeh! I would like to see Clinton in power again too! ;D
I think he was/is the best US President in the last 50 years.Employed over 20 million people,had such a great charisma,played sax,socialised with the cool people from the showbiz...and what is most important danced to "Macarena" in front of millions all the way! Yeh! Bring him back! ;D ;)
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
Ann Coulter
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I would have to move to Canada...I can't handle that woman.
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
Ann Coulter
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I would have to move to Canada...I can't handle that woman.
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There are some who believe that Ann Coulter is a man, like this one:
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
Hulk Hogan ;)
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
Jeb Bartlett. ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: If YOU Could Pick The President!
Sez you and all the other left-wing media. Clinton didn't do anything special that warrants another term in office. And he morally corrupted the Oval Office and stupified the US with socialized programs. Our current President isn't any brighter, but I wouldn't bring back the man that caused the ridicule of America by other foreign nations. Let someone new into the White House.
Yeh! I would like to see Clinton in power again too! ;D
I think he was/is the best US President in the last 50 years.
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