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Subject: David Blaine
David Blaine is currently sitting in a box above The Thames in Britain.
Fourmost I would like to know what you think about the whole thing and secondly, if the stunt was staged in your country, do you think the crowd would react in the same way as the cynical Brits or do you think they would react more positively to the illusionist.
Subject: Re: David Blaine
I've thought about this after reading the harrasment (I admit I chuckled to myself) that he is subject too. I would hope that he was not harrassed to that extent he has been if he was here but I kind of welcome it too. I have to wonder, why is he doing this? It is completely and thoroughly unimportant, there is no "cause" for him to be subjecting himself, and it's not a very thrilling thing to watch.
Subject: Re: David Blaine
I think Brits - like Aussies - are not altogether tolerant of "poseurs". I mean - if he was doing it to fundraise for charity that would be one thing - but he is up there for his own needs and desires and publicity. I think if he did it here in Aus he would get just as many eggs and tomatoes thrown at him as he is getting in London !
I dont think that its cynicism - they probably just think he is stupid - I know I do !!
Subject: Re: David Blaine
I have to wonder, why is he doing this? It is completely and thoroughly unimportant, there is no "cause" for him to be subjecting himself, and it's not a very thrilling thing to watch.
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My opinion is that he is trying to gain publicity in Britain. Unfortunately, it is having an adverse effect. Someone tried to hack at his water supply at one point and Blaine had a bit of a shock when people were flashing 'lazer sticks' - He thought a sniper was going to shoot him!
However, for me, the funniest crowd participation occurred when someone attached a hamburger to a remote control helicopter and started flying it around his box, making sure David Blaine could see it.
In a way, I think Blaine got what he deserved. People are genuinely cheering him on but, because he is undergoing a silly stunt, he should expect 'medieval style' ridicule for it.
Subject: Re: David Blaine
Quoting:I think Brits - like Aussies - are not altogether tolerant of "poseurs". End Quote
It is true that we have a similar mind-set.
Quoting:I dont think that its cynicism - they probably just think he is stupid - I know I do !!End Quote
Heh heh! I was trying to find a diplomatic word but I think what you said suits me.
When he gets down from having starved himself for over a month, he is going to be landed with a £100,000 to £150,000 fine because of the increase in policing over the area around this time.
Subject: Re: David Blaine
I bet he can't wait to get out of that box and eat like a pig.
I would if I had to do that stunt for 44 days. :P ;D
Subject: Re: David Blaine
I won't subject everyone to the Emile Heskey joke... it'd require me to explain who Emile was, right guys?
Subject: Re: David Blaine
I won't subject everyone to the Emile Heskey joke... it'd require me to explain who Emile was, right guys?
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Lol. I think I know where this is heading, Bobo. Go on give the joke a blast. :D
Subject: Re: David Blaine
For your benefit or for everybody else's benefit? >grin<
David Blaine has apparently given up his 44 day stunt of doing nothing in a box, as he realises he'll never approach Emile Heskey's record of doing the same thing for the last four years.
Lol. I think I know where this is heading, Bobo. Go on give the joke a blast. :D
End Quote
Subject: Re: David Blaine
For your benefit or for everybody else's benefit? >grin<
David Blaine has apparently given up his 44 day stunt of doing nothing in a box, as he realises he'll never approach Emile Heskey's record of doing the same thing for the last four years.
End Quote
Ha ha! Class joke, Bobo!
Now for some explaining: Emile Heskey is a British football (Soccer) player. When we refer to someone 'being in the box' we are talking about a footballer's position in the opponents goalmouth. The joke is saying that Emile Heskey hasn't scored goals for ages.
Very funny. :D
Subject: Re: David Blaine
In his best days, I'd have said that even the Great Dane Peter Schmeichel would have a better record than that.
Ha ha! Class joke, Bobo!
Now for some explaining: Emile Heskey is a British football (Soccer) player. When we refer to someone 'being in the box' we are talking about a footballer's position in the opponents goalmouth. The joke is saying that Emile Heskey hasn't scored goals for ages.
Very funny. :D
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Subject: Re: David Blaine
I wonder how many more days he has left to leave the box so then he can go to The Sizzler and then stuff his face with food? :D ;)
Subject: Re: David Blaine
Quoting:I wonder how many more days he has left to leave the box so then he can go to The Sizzler and then stuff his face with food? End Quote
I think he has a week or so to go, Howard.
Subject: Re: David Blaine
I think publicity stunts are very stupid. I must admit that I have admired Harry Houdini but he was basically the first doing publicity stunts and many have followed in his footsteps. Like BMG stated, if it was to raise funds that would be one thing but just to get your name in the paper or have your face on t.v. it is just plain STUPID!!!!!!
Subject: Re: David Blaine
I think publicity stunts are very stupid. I must admit that I have admired Harry Houdini but he was basically the first doing publicity stunts and many have followed in his footsteps. Like BMG stated, if it was to raise funds that would be one thing but just to get your name in the paper or have your face on t.v. it is just plain STUPID!!!!!!
End Quote
It's because he is a celebrity that he can get away with doing stunts. If I stuck myself in a box for 44 days I would get on the news all right. The headlines would just read 'Stupid man sits in a box'.
Subject: Re: David Blaine
I think he has a week or so to go, Howard.
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I hope he can survive another week. :P :D
Subject: Re: David Blaine
1st Thought: This guy has got find something better to do
2nd: Who's dumber? David Blaine or the people who came by to watch him? ;D
3rd Thought: Why do I care? ::) ???
Subject: Eee By Gum
The British are cynical..and quite dumb..from my point of view (me being a typical 'hate' teenager..of course). Its true about the celebrity thing...appently he wanted to be remembered as the greatest showman on earth..ohh whoo hoo..you can sit in a box for 44days. The British tabloids have been flooded recently with, alongside the up-to-date news from Blain (ooh he yawned...yawned!!!) stories of men who have according to a money-grabbing newphew..starved himself from everything but water...and cigarettes(what you ask?) for 72 days...make of this what you will, but us cynical Brits don't like to 'admit defeat', in the way they don't won't to say 'yes i really think hes doing it'....they'd rather say the most obscure excuse..like 'he sneaks out at night for a chippy tea'.. Anyhoo, it is, in the end, a big publicity stunt, and as someone mentioned if he were not a celeb, then he would be no doubt arrested.
And as much people say their not interested..they're still thirsty for knowledge of his happenings. Hats off to him, hes got the nation gripped..even if they don't celebrate him. May i add i am deeply ashamed, because technically i am discussing it and therefor have been 'drawn in'. Also there are some crazed Blain-fans out there...beware!
* Apologies if i offend anybody, and ignore my use of 'their' as this is not direct and, does, in a way, include me..i'm not to good at directing pieces.. I, We, They, You??*
Subject: Re: David Blaine
A "magic secrets revealed" type show last year revealed how he did his last "endurance" stunt when he stayed in that block of ice for a long time. The show even went as far as re-enacting it to show how it was done.
Did any of you see that? It was very interesting.
But anyway, after I saw that, this trick with him sitting in a box seems like no big deal. For all you know, it might not even be him in there.
Its getting absolutely no coverage here in America, or at least not any that I've seen. In fact, this thread is where I learned about it. Is it highly publicised in Britain?
Subject: Re: David Blaine
A "magic secrets revealed" type show last year revealed how he did his last "endurance" stunt when he stayed in that block of ice for a long time. The show even went as far as re-enacting it to show how it was done.
Did any of you see that? It was very interesting.End Quote
How did he survive the big block of ice then, 80sRocked?
As for the stunt being highly publicised, let's say that everybody in Britain knows about it.
Subject: Re: David Blaine
How did he survive the big block of ice then, 80sRocked?
End Quote
It was really simple, once I saw how it was done.
well, periodically, his "crew" would blast some liquid nitrogen onto the block of ice so "seal the seams" and to refreeze any melting that may have occured throughout the day. Well, naturally, this substance creates a lot of fog, and when the area would be filled with this fog, Blaine would switch places with a "stand-in" for a few hours until the next time they "re-sealed" the cracks and seams on the block of ice. Since there was all this fog around and people assumed it was natural, it was a perfect cover for him to switch places.
Here's where it gets cool: under the ice was a small chamber with food and drinking water. The floor of the block of ice could be removed just enough allowing him to quickly trade places with the "stand-in".
After I saw all this, David Blaine's "stunts" aren't so amazing anymore.
They also revealed how he did all those "Street Magic" specials. Lets just say 99% of it was creative post-production editing. ;)
Subject: Re: David Blaine
He was on one show and he just ripped his heart right out of his body.fainted after that. euuu! :P :o ;D
Subject: Re: David Blaine
In the world of magic -
It's all an illusion.
Subject: Re: David Blaine
So anyone know the status of him lately? ???
Subject: Re: David Blaine
So anyone know the status of him lately? ???
End Quote
Here's the latest on him Howard
I think he only has a few more days to go.
One of the 'comic' newspapers was trying to organise something for today where people stood near him and set their mobile phones off all at the same time. Then they were going to have a picnic or something.
Subject: Re: David Blaine
I think this sums up my feelings best:
(he says, hoping it stays available long enough to be seen)
Subject: Re: David Blaine
David Blaine looks so awful.He really needs to eat something. :(
Subject: Re: David Blaine
This is great, a stunt of so little merit/entertaiment/message/purpose/meaning/social statement/etc is going to end with little care, even for Blaine himself.
Subject: Re: David Blaine
Blaine should have tried this stunt after his near death experience with the block of ice. He must be a masochist or something. :o
David Blaine looks so awful.He really needs to eat something. :(
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Subject: Re: David Blaine
Blaine should have tried this stunt after his near death experience with the block of ice. He must be a masochist or something. :o
End Quote
I assume you are being sarcastic. :)
Blaine is a magician. These "stunts" and "near-death" experiences are nothing more than magic, or if you prefer, illusion.
Blaine's "Block of Ice" trick was revelaed, as said above. I don't buy this starvation thing in the box for a minute. Maybe if he was in a glass box on the ground, where every angle could be seen by the public 24/7, I would possibly believe it.
But since he is up in the air where not everyone can see all angles of this box...
Its a long drawn-out magic trick...nothing more.
I will sum up the day he emerges from the box: He will stumble out of the box and possibly collapse because of his weakness from the starvation, just like all the other "stunts" he has done. Then he will make his rounds on all the talk-shows describing his "harrowing" experience in the box.
Puuuuuulease...just as scripted. :) ::)
Subject: Re: David Blaine
Well, the great con trick is over...Sky TV getting copious amounts of mileage by showing the whole 'release' live...!
So, after 44 days of food deprivation, what does the bloke do?
Strolls out of the box, smiling...!
After 40-odd days without nourishment, you'd be half bloody conscious...!
And, even better, he then proceeds to take half his clothes off! On a cold night like this, taking your clothes off would test the strongest of people...!
Well, s'pose it was a bit of fun...that said, if he really wanted to push his mind, body and soul to the limit in a box, he could always try commuting up to the smoke on a Connex train for a couple of months...!
Can't we put a certain Mr T. Blair in the box next? (And hopefully forget about him?)
Subject: Re: David Blaine
Can't we put a certain Mr T. Blair in the box next? (And hopefully forget about him?)
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Stick Gordon Brown in there as well - Both are as bad as each other. :-/
Subject: Re: David Blaine
As Paul says, for his next trick, he should stand out in the autumn cold without food, waiting for some form of public transport to arrive...
A certain Sunday newspaper, after this event, tested Mr. Blaine's urine, the headline being "We take the p*** out of Blaine". Funny stuff.
All that said, given that Derrin Brown faked what he did last week or... whenever, that's only increased my respect for what David Blaine did.
Subject: Re: David Blaine
David Blaine is a crazy rubba ducka! ::)
Pointless stunts should be left to the crackpots who will do anything to get on "Real TV".
Subject: Re: David Blaine
A certain Sunday newspaper, after this event, tested Mr. Blaine's urine, the headline being "We take the p*** out of Blaine". Funny stuff.
End Quote
...sounds like a start to a "I get a kick out of you" parody, sort of:
We take the pi** out of Blaine
Forty-four days
In a box, if it pays
It's still a stupid thing to do
Blaine, we'll take the pi** out of you
Subject: Re: David Blaine
Stick Gordon Brown in there as well - Both are as bad as each other. :-/
End Quote
It would have to be be a darkened box for Blair- (a) to continue the comfort level he feels with his head up his a** (his normal situation), and (b) so we wouldn't have to look at his weasely little face.
As for Brown, I don't find him as repugnant as Blair- I'd imagine the chances of him going without food for any length of time are pretty remote :D
As for Blaine, what a load of old tosh. If he was some yogi doing the fasting for real, then I could see why it would attract attention- I can't see why people are so fascinated by a prolonged conjuring trick. Sadly his little episode has had the desired effect for him, in that he's gained massive publicity & will probabaly gain financially from it. I don't begrudge him this (in fact, I admire his effrontery), am just confused as to why so many people displayed the level of interest they did. Perhaps it's because the media told them to... ???
Subject: Re: David Blaine
...sounds like a start to a "I get a kick out of you" parody, sort of:
We take the pi** out of Blaine
Forty-four days
In a box, if it pays
It's still a stupid thing to do
Blaine, we'll take the pi** out of you
End Quote
... in full and unexpurgated here
PS Hairspray - is "taking the pi**" really that in need of censorship?
Subject: Re: David Blaine
David Blaine show do 50 laps around an olympic sized swimming pool filled with Hellman's Mayonnaise wearing an astronaut suit.
Then I'll be impressed. ;D
Subject: Re: David Blaine
Quoting:PS Hairspray - is "taking the pi**" really that in need of censorship?
End Quote
Annoying as it may be to you, you know the drill. Sorry mate.
Subject: Re: David Blaine
Starving yourself is not a magic trick. That's just being a loser that wants attention.
Subject: Re: David Blaine
His next stunt he says will jump off The brooklyn bridge and land safely somehwere. :o
Subject: Re: David Blaine
His next stunt he says will jump off The brooklyn bridge and land safely somehwere. :o
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Subject: Re: David Blaine
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Maybe he'll catch cold with pneumonia. >:(
stupid idiot! ::)