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Subject: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
Okay, I'm planning on doing this Civil War re-enactment at this old fort on a small island. It basically consists of wearing 1860's clothing and staying there a whole day and night and pretending you're someone from 1863. I'm all for doing this, 'cause I'm a major history buff and I figured it could be my own little mini-Frontier House-like experiment to see what living during the Civil War times was like.
The only problem I have with doing this is that I have a major fear of seeing ghosts. I suppose it sounds ridicolous, but the first time I was at the fort I was really afraid of being alone because I was scared of encountering spirits. The place I'll be staying at has had a long history of hauntings. I've heard that only people with ESP can ever see a ghost, and I'm really hoping that I don't have it.
So, have any of you ever seen or felt the prescence of a ghost? Or do you absolutely not believe they exist?
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
Well, I definitely don't believe in ghosts like the ones in the movie "Ghost." But I think maybe there's some kind of...energy(?) or aura(?) left behind that causes people to see something that looks like a "ghost."
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
I'm definitely in the 'finito' school of thinking when it comes to the afterlife. We are human organisms nothing more. When you die, that's it. So therefore, no ghosts. No soul either.
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
I really don't believe, as I said in another thread, but I'm willing to admit that, as Hamlet put it, "there are more things under heaven and earth, Horatio, than are drempt of in your simple philosophy".
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
Eons ago, my mother worked in a Nursing Home and has some amazing stories of things she had seen, heard, felt etc that to this day even she can't explain. And many people who have worked there know about them, so its not just her.
I guess we all, at some point in our lives have/or will experience something we can't explain. Some will dismiss it as nothing, and others will say it was a ghost. I guess its just whatever you want to believe.
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
I believe in ghosts...when stuff happens and there is no logical explanation it doesn't give you much of a choice.
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
I believe in ghosts...when stuff happens and there is no logical explanation it doesn't give you much of a choice.
End Quote
A lot of stuff like that I think can be blamed on demons, not necessarily "ghosts." Other than that, the only ghost I really believe in is the Holy Spirit.
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
Well I'll have to say that I do believe in ghosts. Because I've heard numerous stories, that ghosts do exist. But I think that they are most of the time "energy" left behind.
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
I asked thsi a while ago at the PPP, Ill bump the thread if you want...
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
As answered in a couple of other threads,yes because I've seen one and heard another.I to believe they are an energy or imprint that is left behind.
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
Nope. I don't believe in ghosts.
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
I've never seen a ghost. I've never had stuff thrown at me by a ghost. Until some really freaky sh-- starts happening to me for absolutely no reason, I don't believe in ghosts.
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
As I have said before, yes I don believe they exist. I have never "seen" on per say but I have felt presence many times.
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
As I have said before, yes I don believe they exist. I have never "seen" on per say but I have felt presence many times.
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I remember Don's story with the wall paper and the laughter in his old house...that was a good story...
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
I remember Don's story with the wall paper and the laughter in his old house...that was a good story...
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Yeah it was but his name is Carlos (or DC) ;D
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
I believe in ghosts...when stuff happens and there is no logical explanation it doesn't give you much of a choice.
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Not to be critical, but this could be a very dangerous attitude. Just because you (or I, or even "experts") can't find a "logical" (do you mean scientific?) explanation for something doesn't mean there isn't one. I think this is one of the lessons we can learn from the Salem witch trials of 1692.
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
Yeah, but it's pretty freaky when stuff just flies across your room...it can make you believe weird stuff... :-/
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
I would like to keep an open mind about ghosts. However, I believe they are a cynical way of making a stately home a tourist attraction. I will believe in ghosts when I see them. :)
It's interesting that My Lighthouse mentions that some people believe in demons rather than ghosts because I was brought up to believe that, right or wrong, as part of my faith. It explained that demons are tricksters that appear via a channel (quite often from a ouijji board - which is why I will never partake in using one).
A friend of mine had encountered 'spiritual activity' of some kind where a person he was visiting had problems in his house. He could often hear eerie footsteps at night and objects would move without explanation. My friend told the person that a piece of furniture in the house is 'possessed'.
The person suspiciously saw a piano with a stool and so sold the piano but the activities continued. It turned out later that the stool was the piece of furniture that caused the problems! Once the stool was got rid of the house was fine.
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
I would like to keep an open mind about ghosts. However, I believe they are a cynical way of making a stately home a tourist attraction. I will believe in ghosts when I see them. :)
End Quote
I see what you're saying, but that doesn't explain the happenings in places other than "stately homes".
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
I see what you're saying, but that doesn't explain the happenings in places other than "stately homes".
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Real happenings may appear in other places. I was insinuating that owners of posh houses use the prospect of a ghost to lure visitors to them in the hope of seeing a ghost, attracting business as a result. :)
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
I've always kept an open mind about ghosts and the unknown. I just find it more fun to let my imagination run wild, especially if I'm visiting an older home or museum. ;D
I have wondered how I would react if I did see a ghost. Would I run? Faint? Accept the situation at hand, keep my wits about me and attempt communication? The latter would be great! It would be the most interesting and the most fun. Unfortunately, to my displeasure, I haven't seen or experienced anything I could solidly claim as a ghostly experience. I tried though! :D
I once lived in a very old stone home (ca. 1860's). There were plaques on a couple of the exterior walls with interesting "thoughts". The house definitely had a lot of history. Every one who owned the house had grown old and died there. It became almost abandoned when a set of siblings inherited the house, but refused to live in it. It eventually sold and I became a resident a decade later.
There were a couple of abandoned, neglected buildings on the grounds. One looked like an old barn and the other an old schoolhouse. The one thing I noticed - there was always a dead rabbit in the schoolhouse. It wasn't the same one either; always a new dead rabbit.
The atmosphere within the house was somber and the house quite dark. No matter how many lights were on, it always seemed dark. There were engravings in some of the walls within the house from former residents, most were names and dates. Judging by the dates, most if not all are dead by then.
I thought the house and its grounds would make a perfect scenario for braving an all-lights-out walk in the middle of the night to see or experience something. I coward a few times, I admit. Then one night, I finally built-up the nerve and began to walk. At first my eyes played tricks on me and everything looked and sounded suspicious. My heart was racing and I began to perspire. I journeyed the house and the grounds. I felt very strange and I had chills to no end. I then heard a very loud thump behind a thick bush near the old barn. I was scared, but stealthily walked around to see what caused it when all of the sudden....
I screamed a short scream but stayed in place, frozen, paralyzed. Then I realized it was only a deer. Needless to say I felt silly, even though I was on a verge of a heart attack.
I lived in that house for 4 years and never saw or experienced anything out of the ordinary, even in the complete darkness.
So, in conclusion, there were absolutely no ghosts in that particular house. If there were any, they were very private.
The less fun alternative -
There are no such things as ghosts.
Ah, it's still more fun to keep an open mind. ;D
P.S. This is probably my lengthiest post ever. ;D
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
Great story, HS. I think there are a couple reasons why ghosts hang out in certain places. First, is if the person died before his time or a very tragic death. That is why battlegrounds, The Tower of London, Nazi concentration camps, and other places like that are concidered to be haunted a lot (they say that Lincoln's ghost can be seen at the White House-because he died before his time and by a tragic death). Other ghosts are merely those who loved their homes so much and didn't want to leave. Some even say that ghosts don't leave because they haven't finished what they were here to do.
However, most of the presence I have felt were more of a personal nature. Departed love ones checking up to see how everything is going.
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
Good story HS, and very well written! :)
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
Yep, I believe there's one that visits me in my home.
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
It's interesting that My Lighthouse mentions that some people believe in demons rather than ghosts because I was brought up to believe that, right or wrong, as part of my faith. It explained that demons are tricksters that appear via a channel (quite often from a ouijji board - which is why I will never partake in using one).
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That's interesting. My parents were brought up Catholic and Protestant but they're both pretty much Atheist now. Although they still got pretty annoyed when they found my sisters trying to make a Ouija board. :-/ I think they had to burn it.
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
Good story HS, and very well written! :)
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Why, thank you. ;D
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
Yep, I believe there's one that visits me in my home.
End Quote
Any stories to tell? Why do you believe that?
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
you know what, I got a story...
Ive mentioned my friend Larry's house as being hauted...now this is a colonial that dates back to about 1860 located in Lynbrook New York(ie where Everybody loves Raymound takes place, my neighboring town), anyway, one night I slept over, now this house has four stories, basement, seccond floor, third floor, and attic. This day was the first time I was on the third floor of his house, which was only two rooms, a hall, and a bathroom. Anyway, that morning, we both woke up and he asked which bathroom I wanted to go into and I said the seccond floor, and so he went into the third floor one. When I was done, I walked out, called out "Larry!" a few times to find out where he was, and then started up the staircase to the next floor. I was about half way up (when you get about up three courters of the way, it spins to reveal the floor), and I called out his name again, and I heard something on the floor above. "Larry?" I asked, "is that you?" I saw a shadow, thought something was about to come down the stairs, when I heard a noise from below, it was Larry at the foot of the steps, and so I went down, not realizing what I had witnessed might've been paranormal.
and one more
my friend John's neighbor had moved out of their house, and John kept on suggesting that we should go over there, making up stories of it being haunted and all, and so I agreed, myself, him, and his younger brother by one year, Brian. The house was abandon, and outside was his little group from his block, which only consisted of two other people, a short kid with blonde hair named "Kevin," and a taller, fatter kid with brown hair also coincedently named, "Kevin." So the five of us got inside into this house, into the main room, which was a living room. This room looked normal, no furniture, obviously. Anyway, John started down a corridor, and I followed, not wanting to get lost, and then Brian went behind me. We got into a kitchen area with counters on the wall, and a sink, and Bryan went up and turned on the water, and nothing. John began looking through paper left on the table, and I just stood still wondering what the two Kevins were doing, and so I started out to the living room followed by Brian, and I thought John, but not. The two Kevins stood by the staircase leading upstairs, and so myself and Brian went up, followed by the Kevins. Use two went foreward while the Kevins went to the left into the first room. We got to the end of the corridor and went into a bedroom of some sort, which was empty, I glanced out the window, saw nothing unusual, Brian commented on a portrait that still hanged on the wall, of a weird looking girl who's eyes were always affixed foreward at the person staring at it. I just stared forward into its eyes, and Brian commented that he saw it blink, I obviously didn't believe him. We started back out into the hall and into the bathroom next door. I said that there was nothign up here, and we should start down, Brian knodded, and in one tragic motion opened teh shower curtain to reveal....nothing. Then we went back out into the hall and knocked on all the doors yelling for the Kevins, but we got no answer and assumed they went downstairs and left. Then, back on the main floor, we searched for John, who we couldnt find. Brian commented that they were kidnapped by something, I just ignored that, and opened a door I didnt remember seeing the first time around, it led to the basement. We started down. The basement was dark, and shadowy, and Brian exagerated that he saw something moving very often, it got annoying, we heard something on the stair case we had just come off of, but we kept moving foreward. Brian opened a door, and we both started in. The door closed behind me, I ignored it. We looked up, this room was now entirely dark. There were more stairs leading up, I thought, and I started up them to only hit my head on a small ceiling, which was metel. "Lets get out of here!" Brian said, I agreed, and he attempted to open the door, which didnt open. We were scared, well he was. We were trapped and we couldn't get out. I was pounding on the metel assuming it led somewhere, and Brian knocking on the door hoping John or one of the Kevin's would hear us. Suddenly, light! Yes, light! The metel was being lifted to reveal John at the other end. He carefully laid down the side of the shelter, and I jumped out followed by Brian. John mentioned that he heard us and wasn't sure where the Kevins were, until they started out of the front door mentioning that they were in a corridor upstairs off of a room. So ghosts? Im not sure, what was on those stairs behind us? What was that feeling that I felt the whole time? Who closed that door locking us in? And who locked it?
I bet most of you expected more out of that last one... :)
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
No....not really. :-/ :P
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
But I have a few in my cupboard but that is a different matter ;D
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
But I have a few in my cupboard but that is a different matter ;D
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I hear they're skeletons :o ;D
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
I hear they're skeletons :o ;D
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Oh ! Ummm...They are keeping the ghosts company ;D ;) :-X
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
I don't know whether I believe in ghosts, per se, but I am sure that there is some form of afterlife.
Many of you will no doubt scoff, but I went to see a medium approximately 1 year ago, and there was NO WAY she could have known the things she told me...
I have never met my my maternal grandmother, Margaret, as she died when she was 36, my mother was only 5 and it was 22 years before I was born.
However, all of my older relatives comment that I look exactly like her, and I've seen photo's which prove this, plus I've always felt a special bond with her for some reason.
Anyway, I sat down in the medium's house, and the first thing she said was "Margaret's here waiting for you"
As I sat there totally stunned, she proceeded to tell me that my grandmother had died young, it was a problem to do with her chest that killed her, she had a young son and daughter at the time, her birthday was the 15th of July and loads of other true stuff.
She also told me some very personal things about myself, which I hadn't told ANYBODY, which are very unusual and could cause offence if she had said them to someone where it wasn't true......
Also, a friend of mine visited that same medium. Just before she left to visit her, she was about to cut an unusual tree in her garden , but changed her mind at the last minute.
When she got to the medium, she told her "Your grandmother is glad you didn't just try to cut that ???? tree down , its about to bloom!"
How on earth could she have known any of that without there being an after life, it is too much of a coincidence.
I went to that medium a complete sceptic and came out convinced.
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
oh boy, ghost story time. I wondered when this thread would evolve into this, and its a good thing. :D
Here's a true story that my mother told me. I mentioned in an earlier post that she worked in a nursing home where many people have seen/heard/felt ghost-like things.
When my mother worked there she worked 3rd shift so she could be home in the morning to get us off to school. She would always tell us about how she heard voices and footseps in the halls of the facility at night. One night she was giving a resident her meds and kept hearing someone knocking at the door across the hall. So she finsihed what she was doing and went out and looked, and of course, nothing. Later that night she heard the knocking several times even at one point where she was standing down the hall looking at the door where nobody was standing, yet the knocking continued. The next morning, she was in with the same woman she was with the previous night to give her her meds, and all the staff knew that this woman was in her final days as her health was failing and she was 98 yrs old. Well sure enough, later that afternoon she did die. But the wierd thing is, earlier that day before she had died, when my mother was in the room with her, the woman kept staring up into the doorway as if someone was there. My mother glanced over there a couple times to see what she was looking at but nothing was there. Finally my mother asked her what she was looking at, and the lady said "who is that woman standing there?" A few hours later she died of old age. To this day, my mother hasn't been able to figure out who was doing the knocking on the doors at night, and who the mysterious woman was who that old lady kept seeing before she died, and several other staff members have had the same experiences. Many of them have said that befre a resident dies, the noises would intensify and often times the soo-to-be-deceased residents would see a woman.
Thought you all might enjoy that. ;)
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
Good story 80s.
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
The only problem I have with doing this is that I have a major fear of seeing ghosts. I suppose it sounds ridicolous, but the first time I was at the fort I was really afraid of being alone because I was scared of encountering spirits. The place I'll be staying at has had a long history of hauntings. I've heard that only people with ESP can ever see a ghost, and I'm really hoping that I don't have it.
So, have any of you ever seen or felt the prescence of a ghost? Or do you absolutely not believe they exist?
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Can I add to your fears? Check out: http://theshadowlands.net/ghost/#real%20ghost
Scroll down to "Real Ghost Experiences" ;D
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
Can I add to your fears? Check out: http://theshadowlands.net/ghost/#real%20ghost
Scroll down to "Real Ghost Experiences" ;D
End Quote
you know what, I realized that I dont always believe those sights and their pictures because its usually an orb or a gash of light, nothing at all resembling a human being, but I still believe...
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
I believe in ghosts. Haven`t you ever seen the movie BEETLEGUISE?
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
There may be spirits, and they could be pretty ticked off or maybe sad that they or a comrad died in battle. Anyway, don't freak out if you see something, recommend ignore it, tell yourself, "this ain't happening," and go away.
So, have any of you ever seen or felt the prescence of a ghost? Or do you absolutely not believe they exist?
End Quote
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
Got this email today:
This story happened about a month ago in a little town in Louisiana,and while it sounds like an Alfred Hitchcock tale, it's real.
This guy was on the side of the road hitch hiking on a very dark night in the middle of a storm. The night passed slowly and no cars went by. he storm was so strong he could hardly see a few feet ahead of him.Suddenly he saw a car slowly looming, ghostlike, out of the gloom.It slowly crept toward him and stopped. Reflexively, the guy got into the car and closed the door, then realized that there was nobody behind the wheel.
The car slowly started moving again. The guy was terrified, too scared to think of jumping out and running. The guy saw that the car was slowly approaching a sharp curve. The guy started to pray, begging for his life; he was sure the ghost car would go off the road and he would plunge to his death, when just before the curve, a hand appeared through the window and turned the steering wheel, guiding the car safely around the bend.Paralyzed with terror, the guy watched the hand reappear every time they reached a curve. Finally, the guy gathered his wits and leaped from the car and ran to the nearest town. Wet and in shock, he went into a bar and voice quavering, ordered two shots of tequila, and told everybody about his horrible, supernatural experience.
A silence enveloped everybody when they realized the guy was apparently sane and not drunk.
About half an hour later two guys walked into the same bar. One says to the other, "Look Boudreaux, that's dat idiot that rode in our car when we was pushin it in the rain."
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
I do, for some pathetic reason, but not in the kind I've seen in horror films.
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
Got this email today:
This story happened about a month ago in a little town in Louisiana,and while it sounds like an Alfred Hitchcock tale, it's real.
This guy was on the side of the road hitch hiking on a very dark night in the middle of a storm. The night passed slowly and no cars went by. he storm was so strong he could hardly see a few feet ahead of him.Suddenly he saw a car slowly looming, ghostlike, out of the gloom.It slowly crept toward him and stopped. Reflexively, the guy got into the car and closed the door, then realized that there was nobody behind the wheel.
The car slowly started moving again. The guy was terrified, too scared to think of jumping out and running. The guy saw that the car was slowly approaching a sharp curve. The guy started to pray, begging for his life; he was sure the ghost car would go off the road and he would plunge to his death, when just before the curve, a hand appeared through the window and turned the steering wheel, guiding the car safely around the bend.Paralyzed with terror, the guy watched the hand reappear every time they reached a curve. Finally, the guy gathered his wits and leaped from the car and ran to the nearest town. Wet and in shock, he went into a bar and voice quavering, ordered two shots of tequila, and told everybody about his horrible, supernatural experience.
A silence enveloped everybody when they realized the guy was apparently sane and not drunk.
About half an hour later two guys walked into the same bar. One says to the other, "Look Boudreaux, that's dat idiot that rode in our car when we was pushin it in the rain."
End Quote
lol! Didnt turn out like i expected it to, kinda like an episode of a television show that ends as it all being a dream...
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
In the battle, people were alive one second then blown to smitherines in the next. Their life spirit in some cases possibly remained in existence in the form of molecules, cells, electrical impulses, dust, i.e. sparks of the surviving life. If these entities were strong enough to exist at that moment, the rest of the battle could have disseminated them, not to mention years of weather, tourists, and reenactors like you moving through them. Any remaining spirit material or ghostlike matter to date would most likely be in an area of little distubance from the elements. If you find such an area and move into it haphazardly, you'll probably cause dissemination of whatever matter may have still existed there. Best not to disturb any such area, approach it with caution, and in the right conditions, you may envision a surviving apparition.
The only problem I have with doing this is that I have a major fear of seeing ghosts. End Quote
Subject: Re: Do You Believe In Ghosts?
ok, I got a story...
true story, might I add
ok, so my room looks like this, two beds, two bookcases, tv, enterence to the attic, three dressers, and there is an enterence to my grandma's part of the house(where she lives), and a spiril staircase going downstairs to my den, where my computers and desks all are. Okay, so then this one time I remember like when my 4-year old cousin was like 2, we were in the den, and I brought him upstairs, and he requested to go down because he was scared, I said ok, and we went back down. Then one time it was myself and my bro, and he was with us, and I needed to go upstairs for something, I asked if he wanted to come, he said no because of the "Scary Yellow thing." I didnt know what he meant, and continued up. So then recently, I was with a female friend watching a movie on my computer, and he was with us, and she asked if I could get something that I promised to give to her from upstairs, I said yes, and we both started up, but my cousin didnt wanna come, but I made him come. So then we got up, and I asked my cousin about this scary yellow thing. he siad its not there anymore. I asked him where it was, and he pointed to an obsolete corner in the room. he also said it was making a face, and he demonstarted an angry face. I examined the stuff on the bookcase near it, and held up everything yellow and questioned if it was it, but he said no. This got me thinking, did he see a ghost? Its very much possible that a baby saw something not caught by two teenagers or a teen and a young adult, and what he described and where he pointed, you never know. The dressers in teh room do date back some time in the "Florio" family, as belonging to my dad's mother previous to them being ours, and the enterence to the attic, at the first sighting, was wide open, and up there is a lot more of my dad's mother's stuff. Could she be trying to comunicate with us as the "scary yellow thing?" We may never know...