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Subject: Post Halloween Freaky Topic #2
When the innevitable time comes, would you want to be buried or cremated and why?
This is it for freaky topics. ;D
Subject: Re: Post Halloween Freaky Topic #2
Cremated. Because after all my body parts have been donated, there wouldn't be much left. Especially for an open casket funeral! ;D
Cheaper, and uses a lot less real estate. But then, with the other alternative, if someone were to pave over the grave, I could always come back and move furniture around at night, freak out the pets and speak to little girls thru the TV set! ;)
Subject: Re: Post Halloween Freaky Topic #2
I think I'd rather be buried alive....(BWHAHA!)
just like The Undertaker.... ;D
Subject: Re: Post Halloween Freaky Topic #2
I have debated this with myself for years but I can't make up my mind.
I think my family wants me to be buried, so the way I see it, after I am dead who cares what I want. Its them that have to deal with me at that point. :)
Subject: Re: Post Halloween Freaky Topic #2
I'd just rsther live each day and see what happens.I don't want to think about death.
Subject: Re: Post Halloween Freaky Topic #2
Regular burial is more energy efficient. It takes alot of BTU's to reduce a body to ash. To me cremation seems "unnatural". (Yeah, I know, being buried in a steel can contained in a concrete vault is not exactly natural either).
One thing that I do not want to do when I bite the big one is to be "laid out" in the funeral home with an open casket. I want to have a closed-casket funeral so that my loved ones remember me when I was ALIVE rather than DEAD.
When my father died I did not go to his casket. Not out of fear or anything, but out of my desire to remember this man when he was ALIVE. I've never regretted it.
Just a couple hours ago I attended the funeral of a buddy who died in a car crash and they had him laid out in open casket. I wish I had not looked... I'd much rather have had my last view of him being his normal, hard working, cantankerous, humourous self. :'(
Subject: Re: Post Halloween Freaky Topic #2
Well I think I'd much prefer to buried. Because I just prefer the more original way.
Although I like the old viking way as well.
Subject: Re: Post Halloween Freaky Topic #2
Regular burial is more energy efficient. It takes alot of BTU's to reduce a body to ash. To me cremation seems "unnatural". End Quote
...ashes to ashes, dust to dust. :)
I do agree with you about the open casket. Every funeral I have been to have been open casket, and I always went up to it because I felt I had to. But after I did, I didn't feel any better seeing a dead body laying there. The way funeral homes are set up with the special lighting and all the makeup on the body makes them look so artificial. In fact, most of them didn't look like the real person at all, they look more like a mannequin than the person I remembered.
Personally, I would rather they would just have the casket closed, and have a recent phot of the person on top of the casket.
Subject: Re: Post Halloween Freaky Topic #2
I don't have to worry about that because I am going to live forever. ;)
Serious, I think I would want to be cremated but I would like to have a stone (so my descenents can do geneology at my grave site. lol)
I am with LyricBoy-no open casket. I went to a funeral one time where the casket was opened. I couldn't go near it without falling apart-and I was dragged to it. At my step-father's funeral, my mother had his picture up there. That is way she wanted everyone to remember him by. That is way to go. What really bothers me is that many people put so much into funerals. I think they should remember people WHILE THEY ARE HERE!!! Of course, some people do need that closure and a chance to say good-bye. Now, I do try avoid funerals if I can help it. I have pissed some family members off because I don't take stock in funerals like they think I should. I say good-bye to people in my own way and I don't need to see a casket (open or closed) to do that.
Subject: Re: Post Halloween Freaky Topic #2
Right now, I'd want to be buried. But I hopefully have along time to decide.
Subject: Re: Post Halloween Freaky Topic #2
The thought of my body being buried triple sealed within steel, concrete and dirt, retarding the natural process of decomposition is pretty creepy.
Cremation is the way to go for me. It is actually the most natural way to go. In Paleolithic (before c.10,000 BC) and ancient times, that's how people would send off and honor their dead. The Vikings cremated their own in their vessels!
Besides, being interred does take up a lot more room and causes cemeteries to overcrowd. An urn is much smaller. Then again, one can have their ashes scattered in their favorite way; over their favorite ocean, garden, mountain, etc. There's a peace of mind in knowing I will be immediately going back to earth form. Plus the whole cremating process is much more economical. I want to spend my money while I'm alive! :)
Subject: Re: Post Halloween Freaky Topic #2
Cremation is my choice. The thought of laying in a dark casket slowly decomposing, with goodness knows what crawling on my slimey skin..... :o Gives me shivers. Cremation seems more logical. I would prefer my ashes scattered rather then kept in a urn. Now if they could preserve my body like Egyptian mummies I wouldn't mind that.
Subject: Re: Post Halloween Freaky Topic #2
I would rather be cremated . . . As long as they keep the heat down though it can get hot in there.
Subject: Re: Post Halloween Freaky Topic #2
I want to be cremated. No "viewing" either...I want my family to have a party in remembrance.
I hate open caskets...I have only been to one where the deceased looked normal. That was my grandfather. My grandma died 2 years before so he lived alone. We had an Easter party the day before and he handed out homemade cards to all us kids. He died in his sleep in the early morning hours of April 1. They tried to get ahold of him that day and couldn't. When they couldn't on the 2nd my aunt went over and found him. He had bloated a little, but he looked like his old self. He had lost alot of weight since my grandma died. When she died, his heart broke and he was just going through the motions.
Wow, talk about a bummer paragraph.
Subject: Re: Post Halloween Freaky Topic #2
Well, in the words of that great philosopher George Carlin, I want to be blown up.
ALthough actually, I believe that no matter what happens, I will be cremated at least 2-3 times
Subject: Re: Post Halloween Freaky Topic #2
I definitely want to be cremated. Like a few others said, the thought of me being reduced to a rotting piece of flesh-in-a-box plain grosses me out!
I also do not want a traditional funeral either, no flowers, no church, parlor or nothing like that. I instead would like for a memorial party to be thrown for me. I want everyone there(including me in my purple urn) Even if they're sad, I want my family and friends to try really hard and have fun. I want them to get drunk, dance and remember me as I was. After all it's my body that's gonna die, I'm gonna live forever! ;D
Subject: Re: Post Halloween Freaky Topic #2
I just came back from a funeral mass, and having thought of this thread at the mass have compiled the features of my funeral:
-Closed casket. Color: High-gloss black lacquer.
-Opening music to ceremonies: AC/DC's "Back in Black"
-Closing music: Kiss' "Rock and Roll all Night (and Party Every Day)"
-Parents of young children encouraged to bring the kiddies. Let them play, cry, or run around during the ceremony. Why not let them have fun? The sound of kids having fun is a great cure for funeral grieving.
-Music for the ceremony will be "upbeat" and definitely not "funeral music". If my loved ones are gonna cry, it may as well be to some cool tunes that we all like.
-Priests and other speakers specifically admonished to NOT tell my wife "Just think... when you die you will get to see LyricBoy again, sooner than you think". I've heard this speech from well-meaning clergy and relatives in the past and, quite frankly, it has only encouraged people to "give up and die" to meet their loved ones again. Not me. I will want my wife & kids to live a LOOOOOng life after I bite the dust. Party on, I say.
Subject: Re: Post Halloween Freaky Topic #2
If I don't request how I want to be buried to my Mother,who the hell knows what will happen??? :(