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Subject: The Joys of America
I really always think about this. How happy and proud I am to be living in America. Everything about America just utterly rules, hand down. I love how Americans are mostly mixed, thus they are thier own people, they don't look like the British or French or Germans. They just look American. I really like to figuere out what is inherently American, so here is my List of American Only things:
1. Racoons
2. Possums
3. Bison (Buffaloes)
4. Rock and Roll
5. Country
6. Rap
7. Cowboys (WESTERNS)
8. American Humor ( we have our own brand) ;D
Now I'll let you add some American only things. Inherently American!!
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
* Trash TV talk shows
* TV evangelism
* Monolithic fast food chains
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
1. Racoons
2. Possums
3. Bison (Buffaloes)
4. Rock and Roll
5. Country
6. Rap
7. Cowboys (WESTERNS)
8. American Humor ( we have our own brand) ;D
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Raccons eh? Yup that's definatly only in America
Bison......oh come on.
You've never been outside the U.S. have you.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
I like... um... Football! Go Steelers!
I also like that we have our own unique spelling (e.g. "color" instead of "colour"). I also like how the last letter of the alphabet is Zee and not Zed just so the ABC song rhymes better.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
Only country where the poor people are fat. (Thank you, Chris Rock)
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
Raccons eh? Yup that's definatly only in America
Bison......oh come on.
You've never been outside the U.S. have you.
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What are you talking about!!? Bison are ONLY in America. It is a fact that they are native!
large hoofed mammal, genus Bison, of the cattle family. Bison have short horns and humped, heavily mantled shoulders that slope downward to the hindquarters. The European bison, or wisent , Bison bonasus, has a less luxuriant mane and beard than the American species, B. bison. The American bison is commonly called buffalo , although true buffalo are African and Asian animals of the same family. B. bison is characterized by a huge, low-slung head and massive hump; its legs are shorter than those of the wisent. Males may reach a shoulder height of over 5 ft (1.5 m), a body length of 9 ft (2.7 m), and a weight of 2,500 lb (1,130 kg). The winter coat of the American bison is dark brown and shaggy; it is shed in spring and replaced by a coat of short, light-brown fur. Bison graze on prairie grasses, migrating south in search of food in the winter. They formerly roamed in vast herds over much of North America, especially on the Great Plains, and were hunted by Native Americans for their flesh and hides. With the arrival of European settlers they were subjected to a wholesale slaughter that resulted in their near extinction.
See there is a bison in Europe but it is different and is called a Wisent:
It is a close relative of the American bison, B. bison. Longer legged and less heavily built than its American cousin, the wisent may reach a height of 54 to 60 in. (137-152 cm) at the shoulder, and a weight of more than 1 ton (908 kg). It has brown hair and short upcurved horns. Its hump is less prominent than that of the American bison and its coat less shaggy. In the wild the wisent is a forest animal; it browses on leaves, ferns, and bark. Females give birth after a gestation period of 9 to 10 months, usually to a single calf. Abundant in Europe in prehistoric times, wisents remained numerous until the early Christian era.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
Gas Stations and Fire works "super-stores", I mean they actually sell both at the same place...seems very dangerous to me...well, these may only exist Tennessee!! LOL!! :P
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
Only country where the poor people are fat. (Thank you, Chris Rock)
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I assume you are suggesting that poor people are fat because they are well fed. NOT True. Poor people aree fat because they are NOT well fed. Their diet consists mostly of starches (including, in some cases laundry starch - cooked with salt and pepper into a gruel - filling, but with no nutritional value). Malnurished people are often obese because of their unbalanced diet. And the number of hungry people in this country is increasing. There was an article in our local paper about the increase in "food shelf" use and the decline in contributions. Hunger in the land of abundance! And tax cuts for the rich. Makes me sick :'(
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
I thought it was because the cheapest food was the least healthy, eg. KFC, McDonalds etc.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
I think Claude was being ironic, DC. :)
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
I think Claude was being ironic, DC. :)
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No, afraid not. It's a matter of perspective. I could've said it's the only country where the "poor" people have cable or automobiles. It's a shame--and, yes, it makes me sick--that the great opportunities in this country are often wasted by people who have always been told that the world owes them something. Every parent learns that's a disastrous message to send your kid. It's lousy parenting, and it's lousy government. The bottom line is, whoever has the least is going to be considered "poor" no matter how well they're taken care of. People don't starve here. Plenty of people make unhealthy choices, but that's not exclusive to the lowest income bracket by any means. I'm proof of that.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
Hey, y'all fergot...
1. Baseball
2. Hot Dogs
3. Apple Pie
4. and Chevrolet... :P
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
What are you talking about!!? Bison are ONLY in America. It is a fact that they are native!
End Quote
Dude I didn't mean to make you angry or anything, it's just that those facts are wrong. Bison are not only native to America. There used to be millions of Bison in Canada. Although now there's hardly any. So I see what your getting at. ;)
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
Hey, y'all fergot...
1. Baseball
2. Hot Dogs
3. Apple Pie
4. and Chevrolet... :P
End Quote
Hot dogs aren't American though I guess you have made eating them an art form !
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
so here is my List of American Only things:
1. Racoons
2. Possums
3. Bison (Buffaloes)
4. Rock and Roll
5. Country
6. Rap
7. Cowboys (WESTERNS)
8. American Humor ( we have our own brand) ;D
End Quote
Possums? I could have sworn we had those in Australia...if not I have some other creature running across my roof at night.
You're right about the humour though...you spell it wrong ;)
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
and yet manages to stay so humble.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
3. Apple Pie
End Quote
Surely people thought of putting apples in pies before America came about ;)
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
and yet manages to stay so humble.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
No, afraid not. It's a matter of perspective. I could've said it's the only country where the "poor" people have cable or automobiles. It's a shame--and, yes, it makes me sick--that the great opportunities in this country are often wasted by people who have always been told that the world owes them something. Every parent learns that's a disastrous message to send your kid. It's lousy parenting, and it's lousy government. The bottom line is, whoever has the least is going to be considered "poor" no matter how well they're taken care of. People don't starve here. Plenty of people make unhealthy choices, but that's not exclusive to the lowest income bracket by any means. I'm proof of that.
End Quote
Well, I'm not sure who is wasting opportunities. IBM just layed off 500 people in Vermont and more in other states. Hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost over the last few years. The food shelf in Rutland VT can't keep up with the demand. Even in my little twon of 2500 or so, THERE IS HUNGER. People, old and young, don't have enough to eat, and rely on charity to "keep the wolf at bay". Schools are failing to educate too many kids (despite "No Child Left Untested").
Sure, everyone makes bad choices at some point, but I think it is a hugh mistake to blame the victim. Like blaming the slaves for slavery.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
Hot dogs aren't American though I guess you have made eating them an art form !
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The Hot Dog was invented by Oscar Meyer... :P ;D
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
Surely people thought of putting apples in pies before America came about ;)
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Oh, yeah, sure....
Like who? The Dutch?? Who ever heard of Dutch apple pie!!
Oh, wait...
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
and yet manages to stay so humble.
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What's wrong with pride for your country?? I LOVE America and would never live anywhere else. America is the Only country that has 2+ Mountain ranges, deep canyons, Deserts, Tropics, Swamps, Praries, Tundras, Vast Woodlands, etc. We have aboslutley everything. We have vast amounts of wildlife, trees, and plants of all kinds. In Alabama they even have some Asian plants. We have the largest and best selection of food in the world! We have technology galore! The only other countries that are even close to America's greatness are : England, Japan, and Australia!
( I say australia especialy, due to the fact they are young like us, and are producing some great movies!!)
( Japan, because of thier High Economy, and Technolgy, and thier personal spreading of thier culture, like America has spreaded thiers)
(and England, because they started our Country up and contributed our National language, as well as giving rich traditions)
Speaking of traditions, America has the BEST! We have Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, Super Bowl Sunday, The 4th of July, New Years, St. Patrick's Day, and of course the best Holiday by far, Christmas. It should also be noted that with the exception of Halloween, Christmas is the Holiday with the richest and largest amount of Traditions. Not to metion the great music!
Nope Nothing better and.....
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
2+ Mountain ranges
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Wow 2 mountain ranges, as apposed to Canada's 10000 or so.
Oh and almost every country celebrates those holidays in some way or form.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
What's wrong with pride for your country??
Speaking of traditions, America has the BEST! We have Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, Super Bowl Sunday, The 4th of July, New Years, St. Patrick's Day, and of course the best Holiday by far, Christmas. It should also be noted that with the exception of Halloween, Christmas is the Holiday with the richest and largest amount of Traditions. Not to metion the great music!
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There's nothing wrong at all with having pride in your country. It's good to face the fact it may possibly have a few faults too though.
As to your traditional holiday list, I think a couple of those may have just originated elsewhere...
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
and yet manages to stay so humble.
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Subject: Re: The Joys of America
I agree :D
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Subject: Re: The Joys of America
Possums? I could have sworn we had those in Australia...if not I have some other creature running across my roof at night.
You're right about the humour though...you spell it wrong ;)
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Uhhh, are you sure they're not kangaroos? Or maybe bison? Or......they could be gigantic spiders... ;D ;D
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
Uhhh, are you sure they're not kangaroos? Or maybe bison? Or......they could be gigantic spiders... ;D ;D
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Couldn't possibly be bison...they're only in America...
as to the spider comment....I'll get you my pretty!
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
We do have possums in Australia, but they are marsupial possums.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
Well, I'm not sure who is wasting opportunities. IBM just layed off 500 people in Vermont and more in other states. Hundreds of thousands of jobs have been lost over the last few years. The food shelf in Rutland VT can't keep up with the demand. Even in my little twon of 2500 or so, THERE IS HUNGER. People, old and young, don't have enough to eat, and rely on charity to "keep the wolf at bay". Schools are failing to educate too many kids (despite "No Child Left Untested").
Sure, everyone makes bad choices at some point, but I think it is a hugh mistake to blame the victim. Like blaming the slaves for slavery.
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People have always come to America from all over the world --millions of ‘em--for the opportunities created by economic freedom (AKA capitalism). Sometimes it's difficult to feel sympathy for anyone who makes a choice to remain unemployed in the wealthiest nation in the history of the world. Anyone who really wants a job--I mean REALLY wants a job--can find one, and everybody knows it. Maybe not a lucrative, glamorous job with all the union goodies, but food service was good enough for me for fifteen years and believe me, every place I worked was always looking for help. And I’m sorry, but the first problem the disadvantaged have is the cycle of poor parenting that allows them to grow up with no work ethic, and the second problem is the people who do them no favors by telling them they don’t need one.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
What's wrong with pride for your country?? I LOVE America and would never live anywhere else. America is the Only country that has 2+ Mountain ranges, deep canyons, Deserts, Tropics, Swamps, Praries, Tundras, Vast Woodlands, etc. We have aboslutley everything. We have vast amounts of wildlife, trees, and plants of all kinds. In Alabama they even have some Asian plants. We have the largest and best selection of food in the world! We have technology galore! The only other countries that are even close to America's greatness are : England, Japan, and Australia!
( I say australia especialy, due to the fact they are young like us, and are producing some great movies!!)
( Japan, because of thier High Economy, and Technolgy, and thier personal spreading of thier culture, like America has spreaded thiers)
(and England, because they started our Country up and contributed our National language, as well as giving rich traditions)
Speaking of traditions, America has the BEST! We have Halloween, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, Super Bowl Sunday, The 4th of July, New Years, St. Patrick's Day, and of course the best Holiday by far, Christmas. It should also be noted that with the exception of Halloween, Christmas is the Holiday with the richest and largest amount of Traditions. Not to metion the great music!
Nope Nothing better and.....
End Quote
Sorry but America is not a country, it is a continent. And I don't know how you can say that Christmas is a holiday of the United States, Christmas is celebrated by millions world wide.
I'm not too sure whether or not Rock & Roll was invented in the States but I definately think that the British are the best when it comes to Rock & Roll.
Just my opinion.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
I think the Brits pretty much defined rock and roll and then it just developed from there.
I like the United States...I also like Canada. But if it were up to me, I'd prefer to live in the United States but in a place where I could visit Eastern Canada every now and then :)
There's nothing wrong with taking a little pride in your country. I'm very proud to be an American, just as some of you are proud to be Australian, or British, or Canadian. Every country has its good points (along with the bad) and we have lots to learn from each other, and just as much to give.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
There's nothing wrong with taking a little pride in your country. I'm very proud to be an American, just as some of you are proud to be Australian, or British, or Canadian. Every country has its good points (along with the bad) and we have lots to learn from each other, and just as much to give.
End Quote
That's beautiful man.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
I think the Brits pretty much defined rock and roll and then it just developed from there.
I like the United States...I also like Canada. But if it were up to me, I'd prefer to live in the United States but in a place where I could visit Eastern Canada every now and then :)
There's nothing wrong with taking a little pride in your country. I'm very proud to be an American, just as some of you are proud to be Australian, or British, or Canadian. Every country has its good points (along with the bad) and we have lots to learn from each other, and just as much to give.
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Now that's a REAL patriot.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
I think most of those holidays mentioned originate elswhere in the world it's just that the immigrants who settled in America brought their own traditions with them.ie St. Patricks Day !
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
Now that's a REAL patriot.
End Quote
One who loves his country, and zealously supports its authority and interests. --Bp. Hall.
a person who loves their country and, if necessary, will fight for it.
These are Dictionary defininitions of the word Patriot.
This is what a true Patriot is.
I will put it plainly, no offense to anyone :)
America is the #1 country in the world.
(Yes I said America, because even though, We live in North America, The U.S.A. is usually called America. That is why when people talk about Americans or America The Land of The Free, they mean U.S.A.)
America is the most powerful country. America is the nicest country as well. America is the most beautiful country in the world. Anytime America has a Draft, I will join. Because that is what patriotism is. Defending all that is America. Now, some other countries hate or dislike America because we went to war with Iraq. And the British want Tony Blair out of Office just because he helped America. I can't believe half of what other countries say about America. Just so you know we were originally a peaceful pacifist country. And if it wasn't for America all Europeans would of been under a Nazi Regime.
So, You European countries: Why do you hate America?? Why do you dislike us so, we have only ever helped you. France is horrible, But I never wanted to say this but, What is Your Problem Britain? What did we ever do to You?
I may have English blood in me, but when it comes to countries, my FULL alliegence goes to America. I would never be a Draft Dodger, that is cowardly and completely unpatriotic. I don't see how anyone could of protested the War in Iraq.
Also resinchaser said:
"Sorry but America is not a country, it is a continent. And I don't know how you can say that Christmas is a holiday of the United States, Christmas is celebrated by millions world wide.
I'm not too sure whether or not Rock & Roll was invented in the States but I definately think that the British are the best when it comes to Rock & Roll."
I have no Idea where you are from but your statements are way off. I never claimed those Holidays were only American. Although, Thanksgiving, The Fourth of July, and Superbowl Sunday ARE SOLEY AMERICAN! Plus who came up with all the Christmas music?? AMERICANS. Even though other countries share the same holiday, we have original and wonderful traditions of our own. And the British invented Rock and Roll? HAAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA! That is the craziest thing I have ever heard of. They had nothing to do with its creation.
One final thought. America is better than every country in the world. ( Remember I am an AMERICAN PATRIOT, so don't get mad, because we are better ;D)
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
Good to know you won the war for us.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
Superbowl Sunday
End Quote
There is no real holiday for football.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
I think St. Patricks day is the best holiday there is! Gotta love the green!
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
DizzleJ, what I meant when I said Rice_Cube is a real patriot, is simply that he is not stuck up on thinking that his country is the best.
I beleive that no country is better than any other country. Each have their own pros and cons.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
Well, there's nothing inherently wrong with believing that your country is the best, just don't be too smug about it :P
About the war thing:
I believe that America's entrance into WWII was a catalyst to the Allies winning the war. As I have said once upon a time, without America's (or the USA, as some of you prefer it) intervention, the Brits would be speaking German and the Japanese MIGHT have killed my ancestors and I wouldn't be here today. However, that does not discount the courage and efforts of all the British, Canadian and Australian troops who fought valiantly alongside the Americans. Without all these people, WWII would not have been won.
Thank you for letting me spiel :)
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
Well said brother
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
You need to get out more. Stop watching CNN. The world is a much bigger place that USA!
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
You need to get out more. Stop watching CNN. The world is a much bigger place that USA!
End Quote
Amen to that.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
You need to get out more. Stop watching CNN. The world is a much bigger place that USA!
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Hee hee...CNN sucks ;D
I get most of my news from the net nowadays, and talk radio. I don't like the alphabet channels and especially not MSNBC or CNN. I don't watch FOX either.
There's something to be said for learning and appreciating world history and contemporary history in high school and college.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
Listen I get out all the time, I know what is happening in the world. I know lots of different people who have lived in other countries or travel to other countries a lot. I don't watch CNN, in fact I hardly watch TV.
(there is nothing on anymore, and I'm not watching Queer eye for the Straight Guy!!)
I'm just saying handsdown, America is best country in the world. I would never want to live anywhere else. This is the best place to raise my future kids. I count my self lucky every day, because I am blessed to be in America.
Now there is nothing wrong if you are English or Scottish and you love your country and think you are blessed to live there. I am just saying that I love America and am willing to die for it, in order to protect my family and fellow Americans.
nuff said.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
Why did my topic get so mufilled up!>!> Let's talk about the Joys of America:
1. Higher morals, I'm glad my kids won't have to see commercials with nudity in them.
2. Diversity. I'm glad we have all races and personalities. It keeps things way less boring.
3. Basketball (born in America)
4. The whole Central States, I believe out of all the people I have met, People in the states: Illinois, Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, Wisconsin, all these states called the midwestern or central states. These are the nicest, funniest, all aorund great people, plus Holidays, and Seasons are the best out here!!!
Now add some more please! ;)
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
The only american thing I can think of at the moment are handshakes.
P.S. Basketball was first played in the USA, but was invented by a Canadian, so I don't know if its really an all-American thing.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
The only american thing I can think of at the moment are handshakes.
P.S. Basketball was first played in the USA, but was invented by a Canadian, so I don't know if its really an all-American thing.
End Quote
See? Something from everyone :)
I believe Naismith WAS Canadian but he was at a Massachusetts YMCA when he invented basketball.
Other sports like baseball and American football were derived from cricket and rugby, respectively.
Lots to learn from each other :)
Although I do think baseball is a vastly superior sport than cricket...which isn't really saying much ;D
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
Hi DizzleJ.
I like the ideas America has (the American Dream, the land of the free etc . . .). I would love to go to America one day and I do consider myself a bit of an Americaphile (is that correct?).
A lot of great stuff came from America.
I love my country as well. It is sterotyped as ´stiff upper-lipped´and ´eccentric´but it is my home. I do not have enough pride in any country to fight for it. War is a political thing and I would feel like a puppet to the government.
However, I think it would be nice if we could all love ´the world´as much as own country. :)
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
3. Bison (Buffaloes)
End Quote
...didn't you recently have your bisontennial?
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
Other sports like baseball and American football were derived from cricket and rugby, respectively.
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Baseball looks more like rounders to me ;D ;)
And basketball is a lot like netball.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
the joy of america,- we are the world ruler, the strongest land on the planet, nothing comes close. what we say goes!
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
the joy of america,- we are the world ruler, the strongest land on the planet, nothing comes close. what we say goes!
End Quote
It's smug gung-ho attitudes like this (whether true or not) that makes the USA almost more hated than the French.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
Rice Cube, I'm sorry if I affended you, but america is the world ruler and what we say goes, I was not trying to be "gung ho" or "smug" I leave that to the bush in da house, I was merely stating my feeling or perception of the phrase " joys of america" I personally think america has a very ugly outlook towards the rest of the world, and americans seem to hate themselves as it is. Americans seem like they will never be happy and that will someday surely lead to destruction. I am not american but i live in america and I see the hatered that americans display for their fellow american each and everyday and i makes me sick, but that's neither here nor there. America is a country full of "gung ho" & "smug" people, are you denying that ?, can you be serious?, wake up. Like someone said earlier that is a prime example, "america is the only country where the poor people are fat" that is so true.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
and I don't know why anyone hates the French, I don't hate the French, just because they didn't participate in the Iraq take over, Rice Cube maybe you should ask yourself why you hate the French. Or why do you hate at all? Rice Cube are you American?.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
One who loves his country, and zealously supports its authority and interests. --Bp. Hall.
a person who loves their country and, if necessary, will fight for it.
These are Dictionary defininitions of the word Patriot.
This is what a true Patriot is.
I will put it plainly, no offense to anyone :)
America is the #1 country in the world.
(Yes I said America, because even though, We live in North America, The U.S.A. is usually called America. That is why when people talk about Americans or America The Land of The Free, they mean U.S.A.)
America is the most powerful country. America is the nicest country as well. America is the most beautiful country in the world. Anytime America has a Draft, I will join. Because that is what patriotism is. Defending all that is America. Now, some other countries hate or dislike America because we went to war with Iraq. And the British want Tony Blair out of Office just because he helped America. I can't believe half of what other countries say about America. Just so you know we were originally a peaceful pacifist country. And if it wasn't for America all Europeans would of been under a Nazi Regime.
So, You European countries: Why do you hate America?? Why do you dislike us so, we have only ever helped you. France is horrible, But I never wanted to say this but, What is Your Problem Britain? What did we ever do to You?
I may have English blood in me, but when it comes to countries, my FULL alliegence goes to America. I would never be a Draft Dodger, that is cowardly and completely unpatriotic. I don't see how anyone could of protested the War in Iraq.
Also resinchaser said:
"Sorry but America is not a country, it is a continent. And I don't know how you can say that Christmas is a holiday of the United States, Christmas is celebrated by millions world wide.
I'm not too sure whether or not Rock & Roll was invented in the States but I definately think that the British are the best when it comes to Rock & Roll."
I have no Idea where you are from but your statements are way off. I never claimed those Holidays were only American. Although, Thanksgiving, The Fourth of July, and Superbowl Sunday ARE SOLEY AMERICAN! Plus who came up with all the Christmas music?? AMERICANS. Even though other countries share the same holiday, we have original and wonderful traditions of our own. And the British invented Rock and Roll? HAAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA! That is the craziest thing I have ever heard of. They had nothing to do with its creation.
One final thought. America is better than every country in the world. ( Remember I am an AMERICAN PATRIOT, so don't get mad, because we are better ;D)
End Quote
Somehow I don't think you'll ever be offered a job in the Diplomatic service !
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
I agree that The US (not America because there are alot us of
living in the Americas North and South who are not American) is currently the most powerful and rich country in the world but things can be just as good or better in pother countries.
The thing is most of us stay quiet so that the rest of you don't catch on to the good things we have going for us.
this link points to a funny article I came across in the Pittsburg Post-Gazette.
Depending upon your personal opinions there may be a good thing happening north of you folks.
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
Rice Cube, I'm sorry if I affended you, but america is the world ruler and what we say goes, I was not trying to be "gung ho" or "smug" I leave that to the bush in da house, I was merely stating my feeling or perception of the phrase " joys of america" I personally think america has a very ugly outlook towards the rest of the world, and americans seem to hate themselves as it is. Americans seem like they will never be happy and that will someday surely lead to destruction. I am not american but i live in america and I see the hatered that americans display for their fellow american each and everyday and i makes me sick, but that's neither here nor there. America is a country full of "gung ho" & "smug" people, are you denying that ?, can you be serious?, wake up. Like someone said earlier that is a prime example, "america is the only country where the poor people are fat" that is so true.
End Quote
Oh, Mama!
Obviously you are not American. It sound like you almost hate Americans. There are plenty of wonderful American. Americans are not neccesarily smug either. They are just patriotic and proud of thier country. Now please stick to topic.
By the way, some may hate the french, due to the fact that they hate us. Those hairy smelly frogs!! Just kidding..
Subject: Re: The Joys of America
Speaking of kangaroos and American humor, ok, true story, there was this Aussie guy who professed to be a virgin. He decided to get married and on his wedding night, the bride found him stacking all the furniture in the bedroom. "What are you doing?" she asked, "Well if you are anything like a kangaroo, we better have plenty of space!" (went something like that)
Uhhh, are you sure they're not kangaroos?
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Subject: Re: The Joys of America
the joy of america,- we are the world ruler, the strongest land on the planet, nothing comes close. what we say goes!
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Don't get me wrong MAMA I love America, but smug attitudes like this make people hate it.
...Like Rice stated ealier.