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Subject: Are they really going to ban cheerleading stunts?
I was reading some articles, and I came across a posting the said they were thinking of banning cheerleading stunts, due to the fact that cheerleaders were getting injured. I am a cheerleader myself and I plan on going into college and being a cheerleader. My favorite thing to do is tumble and and stunts.... they are a lot of fun. Why in the world would they want to ban it? ??? Cheerleading isn't just about yelling, and cheering, and dancing. It's also about flexibility, stamina, and strength. I believe that if it is banned, then the number of cheerleaders in the US will go down. Because stunts are one of the main things that make a person want to become a cheerleader. Personally, I think that if they want to keep any athlete from being injured, they should just take away all sports. Because cheerleaders are athletes too, and cheerleading is a sport also. I am asking for anybody's point of view, or opinion on this matter. Please respond. :)
Subject: Re: Are they really going to ban cheerleading stun
I don't think the stunts should be banned. I agree, they are pretty cool. I don't think I would want my daughter doing them, but that is just the overprotective mommy in me. No matter what you do, you could be injured...as long as the cheer leaders are careful and well supervised I don't see the problem with them.
Subject: Re: Are they really going to ban cheerleading stun
Well, people have been paralyzed from playing football and no one thinks football should be banned. People get in car wrecks every day and cars aren't being banned (even though they do try to ban certain things that tend to cause car crashes, such as drunk driving). The point is, no matter what you do, there's some risk involved. But if you are constantly trying to avoid all risk, then that's not really living. So no, I don't think cheerleading stunts should be banned. It looks cool. They should properly train the cheerleaders before expecting them to do the stunts, but they shouldn't ban the stunts themselves.
Subject: Re: Are they really going to ban cheerleading stun
Thanks for your response. I know what you mean by being overprotective. If I had a daughter I would be a little hesitant about it too. If you think about it though, even if you are spotted, with 3" mats and thirty coaches around, you still have a chance of getting hurt. Honestly, I think that if they are so concerned about the injury levels, then they should do away with football, and track, and wrestling. But oh well.
Subject: Re: Are they really going to ban cheerleading stun
"Well, people have been paralyzed from playing football and no one thinks football should be banned."
I think that is very true, and a very good example. But not only that, I also read that they want to ban cheerleading all together. Allegedly, the cheerleading ckirts and they"stereo-type" of the cheerleaders are leaving an impression on girls claiming that they have to make themselves perfect. they push themselves to reach for a goal of perfection, which they will never have. "nobody is perfect".... and that is true. The impression they are getting is that they have to be pretty, popular, and perfect,(as in body shape and that kind of thing), but its not true.
Subject: Re: Are they really going to ban cheerleading stun
I think most cheerleaders are athletic. They have to do backflips and throws, and they have to be in top shape for that.
I knew a lot of high school cheerleaders and in addition to being excellent athletes, they were also very intelligent and exhibited great leadership skills, so they most definitely did not fit the "stereotype" :)
Subject: Re: Are they really going to ban cheerleading stun
well you are right, but I am talking about younger girls who want to grow up too fast and want to be like them and look like them and act like them. That isn't what i think of cheerleaders though, and that may be because i am one. But hey, the people are jealous because they are pretty or jealous because they can't do as much as the cheerleaders can.
Subject: Re: Are they really going to ban cheerleading stun
whats next, making cheerleaders cover their entire body, neck down with clothing because their outfits are "too revealing?" Come on, some thigns go way too far...
Subject: Re: Are they really going to ban cheerleading stun
yes, but it can also go the other way. For instance, having their skirts "too short". I mean, it just depends on how you look at things
Subject: Re: Are they really going to ban cheerleading stun
Well, people have been paralyzed from playing football and no one thinks football should be banned. People get in car wrecks every day and cars aren't being banned (even though they do try to ban certain things that tend to cause car crashes, such as drunk driving). The point is, no matter what you do, there's some risk involved. But if you are constantly trying to avoid all risk, then that's not really living. So no, I don't think cheerleading stunts should be banned. It looks cool. They should properly train the cheerleaders before expecting them to do the stunts, but they shouldn't ban the stunts themselves.
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Well said. :)
Subject: Re: Are they really going to ban cheerleading stun
Well, people have been paralyzed from playing football and no one thinks football should be banned. People get in car wrecks every day and cars aren't being banned (even though they do try to ban certain things that tend to cause car crashes, such as drunk driving). The point is, no matter what you do, there's some risk involved. But if you are constantly trying to avoid all risk, then that's not really living. So no, I don't think cheerleading stunts should be banned. It looks cool. They should properly train the cheerleaders before expecting them to do the stunts, but they shouldn't ban the stunts themselves.
End Quote
Like CF, I agree.
Don't take life too seriously, no one gets out alive anyway. ;D
Subject: Re: Are they really going to ban cheerleading stun
I knew a lot of high school cheerleaders and in addition to being excellent athletes, they were also very intelligent and exhibited great leadership skills, so they most definitely did not fit the "stereotype" :)
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:-* :-*
I broke my wrist while practicing a cheerleading stunt, but it didn't stop me. If they are trained properly, and the stunts executed correctly, there should be no injuries. Sure, there can always be accidents, but you can suffer the same injuries falling down stairs.
As far as cheerleaders being "stereotyped", it's the same for any athlete. Traditionally, cheerleaders are portrayed as ditzy, blonde, skinny, etc. just as football players are portrayed as dumb, big, and mean. What people don't understand is that cheerleaders must live up to the same standards as any athlete, they must meet the academic requirements, live by the same set of "rules", etc. AND must be in shape physically. I have been stereotyped (on this board, in fact :P) as dumb, ditzy, etc. and I just prove them wrong.
Subject: Re: Are they really going to ban cheerleading stun
Allegedly, the cheerleading ckirts and they"stereo-type" of the cheerleaders are leaving an impression on girls claiming that they have to make themselves perfect. they push themselves to reach for a goal of perfection, which they will never have. "nobody is perfect".... and that is true. The impression they are getting is that they have to be pretty, popular, and perfect,(as in body shape and that kind of thing), but its not true.
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I can see where they're coming from, but there are so many other things that also can make a person feel like they have be perfect: dance, music, drama, figure skating...anything, really. Particularly competitive stuff. But to get rid of them altogether because of the perfectionism often associated with those activities is throwing the baby out with the bathwater, so to speak. I'm a musician, and I think because of it I've become a bit of a perfectionist and feel like I can never be good enough, but I wouldn't give it up for the world. I can't imagine what my life would be like without music. I've just had to realize that if someone thinks I'm good, I have to accept it, rather than beat myself over the head because there was this one tiny little thing that no one noticed that I could have done so much better. In any feild, if you make your goal excellence, rather than perfection, you won't have that kind of problem. But if your goal is perfection, you'll always be disappointed.
Subject: Re: Are they really going to ban cheerleading stun
"Well, people have been paralyzed from playing football and no one thinks football should be banned."
I think that is very true, and a very good example. But not only that, I also read that they want to ban cheerleading all together. Allegedly, the cheerleading ckirts and they"stereo-type" of the cheerleaders are leaving an impression on girls claiming that they have to make themselves perfect. they push themselves to reach for a goal of perfection, which they will never have. "nobody is perfect".... and that is true. The impression they are getting is that they have to be pretty, popular, and perfect,(as in body shape and that kind of thing), but its not true.
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I think my schoolboard banned cheerleading years ago since none of the schools in the area have had cheerleaders for some time.
Subject: Re: Are they really going to ban cheerleading stun
'Scuse my ignorance, but what is the intended purpose of cheerleading?? I'm from the UK, we don't really have it here (but we do have Morris dancers). My understanding of it is that they are there to encourage sports competitors & fans at events, and also to provide 'eye candy' to fill the gaps between phases in these sports. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
If these girls are still of school age, surely issues such as the length of cheerleaders' skirts should be an issue. I know the US culture applauds public displays from children of all ages (beauty pageants, high school proms etc), but do I detect (from other posts in this thread) that the US is now being a little more circumspect over the issues that cheerleading may raise?