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Subject: Double Standard?
A pair of Guantanamo detainees - who happen to be British citizens - are having their case 'considered' by the U.S.
I've read through this a couple of times and i can't work out why they are getting special treatment. I mean, personally, i think the whole Guantanamo Bay issue is a load of sh- crap - but why are these two getting a leg-up - just cos they have British passports? ???
Subject: Re: Double Standard?
I've just read the report and I think all that's happening is that there were talks about the British citizens being tried in a civil court rather than a military one. This is no more than other countries have asked for for their detainees. Its just that you haven't read the Australian equivalent I suspect.
Subject: Re: Double Standard?
No, i haven't. But that still doesn't change anything. Having an Australian passport is no more relevant than being a British citizen.
Subject: Re: Double Standard?
I think you missed my point.
What I'm saying is that they are not asking for special treatment because they are British. They are just asking for the trial to be held in the civil courts. And this is no more than any other government is doing.
Subject: Re: Double Standard?
Yes, but the U.S. is 'considering' these ones. They aren't really doing that for any Arab countries. Shouldn't they be 'considering' it for all of them, not just a couple of them?
Subject: Re: Double Standard?
How do you know that they're not? See my first post
Subject: Re: Double Standard?
There should be no special treatment for British citizen or any others. All persons accused of a criminal offence should have access to a fair and speedy trial (doesn't the US constitution guarantee this?)
There is one country, I believe it's Indonesia (but the Auusies might know bette, that, if a foreign government begins to intervene in a death row case, the execution is carried out immediately. This avoids political pressure.
If any double standards wrt to this issue, it's that America has recently invaded Iraq to bring Saddam to justice for war crimes when Guantanamo bay is a war crime in progress!
Subject: Re: Double Standard?
There should be no special treatment for British citizens or any others. All persons accused of a criminal offence should have access to a fair and speedy trial (doesn't the US constitution guarantee this?)
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Maybe this is GW trying to save Blairs @ss? Would brits allow the USA to detain their citizens in a military base in Cuba? And to take away their rights? I think this is politics.
Subject: Re: Double Standard?
All persons accused of a criminal offence should have access to a fair and speedy trial (doesn't the US constitution guarantee this?)
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Yup. Ever wonder why these people are being tried in an off-shore military base and not actually in the United States? :)
Subject: Re: Double Standard?
Australian-born David Hicks is also being held at Guantanamo Bay, and the Australian government has inteceded on his behalf also. There's a second Australian citizen held there too, but because he's Middle Eastern by birth everyone seems to have forgotten him.
Subject: Re: Double Standard?
If there are any double standards wrt to this issue, it's that America has recently invaded Iraq to bring Saddam to justice for war crimes when Guantanamo bay is a war crime in progress!
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Indeed. Isn't it a term of the Geneva Convention that prisoners of war be released at the conclusion of hostilities? How long has the war in Afghanistan be over now?
Subject: Re: Double Standard?
A pair of Guantanamo detainees - who happen to be British citizens - are having their case 'considered' by the U.S.
I've read through this a couple of times and i can't work out why they are getting special treatment. I mean, personally, i think the whole Guantanamo Bay issue is a load of sh- crap - but why are these two getting a leg-up - just cos they have British passports? ???
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What about the Canadian being held without representation in New Mexico for the past 21 months?? He is white. Has valid explosives permits and now when some group with a hard-on for the World Trade Centers did their thing, the US government decides everything he does is now illegal (yet the rules and laws have yet to be changed). And no, the US government says he didn't sell explosives to any foreign nationals. ???
Go figure...
Subject: Re: Double Standard?
Maybe this is GW trying to save Blairs @ss? Would brits allow the USA to detain their citizens in a military base in Cuba? And to take away their rights? I think this is politics.
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How about the double standards by the whining liberals...they get to bad mouth GW but God forbid if anyone ever cut down clinton in his days ::)