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Subject: "Earth Liberation Front" freaks still running free
For those that dont know, the group known as the "Earth Liberation Front" is an extreme leftist group of psychotic morons who act as environmentalists and cause damage to anything they feel is harming the earth. ::) They are also financially sponsored by the nutjobs at PETA.
Anyway, over the past five years, they have caused over $37,000,000 in damage to things from construction projects to lumber yards to auto lots, etc. They even made a trip to my city earlier this month and went through several hotel parking lots and neighborhoods spraypainting "gas hog" on any SUV they could find.
Whats even worse about these morons, is, much like terrorists do after a bombing, they immediatly and proudly claim responsibility and gloat about what they did.
However, they still continue to operate, and despite gloating and even showing pictures of what they have done in newsletters, the FBI has never shut them down. This is dispicable to me. These ******** deserve prison time for the millions of $$$ they have caused.
Just Google these bunch of whackos to see some of the damage they have done, and always got away with.
Subject: Re: "Earth Liberation Front" freaks still running
Does this mean you don't want to join me spiking trees this weekend? ;D
Subject: Re: "Earth Liberation Front" freaks still running
As most people here knows, I lean to the left on most issues but I do not believe in harming anyone or anything to make your point. That is like anti-abortionist killing doctors who perform abortions. It just doesn't make sense. It also defeats the purpose of rallying people to their cause. It just makes people think that they are nut cases. I do believe in freedom of speech. If there is a cause you believe in, rally, protest, write letters, etc. But do not cause any harm. As the Wicca creed says, "Do what you will, harm none."
Subject: Re: "Earth Liberation Front" freaks still running
ELF (Earth Liberation Front) is an offshoot of the "Earth First!" movement. Sick and tired of sitting back and waiting for change, they have gone extreme, and have taken action into their own hands.
ELF is organized like many sophisticated terrorist organizations. Organized into "Cells", it operates much like terrorist groups like Al-Queda, PLO, Action Direct, and Shining Path. And much like other terrorist organizations, it is allied with other similar groups. Most notable among them is "Earth First!", "Revolutionary Cells", the extreemist anti-abortion group "Army Of God", and the "Animal Liberation Front" (ALF).
Just like most terrorist groups, ELF is inspired by a fictional book which was the inspiration for the movement. Most everybody knows that Timothy Mcveigh took inspiration for the bombing in Oaklahoma City from "The Turner Diaries". Robert Matthews and Buford Furrow were also inspired by the same book, and killed many people because of it.
ELF takes as it's inspiration "The Monkey Wrench Gang", a series of books written by Edward Abbey. "The Monkey Wrench Gang" is actually a series of books, written in 1975 with several eco-terrorists as the heros. Some of the characters include a returning Vietnam veteran (like Billy Jack) who is horrified by the "damage" done by mining, road building, farming, dams, and the like. It also features a militant feminist saboteur, a nature tour guide who wages war on hydro dams, and a medical doctor that torches billboards.
This turned into a series of books, each of them featuring the exploits of these eco-terrorists. This book is the manifesto of ELF, and they have gone even further then the original books have.
FOr the past several years, ELF has targeted mink farms, HUMMER lots, SUV owners, Agriculture research facilities, tree farms, housing subdivisions, and more. Among their list of targets are:
*A July 2000 attack that destroyed over 2,000 poplar trees that were being bread to resist a devistating tree disease. The bark was stripped off, killing the trees. After the trees were irreversibly damaged, the ELF announced the attack was not against any one project, but against the Forest Service in general, calling its members "capitalists driven by an insane desire to make money and control life . . ."
*Bombs detonated in 2 San Francisco companies that do business with Huntingdon Life Sciences, a British company that performs controversial animal testing and which has spurred furious protests globally.
*Rick Bogle, a member of ELF was jailed for writing threatening emails to researchers at Wisconsin National Primate Research. Part of the email reads: "Greetings slime: No clearer example of evil incarnate exists than the informed decision to use other primates in hurtful experimentation," he wrote. " . . . Your elimination is justified."
*In 1997, they frees thousands of MMinks from fur farms throughout northern Wisconsin.
*In 1998 did over $12 million in damage to a Vail Colorado housing development.
*Rodney Coronado, a frequent spokesman for both ALF and ELF who served four years in prison for setting a fire at a Michigan State University research facility in 1992, said in a telephone interview that the movement was being wrongly cast in the same category as al-Qaida. His current target is the University Of Arizona, who wants to build a telescope on top of Mt. Graham.
*Bob and Linda Zimbal own one of the largest mink farms in Wisconsin. They have been harassed since 1997. Bob's mother has been sent razorblades and his 10 year old daughter has been harassed and threatened.
*August 2003, over 40 SUVs were torched in a Los Angeles area Hummer dealership. Over $15 million in damage was sone to the lot and other property.
*Also in August, a 260 unit apartment complex under construction was torched in San Diego. ELF claimed responsibility, damage at over $50 million.
It is not surprising that ELF is a leading suspect in the rash of wildfires around Los Angeles and San Diego. ELF has also claimed responsibility for such acts as spiking trees in Northern California and Oregon. This act has injured and killed hundreds of lumbermen in the past 10 years.
Next time you are asked to make a donation to some "environmental group", think twice. These nuts are often associated with groups like Sierra Club and Greenpeace, and actively recruit from it's members. And while these groups may disclaim their actions, they do little to nothing to try and stop them.
Subject: Re: "Earth Liberation Front" freaks still running
OK, I may be mistaken about the tree spiking, but does that mean nothing I said is correct?
If you want to dispute the damage done, just go to the ELF website. It is http://www.earthliberationfront.com
On that site, they proudly claim responsibility for their actions, including the SUV torchings, and the San Diego apartment torching.
Do not mistake me, I am Ecological Environmentalist myself. But I also am aware that humans are part of the environment. With good use of resources, we can both use the environment, and also maintain it.
I lived for many years in Idaho. I used to go hiking and fishing, and even did a little "varmit control" hunting. For those that do not know what that is, it is killing off excess rabbits, ground squirrels, and the like. I am 100% against "trophy" hunting, believing that it is wrong to kill something just for a stuffed head.
My family also owned a Wagoneer, a 1970's predecessor of the current SUV. I myself do not like the idea of people owning those large vehicles unless they are useing them for the purpose they were designed for (carrying large cargo, driving in harsh conditions, etc). But at the same time, I feel no anger at those that do choose to buy one just to drive around town. I just look at them like they are morons.
In fact, when I lived in California and went to visit my mother (in Central Idaho), I would park my car in her garage for my visit. If I needed to go somewhere, I used her jeep. This was because my car normally was not designed to drive on gravel roads with 3'+ of snow on the ground, and because I know how much the locals detest "Californians" poking their nose in local business.
I am one of those people that hates almost all extreemists. I support the right to have guns, but think that those that abuse that right should pay with stiff penalties. I am against abortion for uses other then protection of the mother's health, but would not prevent a woman's "right to choose", and am sickened by those that injure and kill in the attempt to "save babies". I believe in protecting nature and the environment VERY STRONGLY. But I also know that careful harvesting of trees can make forests stronger. And increasing accessability of our forests and natural areas hopefully increases awareness in others.
Forests are VERY resiliant. I recently moved to Alabama, where everywhere you turn there are thick deep growths of trees. My house is surrounded by this. I recently looked at a photograph taken from the air in the 1960's.
Most of the local area then was agriculture, mostly cotton and peanut farming. Mosty clear-cut farmland. In the 40 years since that picture was taken, most of that has returned to forest. 40-50' trees line streets where there were fields at the time I was born. That shows how fast nature can recover when given a chance.
So yes, you are right, most of these fires are set by arsonists. But it has been proven (by their own claims) that members of ELF use arson for political means. And they will destroy trees, buildings, and other things to achieve their political goals.
Subject: Re: "Earth Liberation Front" freaks still running
OK, I may be mistaken about the tree spiking, but does that mean nothing I said is correct?
If you want to dispute the damage done, just go to the ELF website. It is http://www.earthliberationfront.com
On that site, they proudly claim responsibility for their actions, including the SUV torchings, and the San Diego apartment torching.
End Quote
And you believe what you read there? ::) Unless there is physical evidence linking them I highly dispute their so-called "claims". Everytime there is a terrorist event somewhere in this vastly overpopulated planet, several groups step forward to claim responsibility. Leveller heads need to prevail.
Right now we have a so-called "major infestation" of mountain pine beetles that are wiping out vast tracts of forests. The cause: increase in temperature related to global warming. The logging interests have been heavily pressuring the provincial government to suspend the regulations and let them clear cut the diseased trees. And with the bad forest fire season we had this summer, they've stepped up the campaign. What's particularly incidious (spelling?) is that they have been quietly working behind the scenes pressuring to relax the rules to allow them to log parks and wildlife preserves. So much for corporate responsibility, eh. I have a friend who works in the Ministry of Forests and is very much an anti-environmentalist and he had an interesting report that the mainstream media doesn't report. We've had 6 major infestations of the mountain pine beetle in the last 100 years. Our forests survived without our help. I could name several more documented incidents of logging sneakiness just in and around my own town.. like the place were they buried a acre of logging cables, oil drums, wrecked machinery and other items and covered it over and planted new trees. An employee blew the whistle on that one. :)
Anyways, I think I understand the gist of your message. There is no place in the world for extremists. And on that point I completely agree with you. What I took offense to is your generalization to group anyone who cares, or is concerned with the environment, as a dangerous radical.
By the way, did you know that last week they've jailed a 70 year old grandmother in British Columbia because she refuses to sign an agreement to stay off logging roads because she peacefully protested some old growth (what little we have left) logging last year? Yeah, that's justice for you.
I keep thinking of that song by Mike & The Mechanics "Silent Running"... ;)
As for me, i've always been a conservationist with just a hint of anarchist ;D. I only use what I need, not what I want, and can conform it into a lifestyle that looks "normal" without looking like a stereotypical "granola cruncher". I've been recycling since the 1970's and have always considered it a normal thing to do. I've got several thousand dollars in overpriced solar panels on my roof running my power meter backwards. I figure it will pay back in 18 years or less as I add to the system, but that's not the point. I've gained a certain amount of autonomy from the rat race and the system will benefit my son as he grows up and will undoubtedly take it over, it will cost him nothing. My next step is to tackle the car issue. I use transit as I attend school. But I just saw a commercial for a Ford vehicle that runs on hydrogen.
Here's one of my favourite sites: http://www.davidsuzuki.org/
Subject: Re: "Earth Liberation Front" freaks still running
Read the Forum Guidelines before making another foolish comment in reference to modified or deleted posts:
Subject: Re: "Earth Liberation Front" freaks still running
And you believe what you read there? ::) Unless there is physical evidence linking them I highly dispute their so-called "claims". Everytime there is a terrorist event somewhere in this vastly overpopulated planet, several groups step forward to claim responsibility.
End Quote
Actually, I *DO* believe everything I read there. At least, when it comes to things they claim to do. After all, it is THEIR web site. While I dispute most of their claims about things that are "destroying the environment", I accept the fact that they are torching car lots, destroying water plants, and destroying construction equipment.
Some things most of these events have in common, they feature in addition to the damage environmentalist grafitti. This is their "calling card"
Right now we have a so-called "major infestation" of mountain pine beetles that are wiping out vast tracts of forests. The cause: increase in temperature related to global warming.
End Quote
Yes, I do accept Global Warming. But I also see it as part of a 10,000+ year cycle. The earth has been warming since the Ice Age ended 10,000+ years ago.
The Earth has gone through cycles ranging from ice covering the entire surface of the earth to long time periods where there was no polar ice at all. This is all proven. In fact, when compared to the average temperature of the earth, we are STILL in an ice age!
Approximately 5,000 years ago, the Sahara desert was covered with forest and plains. This is proven. Also less then 2,000 years ago, the Death Valley basin was a freshwater lake of great depth. Since then, it has dried up and become one of the hottest and deepest places on earth. This is just another part of the shrinking ice caps and the global climate change. But Nature did this, not man.
Also compared to the extinctions worldwide over the eons, we have had nothing major here. There have been times when 95% of life on earth vanished, often with no explanation.
The logging interests have been heavily pressuring the provincial government to suspend the regulations and let them clear cut the diseased trees.
End Quote
There is a difference between managed forests, and clear cutting. For the most part, I am against clear cutting. It can be good, because it gives other environments for other animals and plants to thrive. But if you are talking about denuding vast areas of forest just for lumber, I am very much against that.
If for no other reason, placing some "clear cut" strips of land helps prevent the spread of fires. And most fires are the results of lightning, not man. Plus those cleared regions give animals such as deer a place to thrive.
Anyways, I think I understand the gist of your message. There is no place in the world for extremists. And on that point I completely agree with you. What I took offense to is your generalization to group anyone who cares, or is concerned with the environment, as a dangerous radical.
End Quote
I agree with your thought in extremists. But it is also dangerous to deny they exist. I admit that 98% of Islam is a peaceful religion. It is the 2% that gives them the bad name. But when that 98% claims that the 2% does not exist at all, that is when they are tuned out as irrelevant.
I care greatly about the environment. Idaho make almost all of it;s money from lumber, farming, and mining. And I am sure if you look, you will not see the kind of damage you see in other areas of the world. That is because they care about their state, and want to see it continue.
By the way, did you know that last week they've jailed a 70 year old grandmother in British Columbia.
End Quote
I did not hear that. I guess it was not major enough to hear about down here in Ala-BLEEPing-Bama. :) So without more info, it would be hard for me to comment. But to some people, "peaceful protest" means chaning themselves to trees and trying to block the equipment. I can see her being arrested in that situation for her own protection.
Well, in some ways I am the same. I am the former Marine (10 years infantry) with long hair and the normal "laid-back California attitude". I love taking long walks in the woods, and can stop and stare for long periods of time at a deer, lizard, or almost any animal I find on my walks. I have trained myself how to identify a great number of animal tracks.
I have also spent a lot of time in other areas. I spent 3 months in Alaska and Yukon. A great many nights wandering the tundra, fishing and watching nature. 3 months in the jungles and rainforest of Panama. I remember comming across some old French canal digging equipment. Mostly it was rusting junk, but the jungle resiliantly reclaimed it. From more then 10 meters away, you would not recognize it for what it was. I spent a lot of time over the years hiking and camping in the deserts of California. And also uncounted nights in the forests and marshes of Alabama and North Carolina.
I have seen areas damaged by all kinds of forces of nature as well as man, and nature always took it back. I saw the devistation of Mt. St. Helens, and when I visited again almost 20 years later, you could hardly tell anything happened. I have been through Mt. Larsen, and the devistation from 100 years ago is repaired.
I have a deep and abiding love for nature, but it's power still can leave me in awe. When I realized that most of the forests around my new home are younger then I was, I was amazed. In less then 40 years SE Alabama went from farmland back to forest. When left alone, nature will always reclaim it's previous area.
As for David Suzuki, I watched his show "The Nature Of Things" every week in the mid-1980's. I have not seen anything by him recently though.
I agree with newer car technology though. Hybred cars are the way to go with current technology. They work the same way our current naval vessels work, and are very efficient. I am waiting for the prices to drop to a reasonable level though. I see SUVs as wasteful for anybody that does not NEED such a vehicle. To me, there was little more wasteful or stupid then a new-generation Yuppie in Los Angeles getting a SUV to drive from Brentwood to Downtown LA. But for people like my mom who lived in a remote area of Idaho, who had to drive over 10 miles of unplowed roads just to get her mail and supplies in winter (10 miles unplowed, 25 miles of plowed highway), I can see how such a vehicle is a lifesaver.
The two of us actually see things very similarly I think. I just take a view of people more as caretakers and assistants to nature. We have only been civilized for around 3,000 years, and industrialized for less then 200 years. While we have done some incredibly stupid things to the environment, I feel that we are getting better. And a lot of things that used to devistate nature (such as disease) are much less damaging now then they used to be.
Subject: Re: "Earth Liberation Front" freaks still running
I did a little research on the forest industry in this area-much is covered by forests. In the 19th century, clear-cutting was what people did around here. The wood was used to build houses, furniture, etc. But, what those people who clear-cut the forests didn't realize what they were doing, they distrupted the ecosystem of this area. Wildlife was displaced. I can't remember what year it was but the state had to import deer to replenished the population. Another thing was the flooding it caused. In 1927, there was a major flood in this area. I don't know how many people parished in that flood. Much of that was due by clear-cutting. The trees were not there to soak up much of the water.
Now, people in this area has seen the errors of their ways. The forests are now back. Yes, lumbering still exists but in a way that will not disrupt the ecosystem. If lumbering is done in a respectful way, the forests can live a long and healthy life. It can also pervent many of the forest fires by cleaning the underbrush that usually acts as kindling in those fires.
A side note, my step-daughter's home was spared by the fires out in the L.A. area. People who lived across the street from her had lost their homes but hers was spared. She said that they had smoke and ashes but the house was otherwise untouched. We are very grateful.