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Subject: New Series About Reagan.....liberal style
The powers that be are following up thier "West Wing" crap-fest with a movie about Ronald Reagans life ::) When I heard that Barbara Steisand and Hubby along with Alec Baldwin were involved I shuddered.....besides baldwin I heard babs had said SHE would also leave the country if Gore didn't become prez.....Note to Rosie, Babs & Alec...I will GLADLY donate money to help you all LEAVE :D With people like this involved in the project about Reagan they should call it the Hollywierd Reagan Massacre :-/
Subject: Re: New Series About Reagan.....liberal style
The powers that be are following up thier "West Wing" crap-fest with a movie about Ronald Reagans life ::) When I heard that Barbara Steisand and Hubby along with Alec Baldwin were involved I shuddered.....besides baldwin I heard babs had said SHE would also leave the country if Gore didn't become prez.....Note to Rosie, Babs & Alec...I will GLADLY donate money to help you all LEAVE :D With people like this involved in the project about Reagan they should call it the Hollywierd Reagan Massacre :-/
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Regarding this movie: I heard some clips and the trailor for this thing and I had to laugh. It was so fake it was funny.
CBS did finally acknowledge they created several lines and situations for "dramatic" effect, even going as far as literally putting words in their mouths they never even said.
But, CBS might have some sense after all, they have canned it for the time-being. And when it does play, they are moving over to their sister-station Showtime, rather than playing it on regular CBS (both owned by Viacom).
Whats sad is Ronald Reagan will never have the chance to respond to this pathetic movie and attack on his character.
Subject: Re: New Series About Reagan.....liberal style
I thought they cancelled it outright. It was a bad idea to begin with.
Subject: Re: New Series About Reagan.....liberal style
I heard that Babs said "its not a documentry, its a movie!" This makes me just want to do a Clinton series, and portray him the same way as they do Regan, and then note her reaction to this...I hate her sooo much.
Subject: Re: New Series About Reagan.....liberal style
I thought they cancelled it outright. It was a bad idea to begin with.
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Maybe they have in the last few hours, if they did I can't blame them. It is a pathetic excuse for a movie with a blatant undertone.
But, last I heard as of earlier today, it was just being delayed, then will be aired on Showtime later this year.
I heard that Babs said "its not a documentry, its a movie!" This makes me just want to do a Clinton series, and portray him the same way as they do Regan, and then note her reaction to this...I hate her sooo much.
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I doubt they could show a Clinton movie on regular TV. Wouldn't it have to be X-Rated? :D
Subject: Re: New Series About Reagan.....liberal style
I heard that Babs said "its not a documentry, its a movie!" This makes me just want to do a Clinton series, and portray him the same way as they do Regan, and then note her reaction to this...I hate her sooo much.
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And SHE had the balls to call my state "Colorado"...The Hate State....what a B*tch ::)
Subject: Re: New Series About Reagan.....liberal style
And SHE had the balls to call my state "Colorado"...The Hate State....what a B*tch ::)
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lol...exactly! I really dont like her at all...shes right up there with Rosie and Hillary...
Subject: Re: New Series About Reagan.....liberal style
lol...exactly! I really dont like her at all...shes right up there with Rosie and Hillary...
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Rosie, Hildebeast, and Barbara. The Trifecta of Evil! :D
Aren't they the "3 Horsemen of the Apocalypse" mentioned in the Bible? :D
Subject: Re: New Series About Reagan.....liberal style
Rosie, Hildebeast, and Barbara. The Trifecta of Evil! :D
Aren't they the "3 Horsemen of the Apocalypse" mentioned in the Bible? :D
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Well, I would not put them in that high a respect, but they may well be the 3 horse's as*es of the apocalypse. ;D
Subject: Re: New Series About Reagan.....liberal style
I don't like Ronald Reagan, so I don't care about him getting smeared by some cheesey made for TV movie. It's a frickin' made for TV movie! Did you expect something Uber historically accurate?
Subject: Re: New Series About Reagan.....liberal style
I don't like Ronald Reagan, so I don't care about him getting smeared by some cheesey made for TV movie. It's a frickin' made for TV movie! Did you expect something Uber historically accurate?
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Accuracy should be expected for this project. Because it is based on very recent history, historical lisence is not applicable. The Reagans did have there faults, just as everyone has. To put false dialogue in their mouths that shapes a perosona and signifigant to policy building is reprehensible.
Subject: Re: New Series About Reagan.....liberal style
I don't like Ronald Reagan, so I don't care about him getting smeared by some cheesey made for TV movie. It's a frickin' made for TV movie! Did you expect something Uber historically accurate?
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Well, I guess that is the difference between Conservatives and the others.
Myself, I expect things to be as honest as possible *IF* they are trying to claim it is a true story. And that does not just apply to Republicans, but for anybody. And yes, I would be just as upset if they did a treatment like this about Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Tip O'Neal, or any of the Democrats, because it is very unfair.
A good example is "Primary Colors". While everybody KNEW it was really a story about Clinton, neither the author of the book, nor the producers of the movie claimed it really WAS Clinton. They gave the movie different settings, and totally different (if superficially the same) characters. If Primary Colrs really had Clinton named, I would be just as upset by it as I am about the CBS Reagan movie.
And while you said "it is just a TV movie", an amazing amount of people believe ANYTHING placed in front of them. In my opinion, that is part of the problem. The 70% that have at least come information are ofter shouted down by the 30% that are total morons. If you told them that Reagan created AIDS to kill black gay men, there is 30% that will believe you, no matter how stupid it sounds (and is).
"Reagan" was claimed to be a honest biography. That is the entire problem with it. If they had decided to make a movie of a 3rd rate washed up actor who got into politics, I would not be upset. Even if his last flop featured him acting with a chimp and then in his career he was a mindless baffoon who almost brought us into a nuclear war, that would be fine. In literature, that is called "Satire".
"Animal Farm" by George Orwell was satire, a very thinly disguised attack on communism and the Soviet Union. But the disguise gave it much more credibility and honesty, because it did not claim to be the truth.
But when they use REAL people and real settings, they have the responsibility to be honest about it. That is just common decency and integrity.
Subject: Re: New Series About Reagan.....liberal style
Quoting:And while you said "it is just a TV movie", an amazing amount of people believe ANYTHING placed in front of them. In my opinion, that is part of the problem. The 70% that have at least come information are ofter shouted down by the 30% that are total morons. If you told them that Reagan created AIDS to kill black gay men, there is 30% that will believe you, no matter how stupid it sounds (and is).
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thats amazing you mention that, because just 40 or so minutes ago on the local news, they went to some local high schools and asked random students to tell them everything they could about things in the last 20-30 years in American history, and one of the questions was "Who was Ronald Reagan?"
Amazingly (or not), probably 80% of these kids knew he was a president, and nothing more. They knew nothing else. Most didn't even know what party he belonged to, or that he was shot, etc etc.
My point is: So many young people today have no clue who Ronald Reagan even is, and seeing a totally falsified movie about him will give them a completely false impression of him and his family.
I can't help but wonder if CBS considered this, and ran with the opportunity.
Subject: Re: New Series About Reagan.....liberal style
thats amazing you mention that, because just 40 or so minutes ago on the local news, they went to some local high schools and asked random students to tell them everything they could about things in the last 20-30 years in American history, and one of the questions was "Who was Ronald Reagan?"
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Oh, that is SO true!
I work at a small computer store, and one of the gals that works here has her kids come in after school to hang out until she goes home.
I often put a DVD in one of the computers to keep them occupied, and today I brought in "Joe's Apartment". THe funny thing is when Joe used a phone, it was an old fashioned rotary dial type.
The oldest boy (7) actually turned to me and asked how you used a phone like that!
Schools nowadays give almost no real education. I look at it more as an indoctrination. And they are told that everything they are told is the truth, and they should believe it. A far cry from my 7th grade Science class, where we were told "this is the way we BELIEVE things are".
In my generation, we were well informed that a lot of things were beliefs and theories, and the real truth may come later. Political Science classes were very party neutral, and they tried hard to keep politics out of school.
I only remember one time where a teacher tried to bring in politics to the classroom. In a political Science class (senior year of High School in 1982) we had a topic of Pornography.
The teacher brought in a propaganda book from the 1970's, showing dead kids from Vietnam, and said "To me, this is pornography. This is what your Government did to innocent people." I got up and walked out of the class. I went to the Principal, and the teacher was given a reprimand for his actions.
I was not upset at his belief in it as pornography, it is his right. The problem is his claims, and that he went beyond his simple belief, and tried to indoctrinate us to his belief. Much like teachers do today. My kids have shown me things they had to do for "Earth Day" and the like, and I have protested those actions also. It is OK to teach respect for the planet and it's resources. It is different to say that the president is trying to kill the planet. And when 6 year old kids are told by a teacher that President Bush is killing the planey to make other people rich, that is wrong. I actually had my son ask me why I supported a man that was killing the planet!
Of course, if you want to see how stupid a lot of college kids are today, just turn on The Tonight Show, when Jay Leno is doing a "Jay Walking" show. That alone is enough to make me cry.
Subject: Re: New Series About Reagan.....liberal style
My point is: So many young people today have no clue who Ronald Reagan even is, and seeing a totally falsified movie about him will give them a completely false impression of him and his family.
I can't help but wonder if CBS considered this, and ran with the opportunity.
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I doubt it. How many kids did they think were gonna watch it?
Subject: Re: New Series About Reagan.....liberal style
Well, I would not put them in that high a respect, but they may well be the 3 horse's as*es of the apocalypse. ;D
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lmao! Im definatly writing that one down! (but of course, giving credit to you)...
Subject: Re: New Series About Reagan.....liberal style
lol...exactly! I really dont like her at all...shes right up there with Rosie and Hillary...
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Don't you mean Down there where they all belong...with....http://www.comedyclub.co.za/feature/images/devil.gif
Subject: Re: New Series About Reagan.....liberal style
I guess Ronald Reagan never got to watch his own making of his life?