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Subject: What's really so bad about Political Correctness?
I always here people complaining and complaining non-stop about "Political correctness gone wild", or "PC has taken over the country!". It's kinda of become a hip way of acting like you are against something, when in reality you may not know what in the world you are against. It seems a lot of the anti-PC people just want to sound like some angry person that's got a beef with society and the establishment. I guess it's easier to say you hate PC then paying the dues to join up with an angry militia that is constantly training out in the back woods for the "day the Federal Goverment takes over the country".
I simply wonder what all the fuss is about, and why so many folks think PC is a bad thing?
There is no question that political correctness has it's absurdities, and it's abuses. But fundamentally I believe in the core reasoning behind PC,----basic human courtesy and decency. It's about respecting other people and simply being kind with the words you choose to describe others or their condition. Too many times, the anti-PC crowd seem to focus on the absurd side of PC and use that as their rallying cry against the tyrannical and evil Federal Goverment that is forcing this vicious Nazis lifestyle down their throat. (yes I was being sarcastic with that comparison, but a lot of people act like it's that bad).
So you are really that upset that you can't go around calling folks a n*gger? Or a wetbag? Do you like making Jewish jokes? Do you really want to have offensive carcitures of a group of people being paraded around in public view for all to see? Those that have mental disabilities may not have wanted, or their families may not have wanted the term "retarded" to be used since that word has been abused so much. He's such a retard!. Ofcourse, the kinder PC version of "mentally challenged" has been picked on and laughed at as well so that one really isn't very good anymore. What's so bad about selecting less harsh words for those that hare severly overweight? Tell me what is so bad about being courteous to your fellow human being?
As I said, I acknowledge that PC has it's absurdities and absues, but I would like to hear a really good reason why you hate PC. And I want to hear exactly how PC has "taken over"? Give me examples please.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
"Political correctness" has lost all meaning, in my opinion. It's been argued and debated too much, and I wholeheartedly agree that it has become a hip way to say you're against something. But in defense of the anti-PC, political correctness pretty much represents ONLY the abuses and absurdities, only the forced inoffensiveness that is pushed onto people. Using your words courteously, calling a fat person "obese" instead of "lard," that's not political correctness. That's courtesy.
Quoting:Do you like making Jewish jokes? End Quote
As a matter of fact, I do. I have Jewish friends who laugh at them. I have Jewish friends who tell them. And I dream of a day where I can make racist jokes and everyone can laugh and no one will even consider the idea that I actually believe in such stereotypes.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
"Political correctness" has lost all meaning, in my opinion. End Quote
Political Correctness started out as something usefull, and has evolved into this never-ending deletion of words that supposedly "offend" everyone and their brother. I once heard an ACLU attorney actually say "if it offends a Bulgarian 3 minutes off the boat, it must be removed...". What he was basically saying, is that if anyone might be offended by something, no matter how small or subtle, Political Correctness will remove it. That to me is absurd.
To get an idea of just how utterly stupid and rampant Political Correctness has become, read the book "Language Police", it is about the volumes of so-called "offensive" words that are now being deleted from school texbooks. Among them are "housewife"(considered sexist), and "founding fathers"(considered sexist) ::).
Political Correctness is out of control, and it will only get worse.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Without taking sides in this debate, let me point out that WORDS CARRY MEANING. Our slang no less than formal discourse. Irish people are not Miks, Puerto Ricans are not Spiks, African Americans are not Nig... (hate that word), Jerish people are not Kikes etc. To use those words is not to celebrate diversity but to denigrate. It smacks of both racism and elitism, and gives the impression, whether intended or not, that the "other" is less of a person than those in the dominant group.
While working my way through college, there were lots of black people in my factory, and they told jokes insulting to themselves in my presence. Some were very funny, but most were rather pointed, like "what do they call a black millionaire in Alabama? (Do I need to supply the answer?).
My advise would be to just think about whether the words you use convey the meaning you intend.
AS to "housewife", my first wife was not nor will my wife-to-be be married to my house (my bed is IN my house, but WE were, are, and will be in the bed). Home maker might be a more accurate term - and we can both be described in that role.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I think people should be PC if they want, but they shouldn't change books. Has anyone read Fahrenheit 451? Are they going to be burning the books that offend people next?
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I think people should be PC if they want, but they shouldn't change books. Has anyone read Fahrenheit 451? Are they going to be burning the books that offend people next?
End Quote
Lets hope not, although Junior has tried to suppress publication of a not to flattering biograph. Often times, authors use "obnoxious" language to convey an inpression, or a feeling for the times. For example, a novel on slavery that had overseers calling slaves "black people" or "African Americans" would come off sounding rather strange.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Quoting:Often times, authors use "obnoxious" language to convey an inpression, or a feeling for the times. For example, a novel on slavery that had overseers calling slaves "black people" or "African Americans" would come off sounding rather strange.
End Quote
A good example of that is "Huck Finn".
We read it in school when I was 7-8th grade I beleive, and nowadays, they don't allow it in that same school because the "PC Crowd" got ahold of and yanked it from the shelf, and from the mandatory reading list. That I think is sad and ridiculous.
The biggest problem I guess I have with those who are dead-set on making everything PC is that they try to act as if they are speaking on behalf of the majority of people within the groups they are supposedly trying to "protect". When in fact, its usually not the case at all.
Political Correctness sucks. Oops, I mean to say "Political Correctness creates a vacuum of air similar to that of a vacuum cleaner". Don't want to offend anyone. :D ;)
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Political Correctness sucks. Oops, I mean to say "Political Correctness creates a vacuum of air similar to that of a vacuum cleaner". Don't want to offend anyone. :D ;)
End Quote
BTW, just curious, what is your ethnic background?
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Quoting:BTW, just curious, what is your ethnic background?End Quote
My ancestors are Irish immigants. My ancestry is basically a direct line of descent landing smack-dab...in Leprechaun Land. :D
I'm just your typical Irish guy with the red hair, green eyes, and the pale white skin to prove it. ;D
Just think of Conan O'Brien, but only not as tall. And you got me in a nutshell. :)
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I think my problem with political correctness is that it seems we are, slowly but surely, to be conditioned to become bland and neurotic at the same time.
When the 'thought police' remove another word, it's one more step towards heightening sexual, racial and physical differences between humans. I also believe that the level of patronization involved in choosing alternative words is embarrasing.
I live in a part of England that isn't really metropolitan. This causes some problems. Some people call black people 'coloured' and I was told that this could, even though said in good faith, could be interpreted as offensive because you are robbing a black person of his sense of identity.
And of course, if you call a black man coloured, I'm sure he would wonder what colour you think he is; red, green . . .
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Quoting:I live in a part of England that isn't really metropolitan. This causes some problems. Some people call black people 'coloured' and I was told that this could, even though said in good faith, could be interpreted as offensive because you are robbing a black person of his sense of identity.End Quote
My grandparents still say things like "colored" when referring to black people. They aren't racist by any means and they don't mean any disrespect, but its just what they are used to saying. And they live out in the country and I think that has something to do with it.
I, on the other hand, live in the city and learned right away what you can and cannot say to people, and everytime I hear my grandparents say "colored guy" I think to myself "these people wouldn't last one day in the city". :)
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
At the end of the day Political Correctness is riddled with contradictions. And i don't think changing from one word to another (or another group of words) is going to change people's thinking.
Words in themselves are not racist. Concepts are racist.
Compare, 'Watch your valuables around him, he`s African-American' with 'It`s terrible, he can`t get any work down there just cos he's a n*gger'.
I'm pretty sure there are people in Big Business who say 'African American' and have no black friends and have rather stereotypical views of them and then there are factory-workers and such who have black neighbours, workmates and friends but haven't bought into Political Correctness and still say 'coon' or 'n*gger' quite innocently.
I worked in a factory here locally, there was a bloke who worked there for a while called Nath - he was pretty good mates with my sisters (who are black) he wouldn't say a word against them but when they were talking about football one time he referred to one of the players quite casually as 'you know, the coon one'.
In the end, changing words around and trying to cover-up unpleasant sentiments isn't going to change anything.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
When you are sad, you are blue.
When you are envious, you are green.
When you are angry, you are red.
When you are enraged, you are purple.
So, who is colored?
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Quoting:Words in themselves are not racist. Concepts are racist.
End Quote
Excellent point. Political Correctness also creates a Double Standard.
Words are words. And words can carry a different meaning based on the tone and attitude of the person who says them. (for example: when a black person says ni**er its just a word, but when a white person says it they are instantly labeled a "racist")
I predict that in 100 years, the same words that are now being changed in the name of "Political Correctness" will be changed again, or back to the originals who knows, to satisfy the new crop of "PC freaks" in the next century.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Well, lets see. How many times do corpoate executives refer to their caucasion employees as "honkies"? My point is that the disparaging words are always in reference to those who you "gringos" have concidered inferior (Hey 80's, remember that when the Irish first arrived here they were not concidered "white", not being Anglo-Saxon but Celtic - No Irish Need Apply - I'm not trying to pick a fight, just make a point). It is true that some times we who have been handed disparaging lables will take them on. That in no way means that we accept the implication of inferiority that is usually associatted with them, but rather an act of defiance to which we have been forced by the dominant (and sometimes overbearing) culture.
This is a very complicated issue, and there are no simple solutions. Certainly PC can go too far. Just remember, again, that words carry meaning. If you disparage someone, even in jest, maybe your "jest" is expressive of your real feelings. Those are what you need to focus on, much more than your vocabulary, then adjust your language to suit your true feelings.
And to respond to 80's comment about elderly people, till the day she died my mother refered to black men as "boys", no matter how many times I corrected her, and to her brother-in-law (and me) as "negrito" (little dark one, a term of affection in P.R.). So old people are set in their ways. Can't we become more enlightend and more tolerant as time goes on? Should we not try?
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
But things can change by themselves. Words can have negative connotations like 'mick' or 'chink' but sometimes these fade with time. For instance, i wonder how many of the P.C. crowd realise that when they refer to Mormons, Jews or Protestants that originally all these words were intended to be derogatory but the terms just caught on and are now used neutrally, even by the people themselves.
And i'm sure everyone will agree that Gangsta Rap's adoption of the term 'n*gga' has at least lessened its negative impact a little bit.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
And i'm sure everyone will agree that Gangsta Rap's adoption of the term 'n*gga' has at least lessened its negative impact a little bit.
End Quote
It seems like the older white people(I am white though)use the "n" word sometimes. I'm kinda shocked when I hear them say it. Thats like sounds like something from the 60's: the "n" word. I don't hear it from white people in their 20's and 30's at all. About the rappers saying it most rap music has become so watered down it just doesn't mean anything anymore but thats another topic for another board. When I describe people now I sometimes say oh that black guy or girl or that white guy. There's so many ethicities now that you have to describe people some how. When i say black guy or black girl I don't mean anything racist I'm just describing somebody. It kinda amazes me I actually say white guy now.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I'll just say that the terms "political correctness" have become abused and a great many people are getting carried-away with the idea.
Too much of anything is bad for you.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Everything in moderation, including moderation. ;) :P
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Everything in moderation, including moderation. ;) :P
End Quote
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I understand why black people are called niggers but why are they called 'coons'? I've heard the expression before but never understood the significance.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I understand why black people are called niggers but why are they called 'coons'? I've heard the expression before but never understood the significance.
End Quote
It goes back to the time of slavery. When a person tried to escape, he/she was hunted like a racoon. Just like racoons at night, you can basically see only their eyes.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
It goes back to the time of slavery. When a person tried to escape, he/she was hunted like a racoon. Just like racoons at night, you can basically see only their eyes. End Quote
Wow. Thank you very much for the info, CatwomanofV. I understand now. :)
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Yeah, i think i heard that but i wasn't sure if it was right or not....well at least i remember someone saying it was shortened from 'racoon' but i don't think they said why.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
It seems like the older white people(I am white though)use the "n" word sometimes. I'm kinda shocked when I hear them say it. Thats like sounds like something from the 60's: the "n" word. I don't hear it from white people in their 20's and 30's at all. About the rappers saying it most rap music has become so watered down it just doesn't mean anything anymore but thats another topic for another board. When I describe people now I sometimes say oh that black guy or girl or that white guy. There's so many ethicities now that you have to describe people some how. When i say black guy or black girl I don't mean anything racist I'm just describing somebody. It kinda amazes me I actually say white guy now.
End Quote
Keep in mind those older people come from another era. I mean no offense now to anyone reading this who may fall in the age bracket, and I don't mean to be offensive to anyone by calling you guys "older people' either. But lets face it, if you can remember an America when segregation was around then you might very well have been influenced by those times. I once knew a man in his mid or late 50s that was praising a black guy for his good manners and said that this black man was just like "the respectful and courteous negroes from the old days". I was so shocked that he said that, he was giving the black guy a compliment and he had ZERO comprehension of how ancient and bigoted he sounded.
People in their 20s and 30s grew up in the Late 20th century, during the 70s, 80s, and/or 90s. A time when racism was at least publicly frowned upon and kids were taught to get along with each other despite their differences. So obviously they would be less likely to use "the n word" or have the same type of prejudices that the Silent Generation and the Baby Boom Generation do.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I understand why black people are called niggers but why are they called 'coons'? I've heard the expression before but never understood the significance.
End Quote
This to me is a perfect example ! Here in my country a group of indigenous persons is protesting at the fact there is a brand of cheese called "Coon" cheese. they consider it to be an insult and derogatory. (* refer below)
The name of the cheese does not have any relationship to comment regarding race, however, said persons are USING this as an issue to advance the political boat that they are wanting to row.
THIS is why PC has gone too far, because purely and simply on this issue, someone should just be able to say - "There is no relastionship in this matter, stop wasting everbody's time". Instead the media gloms onto it because it is a good muck-raking story, and it drags on and on and on...... :(
* In my opinion, it can only be derogatory if there is an obvious or provable link between the use of the word and the brand name.....
But the PC police all recoil in shock and horror and say "How terrible, it MUST be changed immediately".
Commonsense flies out the window so fast your head spins....
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Yeah. We get that cheese in this country too. I didn't realise anyone had protested about it though. Silly really.
It's strange some of these brandnames that crop up just by accident. Like i saw in some magazine the other week, someone had found an American company called something like 'O`Brien & Wank' and when i was younger i thought it was funny there was a German breakfast cereal with a name something along the lines of 'Plopsies'.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
The name of the cheese does not have any relationship to comment regarding race, however, said persons are USING this as an issue to advance the political boat that they are wanting to row.
End Quote
i.e. just because in one of its possible uses a word becomes derogatory, the word must therefore be banned in its entirety...
I guess one of the most extreme examples must be the word "Boy" which has been outlawed in South Africa, as it was used by the Whites there while in power in an intentionally demeaning way... but it does leave the rather odd situation of not being able to describe ones male children as "boys" :-/
What gets my goat most about some of the more idiotic extremes of political correctness is the way I can be told that the language I use is insulting or demeaning, when there is no slur or insult intended - it used to a common argument between my sister and myself, as I would not agree to be told which words I can or can't use:- if someone takes offence from a particular use of vocabulary where there was none in the way it was intended, then surely that is their problem, not mine.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
There is a fabulous film (and I can't remember the name for the life of me) about this 2nd or 3rd grade teacher who was teaching her class about racism. It took place in the 60s right after Martin Luther King was murdered. One of the kids asked "why they killed a king". She split the class into two-those with brown eyes and those with blue eyes. She put all the kids with the brown eyes in front and those with blue eyes in back. She then made praising comments to those with the brown eyes and nasty remarks to those with blue eyes. This went on for the rest of the day. The next day, she reversed it. The blue-eyed kids were being praised and sitting in the front and the ones with brown eyes were in back. She was being interviewed for this film and said that the kids even brought this out on the playground. The ones who were in "front" were teasing those in "back." It was a very powerful lesson and just as powerful film-I just wish that I could remember what it called.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
There is a fabulous film (and I can't remember the name for the life of me) about this 2nd or 3rd grade teacher who was teaching her class about racism. It took place in the 60s right after Martin Luther King was murdered. One of the kids asked "why they killed a king". She split the class into two-those with brown eyes and those with blue eyes. She put all the kids with the brown eyes in front and those with blue eyes in back. She then made praising comments to those with the brown eyes and nasty remarks to those with blue eyes. This went on for the rest of the day. The next day, she reversed it. The blue-eyed kids were being praised and sitting in the front and the ones with brown eyes were in back. She was being interviewed for this film and said that the kids even brought this out on the playground. The ones who were in "front" were teasing those in "back." It was a very powerful lesson and just as powerful film-I just wish that I could remember what it called.
End Quote
Yeah I remember that experiment. I believe the lady started doing the experiment in the 60s, but she also did it later. Fairly recently sometime in the 90s. People had the same reaction. I wish I could remember the name of the lady or the expermient too. But she tried to show how constatnly demeaning a group of people and making them "less of a human being" had severe pyschological affects on them, and made them more angry and disruptive. She also tried to show how basiclaly all whites, even with good hearts and well intentions, are automatically conditioned to believe of themselves as "superior" and "normal", while everyone who isn't a white Anglo is looked at as being "ethnic" and different by default. Or something like that, I don't remember what she said verbatim. She was a white woman who hated bigotry and she said she was upset with herself because she knew she had her own prejudices and bigotries that are conditioned by society. You can't escape it, everyone has a little bit of it.
I tend to believe that political correctness has it's uses and it's abuses as some others have said. PC definately has it's absurdities. Overall though, I'd rather live in a world where it is frowned upon to have a lawn more sprinkler with a cardboard cut out of happy faced smiling black guy. That stuff is just sick. The Mark Twain novel "Huck Finn" should NOT be edited for PC reasons. It was written that way and it would lose it's impact if it were edited for modern times. Editing "Huck Finn" is an example of PC going out of control. But conversely if you're upset because want to go around calling people "n*ggers" or "chinks" and you can't because of PC,......well I think you're just an a$$hole.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Quoting:But conversely if you're upset because want to go around calling people "n*ggers" or "chinks" and you can't because of PC,......well I think you're just an a$$hole.
End Quote
I hope my harsh objection to Political Correctness doesn't give you the impression that I am what you described above, because that is definitely not the case.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
^Oh no I didn't, I understood perfectly where you were coming from. You're more against the abuses of PC and the insane level of mind police that can often occur. I know what you're talking about. :)
But there are some people who hate PC because of those reasons I stated and what a few others chimed in about. I have some people in my family, older folks like parents, aunts, uncles, and grandparents that come from the 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, and early 1970s era. And they still use words like that to describe people that are different from them because of skin color or culture. My uncle still calls black people "coloreds", "negroes" and sometimes even "n*ggers". They say it in private ofcourse, but even though they use such words in private, it ashames me to death that I have family members like that. But what you can do. My parents, uncles and grandparents are basically from another time, and they are a product of growing up in that segregation pre-70s era.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Overall though, I'd rather live in a world where it is frowned upon to have a lawn more sprinkler with a cardboard cut out of happy faced smiling black guy. That stuff is just sick.
End Quote
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
^Read up on history of America. Especially life in the 1950's and 60's South.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I don't consider not using racially charged terms as PC, just courtious, respectful, and smart.
I do have plenty of issue with many PC terms and methods. Often it weakens the meaning so much the communication is lessor for it.
Clear and direct communication is best to convey feelings, issues, direction, etc. It needs to be done with tact and approprate for the circumstance, but with as little opportunity for interpretation as possible.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
People in their 20s and 30s grew up in the Late 20th century, during the 70s, 80s, and/or 90s. A time when racism was at least publicly frowned upon and kids were taught to get along with each other despite their differences. So obviously they would be less likely to use "the n word" or have the same type of prejudices that the Silent Generation and the Baby Boom Generation do.
End Quote
Some of us, Chris, in the baby boom generation (I'm 57) were active in the Civil Rights movement. No, I never "went south", but racism was very alive and active in New Jersey, where I went to college. And, athough I'm Puerto Rican, and light skinned) I also have experienced racism, and it ain't pretty.
I agree that obvious expressions of racism are declining - a good thing - and the attitudes of young people and changing, but where I teach the "student ethos" is that it's ok for a black woman to date a white man, but not ok for a black man to date a white woman, so there is still a ways to go. Clearly, these things take time, and good will.
And no offense at the age reference.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
* In my opinion, it can only be derogatory if there is an obvious or provable link between the use of the word and the brand name.....
But the PC police all recoil in shock and horror and say "How terrible, it MUST be changed immediately".
Commonsense flies out the window so fast your head spins....
End Quote
I don't know of any derogatory names for Austrailians (there may be some) but in any case, if you have never been refered to with a slur, it might be hard to understand what the fuss is all about. It does sap one's self esteem, and does make one feel excluded. Been there, done that, didn't like it.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I hope my harsh objection to Political Correctness doesn't give you the impression that I am what you described above, because that is definitely not the case.
End Quote
No, I don't think it is the case. And I do agree that PC can get out pf hand. BUT, if you "white folks" (and the Irish were not always considered white) understood how what you see as just cultural slang had a negetive impact on others, and the impression it might leave them with, you might be a bit more sensetive and selective with your word usage.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I don't know of any derogatory names for Austrailians (there may be some) but in any case, if you have never been refered to with a slur, it might be hard to understand what the fuss is all about. It does sap one's self esteem, and does make one feel excluded. Been there, done that, didn't like it.
End Quote
DC, whilst I DO understand where you are coming from (I have phsyical attributes that are ridiculed - so please don't assume me on not being able to understand) - I understand it is not race, but there are other forms of discrimination that are just as cutting.....
And for that matter I might add, get a loss less attention than the race issue but to the owner of the problem,are just as hurtful....
And yes Aussies have derogatory names. Why would we be exempt ?
You missed or avoided my point. So I shall repeat my point, which was :
There are a number of people who USE PC to stir up trouble. Please look closely at my post.
I was not saying all PC is bad. I am saying it is bad when misused.
FB :)
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Okay, I'm sure I'm going to get slammed for this, but I personally think political correctness is a crock of dung. What others have said about it creating deeper voids between races, sex, etc. is right. Why is it not okay to call someone the "N word" (which I despise by the way)or a "spic" or whatever, but it's okay to call a white person a "cracker" or a "gringo"? It seems that there is a double standard. I HAVE been called derogatory names by minorities, and it has been dismissed, but GOD FORBID I would retaliate and call THEM a derogatory name. I'd be termed a racist.
The political correctness "police" assume that something is offensive to the whole, when it just may be a few that it offends, or noone at all. As an example, some African Americans get offended if you call them a black person, while others are offended at the term "African American." (I have a friend who is black, who is offended because she considers herself an American) Pretty soon, if it keeps going on and on, we will be calling each other XX & XY (for the chromosomes) because no other term will be considered PC. Woman and female are out so as not to offend women's libbers, "boy" has a derogatory meaning attached, and I can't think of any other terms to describe the genders.
P.S. Why are comedians exempt from PC? Well, minority ones...Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc all get to make fun of caucasians, but it's not acceptable vice versa?
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Okay, I'm sure I'm going to get slammed for this, but I personally think political correctness is a crock of dung. What others have said about it creating deeper voids between races, sex, etc. is right. Why is it not okay to call someone the "N word" (which I despise by the way)or a "spic" or whatever, but it's okay to call a white person a "cracker" or a "gringo"? It seems that there is a double standard. I HAVE been called derogatory names by minorities, and it has been dismissed, but GOD FORBID I would retaliate and call THEM a derogatory name. I'd be termed a racist.
The political correctness "police" assume that something is offensive to the whole, when it just may be a few that it offends, or noone at all. As an example, some African Americans get offended if you call them a black person, while others are offended at the term "African American." (I have a friend who is black, who is offended because she considers herself an American) Pretty soon, if it keeps going on and on, we will be calling each other XX & XY (for the chromosomes) because no other term will be considered PC. Woman and female are out so as not to offend women's libbers, "boy" has a derogatory meaning attached, and I can't think of any other terms to describe the genders.
P.S. Why are comedians exempt from PC? Well, minority ones...Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc all get to make fun of caucasians, but it's not acceptable vice versa?
End Quote
I agree 100% with the entire post.
There is a gross double standard regarding language and words and who "can" and "cannot" use them.
And your point about the PC police assuming things are offensive to the whole when in many cases its not, is an excellent point. I too have a friend I used to work with who is black and he absolutely hates it when other black people demand to be called "African-Americans". Because like he said, they aren't African, yes they have African ancestors, but they are American. On the same note, I wouldn't call myself an Irish-American simply because my ancestors were from Ireland. Call me and American.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
BUT, if you "white folks" (and the Irish were not always considered white)End Quote
Hmm! Interesting. I'm not suggesting there are no black irish people but why were the Irish not considered white? Did they derive from somewhere else?
I may seem thick asking these questions but I do not like to pretend I know everything. I have learned lots of miscellaneous stuff on the boards - thanks for the answers.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Quoting:BUT, if you "white folks" (and the Irish were not always considered white) understood how what you see as just cultural slang had a negetive impact on others, and the impression it might leave them with, you might be a bit more sensetive and selective with your word usage.
End Quote
well, us "white folks" do understand that some words can be hurtful. But, like I said earlier, its the double standard of PC that bothers me to no end.
I do find it interesting you narrowed it down to us "white folks" as the ones who need to "be a bit more sensetive and selective with your word usage." It applies to everyone, not just us "white folks".
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Overall though, I'd rather live in a world where it is frowned upon to have a lawn more sprinkler with a cardboard cut out of happy faced smiling black guy.
End Quote
Are you talking about those little figurines that people have in their front lawn where the guy (usually black) is holding up a lantern? Most people call these "lawn jockeys." The funny thing is that most people think that they are a racial slur when actually they started as "stations" in the underground railroad. When someone saw those lawn jockeys, they knew it was a safe house. Now, they are thought upon as derogitory.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Are you talking about those little figurines that people have in their front lawn where the guy (usually black) is holding up a lantern? Most people call these "lawn jockeys." The funny thing is that most people think that they are a racial slur when actually they started as "stations" in the underground railroad. When someone saw those lawn jockeys, they knew it was a safe house. Now, they are thought upon as derogitory.
End Quote
that is a good point reagarding the "lawn Jockey" statues. I recall a year or so ago where a city (I can't remember where), wanted to ban them, because a certain "civil rights" group considered them racist.
I am trying to find an article about it, but haven't had any luck as of yet. I just remember hearing about it on the news.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I found a site that gives the history.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I found a site that gives the history.
End Quote
Excellent link Cat, Very informative.
I couldn't find a link to any article about the town that banned the Lawn Jockeys, but I did find an editorial showing the fact that even some black people don't know the history of them at all.
The articale covers a lot of issues, but the line that stood out was this: "So, I shrug off my neighbors' Confederate flag flying and their darkly painted lawn jockeys. They have a right to display their lack of taste or sensitivity.". And this was written by a black woman.
Here's the whole editorial: http://www.enquirer.com/editions/2002/06/05/loc_smith_amos_cross.html
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Yeah. I just read the link that CatWomanV posted. Am i missing something? Why do people find them offensive?
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Yeah. I just read the link that CatWomanV posted. Am i missing something? Why do people find them offensive?
End Quote
Pardon me for being blunt, but its based purely on ignorrance of history.
Lawn Jockeys are a symbol that represents the ending of slavory, yet the majority of black see them as a symbol of racism. Simply because A.) they haven't bothered to investigate its history and B.) becuase all they see is a statue of a black person, and they automatically relate it to a racial symbol. and C.) because certain leaders of certain groups have instilled in them that they should find things such as Lawn Jockeys offensive, despite what their meaning used to be (eh hem I'm looking at you Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson >:()
As long as people continue to profit off of racism (Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton), even if the subject isnt racist at all(Lawn Jockeys), racism will never die.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I just ignore those who still uses "ethnic slurs".
Like "Beaner". It's still used around my neighborhood. :P
(Yes, I'm actually a Mexican American)
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
As long as people continue to profit from racism (Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton), even if the subject isnt racist at all(Lawn Jockeys), racism will never die.
End Quote
Sad, but true: IMO it's a real shame that things like the Lawn Jockies (which I must admit I'd never heard of before this thread, thanks Catwoman) have had their meaning completely twisted by people who've not had the common decency to research what they're complaining about...
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
DC, whilst I DO understand where you are coming from (I have phsyical attributes that are ridiculed - so please don't assume me on not being able to understand) - I understand it is not race, but there are other forms of discrimination that are just as cutting.....
And for that matter I might add, get a loss less attention than the race issue but to the owner of the problem,are just as hurtful....
And yes Aussies have derogatory names. Why would we be exempt ?
You missed or avoided my point. So I shall repeat my point, which was :
There are a number of people who USE PC to stir up trouble. Please look closely at my post.
I was not saying all PC is bad. I am saying it is bad when misused.
FB :)
End Quote
You are absolutely right. Prejudice expresses itself in may ways and against many people. and I agree that PC can be misused. I guess I would have to ask "who is to decide when that line has been crossed?" Why would a firm want to name its cheese "coon", for example? If there is some local significance, ok, like "swiss" but this seems either unthinking and obscure, or insulting. I guess I don't get why a firm would chose such a name.
On a more basic level, you seem rather upset with my post. Please be ashured that I ment no affront or insult, either to you personally or to Austrailians in general. Just trying to raise issues and express views, not looking for a fight. Sorry if I offended.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Okay, I'm sure I'm going to get slammed for this, but I personally think political correctness is a crock of dung. What others have said about it creating deeper voids between races, sex, etc. is right. Why is it not okay to call someone the "N word" (which I despise by the way)or a "spic" or whatever, but it's okay to call a white person a "cracker" or a "gringo"? It seems that there is a double standard. I HAVE been called derogatory names by minorities, and it has been dismissed, but GOD FORBID I would retaliate and call THEM a derogatory name. I'd be termed a racist.
The political correctness "police" assume that something is offensive to the whole, when it just may be a few that it offends, or noone at all. As an example, some African Americans get offended if you call them a black person, while others are offended at the term "African American." (I have a friend who is black, who is offended because she considers herself an American) Pretty soon, if it keeps going on and on, we will be calling each other XX & XY (for the chromosomes) because no other term will be considered PC. Woman and female are out so as not to offend women's libbers, "boy" has a derogatory meaning attached, and I can't think of any other terms to describe the genders.
P.S. Why are comedians exempt from PC? Well, minority ones...Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, etc all get to make fun of caucasians, but it's not acceptable vice versa?
End Quote
You ask some very good questions, and make some very good points - and I appologize for using "gringo". But you must realize that it is the dominant group that assigns lables to those they consider "beneith" them (I'm not accusing you of this). Black people didn't invent nigg*r, and Puerto Ricans didn't invent Spik, nor the Irish 150 years ago Mik etc. These terms were invented by good Anglo-Saxon Protestants (ASPs) and assigned to us. Now, when we protest, we are told we are being too sensitive.
Well why do we, any of us, need to be identified by race or ethnisity? Instead of "Black Doctor (I can't remember his name) discovered blood transfusions...(and bled to death after, I think a car accident because he couldn't get into a white hospital to get one), why can't it just be "brilliant MD "Sam Smith" discovered...."? Why is it "Female Astonaught... repaired the Hubbel..."?
My point is, obviously, that we need to focus on what individuals accomplish, and not on their race or their gender. When these issues are relevant (Carlos Santana's new album is a fantastic blending...) then we are talking about culture. Otherwise, these references are about "Gee, even these darkies get good sometimes..." or "geeze, SOME of these women got the right stuff".
I'm not trying to offend, but you have to realize that the affronts to the disadvantaged permiate our discourse much more than the "average" Anglo-Saxon can know.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I agree 100% with the entire post.
There is a gross double standard regarding language and words and who "can" and "cannot" use them.
And your point about the PC police assuming things are offensive to the whole when in many cases its not, is an excellent point. I too have a friend I used to work with who is black and he absolutely hates it when other black people demand to be called "African-Americans". Because like he said, they aren't African, yes they have African ancestors, but they are American. On the same note, I wouldn't call myself an Irish-American simply because my ancestors were from Ireland. Call me and American.
End Quote
That is certainly a fine attitude, but let me remind you, first, that none of your ancestors were dragged out of Irelan in chains. Let me also remind you that many people of European extraction have formed numerous ____-American clubs to celebrate their ethnicity (there is an Italian-American club very bear my town).
I'm reminded of an event at my college, where the speaker asked our students how their ethnic heritage infuenced theit daily lives. One Student wrote that he wasn't sure. He was Irish and Italian, though, and he sur loved his Guinnes with his pasta.
I guess the question here boils down to be, are we a "melting pot" or a "salad Bowl"? and which should we be. I think "salad bowl".
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
That is certainly a fine attitude, but let me remind you, first, that none of your ancestors were dragged out of Irelan in chains. Let me also remind you that many people of European extraction have formed numerous ____-American clubs to celebrate their ethnicity (there is an Italian-American club very bear my town). End Quote
It's not just those of European ancestry that have done this. There are clubs for ALL ethnicities. There is a Mexican American club in the next town over from me. I have no problem with people celebrating their nationality, but I DO have a problem with the double standard. I could be prohibited from joining an Italian or Mexican or whatever club because I am not that nationality and noone would think twice, but if I am a member of a club who prohibits entry by a minority, I'm called racist (or sexist or whatever). I guess I'm saying that the double standard DOES exist and needs to go away.
I guess the question here boils down to be, are we a "melting pot" or a "salad Bowl"? and which should we be. I think "salad bowl".
End Quote
Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by "salad bowl".
Quoting:You ask some very good questions, and make some very good points - and I appologize for using "gringo". But you must realize that it is the dominant group that assigns lables to those they consider "beneith" them (I'm not accusing you of this). Black people didn't invent nigg*r, and Puerto Ricans didn't invent Spik, nor the Irish 150 years ago Mik etc. These terms were invented by good Anglo-Saxon Protestants (ASPs) and assigned to us. Now, when we protest, we are told we are being too sensitive.
End Quote
I take no offense to the term "gringo", but I do take offense to being called a "cracker". If I were to protest being called a cracker, would I be considered too sensitive? Probably not. The point I was trying to make is that EVERY ethnicity has terms for other ethnicities, most which are not flattering, and it needs to stop.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I could be prohibited from joining an Italian or Mexican or whatever club because I am not that nationality and noone would think twice, but if I am a member of a club who prohibits entry by a minority, I'm called racist (or sexist or whatever).
End Quote
Do they prohibit on that basis? I joined an Irish club when I was seventeen (they sold beer & Guinness cheaper than the pubs around), and they didn't seem to worry that I wasn't Irish... (or that I wasn't strictly old enough to drink, either)
But I agree with the general point: discrimination needs to end, and it needs to end both ways.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Hmm! Interesting. I'm not suggesting there are no black irish people but why were the Irish not considered white? Did they derive from somewhere else?
End Quote
The "Blacl Irish" are, seemingly, the decendents of the survivors of the Spanish Armada, some of which went aground in Ireland and blended in with the population.
When the Irsish can to the U.S. in laarge numbers, their faith, and the fact that the Anglos despised them, ment that they were trewated here as "non-white" - "No Irish Need Apply" was a common sign at that time. Find a site that features Howard Nast cartoons from the period. They will clearly show that the Irish were shown in similar ways to black people - ape-like, less tyhan fully human.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
The "Blacl Irish" are, seemingly, the decendents of the survivors of the Spanish Armada, some of which went aground in Ireland and blended in with the population.
End Quote
Yeah, that's what people usually semi-jokingly say my dad is.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Pardon me for being blunt, but its based purely on ignorrance of history.
Lawn Jockeys are a symbol that represents the ending of slavory, yet the majority of black see them as a symbol of racism. Simply because A.) they haven't bothered to investigate its history and B.) becuase all they see is a statue of a black person, and they automatically relate it to a racial symbol. and C.) because certain leaders of certain groups have instilled in them that they should find things such as Lawn Jockeys offensive, despite what their meaning used to be (eh hem I'm looking at you Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson >:()
As long as people continue to profit off of racism (Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton), even if the subject isnt racist at all(Lawn Jockeys), racism will never die.
End Quote
Well 80's, since YOU weren't aware of the historical significance of "lawn Jockies" might we not assume that most other people, including their owners, are any better informed? Cat may be right, but the symbolism is of a black servant welcoming white visitors to his master's house. If that doesn't harken back to slavery, I don't know what does. Again you display your lack of sensitivity.
And as to minorities displaying "racism": Racism is an inmstitutional and cultural response of the majority toward minorities. We minorities might make derogitory references to you in the majority, but mostly, we can't deny you jobs, we can't exclude you from public places. All we can do is insult you. On the other hand, you can, and have done these things to us. Maybe as an individual you don't deserve to be painted with the brush of the majority, but you seem to be defending it anyway. One has to ask why?
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Well 80's, since YOU weren't aware of the historical significance of "lawn Jockies" might we not assume that most other people, including their owners, are any better informed? End Quote
Don, I did know the signifcance. I was simply trying to find a link to an article regarding a city banning them becuase they thought they were racist. I never said I didn't know what they meant, I just didn't know the city that banned them.
Quoting:but the symbolism is of a black servant welcoming white visitors to his master's house. If that doesn't harken back to slavery, I don't know what does. Again you display your lack of sensitivity.End Quote
of course its a symbol refering to the time of slavery, but is it a negative symbol of the time of slavery? No, its a lawn ornament readily available at a flea market near you.
Or more importantly, is it a symbol endorsing slavery? Again, No.
So where is my "lack of sensitivity"?
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
And as to minorities displaying "racism": Racism is an inmstitutional and cultural response of the majority toward minorities. We minorities might make derogitory references to you in the majority, but mostly, we can't deny you jobs, we can't exclude you from public places. All we can do is insult you. On the other hand, you can, and have done these things to us. End Quote
rac·ism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rszm)
1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
racist adj. & n.
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
So, it's only a majority against a minority? How do you explain what has happened in South Africa's past? The whites were the minority there, so I guess by your definition, what they did wasn't racist? Oh, that's right, it's the "white man" again...
And, as far as being denied jobs, etc, there ARE black/hispanic/etc companies and clubs that DO deny whites, but the last time I checked, there was a law stating that companies cannot discriminate for or against a potential employee based on race. Check almost any college fraternity/sorority list and you will find them.
Quoting:Maybe as an individual you don't deserve to be painted with the brush of the majority, but you seem to be defending it anyway. One has to ask why?
End Quote
Maybe the same reason you defend ALL minorities. No race is immune from bad/good members. Just as no race deserves to be "painted with the brush of the majority" of it's members. It's intrinsic to our nature to defend what is the same, and be wary of that which is different. It takes strength and intelligence to rise above that and accept people for who they are, not what they look like. Judging the majority NOW for what was done in the past is as bad as judging the minority for what they have done in the past. It's thinking like this that promotes racism. AND, it's taking this thinking to the extreme that will keep the PC police running strong...it's okay for the minority to "insult" the majority, but not vice versa.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Quoting: Judging the majority NOW for what was done in the past is as bad as judging the minority for what they have done in the past. It's thinking like this that promotes racism. AND, it's taking this thinking to the extreme that will keep the PC police running strong.
End Quote
Excellent point.
People like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, Julian Bond and others, have made racism a very profitable business. And as long as people like them keep promoting hatred and division among the races, racism will never die. After all, if it did, Jackson, Sharpton, and Bond would be out of a job.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
rac·ism ( P ) Pronunciation Key (rszm)
1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
racist adj. & n.
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
So, it's only a majority against a minority? How do you explain what has happened in South Africa's past? The whites were the minority there, so I guess by your definition, what they did wasn't racist? Oh, that's right, it's the "white man" again...
And, as far as being denied jobs, etc, there ARE black/hispanic/etc companies and clubs that DO deny whites, but the last time I checked, there was a law stating that companies cannot discriminate for or against a potential employee based on race. Check almost any college fraternity/sorority list and you will find them.
Maybe the same reason you defend ALL minorities. No race is immune from bad/good members. Just as no race deserves to be "painted with the brush of the majority" of it's members. It's intrinsic to our nature to defend what is the same, and be wary of that which is different. It takes strength and intelligence to rise above that and accept people for who they are, not what they look like. Judging the majority NOW for what was done in the past is as bad as judging the minority for what they have done in the past. It's thinking like this that promotes racism. AND, it's taking this thinking to the extreme that will keep the PC police running strong...it's okay for the minority to "insult" the majority, but not vice versa.
End Quote
Cheerleader, I'm sorry, but your dictionary definition, as most do, leaves out a good deal, which historians, sociologist, and philosophers have added to. Certainly there are minorities who concider themselves supierion to white people (the Black Muslim movement comers to mind) and I agree that they are advocating a racist agenda. But my point was different. I think we need to distingush racism from prejudice. You are entitle to your personal prejudices (my main one is against liver), but racism and prejudice are not the same. Racism is systemic, like the Plessy V Furguson Supreme court decision. Like the Jim Crow law it led to.
As to S. Africa, as I understand what happened is that a racist system - based, by the way on U.S. Jim Crow laws - was overthrown by the majority of the people of that country, who have made every effort to overcome the legacy of the past through their own process, and have established a democracy - ie gov't by the majority. The whites were clearly racist, and used their power to vertually enslave the majority black population. There were counties in the south, befor the Civil War, that were majority black. Same thing.
Last I looked, anti-discrimionation laws applied, as they should, to everyone. I could be wrong, but I don't remember a case against a minority company alleging discrimination because a white worker was refused a job on race. Certainly there may be some, and I disagree with this discrimination as well.
It is certainly NOT ok for minorities to sink to the level of aiming racist epithets at those who have been our tormentors for so long, but it may be understandable. And it may be unjust of we minorities to blame you for the "sins of your fathers", but if I'm not mistaken, the Bible, says we all shall be punished for them unto the seventh generation. I'm sorry, but I, for one, am not a tabula rosa. I remember the racist slurs that were aimed at me in my youth. Guess you never experienced that, so can't understand. And that's the problem. YOU CAN"T UNDERSTAND the hurt that has been inflicted, and you don't want to take any responsibility for it, or for the consequences (for example, why is the black and hispanic infant mortality rate IN THIS COUNTRY higher than that rate in Cuba? What makes a black or hispanic baby worth less than a white baby?). You just don't get it. It's not a matter of YOUR responsibility, your prejudices (about which I could care less), or your love for humanity. None of that is the point. It's about the disadvantages that people of coler face in the country. It's about the racism that is endemic in our culture, our institutions, our beliefs.
When people of color have the power to discriminate against you white folks, and use it, I will be right beside you advocating inclusion "tolerance" and diversity. Maybe my less fortunate non-whites will be more generous than you white folks have been.
If "political correctness begins to address the issue of race and racism by raising (some, obviously not all) white folks' consciousness to the historical AND PRESENT reality of racism and discrimination, I'm all for it.
Look, you have to try to see this stuff from the other guy's perspective, its called empathy.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Excellent point.
People like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, Julian Bond and others, have made racism a very profitable business. And as long as people like them keep promoting hatred and division among the races, racism will never die. After all, if it did, Jackson, Sharpton, and Bond would be out of a job.
End Quote
Al Sharpton is a jerk - every black person I know also thinks so. But Julian Bond and Jesse Jackson are of a different mold. Neither has, to my knowledge, ever advocated any kind of seperatism. Both have always advocated an end to segregation and racism, and both have always followed MLK's peacefull road to change. You should be ashamed of lumping them together. All they have in common is the color of their skin - or is that enough for you?
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
You should be ashamed of lumping them together. All they have in common is the color of their skin - or is that enough for you?
End Quote
I don't appreciate your insinuation(sp?) Don.
Jackson and Bond do nothing for their "cause" except influence the mind-set that blacks can't succeed, and that us evil "white folks" are the reason. Jackson is a shake-down artist by going to businesses/organizations and threatening to yell "racist!", and to avoid the media coverage, the businesses settle with him. Julian Bond still feels that blacks in America can't succeed on their own, so he runs the NAACP. How is that promoting the end to segregation and racism? Its doing nothing but throwing fuel to the fire..
If they were really trying to promote the end to segragation and racism as they claim, they wouldn't constantly remind and insist to blacks that they can't succeed without their help, and that us "white folks" want to hold them down. This is the 21st Century. black, white, gree, yellow, you name it, whatever color you are, you can succeed. But people like Jackson and Bond and Sharpton continue to insist thats just not possible.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I don't appreciate your insinuation(sp?) Don.
Jackson and Bond do nothing for their "cause" except influence the mind-set that blacks can't succeed, and that us evil "white folks" are the reason. Jackson is a shake-down artist by going to businesses/organizations and threatening to yell "racist!", and to avoid the media coverage, the businesses settle with him. Julian Bond still feels that blacks in America can't succeed on their own, so he runs the NAACP. How is that promoting the end to segregation and racism? Its doing nothing but throwing fuel to the fire..
If they were really trying to promote the end to segragation and racism as they claim, they wouldn't constantly remind and insist to blacks that they can't succeed without their help, and that us "white folks" want to hold them down. This is the 21st Century. black, white, gree, yellow, you name it, whatever color you are, you can succeed. But people like Jackson and Bond and Sharpton continue to insist thats just not possible.
End Quote
Gee, you can't imagin how much it bothers me that you "don't appreciate my insinuation". Breaks me up as much as... I'll cry myself to sleep.
The point is that you conservatives just don't get it. You have never "walked a mile" in our shoes. Ever been racially profiled? Ever been been refered to with a racial epithet? Ever been last hired, first fired? MLK once said something like the following: It's ok to tell a man with shoes to pull himself up by his boot straps. But it would be a grave injustice to put a man in jail and then, years later discover his innocence, and turn him out of the prison with nothing more than the cloths on his back, no education, no bus fare, nothing. Like telling a shoeless man to pull himself up by his boot straps. A cruel joke.
Regardless of your personnal attitude toward minorities (you can call me a spik if you like - I couldn't give a flying F), you have to confront the "cruel joke" of believing that this is color blind society. As I said in other posts to younger members of this board, we seem to be moving in that direction, but "there are miles to go before we sleep" as Robert Frost said, and you're denial just makes the road longer.
As to Julian and Jesse, I guess you are entitles to your estimations, but I think your WAY out in right field, boardering on, dare I say it...
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Jackson and Bond do nothing for their "cause" except influence the mind-set that blacks can't succeed, and that us evil "white folks" are the reason.
End Quote
What else would be the reason?
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Ever been last hired, first fired? End Quote
I have but that wasn't racial prejudice that was bloody bad luck. :-/
I think the problem with racism, and I've said it before, is that it deals with groups of people and not individuals, robbing them of a personality. In my opinion, I believe that it is people who don't attempt to understand others who veer towards this unpleasant quality.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Quoting:Gee, you can't imagin how much it bothers me that you "don't appreciate my insinuation". Breaks me up as much as... I'll cry myself to sleep...Regardless of your personnal attitude toward minorities (you can call me a spik if you like - I couldn't give a flying F), End Quote
Don, again, I don't appreciate what you are hinting towards. :(
You are hinting towards, but not coming out and saying, that I must be some kind of racist.
You are way out of line. And its un-called for. Keep the debate on the topic, not dropping little hints that I must be some kind of racist.
The thread is yours, take it. I'm done arguing with you if you are going to result to this.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I have but that wasn't racial prejudice that was bloody bad luck. :-/End Quote
Yeah, I don't know what reasoning he had for that. I was last-hired, first-fired. It's a seniority issue.
By his reasoning, I should be able to sue my employer for being racist. Unfortunately, I'm Chinese :P
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Don, again, I don't appreciate what you are hinting towards. :(
You are hinting towards, but not coming out and saying, that I must be some kind of racist.
You are way out of line. And its un-called for. Keep the debate on the topic, not dropping little hints that I must be some kind of racist.
The thread is yours, take it. I'm done arguing with you if you are going to result to this.
End Quote
Yeah, 80's, I have been baiting you with hints that you might be racist. But as I said above, I don't giove a Flying F... wherther you are or not. My point in doing it was to give you a little taste of what being labled feels like. I have not idea what your personal prejudices are, they are your burdon, not mine. But maybe now you have an inkiling of what it feels like to be labled and named for no reason that has anything to do with who you are.
But I will say again, that if you really believe that this is a "color blind" society, you must be delusional. Moving that way surly, but still a long way to go. You can join the march, or you can continue to pretent that the journy is over. We would like you on board.
And I do apologize for the insinuations, which as far as I know were groundless.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Al Sharpton is a jerk - every black person I know also thinks so. But Julian Bond and Jesse Jackson are of a different mold. Neither has, to my knowledge, ever advocated any kind of seperatism. Both have always advocated an end to segregation and racism, and both have always followed MLK's peacefull road to change. You should be ashamed of lumping them together. All they have in common is the color of their skin - or is that enough for you?
End Quote
Again, it's okay for you to lump all whites together, but not to lump 3 men based on the color of their skin?
I agree, Jackson and Bond advocate a peaceful end to segregation/racism, BUT Jackson is the FIRST on the scene whenever anything happens to a black person(s). Case in point, there were 6 black youths in a town in Illinois (Decatur) that were expelled from school for 2 years for starting a brawl at a football game. JJ showed up on the scene and said that their punishment was based on them being black and that their civil rights had been violated. He got the expulsions reduced to 1 year, and they were able to enroll in alternative schools during that year. However, he wanted NO punishment. I could go on and on about JJ, but I'll stop here.
And, DC, you are right, I've never been the victim of racism, but I have been the victim of sexism. And yes, I have been last hired, first fired from a job (where I was the ONLY woman and only one fired). They said it was based on my production, but on a daily basis, I was #3 our of 13. Another example, in my sophomore year in college, I had a black roommate. She went to the housing board and asked to be switched after a week, and after hearing constant comments from her friends/family. We got along fine, but she told me "I have nothing against you, but I just can't live with a white girl". Would that be considered racism? If I had said I couldn't live with her, it would be...
The point I'm trying to make is that as long as there are people who CONSTANTLY point out the differences between skin color (or sex), there will be racism (or sexism). I think there is a need for Political Correctness in this country, but there are groups that take it too far. No matter what anyone says, there are going to be people who are prejudiced against another group. I wish we lived in a color blind society, but the reality is we don't. Is PC helping move us towards that? Sometimes, I'm not so sure.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
In my opinion, I believe that it is people who don't attempt to understand others who veer towards this unpleasant quality.
End Quote
Good point, Bobby. Sadly, I can't forsee a situation where we'll all understand each other- I personally would like to work towards a culture where we at least respected each other. I think PC has a part to play in this, but feel the way it's imposed on people can have a negative effect. In my area, it has been decided it is offensive to call refuse sacks 'black bags', despite the fact that they are indeed black-coloured. This has had the unfortunate effect of introducing a new derogatory term for non-whites into the vocabulary of those tending to use epithets- 'bin bags'. I have even heard people, whom previously would never have used the usual terms, using this new term in jest. This is 'political correctness gone bad', rather than mad...
Another point about PC, which others have touched on. If, for instance, we are no longer allowed to refer to objects by their colour in case it offends people with that colour skin, how are we going to refer to things? I'm a Hispanic 'white', but I don't get offended when people refer to white objects as white. (Most 'black' people I know don't mind being called black, despite not even being black-coloured). I don't know what the answer is- whilst PC is often well-intentioned, sadly any term used is bound to offend someone, somewhere. In summary, I think we should be allowed to 'call a spade a spade', but not call a black person one. :P
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I agree, Jackson and Bond advocate a peaceful end to segregation/racism, BUT Jackson is the FIRST on the scene whenever anything happens to a black person(s). Case in point, there were 6 black youths in a town in Illinois (Decatur) that were expelled from school for 2 years for starting a brawl at a football game. JJ showed up on the scene and said that their punishment was based on them being black and that their civil rights had been violated. He got the expulsions reduced to 1 year, and they were able to enroll in alternative schools during that year. However, he wanted NO punishment. I could go on and on about JJ, but I'll stop here.
The point I'm trying to make is that as long as there are people who CONSTANTLY point out the differences between skin color (or sex), there will be racism (or sexism). I think there is a need for Political Correctness in this country, but there are groups that take it too far. No matter what anyone says, there are going to be people who are prejudiced against another group. I wish we lived in a color blind society, but the reality is we don't. Is PC helping move us towards that? Sometimes, I'm not so sure.
End Quote
As far as Jessie Jackson is concerned He is behind the times a little bit I feel like. As far as living in a color blind society as long as a person is nice to me I'll be nice to them back. If they are nasty to me black or white etc. I don't want to be bothered with them. One of the meanest things that happened to me was done by a white person because of jealousy on his part. I am white and he was white and am I going to be mad at my whole race because of something that was done because the same person was the same race as me? No. I try to take each person I meet and treat them equally.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Quoting:Another point about PC, which others have touched on. If, for instance, we are no longer allowed to refer to objects by their colour in case it offends people with that colour skin, how are we going to refer to things? I'm a Hispanic 'white', but I don't get offended when people refer to white objects as white. (Most 'black' people I know don't mind being called black, despite not even being black-coloured). I don't know what the answer is- whilst PC is often well-intentioned, sadly any term used is bound to offend someone, somewhere. In summary, I think we should be allowed to 'call a spade a spade', but not call a black person one. :P
End Quote
Goodsin, you hit on what I mentioned in a 'politically correct' topic thread a few months ago (I'll look for it later) about objects being called other things because of their colour. In Britain, we had a problem because 'blackboard' was considered offensive and children were steered away from singing the nursery rhyme 'Baa Baa Black Sheep'.
You also seem to be right about black people's perspectives on things. According to the black people I knew (and I knew a lot in Wolverhampton). They would prefer to be called 'Black' and not 'coloured' because that is their identity. To call them 'coloured' generalises them. To call someone coloured insinuates that they are not brown or black but green, blue, indigo . . .
I wonder if 'white' people get bothered when they hear the term 'whitewash' or, in Britain, 'The White Cliffs of Dover'. I've never given it a thought . . . Should we?
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I think there needs to be a middle ground somewhere in all of this. On the one end you have people that just go PC crazy, editing books and rewriting stuff. Like changing fireman into "fireperson". These guys are the extreme left and they can go WAY TOO FAR with the whole PC.
On the other end you have another group of lunatics. The other side has the far right wing talk radio folks that are angry at the concept of PC just for the sake of being angry. They'll try and tell you that they don't like to be mind policed or told what to do, but the far right talk radio mentality folks are angry at everything and anything. These guys are always calling up some radio show host like Sean Hannity or Rush Limbaugh and venting their anger out. These people may not be completely sensative to something that is genuinely offensive.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Words in themselves are not racist. Concepts are racist.
End Quote
So if I were to call you a *bleep* but didn't didn't believe a word I was saying, you would not be offended?
Bad words. You should be able to put whatever words you want in books. PC-ality should be left outside the world of the written word. Being PC means that you don't enter a conversation with a Jew with "Hey, *bleep*, you know you'd fit nicely in my ashtray".
Be PC in conversation among strangers and those you know would be offended by it. Among friends it's fine and when it's done on paper to say something meaningful, it's fine.
That's my take on this whole thing.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Here's a take on PC that I found...
PC Primer
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
So if I were to call you a *bleep* but didn't didn't believe a word I was saying, you would not be offended?
End Quote
??? Not really, no. What am i supposed to be offended by, the swearing? And it's not really racism is it?
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Here's a take on PC that I found...
PC Primer
End Quote
That website with it's list is just duck and chucking the issue and being plain silly. They are an example of the far right that is not always sensative to stuff that could be genuinely offensive to some people.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Yeah, it is pretty silly. Just trying to lighten things up a bit...
IMHO, not calling someone what John Harvey posted is just plain common sense and decency, not political correctness.
I guess there is good and bad PC...
Good PC-Not using racially derogatory slang terms...we all know what they are. But again, this is just common sense and decency.
Bad PC-Forcing someone to validate an alternative lifestyle against their will.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
IMHO, not calling someone what John Harvey posted is just plain common sense and decency, not political correctness.
I guess there is good and bad PC...
End Quote
I agree with Gamblefish. However, if someone said what John Harvey suggested and not believed in what they were saying, I would be inclined to believe that the person has Tourette's Syndrome or something and not an issue with political correctness.
If someone said that directly at me I would be confused at best, hurt in normal conditions.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
My point was not to be an *bleep*. I was just pointing out that what you said cannot be made as an absolute.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
My point was not to be an *bleep*. I was just pointing out that what you said cannot be made as an absolute.
End Quote
No, I think we all know you didn't mean what you posted, you were just making an example. I was just using your example in my post.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
My point was not to be an *bleep*. I was just pointing out that what you said cannot be made as an absolute.
End Quote
I understood as well, John Harvey. I just replied back. :)
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Here's a take on PC that I found...
PC Primer
End Quote
LMAO!!! :D :D :D
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I agree with Gamblefish. However, if someone said what John Harvey suggested and not believed in what they were saying, I would be inclined to believe that the person has Tourette's Syndrome or something and not an issue with political correctness.
If someone said that directly at me I would be confused...End Quote
I'm sorry, but when I read John Harvey's post with all the profanity I had to modify (*asterisks* replacing letters don't make the words anymore allowed than if fully spelled out), I too thought of Tourette's Syndrome.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Here's a take on PC that I found...
PC Primer
End Quote
A bit too long. It kinda beats the joke to death. I did, however, like that "Mail man" had to be called a "Person person". That was pretty funny.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Here's a take on PC that I found...
PC Primer
End Quote
:D lol! :D
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I actually think these message boards here are overly PC. How many words are automatically bleeped out or edited out by a mod on these boards? I realize that this board is owned by whoever and they can do whatever they want, but if I can speak my mind I want to say that I think the rules here are overtly PC to truly nutty levels. So I seem some real irony with the complaints against PC by certain people here. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
I'm sure the argument will be to "protect the kids" and "keep a family atmosphere", (with the clear holier than thou implication that anyone that doesn't like it is an utterly crude, vile, and vulgar person), but it's hilarious the kind of G rated or PG rated words that are automatically bleeped out here. It's not just the understandable f-word or s-word that is bleeped out, it's ANYTHING that is deemed offensive. Or what is just edited out by a moderator. THAT is PC lunacy to me.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I actually think these message boards here are overly PC. I realize that this board is owned by whoever and they can do whatever they want, but I think the rules here are overtly PC to truly crazy levels.
I'm sure the argument will be to "protect the kids" and "keep a family atomsphere", (with the clear implication that anyone that doesn't like it is a crude and vulgar person) but it's hilarious the kind of G rated or PG rated words that are automatically bleeped out here. It's not just the understandable f-word or s-word that is bleeped out, it's ANYTHING that is deemed offensive. Or what is just edited out by a moderator. THAT is PC lunacy to me.
End Quote
Ah...you noticed that too?
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I actually think these message boards here are overly PC. How many words are automatically bleeped out or edited out by a mod on these boards? I realize that this board is owned by whoever and they can do whatever they want, but if I can speak my mind I want to say that I think the rules here are overtly PC to truly nutty levels. So I seem some real irony with the complaints against PC by certain people here. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
I'm sure the argument will be to "protect the kids" and "keep a family atmosphere", (with the clear holier than thou implication that anyone that doesn't like it is an utterly crude, vile, and vulgar person), but it's hilarious the kind of G rated or PG rated words that are automatically bleeped out here. It's not just the understandable f-word or s-word that is bleeped out, it's ANYTHING that is deemed offensive. Or what is just edited out by a moderator. THAT is PC lunacy to me.
End Quote
Yeah, that's one of the first things i noticed when i started posting on here. I used to try and find out from people what the logic was behind it (in other places) but when i carried on asking after they kept saying 'family - family - family' they just labelled me a troublemaker and left it at that. So i don't bother arguing about it anymore. Just one of those mysteries...
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
^I've always noticed that about this place. I made a complaint against it once because a post of mine was edited and the entire meaning changed. A G-rated word that wasn't even a swear word was changed.
When I asked why it was changed I was shot down with the clear implication that I am simply a crude and vulgar individual that didn't belong on a message board that is routinely accessed by children.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I actually think these message boards here are overly PC. I realize that this board is owned by whoever and they can do whatever they want, but I think the rules here are overtly PC to truly crazy levels.End Quote
I think we have the right balance, Chris Megatron THX. This is my reason . . .
I was looking for a review on a game for the X-Box I fancy called 'WWE Raw Aggression' and I stumbled across a messageboard similar to this. It was moderated to some degree but the posts were littered with sick language, everybody accusing each other of being gay and verbal abuse, lots of extreme ranting and quite often death threats were exchanged (yeah believe it!).
I laughed at the majority of a couple of things that were said about the British (some bloke was asking what beverage the British drink - he came to the conclusion that we all drank blood because we say bloody a lot. ;D). The British people on the boards were giving it hell as well calling the same ignorant guy 'a redneck' (putting it politely).
What I am trying to say is, if we push the envelope too far, the board will resort to people conflicting with each other instead of discussing things in a civil manner.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
In this channel on IRC i was using that had similar policies, the channel owner seemed to think that people who used swearwords to express themselves were somehow inferior - as if it automatically meant they had a small vocabulary - but seriously, what's the difference between using the f-word frequently as compared to using any other word frequently - eg. 'very' as your only inflatory word - in those terms?
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I actually think these message boards here are overly PC. How many words are automatically bleeped out or edited out by a mod on these boards? I realize that this board is owned by whoever and they can do whatever they want, but if I can speak my mind I want to say that I think the rules here are overtly PC to truly nutty levels. So I seem some real irony with the complaints against PC by certain people here. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.
I'm sure the argument will be to "protect the kids" and "keep a family atmosphere", (with the clear holier than thou implication that anyone that doesn't like it is an utterly crude, vile, and vulgar person), but it's hilarious the kind of G rated or PG rated words that are automatically bleeped out here. It's not just the understandable f-word or s-word that is bleeped out, it's ANYTHING that is deemed offensive. Or what is just edited out by a moderator. THAT is PC lunacy to me.
End Quote
Mustn’t be too bad for ya'. You're still hangin around. ;)
Oh, and that whole bit about "(with the clear holier than thou implication that anyone that doesn't like it is an utterly crude, vile, and vulgar person)", well that's an assumption on your part.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Ah...you noticed that too?
End Quote
Mustn’t be too bad for ya'. You're still hangin around. ;)
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Again, it's okay for you to lump all whites together, but not to lump 3 men based on the color of their skin?
End Quote
Cheerleader, there is nothig that you wrote in your long post that I can quarrel with. When we think about prejudices on an individual level (ie "my prejudices" I don't like Phil, I hate Lavern), we all have them. No guilt attached. Let's go another lap. My guess is that you don't hate any group because of who they are - which is to say, from my perspective, I don't hate all Anglo-Saxon Christians because George Bush is one. My emnity is directed. But you must acknowledge, REGARDLESS of your own prejudices _ which from what I have read of your posts are not racially or ethnically motivated, that there are still many in this country who DO hold racial and ethnic prejudices. What we minorities ask of you who are trying to cast off racism is first, understanding that the devil is still amoung us, and second, understanding of our rage. We don't want your love (necessarily, anthough if you're cute...- sorry, bad joke), we don't want you're sympathy, we certainly don't want you condecendence. I think want we want is you're recognition that we, and our ancestors have been wronged as groups. Some more than others to be sure, and that those wrongs need to be acknowledged. And,. more importantly, that we are your equals.
What I find interesting is that you white folks all want to exonerate yourselves as individuals, but never address the stysemic levels of racism. I will accept that every one of you is color blind, and I love you for that. The system is not. So I ask you, if you are truely color blind, to help people of color root out the vestiges of racism that still exists in our society.
And you know? If the neofasc's want to label that effort- well, whatever they might- I must say that I don't give a flying (which I never have, but sounds interesting ;D) F..., people of conscions need to make their presence felt. If you don't, than, I think, all your good thoughts, and all your sincere beliefs, are just so many brown leaves in the late fall wind.
Sorry Cheerleader, obviously this was aimed at more than your response. Hope you don't mind.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I think want we want is you're recognition that we, and our ancestors have been wronged as groups. Some more than others to be sure, and that those wrongs need to be acknowledged. And,. more importantly, that we are your equals.End Quote
Well...I'm sure my ancestors have been wronged way back in the day too ::) Then again, I wasn't there, so other than a history lesson it doesn't concern me anymore.
And if you wanna be "our equals" maybe you should consider that affirmative action and hate crime legislation aren't exactly equal, eh?
What I find interesting is that you white folks all want to exonerate yourselves as individuals, but never address the stysemic levels of racism. I will accept that every one of you is color blind, and I love you for that. The system is not. So I ask you, if you are truely color blind, to help people of color root out the vestiges of racism that still exists in our society.End Quote
"White folks" have had to address racism for centuries, i.e. Jews and Irish immigrants.
And you know? If the neofasc's want to label that effort- well, whatever they might- I must say that I don't give a flying (which I never have, but sounds interesting ;D) F..., people of conscions need to make their presence felt. If you don't, than, I think, all your good thoughts, and all your sincere beliefs, are just so many brown leaves in the late fall wind.
End Quote
Funny how whenever someone won't give "minorities" a free ride, they're called fascists or similar. I'm a "minority", and I sure as hell didn't get any free rides.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Carlos, maybe 'white' people are uncomfortable with their past ignorance as much as ethnic minorities are angry with 'white' people. The decent, but unknowledgeable, 'white' people feel they have to exonerate themselves because they have no idea how to appease racial situations. I say 'appease' because, in my opinion, that is their view.
I must also say that, in history, whites are not prejudiced as to whom they perform injustices on, as in all races. They have often had civil wars and fought against their own race as well.
As for the justice system well . . . There's more to be done but it's going to take a better, more influential, man (or group of men) than me to change it.
Just a thought, Carlos. :)
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Carlos, maybe 'white' people are uncomfortable with their past ignorance as much as ethnic minorities are angry with 'white' people. The decent, but unknowledgeable, 'white' people feel they have to exonerate themselves because they have no idea how to appease racial situations. I say 'appease' because, in my opinion, that is their view.
I must also say that, in history, whites are not prejudiced as to whom they perform injustices on, as in all races. They have often had civil wars and fought against their own race as well.
As for the justice system well . . . There's more to be done but it's going to take a better, more influential, man (or group of men) than me to change it.
Just a thought, Carlos. :)
End Quote
Bobby, I appreciate your thoughts, and think they are valid. I think that most minority people DON'T want special treatment, just a leval playing field (and I know lots of working class white folks who want that too). And I will say it again - we don't care about your personal prejudices. If you choose not to date blacks or hispanics, that's your right, although I can tell you that you're missing out on some great...never mind. My point is that no one needs to, or should need to justify their personal preferences or prejudices, but those who have power need to put them aside as they excercise that power. And right now, (some) white people have power. With few exceptions, we darker people do not. That is the real issue.
According to the census, we Latinos are about to become the biggest minority, and soon, in combination with Afro-Ams. we could become the majority, especially if we are joined with Asians (you listening Rice?). I hope that we will be kinder and more just when we take over the country, elect a black/hispanic/asian president and take control of Congress than Anglo-Saxson Protestants have been to us.
At the same time, I hope we all can preserve our cultural identity, and respect that of others (there are very few "gringos" who can really dance the salsa, but I can waltz with the best of them, and contra-dance too).
As my avitar says, true revolutionaries are motivated by feelings of great love. I love humanity in all its diversity. Unfortunately, too many people in this country (and I'm not refering to people on this board) do not, and therein lies the problem. So please, all you good, well meaning people, join together to help make this country a true meritocracy, color blind, and accepting of those things that make us different, while accepting, and reveling in the humanity that we all share.
Sorry to be preachy
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Bobby, I appreciate your thoughts, and think they are valid . . . If you choose not to date blacks or hispanics, that's your right, although I can tell you that you're missing out on some great...never mind. End Quote
Thanks, Carlos. My dad has been married to a black lady from Trinidad since 1992. He has a girl and a boy (the girl is not his). My nan didn't like the idea of my dad marrying a black woman and even I thought it was really strange at the time (shame on me) but we live and learn. I didn't get on with her (not for racial reasons) but my dad is happy and that is fine.
As for hispanics - I reckon I am missing out on something there! ;)
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
An (i thought) interesting sidenote on this Political Correctness topic: I'm sure some of the Brits on here, like Bobby, have seen the old Lilt adverts on T.V. with the stereotypical fat, giggly Carribean women - and now it looks like they've tried to 'politically correct' it with erm...i'm not sure, is it Dub?...music and slimmer, younger girls - and all they've done really is update the stereotype. :-/
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
An (i thought) interesting sidenote on this Political Correctness topic: I'm sure some of the Brits on here, like Bobby, have seen the old Lilt adverts on T.V. with the stereotypical fat, giggly Carribean women - and now it looks like they've tried to 'politically correct' it with erm...i'm not sure, is it Dub?...music and slimmer, younger girls - and all they've done really is update the stereotype. :-/
End Quote
Yeah I've seen the Lilt adverts, Hoeveel. It appears as if they have replaced one set of ideas people have about black people with another. Instead of the fat older 'Tom and Jerry housewife' stereotype, we see slim gorgeous hip-hoppers giving it some. I don't really care too much though - If I fancy a bottle of Lilt, adverts have nothing to do with it anyway.
I suppose stereotyping and advertising go hand in hand.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
...the fat older 'Tom and Jerry housewife' stereotype, ...End Quote
Yeah, that's pretty much what i thought, too.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Thanks, Carlos. My dad has been married to a black lady from Trinidad since 1992. He has a girl and a boy (the girl is not his). My nan didn't like the idea of my dad marrying a black woman and even I thought it was really strange at the time (shame on me) but we live and learn. I didn't get on with her (not for racial reasons) but my dad is happy and that is fine.
As for hispanics - I reckon I am missing out on something there! ;)
End Quote
So called "mixed marriages" which were illegal in some states until relatively recently, are becoming more common, and I think its a great sign.
Someone above, forgot who, mentioned white prejudice against "white people" and mentioned Jews and Irish. Today, we do consider them white, but during the "no Irish need apply" era, they were NOT concidered white. In fact, one of my students did a book review of a boook called How the Irish Became White. And there are still people who don't consider Jews white. The whole issue of how societies define "race" is interesting. Biologically, there is no such thing, and diferernt societies define it differently.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
On the subject of British adverts (again ::) ), there is one for Walkers crisps where an ex-footballer dresses up in Indian-style clothes, dyes his hair and puts a dot on his forehead..is it just me or would that, a couple of years ago, not been acceptable? I mean, if it wasn't for documentaries on the erm...'P.C. unaware' days of the Minstrel shows - where white people would black-up and try to imitate black music - and their whole condemnation of them as backward and racist, i probably never would have heard of them at all cos they certainly wouldn't show things like that in the original context these days.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
On the subject of British adverts (again ::) ), there is one for Walkers crisps where an ex-footballer dresses up in Indian-style clothes, dyes his hair and puts a dot on his forehead..is it just me or would that, a couple of years ago, not been acceptable? I mean, if it wasn't for documentaries on the erm...'P.C. unaware' days of the Minstrel shows - where white people would black-up and try to imitate black music - and their whole condemnation of them as backward and racist, i probably never would have heard of them at all cos they certainly wouldn't show things like that in the original context these days.
End Quote
THis is an excellent point. Minstrel shows are one example of blatant racism, and I remember Amos an' Andy from both radio (yes, BEFORE TV) and early tv. There was also Step an" Fetchit, both based on racial stereotypes. And do you remember Buckwheat? What about Tonto (one interpretation of "kimosabe" is that it derives from Spanish, "el que no sabe" (he who dosent understand). Even Ricky Ricardo was often portrayed as a buffoon, and there werer many other sitcoms based on ethnic or racial stereotypes. Given this record, don't you think it might be reasonable for racial and ethnic minorities to be a bit sensitive?
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
That's a very good point.
Although, i've got to say, i must be too young to remember Buckwheat i think. Either that or it wasn't aired in this country *shrugs*.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
The advertisements comments bring up something that is happening all across America...the changing of school mascots. How do y'all feel about those? Are they necessarily derogatory?
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Erm...i think i'm going to need some more information ;D
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Erm...i think i'm going to need some more information ;D
End Quote
Many schools (colleges, high schools, etc.) are changing their school mascots so as not to offend someone. Example...the University of Illinois is known as the fighting Illini. A few years ago, there was a big issue of changing from "Chief Illiniwek" to something more politically correct (an animal along the lines of a lion or bear, if I remember right-I could google, but it's too early in the morning for that ;)). Also, a high school not too far from me, a few years back, voted to change from the Redskins to the Tigers.
Personally, as part Native American, I don't see these as negative stereotypes. BUT, someone, somewhere felt they might be offensive to some Native American groups . Is that enough to change a school mascot that has been in place since the school started? Hell, my school mascot was a Reaper! Is that offensive to farmers, or is that just calling us a bunch of hicks? ;D
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Hell, my school mascot was a Reaper!
End Quote
...but could someone explain to me why having a Chief as a mascot is offensive? Unless, of course, he's a cuddly teddy-bear chief who gets knocked down by the visiting team's cuddly bunnywunny mascot...
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
...but could someone explain to me why having a Chief as a mascot is offensive? Unless, of course, he's a cuddly teddy-bear chief who gets knocked down by the visiting team's cuddly bunnywunny mascot...
End Quote
Please refer to my post above. Your misasing the point
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
When it comes to Hollywood, I think people should lighten up on television shows that happened over 40 years ago.
We don't see the racial stereotypes on television that were the norm back in the 40s. But let's take a look at what is common and considered ok nowadays.
It's ok to refer to the Irish as alcaholics who do nothing but drink and fight. It's ok to say the British have horrible teeth and an even worse cuisine. It's ok to say that all white southern folk are slack jawed, cousin dating, banjo pickin, mullet wearing, barefoot...well you get the point.
I guess that if a black person my age were to tell me that they are a bit sensitive now because of how Buckwheat was portrayed in the 20s ( or is it the 30s? I don't know), I would tell them to get over it! Because just last night I saw a sitcom where a black girl basically referred to white people as flat bottomed pencil pushers who can't dance.
Edited to add that the sitcom in question was a repeat of MAD TV.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Even Ricky Ricardo was often portrayed as a buffoon, and there werer many other sitcoms based on ethnic or racial stereotypes. End Quote
And Lucy was not? What about Fred and Ethel?
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Grim?End Quote
Unfortunately, no, that would've been rather cool. It is a type of farming equipment, aka a Harvester ::)
Quoting:...but could someone explain to me why having a Chief as a mascot is offensive? Unless, of course, he's a cuddly teddy-bear chief who gets knocked down by the visiting team's cuddly bunnywunny mascot...
End Quote
My point exactly.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Many schools (colleges, high schools, etc.) are changing their school mascots so as not to offend someone. Example...the University of Illinois is known as the fighting Illini. A few years ago, there was a big issue of changing from "Chief Illiniwek" to something more politically correct (an animal along the lines of a lion or bear, if I remember right-I could google, but it's too early in the morning for that ;)). Also, a high school not too far from me, a few years back, voted to change from the Redskins to the Tigers.
Personally, as part Native American, I don't see these as negative stereotypes. BUT, someone, somewhere felt they might be offensive to some Native American groups . Is that enough to change a school mascot that has been in place since the school started? Hell, my school mascot was a Reaper! Is that offensive to farmers, or is that just calling us a bunch of hicks? ;D
End Quote
A few years back, I heard something about some people wanting to change the name of the Washington Redskins. I can't remember what they were recommending (Palefaces? ;))
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Many schools (colleges, high schools, etc.) are changing their school mascots so as not to offend someone. Example...the University of Illinois is known as the fighting Illini. A few years ago, there was a big issue of changing from "Chief Illiniwek" to something more politically correct (an animal along the lines of a lion or bear, if I remember right-I could google, but it's too early in the morning for that ;)). Also, a high school not too far from me, a few years back, voted to change from the Redskins to the Tigers.
Personally, as part Native American, I don't see these as negative stereotypes. BUT, someone, somewhere felt they might be offensive to some Native American groups . Is that enough to change a school mascot that has been in place since the school started? Hell, my school mascot was a Reaper! Is that offensive to farmers, or is that just calling us a bunch of hicks? ;D
End Quote
If Native Americans don't like the name Washington Redskins or that Cleveland Indians logo, you can't understand why they woudl be upset? You don't see a problem with those mascots and logos? Why not just call the Knicks the New York Nigs? Or just make up a team called the Alabama White Trash?
No one even asked the indigenous peoples of America what they wanted to be called, they were just given the name "Indian". I don't know, I see both sides of this. I see the PC lunacy, and I see where PC has it's uses. I'm surprised some of you guys can't see where PC is needed or where things can be legitimately offensive.
(Ha, why wasn't "Nig" automatically deleted by this message board? A lot of other G rated, PG rated, or non-swear stuff is. But you can say "nig" all you want. Hey it's a family board. ;) )
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
And Lucy was not? What about Fred and Ethel?
End Quote
I'm not sure exactly what he meant, but I'm going to guess it was because Ricky's accent and his Cuban heritage was often the butt of jokes on that show. Lucy, Fred and Ethel never had such jokes.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
I'm not sure exactly what he meant, but I'm going to guess it was because Ricky's accent and his Cuban heritage was often the butt of jokes on that show. Lucy, Fred and Ethel never had such jokes.
End Quote
Precisely! You got it.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
A lot of other G rated, PG rated, or non-swear stuff is.
Hey it's a family board. ;) )
End Quote
The only things modified are those which violate
The Forum Guidelines.
This is not so much a matter of PC abuse as it is of consideration for others, wanting this site to be available to everyone and not banned or blocked by "Net-Nanny" and other programs of the like which would clearly affect site traffic and the simple fact that most people find it enjoyable to have a clean set of forums for a change.
As it clearly states in the Forum Guidelines:
It is your responsibility to understand the guidelines currently in force and conduct yourself in accordance therewith.
These are moderated forums. If you wish to post whatever you want, go to non-moderated forums. There are plenty of them out there.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
And, I think, this is a good thing. We have lots of young people visiting the site, and participating not only in the fun stuff about music and movies etc, but reading and thinking about the political stuff. To me, this is very gratifying and very encouraging. My God, it might mean that the next generation will build a better democracy than we older folks have managed. If giving up a few f, s, d, etc words is what it takes, I'm all for it. I can express myself without them. Hairspray, keep on keepen on. ;D
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
If Native Americans don't like the name Washington Redskins or that Cleveland Indians logo, you can't understand why they woudl be upset? You don't see a problem with those mascots and logos? Why not just call the Knicks the New York Nigs? Or just make up a team called the Alabama White Trash?
No one even asked the indigenous peoples of America what they wanted to be called, they were just given the name "Indian". I don't know, I see both sides of this. I see the PC lunacy, and I see where PC has it's uses. I'm surprised some of you guys can't see where PC is needed or where things can be legitimately offensive.
End Quote
The problem I have with this is that, in many cases, it is NOT a Native American who starts the "change controversy". And, as a NA (which I AM considered, since I am more than 1/16), I DON'T see them as offensive. The point I was trying to make is that ANY team mascot can be seen as offensive...animal lovers can be offended at animal names, people whose ancestors were pirates/vikings, etc can be offended by Pitts Pirates, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Minn Vikings, large people could be offended by the NY Giants. Give me a team name and I can give you someone who would be offended.
I agree with you that PC-ness has its place, I just think it's been taken too far.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
The problem I have with this is that, in many cases, it is NOT a Native American who starts the "change controversy". And, as a NA (which I AM considered, since I am more than 1/16), I DON'T see them as offensive. The point I was trying to make is that ANY team mascot can be seen as offensive...animal lovers can be offended at animal names, people whose ancestors were pirates/vikings, etc can be offended by Pitts Pirates, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Minn Vikings, large people could be offended by the NY Giants. Give me a team name and I can give you someone who would be offended.
I agree with you that PC-ness has its place, I just think it's been taken too far.
End Quote
In the context of sports teams names, I have to agree that things might have gone to far. My college's teams are the Spartans. I suspect that very few are Greek, and even those would not find anchient Sparta very attractive. It is, on the other hand, relatively inoffencive.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Bottom line. Grow up and stop your darn crying. I hear jokes all the time about every freaking race, creed, religion. Whatever! I'm White, Irish and darn proud of it. I hear jokes about the Irish all the time. We're drunks, fighters, Potato lovers. Big deal! They'er actually funny. So are the Italian jokes, the Puerto Rican jokes, the Black jokes. Grow up! I'm sorry, I meant African American jokes. Do you see my point? Probably not.
I don't like political correctness, so I guess that means i'm against something. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
Subject: Re: What's really so bad about Political Correctne
Bottom line. Grow up and stop your darn crying. I hear jokes all the time about every freaking race, creed, religion. Whatever! I'm White, Irish and darn proud of it. I hear jokes about the Irish all the time. We're drunks, fighters, Potato lovers. Big deal! They'er actually funny. So are the Italian jokes, the Puerto Rican jokes, the Black jokes. Grow up! I'm sorry, I meant African American jokes. Do you see my point? Probably not.
I don't like political correctness, so I guess that means i'm against something. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.
End Quote
OK, lets back off for a sec. As "post Modernists" would assert, discourse, the words we use carry meanings that we may or may not intend, so we should be aware of the way others might interpret them. What is it that makes racial or ethnic jokes funny? Could it be that they correspond to our stereotypes? If not that, then what? Beyond that, they CONFIRM our stereotypes, and therefore perpetuate them. Words are important.