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Subject: Taking bets for terrorists
The pentagon is setting up a futures trading system to 'bet' on world terrorism. One can buy futures in the prediction that Leader XYZ is assassinated within a year.
Does anyone else think this is dodgy as f**k?
Using the example given, If I invest $1 million dollars in King Abdullah being bumped off, I can make $95 million profit. More than enough to ensure that it comes to pass.
BBC report
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
Anybody other than the Beeb, and I'd have been saying it's a hoax... as it is, surely it's a spoof: kind of a Government April Fool's gag (must be a government one, it's nearly four months late)
PS What's their odds on Bush being assassinated?
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
This can't possibly be true! I'm going to keep my eye on Snopes.com for a few days. The BBC's been known to fall for gags like this before.
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
Yeah, I'm not sure I believe this. This is about as true as Bush's claims on Iraq's nuclear program.
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
Anybody other than the Beeb, and I'd have been saying it's a hoax... as it is, surely it's a spoof: kind of a Government April Fool's gag (must be a government one, it's nearly four months late)
End Quote
I have to agree, I'll be checking snopes but it would be a bit of a coup for the BBC to fall for a hoax like that. I'm sure they thought the same as us and checked it thoroughly
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
Paul Wolfowitz addressed this today in an un-related hearing on C-SPAN and there was mention that if it is true, it will be promply investigated and terminated. There was also mention that anyone involved will be fired, if it turns out to be true.
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
I would like to place a wager of $10 dollars for George W. Bush. ;D ;D ;D
Seriously, this is the kind of thing I would expect from internet casinos. Plus, you would think it would be too easy to cheat to win. ;D
If it is true, they should arrest the person who set it up.
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
I would like to place a wager of $10 dollars for George W. Bush. ;D ;D ;D
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John, I assume you were trying to be funny, but thats not funny at all to joke about a president's assasination, regardless who the president is. In my opinion anyway.
I thought you had more class than that.
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
BBC report
Recheck the link, the BBC was contacted and told pretty much what 80s posted, that it will be investigated and cancelled.
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
John, I assume you were trying to be funny, but thats not funny at all to joke about a president's assasination, regardless who the president is. In my opinion anyway.
End Quote
I agree
Pity the US government doesn't seem to - Saddam Hussein, Mullah Omar, Fidel Castro, etc.
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
Pity the US government doesn't seem to - Saddam Hussein, Mullah Omar, Fidel Castro, etc.
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Please clarify. ???
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
Please clarify. ???
End Quote
Well, the Catro incident is historical
The other 2 are currently on the run, wanted dead or alive (as modelled by Saddam's sons)
Both of these people are/were leaders of their respective countries.
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
Quoting:Well, the Catro incident is historical
The other 2 are currently on the run, wanted dead or alive (as modelled by Saddam's sons)
Both of these people are/were leaders of their respective countries.
End Quote
so what does that have to do with making jokes about assassinating a president or leader?
I doubt the government is making jokes about it.
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
so what does that have to do with making jokes about assassinating a president or leader?
I doubt the government is making jokes about it.
End Quote
Fair point!
I think it's wrong to assassinate people, not just joke about it, that was the attribute of the US government to which I was referring.
Although I bet that, behind closed doors, US officials (just like anybody else) make jokes about all sorts of innappropriate things. I'm sure there are many 'exploding cigar' jokes in circulation.
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
I would like to place a wager of $10 dollars for George W. Bush. ;D ;D ;D
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That is just too easy. He should have to pay for all he has done-like sitting in some jail cell would be nice.
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
John, I assume you were trying to be funny, but thats not funny at all to joke about a president's assasination, regardless who the president is. In my opinion anyway.
I thought you had more class than that.
End Quote
Oh, come on. It was just a joke. What is not a joke is the thousands of people the United States has killed: political, military and civilain. After all, the USA killed those people so I could have my freedom to joke about it, right? ;)
80sRocked, all I was saying is this: If it would be okay to place bets on other foriegn leaders, what makes GW so special? It is wrong on all acounts, and it is just as outrageous to make a wage on GW as it would be on anyone else.
Modified to add: If anyone has outrage or shock about the post, think about the fact that the USA has assasinated politicians from other states. There should be the same outrage for the USA deciding who should rule country X, Y, and Z rather than letting those people determine the composition of their own government. Look at the cold war, and what we did with communist countries that were not a threat to us in the slightest, outside of the slim chance people might take a look at how they live and say "i like some of the things they are doing like the health care and free schooling".
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
Topic: Taking bets for terrorists (Read 64 times)
End Quote
I didn't see the point, but i've read this thread 64 times in a row. :-/
Ours is not to reason why,
Ours is just to do or die. :P
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
I didn't see the point, but i've read this thread 64 times in a row. :-/
Ours is not to reason why,
Ours is just to do or die. :P
End Quote
Some folks are born to wave the flag,
Ooh, they're red, white and blue.
And when the band plays "Hail to the chief",
Ooh, they point the cannon at you, Lord,
It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no senator's son, son.
It ain't me, it ain't me; I ain't no fortunate one, no,
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
This was on the wire services in this morning's paper, according to which Pentagon sources defended it. It suppsedly is under Poindexter's control.
AS to U.S. Gov't assasinations, and attempts, see one of the interum Church Committee reports from 1973, I think, call "Assasinations of Foreign Leaders". Following this report, Gerry Ford issued an Exec Order banning the practice. Never read the order itself, but seems there is a bit of "wiggle room" in it, since surely the attack force that got Quasi and Udai could have just surrounded the place and "brought 'em back alive".
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
This was on the wire services in this morning's paper, according to which Pentagon sources defended it. It suppsedly is under Poindexter's control.
End Quote
Poindexter is scum. He was a principle in the Iran Contra Affair. He gave the orders to Oliver North. They acted against the USA. They are traitors who should be shot dead.
Modified to add: Who the hell in government would still trust Poindexter?? That is what gets me. We have such evil people, and GW looks the other way.
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
but seems there is a bit of "wiggle room" in it, since surely the attack force that got Quasi and Udai could have just surrounded the place and "brought 'em back alive".
End Quote
They could have brought them back. I know we have stun gernades which knock people out, or we could have tossed in gas. There were alternatives. The killings were a message. Screw with the USA, and you will get dead.
Kinda reminds me of Waco, Texas.
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
Quoting:Kinda reminds me of Waco, Texas.End Quote
You can thank "King of the Amazon" Janet Reno for that fiasco. ;)
And besides, I'm not seeing the connection to Waco and the 2 Hussein Bros. killings. The Hussein Bros were among the Top 10 Most Wanted people on the planet, whereas David Koresh was just a nutjob who thought he was God.
Waco ended in an enferno killing 76 people, but the Hussien Bros killing ended with the killing of 2 fugitive mass murderers.
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
I definatley want to hear the reasoning behind this, just to see if there is any kind of legitimate reasont for the US Gvmt to sponser such a program.
I believe the eye is starting to blacken already. Pretty soon the nasty spanking some are going to get is going to make sitting down difficult.
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
Waco ended in an enferno killing 76 people, but the Hussien Bros killing ended with the killing of 2 fugitive mass murderers.
End Quote
I think you'll find the total number of casualties was nearer the 76 mark... but I can't find a report that mentions the number of foot soldiers killed while trying to get through to Mini-Husseins I&II - it seems that once the "Aces" were offed, nobody cared about any other casualties :-(
...but I agree with you in that I can't see any link between this and Waco...
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
Poindexter is scum. He was a principle in the Iran Contra Affair. He gave the orders to Oliver North. They acted against the USA. They are traitors who should be shot dead.
Modified to add: Who the hell in government would still trust Poindexter?? That is what gets me. We have such evil people, and GW looks the other way.
End Quote
No, I don't think junior "looks the other way", he approved of the appointment even if Rummy actually made it. GWB is as "evil" as the rest of them - evil-er. I have been calling them noecons. That is a misnomer. They are a bunch of neo-fascists. There are those who believe that so much of the recently (almost) released 9-11 report has been so highly censored because "certain government official" in high places had to be protected.
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
...the Hussien Bros killing ended with the killing of 2 fugitive mass murderers.
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Three little words spring to mind - "Rule of law"
If these guys were given a fair trial, then this might be justified but now it won't happen.
Likewise, if GWB was tried in the ICC he might be found to be a mass murderer, but again, this won't happen as the US refuses to abide by international law.
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
Three little words spring to mind - "Rule of law"
If these guys were given a fair trial, then this might be justified but now it won't happen.
Likewise, if GWB was tried in the ICC he might be found to be a mass murderer, but again, this won't happen as the US refuses to abide by international law.
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And he wouldn't be the only one. Clinton launched missile attacks whithout U.N. sanction, Reagan invaded 2 countries without it, etc. And their aids? Just about anybody in power from recent administrations could be charged - AND SHOULD BE. You Europeans need to pressure your gov't to bring such charges. You need to build a "boycott the U.S." movement. We need your help here. Please read Fortunate Son even if it has been edited. It is an even-handed, yet damning account of Junior's rise to power. Both the good and the bad. And very scarry
Subject: Re: Taking bets for terrorists
It was announced in today's paper that John Poindexter is stepping down from his Pentagon possition over this - GOOD RIDENCE. Another "high Gov't official" who should be behind bars, doing hard time.