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Subject: Interracial Marriage
Here is my deal. The way I look at love is that whoever is perfect for me is, perfect for me no matter what. However, for me there is a problem. My mom has told me that I can only ever marry a white girl. She says she wants her grandkids to have only white in them, purely white only. Now this upset me quite a bit. I said Mom that is a very racist comment. I said, " So what if I meet someone who is pretty, nice and wonderful, loves kids, comes from a good strong family. But she isn't white? Would it still matter then?"
Yep she said. Then she said there would be problems in the marriage because of a mixing of cultures. So I said well, our ancestors were german and french and Irish, yet they got past thier different cultures and found love and joy! Then she said but it will be hard on the kids being mixed. They will be treated badly. I said, "No! There are hardly any racist people anymore! My generation certainly isn't racist! (I am 19)
Anyway my point is I find a lot of woman to be attractive of all races. I also don't feel culture would be a problem today. Anyway I dissagree with my mom, but I wonder If I do find my perfect woman, my soul mate but she is Black or Hispanic or Asian, than what do I do!?!?
Any Thoughts??
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
What would work for you? What would make you happy?
Screw the parents. Do what will work for you in the long run.
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
I would follow my heart. I have dated men from many different races. But, the one who stole my heart happens to be Puerto Rican. ;D To me, love is color blind. I have known people who married someone who they couldn't even speak the same language. If it works for them, who should say anything? I think your mother would want you to be happy (at least most mothers do). If you find a girl who really makes you happy who happens to have a different skin color than you, your mother will just have to get over it because she is not going to be with this girl-you are. And if you do meet someone who makes you very happy and you allow your mother to break you up-you will reget it. Maybe not right away but maybe years later. It is YOUR life, not your mother's. Listen to your heart.
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
:) Just out of interest DizzleJ, what colour are you?
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
I'm sorta kinda partially in favor of interracial marriage, seeing as I'm the product of one.
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
Tell your mom to grow up.
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
Who actually listens to their parents anyway
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
i also come from an interracial family, all i have to say is follow your heart when it comes to love, and forget what your mom thinks, i don't even want to get into that. ::)
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
This is kind of silly. I see tons of mixed couples and I see tons of mixed kids. I see it in my Church, I see it in the pharmacy I work at, I see it on the street everyday! This shouldn't be an issue!
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
:) Just out of interest DizzleJ, what colour are you?
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Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
Here is my deal. The way I look at love is that whoever is perfect for me is, perfect for me no matter what. However, for me there is a problem. My mom has told me that I can only ever marry a white girl. She says she wants her grandkids to have only white in them, purely white only. Now this upset me quite a bit. I said Mom that is a very racist comment. I said, " So what if I meet someone who is pretty, nice and wonderful, loves kids, comes from a good strong family. But she isn't white? Would it still matter then?"
Yep she said. Then she said there would be problems in the marriage because of a mixing of cultures. So I said well, our ancestors were german and french and Irish, yet they got past thier different cultures and found love and joy! Then she said but it will be hard on the kids being mixed. They will be treated badly. I said, "No! There are hardly any racist people anymore! My generation certainly isn't racist! (I am 19)
Anyway my point is I find a lot of woman to be attractive of all races. I also don't feel culture would be a problem today. Anyway I dissagree with my mom, but I wonder If I do find my perfect woman, my soul mate but she is Black or Hispanic or Asian, than what do I do!?!?
Any Thoughts??
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:o :o :oI think you shoyld go with who's compatible,no matter what race.Besides,a lot of Irish people,in fact the whole British islands,have some Gypsy ancestry---like Bill Clinton for instance.No one is sure if they're totally white or not.Also some 'white' eastern European peoples,like Russians,Poles,Ukranians,and Belorusians,were ruled by the Mongols and have some 'Asian' ancestry.Race isn't as defined as some people think.Cheers! ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
Ok here's my thing some people of past generations are against interracial dating. I don't know I guess thats how they were raised back in their day where intrerracial dating was forbidden because of all the racial issues of the 50's and 60's. I know its wrong when parents of today think that way but that is the way it was back then I guess.
It seems like we have better understanding of interracial dating because the younger generation of people today base people on who they are on the inside not what race they are or anything like that like our soceity did 40 years ago.
My opinion I am a white guy I find all kind of woman attractive so whoever I marry or go out with I don't care what their race or ethnicity is. There are so many beautiful women out there!
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
First, the whole notion of "race" is a social construct - see the thread on "the meaning of race". Second, even given our social definition of race, which is very different from the definition in other countries, there is no such thing as a "pure-bred". So, as Joseph Camball said, and Cat and others suggested, "follow your bliss".
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
Eventually, if we have enough interracial marriage, we will only have one race, which seems like a pretty effective strategy against racism.
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
Looks like a resounding positive response to interracial marriage.
I must agree. It is what is on the inside of a person that matters most, not what you can see on the outside. I thought the movie "Shallow Hal" was a great moral lesson on inner beauty.
The only thing I can add to the above posts is to stress that you should try to help your mother understand that.
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
Eventually, if we have enough interracial marriage, we will only have one race, which seems like a pretty effective strategy against racism.
End Quote
Technically, there is only ONE race-the HUMAN RACE.
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
A marriage should be based on love and trust, not race. If a white man loves a black woman or a black man marries a white woman, they should be truly love each other and not just use marriage as a way of getting even with the parents. They should also vow that they will not commit adultery and reveal all the bad they've done as well as good, and try to work things out. I do draw the line somewhat in a mixed religion marriage. I know I'll get reamed for this, but if for example a Jew marries a Muslim, or a Catholic marries an Episcopalian, it would be a conflict of interest. I feel that one must convert to the other, and if both are dead set on their beliefs, then a happy marriage cannot happen. But I don't have any animosity toward people of mixed marriges.
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
A marriage should be based on love and trust, not race. If a white man loves a black woman or a black man marries a white woman, they should be truly love each other and not just use marriage as a way of getting even with the parents. They should also vow that they will not commit adultery and reveal all the bad they've done as well as good, and try to work things out. I do draw the line somewhat in a mixed religion marriage. I know I'll get reamed for this, but if for example a Jew marries a Muslim, or a Catholic marries an Episcopalian, it would be a conflict of interest. I feel that one must convert to the other, and if both are dead set on their beliefs, then a happy marriage cannot happen. But I don't have any animosity toward people of mixed marriges.
End Quote
I am a product of a mixed religious marrage. My mother is an Episcopalian and my dad is a Jew. That is why I practice the Wicca religion. ;D
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
Here is my deal. The way I look at love is that whoever is perfect for me is, perfect for me no matter what. However, for me there is a problem. My mom has told me that I can only ever marry a white girl. She says she wants her grandkids to have only white in them, purely white only. Now this upset me quite a bit. I said Mom that is a very racist comment. I said, " So what if I meet someone who is pretty, nice and wonderful, loves kids, comes from a good strong family. But she isn't white? Would it still matter then?"
Yep she said. Then she said there would be problems in the marriage because of a mixing of cultures. So I said well, our ancestors were german and french and Irish, yet they got past thier different cultures and found love and joy! Then she said but it will be hard on the kids being mixed. They will be treated badly. I said, "No! There are hardly any racist people anymore! My generation certainly isn't racist! (I am 19)
Anyway my point is I find a lot of woman to be attractive of all races. I also don't feel culture would be a problem today. Anyway I dissagree with my mom, but I wonder If I do find my perfect woman, my soul mate but she is Black or Hispanic or Asian, than what do I do!?!?
Any Thoughts??
End Quote
So, what if she's white and Jewish or an Atheist? Would it be okay then?
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
Ok here's my thing some people of past generations are against interracial dating. I don't know I guess thats how they were raised back in their day where intrerracial dating was forbidden because of all the racial issues of the 50's and 60's. I know its wrong when parents of today think that way but that is the way it was back then I guess.
It seems like we have better understanding of interracial dating because the younger generation of people today base people on who they are on the inside not what race they are or anything like that like our soceity did 40 years ago.
My opinion I am a white guy I find all kind of woman attractive so whoever I marry or go out with I don't care what their race or ethnicity is. There are so many beautiful women out there!
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Off topic: Tv---I don't know why, but I always assumed you were a woman. I'm shocked to find out you are a man.
Back on topic: I say do whatever makes you feel good in your heart, and screw everyone else.
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
I rest my case. ;)
J/K Catwoman. You're my favorite Wiccan (other than Willow of "Buffy")
I am a product of a mixed religious marrage. My mother is an Episcopalian and my dad is a Jew. That is why I practice the Wicca religion. ;D
End Quote
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
Off topic: Tv---I don't know why, but I always assumed you were a woman. I'm shocked to find out you are a man.
End Quote
Ok I don't what to say about that. I'm not mad or anything like that though. Like every guy I like pro sports and cars.
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
I rest my case. ;)
J/K Catwoman. You're my favorite Wiccan (other than Willow of "Buffy")
End Quote
AWWWWWW Thanks Indy. I like you too. ;)
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
A marriage should be based on love and trust, not race. If a white man loves a black woman or a black man marries a white woman, they should be truly love each other and not just use marriage as a way of getting even with the parents. They should also vow that they will not commit adultery and reveal all the bad they've done as well as good, and try to work things out. I do draw the line somewhat in a mixed religion marriage. I know I'll get reamed for this, but if for example a Jew marries a Muslim, or a Catholic marries an Episcopalian, it would be a conflict of interest. I feel that one must convert to the other, and if both are dead set on their beliefs, then a happy marriage cannot happen. But I don't have any animosity toward people of mixed marriges.
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I'm not going to "ream" you, just disagree. My dad was raised Lutheran and my mom was Catholic. Their marriage was strong, and lasted until my mom died a few years ago. Sure they had arguments, but never about religion.
I was raised Catholic, and dad had no objections. I married a Jewish woman and celebrated both the Jewish and the Catholic holidays. Our divorce also had nothing to do with religion. My kids, by the way, also celebrate both Catholic and Jewish holidays, understand something of the teachings of both faiths, and respect all faiths.
Now I concider myself agnostic because I don't know and don't care if there is a god (I'll make a joke about this at the end) and am about to marry a Wiccan. That will pose no problem either. I'm perfectly willing to celebrate her holidays and participate in her rites.
The Joke: Have you heard about the dislexic agnostic insomniac? He lay awake nights pondering if their is a dog.
No offence intended.
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
i also come from an interracial family
End Quote
Me too. So I agree. Listen to your heart and not your mom.
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
or if a Catholic marries an Episcopalian.
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I don't think there are two more similar Christian denominations than Catholicism and Episcopalianism. The masses and beliefs are almost identical. The only difference is on looks to the arch-bishop of Canterbury instead of the Pope.
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
:-X :-X :-X
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
I don't think there are two more similar Christian denominations than Catholicism and Episcopalianism. The masses and beliefs are almost identical. The only difference is on looks to the arch-bishop of Canterbury instead of the Pope.
End Quote
Episcopalian is referred to as "Catholic-lite" ;)
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
Tastes great or less filling? 8)
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
Tastes great or less filling? 8)
End Quote
Both. They use real wine in their communion, I'm told. Catholics use those waifers. ;D
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
My Christian Dad married a Buddhist, and that seems to have worked out all right. But I imagine Buddhism a lot more compatible with other religions than many other religions.
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
Interracial Marriages are ok. It's a blended step family that you should avoid.
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
I can't believe there is still racism in the world today. >:(
Months ago I remember going to another messageboard and people were actually supporting the KKK.
Honestly I don't know why anyone would not like someone else because of the color of someone's skin, or religion.
And besides do you listen to your parents anyway? ;)
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
I can't believe there is still racism in the world today. >:(
Months ago I remember going to another messageboard and people were actually supporting the KKK.
Honestly I don't know why anyone would not like someone else because of the color of someone's skin, or religion.
And besides do you listen to your parents anyway? ;)
End Quote
It's sad, but it is out there.
One thing about being an American, it if your God given right to be an idiot here. It is not illegal to be a moron.
I never really saw that until I moved here to Alabama. One of the things that struck me was the girlfriend of the person I moved out here to stay with till I got on my feet.
She drove me around a few times to show me the area, and it was "Nigger this" and "Nigger that". I got fed up with it and told her to stop talking like that around me. SHe actually got offended!
Several times since then, I have had to tell others to not use "that word" around me. It offends me greatly. They all seem to think I am nuts, but they rarely say it again around me.
The most ironic thing is that my friend that I came to stay with is also female. So yes, the gal who said "that word" until I told her to stop is a lesbian. I am sure if I called her a mean term for that she would be offended, but she saw nothing wrong with doing the same thing to another group.
Just goes to show that stupid boorish behavior knows no boundries.
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
It's crazy, but racism still, STILL goes on, even in the 21st century! It's crazy how some racists talk about the people they're racist against, like black people. I knew this one guy who was a racist, and we were watching this special one time on the Ku Klux Klan, and all of a sudden he starts talking about how "niggers" were taking over the country and soon they were taking over the world-I almost died laughing. Not surprisingly this same guy stole $13 off my dresser later on that day. Just goes to show that not only are racists trash, they're hypocrites (especially this one-just the other day he had been talking about how "niggers" are thieves. Huh...).
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
So true! ;D
Eventually, if we have enough interracial marriage, we will only have one race, which seems like a pretty effective strategy against racism.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
It's crazy, but racism still, STILL goes on, even in the 21st century! It's crazy how some racists talk about the people they're racist against, like black people. I knew this one guy who was a racist, and we were watching this special one time on the Ku Klux Klan, and all of a sudden he starts talking about how "niggers" were taking over the country and soon they were taking over the world-I almost died laughing. Not surprisingly this same guy stole $13 off my dresser later on that day. Just goes to show that not only are racists trash, they're hypocrites (especially this one-just the other day he had been talking about how "niggers" are thieves. Huh...).
End Quote
What a loser. ::)
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
I have nothing against interracial or intercultural marraige. I have seen them happen among people I know, and from what I can see, they have a great relationship.
However, I don't think anyone should go into a marraige without knowing who the other person really is, how he or she was raised, what their background or culture is like. Sometimes things a person in one culture thinks of as perfectly normal seem really bizarre to a person of another culture. (As I have found out many times from hanging out with my friends from other countries) The other person may have certain "expectations" of you because of their cultural values. But then, that can happen even among people of the same ethnic background and culture. As long as you both know each other really well and know how to work out your differences, you should be fine.
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
It's sad, but it is out there.
One thing about being an American, it if your God given right to be an idiot here. It is not illegal to be a moron.
I never really saw that until I moved here to Alabama. One of the things that struck me was the girlfriend of the person I moved out here to stay with till I got on my feet.
She drove me around a few times to show me the area, and it was "Nigger this" and "Nigger that". I got fed up with it and told her to stop talking like that around me. SHe actually got offended!
Several times since then, I have had to tell others to not use "that word" around me. It offends me greatly. They all seem to think I am nuts, but they rarely say it again around me.
The most ironic thing is that my friend that I came to stay with is also female. So yes, the gal who said "that word" until I told her to stop is a lesbian. I am sure if I called her a mean term for that she would be offended, but she saw nothing wrong with doing the same thing to another group.
Just goes to show that stupid boorish behavior knows no boundries.
End Quote
All I can say is that racism s**ks, racists are stupid, ignorant idiots, and can be dispicable. They need our sympathy, love, and guidance, not our hate. It may take generations to work, but it is the only way. We are, as Pete Seeger said in one of his songs, and I have said on another thead, all cousins.
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
Good point. I feel sorry for people who can't look beyond their own culture and learn about someone else's. They miss so much!
Subject: Re: Interracial Marriage
Dont listen to your mom.If you do find someone you love thats a different race you tell your mom this is who I love and you have to accept her.You do whats right in YOUR HEART NOT THEIRS.This is one issue where a child should disobey their parents all the time.Unfortuneately some kids are brought up to be racists and dont think for themselves they just listen to their parents.Believe me racism will never end but we can all do are part to crumble it little by little.
Here is my deal. The way I look at love is that whoever is perfect for me is, perfect for me no matter what. However, for me there is a problem. My mom has told me that I can only ever marry a white girl. She says she wants her grandkids to have only white in them, purely white only. Now this upset me quite a bit. I said Mom that is a very racist comment. I said, " So what if I meet someone who is pretty, nice and wonderful, loves kids, comes from a good strong family. But she isn't white? Would it still matter then?"
Yep she said. Then she said there would be problems in the marriage because of a mixing of cultures. So I said well, our ancestors were german and french and Irish, yet they got past thier different cultures and found love and joy! Then she said but it will be hard on the kids being mixed. They will be treated badly. I said, "No! There are hardly any racist people anymore! My generation certainly isn't racist! (I am 19)
Anyway my point is I find a lot of woman to be attractive of all races. I also don't feel culture would be a problem today. Anyway I dissagree with my mom, but I wonder If I do find my perfect woman, my soul mate but she is Black or Hispanic or Asian, than what do I do!?!?
Any Thoughts??
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