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Subject: The Perfect Society
As of now, on the Earth, there is no perfect society.
Man is inherently evil and when given even the least amount of power, they tend to abuse it completely. I suppose one good question would be what would be the attributes of the Perfect Society?
1. No murder, this is one that will probably never be solved, at least until the Millenium.
2. Kindness, man has achieved this at times like Holidays such as Christmas and Thanksgiving.
3. No Deception. No Lieing, Cheating, Stealing, Unfaithfullness.
Man has yet to reach this in Society. In fact Deception is probably one of the World's Worst Problems
4. Complete Harmony with Nature. No Pollution. Only taking what you need from the Earth. Always returning something.
5. A society without rich or poor. But equal economics.
I, as you all know, am a strong believer in the Scriptures. And many of you I am sure have heard of Armageddon or The End Of The World or Doomsday. I also believe in the Millenium, which is after Armegeddon, in which Jesus Christ will rule as King of the Earth for 1000 years. Now obviously, this would be the perfect society. No Death, No Sinning, Being ruled by a Perfect and Righteous King.
Now, I have a growing fear that we are soon fast approaching Armegeddon. If you are familiar with the Signs before the Second Coming, then you will have realized that many prophesies have been fulfilled. It is written that many great evils will come upon the Earth. This I am not looking forward to. I don't want to see death or wars that result in Huge numbers of deaths. However, I am trying my best to stay in the right, so that I can hopefully be on the side of good.
Any thoughts on any of this??
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
I have absolutely no desire to live in a perfect world.
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
Me either, living in a perfect world would be boring and pointless, but then if it was boring and pointless would it be perfect? It wouldn't happen anyway, look how unperfect we are.
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
I'm not going to say anything here... :-X
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
two book suggestions: "The giver"-Anne Lowry and "1984"-George Orwell...theres your perfect world defeated.
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
Add "Brave New World" to the list...
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
Hi Dizzle.
I am also looking forward to the coming of Christ and the Millennial reign.
As you can see from the posts above, what other hope is there? ;D
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
It all depends what you define as "perfect society"...
...your definition may not be the same as someone else's...
...therefore, I think it's one of those things that's not going to happen...
...that said, doing away with politicians, solicitors and snotty traffic wardens would be a start...!
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
I am also looking forward to the coming of Christ and the Millennial reign.
As you can see from the posts above, what other hope is there? ;D
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I see this as one of the problems with religion.
I don't believe this will happen, so if I want a better society I have to work for it myself. Given that no mere mortal could ever hope to create a society like the Millennial reign, why bother?
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
Ooo ooo! Erm... ???
No suppression of another's will.
No over-the-top undue pain.
I think that'd do. 8) ::)
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
I see this as one of the problems with religion.
I don't believe this will happen, so if I want a better society I have to work for it myself. End Quote
To be honest, Tao, before Jesus came into my life I couldn't give a rat's patootie about a better society, unless it directly effected me. I was very selfish, "looking out for number one" as they said in the 70's. Jesus opened my eyes to a better way. Today, I know I can do nothing without Him.
Given that no mere mortal could ever hope to create a society like the Millennial reign, why bother?
End Quote
Because Christ is no mere mortal... ;)
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
Nobody lives in a Perfect World. Just listen to Huey Lewis.
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
Perfect society? Can't exist. I don't think I'd want to live without pain. Pain and suffering are what make the good parts of life worth living.
Isn't that what makes paintball better than laser tag? ;D In laser tag, there are no consequences when you are hit. Paintball is more satisfying simply because there is more pain. Just a silly example. ;D
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
Add "Brave New World" to the list...
End Quote
yeah, almost forgot about that one...
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
For my perfect world, I would need an end to-
Athletic "ich", halitiosis, smelly pits, US made cars of the '70's, hair of the 80's, body hair, poor vision, 3.2 beer, "beer goggles", trailer parks w/ permenant residents, reality TV, movies featuring Adam Sandler, boy bands, crack heads, plumbers butt, tofu, shitzu's, VD, ADD, PCP, SUV haters, baggy pants, all copies of the movie Bagger Vance, combover hair, vehicles with mini spares, breast implants, angry rants, over 40 hour weeks, Bush when he speaks, my bed frame when it creaks, pantyhose, panty lines, big dogs panting, yellow teeth, Yasmine Bleeth, eye brow piercing, public nursing, runny eggs, steak cooked well-done, well water, water on the knee, knee to the groin, just the word "groin", wilted lettuce, any cabbage, brussle sprouts, people who pout, ... and monkeys, they really creep me out.
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
you cant have a perfect world...it is impossible....further, I would never want to live in a pefect world.....or, at least a perfect world as you see it (which is the normal thing that comes to peoples minds)...Id like MY world to be perfect, but wouldnt everyone....MY perfect world would be for everything to go my way....I wouldnt have to write three 6 page term papers in one day....I wouldnt have to deal with allt he idiots ont he road....I wouldnt have any problems to my personal world...that would be the perfect world that I would live in....
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
you cant have a perfect world...it is impossible....further, I would never want to live in a pefect world.....or, at least a perfect world as you see it (which is the normal thing that comes to peoples minds)...
End Quote
Nice to dream though, int it?
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
I don't believe in a perfect world. Because if the world was perfect there wasn't anything worth fighting for simply because, everything would be perfect. And life without pain & suffering would be good for awhile but forever? Without pain there is no happiness and if there isn't happiness & pain how would we feel?
If the world was perfect for me I would have all my dreams come true and everything I've ever wanted would be mine but then what would I be looking forward to achieve? Nothing and that would be dreadful.
Its just not possible. Well, nothing is impossible (except for my wish of being born like 20 years before but oh well.) but there aren't much possibilities of it happening. that's my point of view.
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
Forgive me for eliminating the religious overtones of this thread. That said, I don't think there will ever be a "perfect" world, but I DO think we can do better. Several people have projected a perfect world as one without challenges. Why? We could look at human history as one of overcoming challanges, and that seems to me more realistic. We are, and always have been, faced with challenges that we have overcome. It's call PROGRESS. As long as we make progress we could think of ourselves as moving toward, but never achieving, a perfect world. So I say forget about arrmagedon and the second coming and focus on solving the problems and neeting the challenges we face. Think globally, act locally.
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
I forgive you Carlos ;D ;D
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
I forgive you Carlos ;D ;D
End Quote
Thanks GF. Let me add another thought. It sems to me that just about everyone - with few exceptions - wants a better world, and that applies especially to both religious people and to we leftist/liberal/reformist/... types. The Liberation Theology movement within the Catholic Church rejected both "godless (that is Soviet) communism" and capitalism because neither, in their view, could realize what they considered to be the heart of Christ's message - the meek shall inherit the EARTH (not pie in the sky). Herbert Apthecker (a Marxist historian) called for a Marxist-Christian diologue, and Fidel once said that when true Christians recognize that there is much more of the Christian vision in Marx than in capitalism, an unstopable force would be created.
The point of all this is to say that I, for one, don't care whether your motivation derives from religion or from any other source. As long as your goals are social justice, brotherly love, peace, and prosperity for all, I'm on your side. And, call my a cockeyed optimist if you like, I think we can, as a human family, move together toward these goals.
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
What we call "society" is actually an abstraction. It doesn't really exist. What does exist are individuals, each wired to behave in what he perceives to be his own self-interest. It's a good thing. But something that doesn't exist can't be perfect; the best we can hope for is for those individuals to enjoy as much freedom and responsibility as their nosy-ass neighbors will allow them to pursue their individual happiness.
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
Thanks GF. Let me add another thought. It sems to me that just about everyone - with few exceptions - wants a better world, and that applies especially to both religious people and to we leftist/liberal/reformist/... types. The Liberation Theology movement within the Catholic Church rejected both "godless (that is Soviet) communism" and capitalism because neither, in their view, could realize what they considered to be the heart of Christ's message - the meek shall inherit the EARTH (not pie in the sky). Herbert Apthecker (a Marxist historian) called for a Marxist-Christian diologue, and Fidel once said that when true Christians recognize that there is much more of the Christian vision in Marx than in capitalism, an unstopable force would be created.
The point of all this is to say that I, for one, don't care whether your motivation derives from religion or from any other source. As long as your goals are social justice, brotherly love, peace, and prosperity for all, I'm on your side. And, call my a cockeyed optimist if you like, I think we can, as a human family, move together toward these goals.
End Quote
I'll have to do some reading up on Marx. It does seem that the early apostles practiced a form of communism in that those who were unable to work were provided for by those who could work. I do believe that the earth will not be destroyed, but renewed, and that is what the "meek" will inherit, a literally renewed planet earth.
Also, the Bible does not teach that we are to lay around doing nothing waiting for Christ's return. We are to do what we can to work toward "social justice, brotherly love, peace, and prosperity for all" among other things, as you mentioned Carlos.
Alas, I think you are a little more optimistic about our "human family" than I am, though.
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
What we call "society" is actually an abstraction. It doesn't really exist. What does exist are individuals, each wired to behave in what he perceives to be his own self-interest. It's a good thing. But something that doesn't exist can't be perfect; the best we can hope for is for those individuals to enjoy as much freedom and responsibility as their nosy-ass neighbors will allow them to pursue their individual happiness.
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Sorry, but I beg to differ. "Society" is not an abstraction, but a culturally defined reality. In our John Lockian, Jeffersonian, Madisonian tradition you are more right than wrong. But you make a big mistake in projecting that set of ideas onto other parts of the world where they have no power and no influence. In short, and I mean no offence by saying this, your post is based on a Eurocentric view of the world, one NOT accepted by many peoples who inhabit it. In fact, most people view the world from a "corporatist/tribal perspective. Very different from our "western individualaism". I advance no judgement between the 2, just point out the vast difference between them.
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
I'll have to do some reading up on Marx. It does seem that the early apostles practiced a form of communism in that those who were unable to work were provided for by those who could work. I do believe that the earth will not be destroyed, but renewed, and that is what the "meek" will inherit, a literally renewed planet earth.
Also, the Bible does not teach that we are to lay around doing nothing waiting for Christ's return. We are to do what we can to work toward "social justice, brotherly love, peace, and prosperity for all" among other things, as you mentioned Carlos.
Alas, I think you are a little more optimistic about our "human family" than I am, though.
End Quote
Hay GF,
I can in no way claim to be a biblical scholar, but from my limited understanding of the teachings, I would have to agree with what you said.
Might I suggest to you that, although I might be "more optimistic" than you, in any case, my ethical/moral/political commitment and your religious commitment lead us both to the same place - to struggle for "social justice, brotheryly love, peace and prosperity for all". To my mind, that makes us allies in a noble (religious) struggle.
As to being more optimistic, let me gently (very gently) chide you. If the project we both have outlined is truely God's design, how can you be pessimistic as to it's ultimate success? In other words, as Adam Clyton Powell use to say, "Keep the faith baby". ;D
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
Ahhh, Carlos...
The only thing I am pessimistic about is that man will bring about perfection in the world. How can we, as imperfect beings, bring about that which is perfect?
My hope lies in the Lord. Peace will never fully exist world-wide without His return to set things right. I've got faith, baby!! ;D ;D But my faith lies in the Lord, not men...
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
Sorry, but I beg to differ. "Society" is not an abstraction, but a culturally defined reality. In our John Lockian, Jeffersonian, Madisonian tradition you are more right than wrong. But you make a big mistake in projecting that set of ideas onto other parts of the world where they have no power and no influence. In short, and I mean no offence by saying this, your post is based on a Eurocentric view of the world, one NOT accepted by many peoples who inhabit it. In fact, most people view the world from a "corporatist/tribal perspective. Very different from our "western individualaism". I advance no judgement between the 2, just point out the vast difference between them.
End Quote
Sorry, but I also beg to differ. I don't see how anyone--whatever culture they belong to--can fail to accept the reality that we exist as individuals. It's not "Eurocentric"; it's common sense. I'm a person, living my life. You're a person, living yours. USA Today may see me as an "employed white male" or "former smoker" or whatever group they choose to include me in on a given day--that doesn't give that group any substance. They're just numbers in the paper that represent real individuals. That principle doesn't change with geography, or because you say it does. People are people. A is A.
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
Ahhh, Carlos...
The only thing I am pessimistic about is that man will bring about perfection in the world. How can we, as imperfect beings, bring about that which is perfect?
My hope lies in the Lord. Peace will never fully exist world-wide without His return to set things right. I've got faith, baby!! ;D ;D But my faith lies in the Lord, not men...
End Quote
I'm not sure how to take this and wonder what it implies for how you live your life. If you believe God has a purpose for you than you have to act on it, right? If you believe God wants you to pursue his work, than whether you, as a person can achieve that goal or not is irrelevant, you have to pursue it regardless, no?
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
Sorry, but I also beg to differ. I don't see how anyone--whatever culture they belong to--can fail to accept the reality that we exist as individuals. It's not "Eurocentric"; it's common sense. I'm a person, living my life. You're a person, living yours. USA Today may see me as an "employed white male" or "former smoker" or whatever group they choose to include me in on a given day--that doesn't give that group any substance. They're just numbers in the paper that represent real individuals. That principle doesn't change with geography, or because you say it does. People are people. A is A.
End Quote
Try living your life for a day as a pure individual, untouched by anything for which another peron is responsible. No car, no electricity, no water, no cloths etc.
We are social beings. We produce our lives socially, and not just our lives, our ideologies as well. "It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being that detrermines their consciousness." You and I, and evveryone else are products of the societies in which we were raised.
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
Try living your life for a day as a pure individual, untouched by anything for which another peron is responsible. No car, no electricity, no water, no cloths etc.
We are social beings. We produce our lives socially, and not just our lives, our ideologies as well. "It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but, on the contrary, their social being that detrermines their consciousness." You and I, and evveryone else are products of the societies in which we were raised.
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Not a single luxury? Kidding; of course my fellow individuals conspire to make many products and services available for my consumption; they do this not because they are my societal brothers but because they wants my cash. We associate with others all the time; we influence and are influenced by others all the time--hopefully these associations are voluntary as much as possible. It works extremely well if we keep government interference to a minimum.
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
I'm not sure how to take this and wonder what it implies for how you live your life. If you believe God has a purpose for you than you have to act on it, right? If you believe God wants you to pursue his work, than whether you, as a person can achieve that goal or not is irrelevant, you have to pursue it regardless, no?
End Quote
Right, and yes, Carlos.
God has a purpose for every life. As a Christian, I focus on living my life to bring glory to Him. This means loving (helping) others, giving of my time and resources to do so. It also means living peaceably with others, as much as is possible. And probably most important, preaching the Gospel, using words if necessary. ;)
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
Right, and yes, Carlos.
God has a purpose for every life. As a Christian, I focus on living my life to bring glory to Him. This means loving (helping) others, giving of my time and resources to do so. It also means living peaceably with others, as much as is possible. And probably most important, preaching the Gospel, using words if necessary. ;)
End Quote
So you are working to make a better world. Therefore, even though our motivations differ, we share the same goals, and that was the point. ;D
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
The perfect society? I'll settle for seeing George Bush booted out of office. That's a step in the right direction.
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
The perfect society? I'll settle for seeing George Bush booted out of office. That's a step in the right direction.
End Quote
I agree 100%
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
The perfect society? I'll settle for seeing George Bush booted out of office. That's a step in the right direction.
End Quote
Make that 3!
Subject: Re: The Perfect Society
Me either, living in a perfect world would be boring and pointless, but then if it was boring and pointless would it be perfect? It wouldn't happen anyway, look how unperfect we are.End Quote
That's the problem I face. I long for a better world but it appears to me that a better world wouldn't be better (?)
I think a perfect world is a subjective notion. We all have our own ideas of what makes a better world in relation to our preferences and tastes. My perfect world would be to have my nan and grandad back again (God bless them). I'm not sure if it would be a relevance let alone an idea of somebody else's perfect world (and rightfully so).