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Subject: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
I saw this story today, and thought it was hilarious! Horray for the girls involved, and I hope they got a couple of good kicks at his 'nads.
Friday, October 31, 2003 Posted: 11:06 AM EST (1606 GMT)
PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania (Reuters) -- A man described by authorities as a known sexual predator was chased through the streets of South Philadelphia by an angry crowd of Catholic high school girls, who kicked and punched him after he was tackled by neighbors, police said Friday.
Rudy Susanto, 25, who had exposed himself to teen-age girls on as many as seven occasions outside St. Maria Goretti School, struck again on Thursday just as students were being dismissed, police said.
But this time, a group of girls in school uniforms angrily confronted Susanto with help from some neighbors, police said.
When Susanto tried to run, more than 20 girls chased him down the block. Two men from the neighborhood caught him and the girls took their revenge.
"The girls came and started kicking him and punching him, so I wasn't going to stop them," neighbor Robert Lemons told The Philadelphia Inquirer.
Susanto was later treated for injuries at a local hospital. Police said he would be charged with 14 criminal counts including harassment, disorderly conduct, open lewdness and corrupting the morals of a minor.
Subject: Re: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
YAY!!!!!!! Go girls!!! I don't believe in vigilante justice, but a guy like that does deserve a good beating, especially from the people he is violating! Too bad they didn't cause any permanent damage. I'm glad the authorities didn't do something stupid like charge the girls with assault. It was self-defence!! ;D
Absolutely Vile
Subject: Re: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
Subject: Re: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
and if you started Too late also, you'd do the same... ;)
ah, Billy Joel, great man...
Subject: Re: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
hahahaha You guys obviously raise your catholic school girls a little better than we do over here. I have been looking for the article to show you but cant find it so I am repeating this by memory only.
It was about 3 or 4 weeks ago here in Perth - front page news.
A bunch of 13 and 14 year old girls from our most prestigeous catholic private girls school were caught selling a porn video (to the catholic boys in the neighboring prestigeous private boys school) that they had made themselves (with the help of boys who were not from a prestigeous catholic provate school) during a friday night sleepover and fixed up one one of their dads video editing programs on his puter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o
Man oh man - when I was 13 my biggest concern at the friday night sleepover was if the other girls found out I hadnt kissed a boy yet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Subject: Re: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
Good for them. :D
Subject: Re: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
Yay - go the Catholic schoolgirls! I married one myself and am the father to two others, with a third yet to start school. Believe me, I'm outnumbered 4 to 1 in this house and those girls know how to handle themsleves.
BTW Dagwood - did you mean good for the Catholic schoolgirls in Pennsylvania or the ones in Perth!?
Subject: Re: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
BTW Dagwood - did you mean good for the Catholic schoolgirls in Pennsylvania or the ones in Perth!?
End Quote
The Pennsylvania ones, of course. ;D
Subject: Re: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
Good for them. :)
Subject: Re: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
ROFL! He's going to have a hard time if he gets put behind bars... but I reckon the ego damage might be permanent (i.e. let's hope the experience doesn't turn him into a serial killer)
Subject: Re: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
A bunch of 13 and 14 year old girls from our most prestigious catholic private girls school were caught selling a porn video (to the catholic boys in the neighboring prestigeous private boys school) that they had made themselves (with the help of boys who were not from a prestigious catholic private school) during a friday night sleepover and fixed up one one of their dads video editing programs on his puter !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o
End Quote
They'll be doing their own subscription-only website, next... (assuming their IT classes are up to scratch, of course)
Subject: Re: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
shhhhhhhhhhhhhh philbo - I dont think they actually need any more ideas !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o :o :o :o
Mind you if their IT skills are anything like their video editing skills ? ? ? ?
Subject: Re: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
Mind you if their IT skills are anything like their video editing skills ? ? ? ?
End Quote
Do I take if from this you've seen enough of the video to *know* what their video editing skills are like?
Subject: Re: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
Yay way to go girls!!
My two daughters are catholic school girls and they don't take any crap either.
Re the Perth schoolgirls - all I can say is that it wouldn't happen on the east coast BMG! :o ;) ;D
Subject: Re: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
This is an example of justifiable violence. No self-respecting pervert should frequent a center of learning, especially one with minors. There are too many examples of grown-ups, even those that work in the school, who do disgusting things. Those people need to be taken away from society (or at least get a stern reprimand).
Subject: Re: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
A bunch of 13 and 14 year old girls from our most prestigeous catholic private girls school were caught selling a porn video (to the catholic boys in the neighboring prestigeous private boys school) that they had made themselves End Quote
Hahaha..!! ;D Thanks for showing that no one is truly innocent, including children. Just a few weeks ago in eastern Canada, a 17 yr old high school guy was being tried for for having consensual oral sex with girls from age 12 to 15. Every teen and preteen girl they brought to the witness stand stated everyone was doing it and wondered what everyones problem was. :P Further investigation revealed many-many numerous girls and boys were participating. And several of the girls on the witness stand stated they lied about their ages and one 13 yr old admitted to being sexually aggressive.
Holy $hit, eh. :o I wonder what they're feeding kids these daze?? Oh yeah, one look at tv should explain that. :P
And I just read in the paper today about a FIVE year old kid in the USA who has a "history of mental problems" has shot and killed one of his family members and has attacked people in the past. He's being held in a psychiatric ward for evaluation.
As I said before: I used to be disgusted, now i'm just amused.
Subject: Re: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
There was a similar story I read a month or so ago, that shocked me almost as much as those Perth girls:
Seems somewhere down here in the South (I wanna say Georgia) a 14 year old girl was expelled from school and lost her school bus privlidges for giving a boy oral sex on the bus on the way home from school.
When her mom protested, it was not because her little girl was forced into it, or because she said it never happened. Believe it or not, her mom agrued that there was no regulation forbidding that behavior on a school bus!
True story, only about a month ago, I wish I could find that article.
Subject: Re: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
Yeah, it's a dangerous twisted world out there. Check out:
and read all the interesting info on there. The bit about the guy who was jailed for 8 months for NOT breaking the law is especially disturbing. Too much hysteria out there for my liking. :P It's at: http://www.ageofconsent.com/uscitizens.htm
Subject: Re: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
Blimey.. I am no prude but it freaks me out to hear that kids are having such short childhoods.
You are only a kid for that short time - theres 40,50, 60 more years to have sex. Why start at 12 ?
No Philbo I havent seen the video (ewwwww). But it was my friends hubby who broke the story and he viewed enough to confirm it for his story and as a father of two little girls he was utterly revolted that there was no parental supervision at the sleepover, that it even occured to a bunch of 13 year olds to make a porn movie, and that they had the nouse to edit it, burn it onto cd and dub it onto videos to sell.
Mr80s - bwhahahaha - so she aint angry with her daughter ? she's just angry cos there is no rule that has actually been broken. ?
Can you just see the new signs on the bus
No spitting
No Feets on seats
No hanging body parts out the window
No eating
No Oral Sex
hells bells ! :o
Subject: Re: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
Mr80s - bwhahahaha - so she aint angry with her daughter ? she's just angry cos there is no rule that has actually been broken. ?
Can you just see the new signs on the bus
No spitting
No Feets on seats
No hanging body parts out the window
No eating
No Oral Sex
hells bells ! :o
End Quote
Actually, from the tone of the article, she seemed to act like her daughter did nothing wrong! And to be honest, I am not really surprised.
After all, her mom would be around my age, and I know how screwed up my generation is. We tend to be rude, arrogant, self-absorbed, and think that our coprolite does not stink.
After seeing how screwed up my generation is, I am not surprised that some of them are being brought up to be little copies of their parents. It just makes me wonder though. I hope this next generation gets some sense and learns how to curb their impulses, or the next one will truely be in trouble.
Subject: Re: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
You are only a kid for that short time - theres 40,50, 60 more years to have sex. Why start at 12 ?
End Quote
That only seems a logical argument from our old age looking back... when you're young, let's face it, forebearance is something that comes just before foreplay in the dictionary ;-)
Can you just see the new signs on the bus
No spitting
No Feets on seats
No hanging body parts out the window
No eating
No Oral Sex
End Quote
ROFL! Reminds me of the limerick:
There was a young man from Darjeeling
Who boarded a bus bound for Ealing
It said on the door:
"Please don't spit on the floor"
So he carefully spat on the ceiling
Subject: Re: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
That only seems a logical argument from our old age looking back... when you're young, let's face it, forebearance is something that comes just before foreplay in the dictionary ;-)
ROFL! Reminds me of the limerick:
There was a young man from Darjeeling
Who boarded a bus bound for Ealing
It said on the door:
"Please don't spit on the floor"
So he carefully spat on the ceiling
End Quote
Yes I do agree that as we get older we look back with more knowledge etc. But I was a rather old soul in high school - for several years I was singlehandedly putting my brother thru school and going to his parent teacher nights (which yes was weird when they were my teachers too). And I remember then when a girl was expelled a 14 for getting pregnant I was gobsmacked as I thought I was "exceptionally" experienced as I had moved up to kissing ! I could not believe someone my age was having sex and getting pregnant. There was so much more to be doing.
PS - love the limerick - tho the visual image I was left with was ewwww !!!!!
Subject: Re: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
Actually, from the tone of the article, she seemed to act like her daughter did nothing wrong! And to be honest, I am not really surprised.
End Quote
I think it was Jeff Foxworthy who said it best: You know you're a redneck when you let your 12 yr old daughters' kid smoke at the dinner table.
Subject: Re: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
I think it was Jeff Foxworthy who said it best: You know you're a redneck when you let your 12 yr old daughters' kid smoke at the dinner table.
End Quote
OMIGOD - how totally freaky. This morning on the radio Captain Paul said this exact same sentence - then I come home from work and read it here. I am going to ring Captain Paul and see if he steals all his lines from "inthe00's" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Subject: Re: Beware of Catholic Schoolgirls
And I remember then when a girl was expelled a 14 for getting pregnant I was gobsmacked
End Quote
Reminds me of a Jeremy Hardy quote:
When I was sixteen, sex with a condom meant sex with a condom - no-one else was involved