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Subject: "Gay Pride Day" invades Jerusalem this year...
You know, although I don't approve of the gay lifestyle, I have no hatred for the person. But you have to admit, the gay lifestykle is being shoved in our face lately, whether it be on TV, movies, or in this case, over 250,000 gays storming Jaruselam. ::)
Yea, your gay, we get it already. ::)
Subject: Re: "Gay Pride Day" invades Jerusalem this year...
From that article:
Quoting:The Orthodox Jewish groups condemned the June 7, 2002, march as blasphemy, warning it would drive holiness out of the city, the BBC reported. End Quote
Well, here's hoping... if it stops being so holy, maybe they'll stop fighting over it.
I wonder if there's a "Blue Jay Way" parody in there somewhere?
Subject: Re: "Gay Pride Day" invades Jerusalem this year...
But you have to admit, the gay lifestykle is being shoved in our face lately, whether it be on TV, movies, or in this case, over 250,000 gays storming Jaruselam. ::)
End Quote
Yeah, it is, kind of. It's like it's okay to be proud of being gay, but if you're proud of being straight, that's wrong. It's the same as with any other PC thing: make you feel like a bad person for being in the "majority". I believe everyone has the right to be treated with dignity, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, age, or whatever else ends up becoming a factor, but sometimes there's just a lot of double standards out there. That's what bugs me about the whole thing.
Subject: Re: "Gay Pride Day" invades Jerusalem this year...
I wish all people who hate gay pride parades would just turn gay. That way, I wouldn't have to hear them b*tch about it. Plus, they would get what they want. Since there are no homophobes anymore, there will be no need for gay pride parades.
See? Everyone's happy! (Except for a few wives maybe) ;D
Subject: Re: "Gay Pride Day" invades Jerusalem this year...
I wonder if there's a "Blue Jay Way" parody in there somewhere?
End Quote
I wouldnt touch that with a ten foot poll lol
Subject: Re: "Gay Pride Day" invades Jerusalem this year...
What's wrong with Gay Pride days? It's just a lable for a timed event that gays are going to attend. What if it's called Gay Visit day? Or just Gay Day? I say this because one of the innate advantages to being in the majority is that we ARE in the majority and with that there is comfort in numbers.
To get an idea of their experiance attend a gay pride celebration, I'm sure you'll be happy to come back to your majority world.
Subject: Re:
I think the world should have a "Hetero Day" then. ;D
In all seriousness -
I have nothing against gay people. I'm not gay and don't necessarily understand the concept, but I do respect other peoples rights to live their lives as they see fit.
I do agree, however, that the exposure of homosexuality is being overdone in general. Very seldom do I see a TV show or a movie where there isn't a gay couple or the subject isn't being adressed. It gets tiresome.
In my opinion -
I think gay people are already mostly accepted in today's society and have gained more rights as well.
If gay people didn't continually label themselves (and therefore innevitably make it a point that they are different), perhaps they would achieve relative equality.
But again that's just my opinion.
Subject: Re: "Gay Pride Day" invades Jerusalem this year...
I have no problem with them having parades downtown, hell they can have a parade straight across Canada for all I care.
But if they are going to march to holy ground, where the locals are extremely religious and are really not too fond of homosexuality, I don't think they can complain when the "Fit Hits The Shan" (stealing a line from Rice).
Subject: Re: "Gay Pride Day" invades Jerusalem this year...
I have no problem with them having parades downtown, hell they can have a parade straight across Canada for all I care.
But if they are going to march to holy ground, where the locals are extremely religious and are really not too fond of homosexuality, I don't think they can complain when the "Fit Hits The Shan" (stealing a line from Rice).
End Quote
I'm sure that Gays have visted it before, just not in #'s that big. What else is the differance?
Subject: Re:
I think the world should have a "Hetero Day" then. ;D
End Quote
I don't know about you Hairspray, but every day IS a Hetero Day for me. ;)
Subject: Re: "Gay Pride Day" invades Jerusalem this year...
But if they are going to march to holy ground, where the locals are extremely religious and are really not too fond of homosexuality, I don't think they can complain when the "Fit Hits The Shan" (stealing a line from Rice).
End Quote
Exactly. That was my whole point with this thread.
"Gay Day" and "Gay Pride" parades have been going on for years (heck they even have a "Gay Day" at Walt Disney World every year). But for them to go to Jeruselem, the Holy Land of all places, where they know it is going to cause an uproar, is kind of blatant in their intent.
This whole "Gay March to the Holy Land" thing reminds of all of PETA's "shove-it-in-your-face" stunts over the years. :(
Subject: Re: "Gay Pride Day" invades Jerusalem this year...
Reminds me of what happened at Penn State University a few years ago. It seems that the H.O.P.S. Club (that's Homophiles Of Penn State) decided to promote "GAD", or the "Gay Awareness Day".
Well, an enterprising student who was tired of having sexuality jammed down his throat registered a student event called "BAD", for "Beastiality Awareness Day". There was a hue and a cry, but the event had to be approved! Heh heh...
In my opinion, the "Gay Pride" events are ok, but what exactly is there to be "proud" of? I mean, I am hetero but I do not feel "proud" of it. I'm just hetero. I'm proud I earned a good job.
But the Gay community only harms itself when they have people in those "Gay Pride" parades that wear the drag-queen stuff, the assless chaps, and so on. I suspect that a psychologist (who has no axe to grind) would find that those people are, in fact, self-loathers who are specifically NOT proud. And they feed the very stereotypes that more moderate gays would like to see extinguished.