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Subject: Kobe And His Pathetic Defense Attorney
His defense attorney blurts out the accusers name SIX times...she and Kobe smile after and then the judge admonishes her. I thought defense attorney for Blaines killer was a witch but wow >:(
Subject: Re: Kobe And His Pathetic Defense Attorney
Regarding the whole Kobe thing, all I can say is: If he's guilty, fine, throw him in prison. But if this woman is another gold-digger and Kobe didn't do it, then she should be thrown in prison for ruining his reputation.
I have to admit, if I had to make a ruling right now, based on everything I have seen, read, and heard about the case from both sides, I would not convict him.
Its all been based on accusations so far, and if a woman is going to accuase a man of rape, she better be able to come up with a better story than this woman has thus far.
I'm not convinced...
Subject: Re: Kobe And His Pathetic Defense Attorney
Regarding the whole Kobe thing, all I can say is: If he's guilty, fine, throw him in prison. But if this woman is another gold-digger and Kobe didn't do it, then she should be thrown in prison for ruining his reputation.
I have to admit, if I had to make a ruling right now, based on everything I have seen, read, and heard about the case from both sides, I would not convict him.
Its all been based on accusations so far, and if a woman is going to accuase a man of rape, she better be able to come up with a better story than this woman has thus far.
I'm not convinced...
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I agree that a lot more needs to be proven...but remember No J. and Iron Dick Mike :o
Subject: Re: Kobe And His Pathetic Defense Attorney
I agree that a lot more needs to be proven...but remember No J. and Iron Dick Mike :o
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actually, in a special done on FOX last summer ragarding Tyson, many of the jury members who convicted him of rape back then have admitted they aren't totally convicned he did it either, and most of them admitted that if they had it to do all over again, they would not have convicted him. Much like the Bryant case, Tyson's conviction was based on all alleagations and speculations.
Did he do it? I have no idea. But when a woman cries "Rape", she better have some way of proving it, or else its nothing more than her word against his. And history has proven that when it comes to rape charges, the woman always has the upper hand, and the man is basically assumed guitly no matter what.
Subject: Re: Kobe And His Pathetic Defense Attorney
actually, in a special done on FOX last summer ragarding Tyson, many of the jury members who convicted him of rape back then have admitted they aren't totally convicned he did it either, and most of them admitted that if they had it to do all over again, they would not have convicted him. Much like the Bryant case, Tyson's conviction was based on all alleagations and speculations.
Did he do it? I have no idea. But when a woman cries "Rape", she better have some way of proving it, or else its nothing more than her word against his. And history has proven that when it comes to rape charges, the woman always has the upper hand, and the man is basically assumed guitly no matter what.
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Okay...but for o.j. you have to really stretch...but no matter what...I think that defense attorney showed she's quite a snake by saying the accusers name :-X
Subject: Re: Kobe And His Pathetic Defense Attorney
Regarding the whole Kobe thing, all I can say is: If he's guilty, fine, throw him in prison. But if this woman is another gold-digger and Kobe didn't do it, then she should be thrown in prison for ruining his reputation.
I have to admit, if I had to make a ruling right now, based on everything I have seen, read, and heard about the case from both sides, I would not convict him.
Its all been based on accusations so far, and if a woman is going to accuase a man of rape, she better be able to come up with a better story than this woman has thus far.
I'm not convinced...
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:o :oI afree with your first paragraph.So far on what i've heard,I'm not convinced he did it--just my opinion.My gut feeling tells me this is similar to a case in which a woman claimed a couple of football players raped her at a party,with--getthis--several people videotaping the wholw thing!!The woman was later exposed as fabricating the whole thing.Plus the fact that this accuser is mentally ill,and some of her own friends are suspicious of her.I just hope the real truth comes out,and the jurors can keep anopen mind.Cheers!
Subject: Re: Kobe And His Pathetic Defense Attorney
Sorry if I sound like a pr*ck here, but this whole Kobe thing is a case of chickens coming home to roost.
My Mum always says "If you sleep with dogs, do not be surprised if you wake up with fleas".
In Kobe's case, he "slept with dogs"... by that, I mean that he cheated on his wife, broke a solemn vow, and simply felt he was all above that. The "fleas" that he has awoken to is the situation he now has. Is he guilty of rape? I do not know since I am not on the jury and do not have all the evidence.
But he is no hero... nobody to be admired. He slutted around on his wife and his newborn child. And in all likelihood he still would be slutting around except he got caught slutting around. If your family can not trust you then you are the lowest form of life in my book.
In the end, at best he is a little boy who cheated on his wife and will ultimately leave his baby and its mother because he sees himself as a "player".
His immorality put him into this situation. Maybe it will get him out of it.
Subject: Re: Kobe And His Pathetic Defense Attorney
My post might be deleted because it might not be propper use of words but I'm going to speak my mind anyway.
First off the girl who is accusing Kobe of rape sounds like she is very confused about herself. She has been through some horrible things in her life from what I have read. I have been through some bad times so I understand what its like. You are young and confused. I hope she straightens her life out for her sake.
Why did she even go up to Kobe's room? Its like at a workplace you have to treat everybody the same. I am a guy but I'm not at work to pick up women. I'm there to work and do actual job. So that goes back to my question why did she even go up to Kobe's room? She should have been just doing her job like she was supposed to do. That may sound sexist to some females on this board but thats a question that should be addressed.
Finally, like Tracy McGrady said when this happened with Kobe just stay with your wife. I don't understand why Guys have to cheat on their wives or girlfriends. My postion is when you love someone and they love you back you have part of each others heart when a man and woman love each other. You don't want to break that bond that a couple have by cheating with someone.
Subject: Re: Kobe And His Pathetic Defense Attorney
My post might be deleted because it might not be propper use of words but I'm going to speak my mind anyway.
First off the girl who is accusing Kobe of rape sounds like she is very confused about herself. She has been through some horrible things in her life from what I have read. I have been through some bad times so I understand what its like. You are young and confused. I hope she straightens her life out for her sake.
Why did she even go up to Kobe's room? Its like at a workplace you have to treat everybody the same. I am a guy but I'm not at work to pick up women. I'm there to work and do actual job. So that goes back to my question why did she even go up to Kobe's room? She should have been just doing her job like she was supposed to do. That may sound sexist to some females on this board but thats a question that should be addressed.
Finally, like Tracy McGrady said when this happened with Kobe just stay with your wife. I don't understand why Guys have to cheat on their wives or girlfriends. My postion is when you love someone and they love you back you have part of each others heart when a man and woman love each other. You don't want to break that bond that a couple have by cheating with someone.
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She made a bad choice by going to his room...but that does NOT give him the right to do what he may have done. Sadly..IF he DID do it, his money will probably get him off...like he did with her...most likely ::)
Subject: Re: Kobe And His Pathetic Defense Attorney
She made a bad choice by going to his room...but that does NOT give him the right to do what he may have done. Sadly..IF he DID do it, his money will probably get him off...like he did with her...most likely ::)
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...that is, if he did it, and if they can prove he did it. ;)
We are all "presumed innocent until proven guilty" in a court. But unfortunately, when it comes to rape accusations, its more like "presumed guilty until you can somehow prove you aren't" >:(.
Subject: Re: Kobe And His Pathetic Defense Attorney
...that is, if he did it, and if they can prove he did it. ;)
We are all "presumed innocent until proven guilty" in a court. But unfortunately, when it comes to rape accusations, its more like "presumed guilty until you can somehow prove you aren't" >:(.
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But defense attorneys are mainly SLIME...Let's ignore all the D.N.A. evidence in the NO J. trial....and they'll probably ignore the fact that her blood was found on Kobe...maybe some rogue cop planted it ::)
Subject: Re: Kobe And His Pathetic Defense Attorney
OK, as a woman, I feel I have to respond to this. And, you probably aren't expecting my response...
I don't believe he raped her. I think she went up there, had sex with him, then got upset when he asked her to leave. As others have stated, she was emotionally unstable. Supposedly, he held her down by her neck, yet there were no visible marks on her neck. And, there is evidence that she had sex with another male within 24 hours of Kobe. Sorry, but I just don't buy it.
Don't get me wrong, I am not condoning cheating on your wife, but I honestly believe that is the only thing he is guilty of. As 80s_Rocked said, in cases of rape, it is the accused that has to prove his innocence. And, the accuser won't even have to testify, which I don't necessarily agree with. In most cases of child molestation, the accusers testify, but not in a rape case? Why is that?
Subject: Re: Kobe And His Pathetic Defense Attorney
I don't understand how people can say that there is evidence in this case. The trial hasn't even started yet. I think a lot of people are basing their opinions on speculation. And I really don't think that the DA's office would go ahead with pressing charges unless there was something that might indicate his guilt.
I agree that everyone is innocent until proven guilty. But everyone seems ok with labelling her as a depressed wh*re who knew what she was getting into, a fat paycheck.
Everyday I see his smiling face on Access Hollywood. I see interviews with other players defending him. All she seems to be getting are death threats, and interviews with friends who talk about how messed up she is.