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Subject: the state of wrestling
in my oppion wrestling has gone down hill during the past three years its nothing but over the top adult sick large men orainted crap and heres why i think that
the year was 1976 a new man came in to the wwwf (the name it was known as at the time) a man that will change wrestling history a man that will re write the record books that man is hulk hogan now dont get me i cant stand the guy but he did change the sport the year was 1986 it was billed the biggest wrestlemania of all time (wich is true) the main event was hulk hogan (who was maineventing his 2nd wrestlemania 1985 was his first) vs andry the giant the match sucked but what happend that night starded they most incredeble gimmik ever in wrestling history when he bodyslamed andry and naild his famous legdrop and pined him hulkamania was born and hulkamania was sordified when he defeated the iron sherk a couple months later to become wwf champion hulkamania lasted up to 93 now the reson i mentiond this is because the wwe dose not take its time to develop gimmiks sure most of them sucked but at lest the time was taken to delvelop most of them these days it just dosent matter. storylines these days suck and are affencive the kaity fick angle is a prime example and now that paul tripleh laversquie going to marry steph its going to get much worse i cant stand the guy hes big heded arrogant and greedy he books matches to suit him self ie so hell win every match no wrestler is save from him any case back to the topic wrestling has changed so much during the years the wwes has so many great tallented wrestlers old new so beats me when vince decideds to push worthliss people like bigshow triple goldberg theyve just signd ultimo dragon to a wwe contract how they going to use him i fear the worse fror him concerdering the fact that wwe dose not use its foergn wrestlers well take tajjerie for instence hes an excellent worker great tallent but what do the wee do with him give him an embarracing role as regals assitint nice way to introuduce graeat wrestlers vince in any case my deapest fears is confirmed the wwe is going down to hell in the it sucks department whats youre veiws on this
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I used to love watching WWF on Saturday nights back in the 80s-early 90s.
But now its just so scripted and its like watching a really badly written soap opera. I am amazed it still has such a huge following.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
the WWE's ratings are have been falling hard since about summer 2001(ironically, around the time that they ate up WCW and ECW). Theyre now in between where they were before Stone Cold began to gain recognition and Stone Cold becoming champ. So basically, they've been set back a whole 5-6 years. And deservedly so, the gimmicks and storylines ive been seeing since the Rock and Stone Cold became stars have mostly put me to sleep, although they did bring wrestling ratings to all time highs. But finally people are getting tired of Vince Mcmahons crap.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I've been a wrestling fan for 15 years and wrestling is on a downfall.All we have now is an Unmasked Kane,Tori sleeping with Jamie Noble next week,Stephanie and Sable are gonna catfight,Zach and Vince wrestling for something silly.I don't watch much anyways.It turned to garbage. >:(
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I used to love watching WWF on Saturday nights back in the 80s-early 90s.
But now its just so scripted and its like watching a really badly written soap opera. I am amazed it still has such a huge following.
End Quote
I watched it in the early 80's too. It was that or Dynasty or Dallas, so I picked the least soapy show. But I watched it before the WWF, when they had the Von Ericks. It was okay, but you always knew who was going to win. I think I stopped following wrestling around the time Mike Tyson was getting popular. Boxing became my new interest.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
You know your wrestling Mr Crowly. I must clarify a few things though.
Hulk Hogan defeated the Iron Shiek before Wrestlemania 1 to win the WWF title. The first Wrestlemania showed Hulk Hogan and Mr T feud with 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff.
The second Wrestlemania was Hulk Hogan wrestling King Kong Bundy in a steel cage to defend his title in 1986. The third, in 1987, was the now legendry Hulk Hogan v Andre The Giant. Hulk successfully defended the belt. I agree with you Mr Crowly - it was the best wrestling P-P-V ever!
Hulk Hogan dropped the title before Wrestlemania 4, Andre beat Hulk Hogan but 'The Million Dollar man' Ted Dibiase wanted to buy the belt off him. Andre accepted but Jack Tunney didn't like the idea of giving away titles (how times have changed) and so offered it up in a tournament at Wrestlemania 4. 'Machoman' Randy Savage won the title, defeating Ted Dibiase in the final and held the belt for a year.
Hulk Hogan beat 'Machoman' Randy Savage for the belt at Wrestlemania 5 and kept it for a year before getting defeated by Ultimate Warrior at Wrestlemania 6.
Because Hogan headlined every Wrestlemania from 1 - 9, it didn't mean he kept the belt for 9 years. Hogan was 'retired' for almost a year before coming back shortly before Wrestlemania 9.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I agree with you 100% on everything you have said, Mr Crowly. Raw is awful because Triple H commanded so much of it, Bigshow, Triple H, Kevin Nash and Goldberg are awful - I saw this guy in WCW and he was awful then so imagine my enthusiasm when he came to WWE (i.e not much). Brock Lesnar is the only big man to hold my interest for any length of time.
The offensive plot lines are not just that, they are degrading! If anyone saw Badd Blood recently, we were 'treated' to a pie eating contest involving the decrepid Mae Young. What was worse was that Steve Austen stunnered her afterwards! It almost rivalled her infamous appearance at Royal Rumble 2000 when she took her bra off (remember, this woman is about 70 or so)!
The problem at the moment is that the WWE are trying to turn the whole thing into a soap opera first, then a wrestling event second - the downside to this is that the wrestlers are just athletes and not actors. The acting scenes are always wooden and they sound like they are reading from boards! Everything sounds and seems forced and desperate.
Also, normal wrestlers are portrayed as superhuman. Fifteen years or so ago, the superhuman was the rarity (Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior . . .) now you see people kicking out of multiple special moves left, right and centre and the Superhumans are not just slamming bigger wrestlers (Hulk Hogan struggled to slam which gave him an air of humanity behind his superhuman status) they are suplexing, belly to belly suplexing and tossing them about like they are rag dolls. The conviction goes out of the window then.
The WWE's lack of vision is as legendary as the Hulk Hogan v Andre The Giant match. Tajiri and Tommy Dreamer are absolutely underutilized (both were big hits in ECW) and I expect Ultimo Dragon to suffer the same fate.
Sorry for a long post - I couldn't let the opportunity go to waste. :)
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
They think that bringing back the old fogeys will boost ratings.I think that's buloney.They already got rid of Piper and Hogan.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I think the WWE should concentrate on giving 'character control' to the wrestlers. That way they can do what they wish. The WWE writers are very one dimensional.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I think the WWE should concentrate on giving 'character control' to the wrestlers. That way they can do what they wish. The WWE writers are very one dimensional.
End Quote
So is the booking committee. ::)
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I think the bookers should go lightly on the 'Dusty Screw Job'. Smackdown are getting better in respect of this, seeing matches won decisively.
I never understood why bookers favoured the 'interference' ending in matches (this is one of Raw's many downfalls). One interference every six months would make the match more controversial than once every match. I believe the writers are just lazy.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
Macho Pigs wearing tight shorts grabbing each other everywhere...mmmm.. Goldberg has a new move called the "Than-FranThisco Treat" ::)
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
Macho Pigs wearing tight shorts grabbing each other everywhere...mmmm.. Goldberg has a new move called the "Than-FranThisco Treat" ::)
End Quote
I never thought about it that way. Wouldn't surprise me though. :D
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I just wish that Vince would stop pushing the old fogeys into matches and start focusing on the younger talent.Nobody wanted to see Hogan and Piper anymore.all washed up old men. >:(
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I just wish that Vince would stop pushing the old fogeys into matches and start focusing on the younger talent.Nobody wanted to see Hogan and Piper anymore.all washed up old men. >:(
End Quote
its all about ratings.
Think about it: when you think of wrsetling, what do you think of? Simple: Hulk Hogan, and guys from his era, like Rowdy Roddy Piper. And hell, even Vince McMahon himself was from the Hulk Hogan era.
Those guys were the pinnacle of wrestling, and they are icons in the sport.
When you need ratings and viewers, what do ya do? You bring back old fogies who used to bring in the fans. I just don't know if people are buying into it anymore. But judging by the weekly TV raings, I think they are.
Side Note: I got to give it to good ol' Hulk Hogan, he's the epitome of the phrase "staying power", and is known by virtually everyone. I mean how could you not like "The Real American" (his original theme song). For a man that is in serious need of a bra these days, he's truly an American Icon. :)
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
its all about ratings.
Think about it: when you think of wrsetling, what do you think of? Simple: Hulk Hogan, and guys from his era, like Rowdy Roddy Piper. And hell, even Vince McMahon himself was from the Hulk Hogan era.
Those guys were the pinnacle of wrestling, and they are icons in the sport.
When you need ratings and viewers, what do ya do? You bring back old fogies who used to bring in the fans. I just don't know if people are buying into it anymore. But judging by the weekly TV raings, I think they are.
Side Note: I got to give it to good ol' Hulk Hogan, he's the epitome of the phrase "staying power", and is known by virtually everyone. I mean how could you not like "The Real American" (his original theme song). For a man that is in serious need of a bra these days, he's truly an American Icon. :)
End Quote
Yeah,that true.But,after a while,you would get tired of hearing it Thursday after Thursday.Mr America was part of his gimmick and it just got tiring.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
Yeah,that true.But,after a while,you would get tired of hearing it Thursday after Thursday.Mr America was part of his gimmick and it just got tiring.
End Quote
yes thats true. I was just saying that its a standard practice in show-biz. When the ratings are falling, bring back what used to bring the ratings. In this case: Hulk Hogan and a few other fogies.
Bad thing is though, that gimmick only lasts a short while,then they have to go to Plan B.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I want to ask everyone what are your top five wrestling matches of all time? :)
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I want to ask everyone what are your top five wrestling matches of all time? :)
End Quote
1.Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon at SummerSlam or something like that when they had that ladder match
2. Mankind vs. Undertaker in their first Hell in A Cell match
3. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H at SummerSlam as HBK's first match back
4. Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart at Wrestlemainia in the Ironman match
5. It wasn't a match but when D-X would imitate the Nation of Domination is just classic
I could go on and on...
I think the reason wrestling has gone down is because there is no variety since Vince bought wcw. that's why every month he has to bring someone back like Piper, HBK, Nash, Sable ,ect. Damn Nash is going gray like he's 60.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
1.Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon at SummerSlam or something like that when they had that ladder matchEnd Quote
I guess you're a Shawn Michaels fan, right? Shawn/Razor had two ladder matches. Their famous one at Wrestlemania 10 and at Summerslam '95. Would you believe Bret 'The Hitman' Hart started the ladder match? I think he used the stipulation on his dad's Stampede wrestling organisation. From there, he and Shawn had the first ladder match I believe in 92/93.
Quoting:2. Mankind vs. Undertaker in their first Hell in A Cell match End Quote
A great choice! The infamous 'King of the Ring' when Mankind fell off the top of the cage! Apparently, the part when the Undertaker choke-slammed Mankind through the cell wasn't planned.
Quoting:3. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H at SummerSlam as HBK's first match backEnd Quote
It was alright, nothing special. Shawn v Mankind at In your house 'Mind games' was much better!
Quoting:4. Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart at Wrestlemainia in the Ironman matchEnd Quote
Everybody seems to like this match, but I found it a very slow affair. It only heated up at the last 15 minutes of the match. I think I was also expecting more pins.
Quoting:I think the reason wrestling has gone down is because there is no variety since Vince bought wcw. that's why every month he has to bring someone back like Piper, HBK, Nash, Sable ,ect. Damn Nash is going gray like he's 60. End Quote
I think the main reason why wrestling has gone down the pan was because Vince McMahon got himself involved in feuds (around 1998/1999) with Steve Austen. Once he did that, there was no turning back. When wrestlers feud with other wrestlers the prize is for the WWE title, now they are feuding to become commissioners, owners of the federation and heck knows what - Wrestling can not get back to normal once those kind of stakes are put on the table.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I just wondered since Wrestlemania 20 is coming up,maybe that will be the final last Wrestlemania. cause you see,How many more Wrestlemanias can they're be? Vince has to do something.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I used to be a fan, but haven't really watched in the last few months. Mainly because I'm sick of Triple H. I don't find him interesting at all and I think his character is completely boring. Also, it seems that they'll give another wrestler a push, they'll face HHH, the wrestler loses (of course) and the push seems to stop. (Case and point: RVD) Anyway, that's my opinion. ;D
From what I hear, Smackdown still seems to be good, but unfortunately, I have class on Thursday night. I'm a big Kurt Angle and Brock Lesner fan.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I just wondered since Wrestlemania 20 is coming up,maybe that will be the final last Wrestlemania. cause you see,How many more Wrestlemanias can they're be? Vince has to do something.End Quote
I doubt Vince McMahon will change a money-spinner like 'Wrestlemania'. Besides, how many Superbowls have there been and it's still going?
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I used to be a fan, but haven't really watched in the last few months. Mainly because I'm sick of Triple H. I don't find him interesting at all and I think his character is completely boring. Also, it seems that they'll give another wrestler a push, they'll face HHH, the wrestler loses (of course) and the push seems to stop. (Case and point: RVD) Anyway, that's my opinion. ;DEnd Quote
Smackdown is the better deal Kellyhoop. You tend to see more of a balanced card and more decisive match endings.
I totally agree with you regarding Triple H. I can never understand why he gets the exposure - he has an awful monotone voice, no charisma and one expression. RVD is the perfect example of a man getting the push only to be dropped again. If you want to see more RVD Kellyhoop, try to get hold of some ECW DVDs - he was amazing there!
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
Smackdown is the better deal Kellyhoop. You tend to see more of a balanced card and more decisive match endings.
I totally agree with you regarding Triple H. I can never understand why he gets the exposure - he has an awful monotone voice, no charisma and one expression. RVD is the perfect example of a man getting the push only to be dropped again. If you want to see more RVD Kellyhoop, try to get hold of some ECW DVDs - he was amazing there!
End Quote
When you date The Boss's Daughter,you get all the exposure you want.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
When you date The Boss's Daughter,you get all the exposure you want.End Quote
If that is basically the crux of it, Howard then Vince is not the shrewd businessman I once would give him credit him for.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I think it's sad that if he brings back Doink The Clown full time the ratings will drop.seeing him wrestle Chris Benoit was just too funny.I never saw a clown get beat up as much as Doink did Thursday Night. ;D :D
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I think it's sad that if he brings back Doink The Clown full time the ratings will drop.seeing him wrestle Chris Benoit was just too funny.I never saw a clown get beat up as much as Doink did Thursday Night. ;D :D
End Quote
I'm sorry Howard. I didn't watch any telly last Thursday night. You're not telling me Doink was wrestling? If so, I think we can safely say that the time of the end for wrestling is nigh.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I'm sorry Howard. I didn't watch any telly last Thursday night. You're not telling me Doink was wrestling? If so, I think we can safely say that the time of the end for wrestling is nigh.
End Quote
I believe he was.Rhyno was talking about how Chris Benoit was a joke and then comes out Doink.Wrestling shouldn't be funny anymore.Whatever happened to the seriousness these days?
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I believe he was.Rhyno was talking about how Chris Benoit was a joke and then comes out Doink.Wrestling shouldn't be funny anymore.Whatever happened to the seriousness these days?End Quote
I think wrestling should allow you to think in lots of different ways, it should make you laugh, make you annoyed, make you sad and make you joyful - I don't believe WWE is actually doing that for me at the moment. All it gets from me is apathy. :-/
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
speaking of wrestling: I happened to stumble onto WWE last night and saw that kid (I dont know his name) with only one leg? Are WWE's ratings that bad that they have to bring out the one-legged wrestlers now?
I wonder what crowd they are trying to appeal to with him. Because personally, I saw it as a sign of desperation on WWE's behalf.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
speaking of wrestling: I happened to stumble onto WWE last night and saw that kid (I dont know his name) with only one leg? Are WWE's ratings that bad that they have to bring out the one-legged wrestlers now?
I wonder what crowd they are trying to appeal to with him. Because personally, I saw it as a sign of desperation on WWE's behalf.End Quote
I agree totally, 80sRocked. Zack Gowan was wrestling Shannon Moore (I think). I didn't know what to make of it. I find it ironical since Jim Ross often used the phrase 'he's getting beaten like a one legged man in a butt-kicking contest'.
I think Zack Gowan is nothing more than a over-developed 'shill' (this is a term that describes a person that is deliberately placed in the crowd so that the wrestlers can interact with him/her - usually in a negative manner i.e ripping up posters or having slanging matches with them). Initially, Zack was a shill (he interrupted the Roddy Piper/Mr America match after jumping the crowd barriers). But now this is getting a little ridiculous! I believe they are using Zack Gowan's missing leg as a gimmick - for that reason, I don't agree with it.
Besides, it's not clever to pretend that ordinary people are climbing crowd barriers because it implies that anybody can do it and interfere in a match (though it's happened before in a Chris Jericho and an Eddie Guerrero match. Of course, without the same results as Zack's all of a sudden career change to become a wrestler.
I believe the whole plot line smells of desperation. It's a shame.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
sorry i havent posted anything in a while
thanks for the great responce never expected this many
okay getting back to topic
zack gown was known in czw as trent acid so he wasent brought in as a shill mend you it is a shame that the only gimmik they chould come up with is to do with his handicap thats just sick right of the backi hate triple hs guts simply put they have the oppujunerty of a life time with the crusert weghts and they are waisting valuble money and time on losers like bigshowe a train chuck billy ect wwe wake up and smell the roses crusers is what we want to say wrestling action not soap like storylines and triple h
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
Quoting:sorry i havent posted anything in a while End Quote
Great to see you back on the boards, Mr Crowly. :)
Quoting:zack gown was known in czw as trent acid so he wasent brought in as a shill mend you it is a shame that the only gimmik they chould come up with is to do with his handicap thats just sick right of the backi End Quote
Now you've taught me something Mr Crowly. I know of CZW and have seen great athletes like Amazing Red and Rick Blade (one of these are on NWA-TNA and I think it's only going to be time before they are introduced to the WWE). Some are 'mankind' style nutters like Lobo and Wifebeater. Did Trent Acid wrestle with two legs in CZW (it might seem like a daft question but you never know in wrestling).
Quoting:hate triple hs guts simply put they have the oppujunerty of a life time with the crusert weghts and they are waisting valuble money and time on losers like bigshowe a train chuck billy ect wwe wake up and smell the roses crusers is what we want to say wrestling action not soap like storylines and triple hEnd Quote
You've got that right. I can't believe A Train (who has been a loser since about 1998/99) and Big Show (been a loser since 99) have been given the push in Smackdown. I would much rather see Brock Lesnar against Rhyno!
I think the sooner they get rid of HHH the better. Talking of Raw, I saw Shane McMahon giving Kane a smacking. Without the mask, Kane's mystery is lost and so is my interest in him.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I think he has a good future ahead just maybe not title worthy yet.Next feud should be with A-Train,Matt Hardy or Doink The Clown....heehee! ;D
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
bobby in recards to youre qusition about zac gown he always had one leg he had cancer befoer he got in the bussnes he a very tallented guy iam impreesed with him and iam not just saying that because of his handi cap i honestly beleve that zac got bright future in the wwe concerderring the fact that vince gets eyes cheaked and actully watch this youngster in action when the cammara isnt rolling and hes not his heel persona (you didnt actully belve that he like that in real life do you) why on earth did they have to bring back doink the clown that match remended me of the filler matches they used to have on raw in the early 90s and all trough the 80s (in other words sq matches) i can understand the joke (no pun indended) and all that but still it sucked when are they gonna give rvd the big break he deserves i mean he was ecw champion for nearly a year and 1/2 for gods sake and the wwe just waisting him so like many others ricky steamboat any one how the hurracaine here we have this tallented guy he some awsome moves great ring speed awsome presons but the one thing that got him nocetice by the script team is his name change hey i ve got an idea lets re visit the cartoon yrs of wrestling (tugboat kookoo b were ect) and make this guy a comic hero and the like what a way to use you re tallented wrestlers vince
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
This might seem crazy but I think squash matches are effective because it makes the main wrestlers look more impressive and so makes you excited when you see them against another main wrestler. You knew that a lot of squash wrestlers like Tim Horner, Brooklyn Brawler, The Gambler, The Itallian Stallian and Rip Rogers would never make the grade but it makes wrestling more realistic.
I remember Sid Vicious (known as 'King of the squash match') throwing wrestlers around (literally) and it made him look so amazing, it was a shame that his Halloween Havoc match with Sting was marred with such pointless controversy. However, if they mixed squash matches up with P-P-V event calibre matches then Smackdown and Raw would have far less screw-jobs in them IMO.
If a squash wrestler develops, it makes his climb to the top that much more impressive - remember Bret Hart was a squash wrestler before he got his break.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
with wrestling these days,nobody knows who's heel or face anymore.everyone just wants to cheer for the heels and boo the faces.Is anybody confused? I seem to kinda like John Cena cause he's funny AND Matt Hardy,out of respect that he's cool in a sort of way.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
with wrestling these days,nobody knows who's heel or face anymore.everyone just wants to cheer for the heels and boo the faces.Is anybody confused? I seem to kinda like John Cena cause he's funny AND Matt Hardy,out of respect that he's cool in a sort of way.End Quote
If there is no wrestler integrity, then the sport becomes stagnant and the crowd become apathetic - you know that if he turns face one minute, you don't care 'cause he'll turn heel the next.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
jhon cena uses the best out of his rap gimmik what i mean is hes great at it remember mable god that suckd but cena proves that a rap gimmik can be a good thing instaed of making youre life hell (mable gave me nightmares for weeks i honestly beleve that mable was baced on vanilla ice because he was atroushus at it) as sq matches how the heack do they make wrestling rellistic it just proves more and more that wrestling wer matches are concernd is scripeted take sid justuce (syco sid to everyone who dosent know that) he was the master of the sq if the sq boy in ? was to get more affence then so be it its relistic but having one guy doing all the work whilst the jobber is just standing there well doser sound rellistic to you just my point of veiw
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
Quoting:jhon cena uses the best out of his rap gimmik what i mean is hes great at it remember mable god that suckd but cena proves that a rap gimmik can be a good thing instaed of making youre life hell (mable gave me nightmares for weeks i honestly beleve that mable was baced on vanilla ice because he was atroushus at it)End Quote
The problem with Cena's gimmick (like Honky Tonk Man's) was that it makes the wrestler look like a charicature. The Honky Tonk Man, unlike Cena, relied a lot more on entertaining the crowd. Like him or hate him, he was one of the funniest guys going in the late 80s (with exception to perhaps 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper and 'Ravishing' Rick Rude).
As a footnote, Mable had a stupid name and was awful in whatever he did. I just don't know why the WWF kept him on the roster for so long.
Quoting:as sq matches how the heack do they make wrestling rellistic it just proves more and more that wrestling wer matches are concernd is scripeted take sid justuce (syco sid to everyone who dosent know that) he was the master of the sq if the sq boy in ? was to get more affence then so be it its relistic but having one guy doing all the work whilst the jobber is just standing there well doser sound rellistic to you just my point of veiwEnd Quote
It's a fine point of view, Mr Crowly. The squash wrestlers I mentioned put in a certain amount of offence (Rip Rogers gave the late 'Flyin'' Bryan Pillman a hard time, the 1-2-3 Kid was a jobber until he pulled the famous upset on Razor Ramon, The Itallian Stallian was always so close to getting a victory but narrowly missed every time and Barry Horrowitz was a jobber until he entered P-P-Vs for a short period between '95 and '96). Of course, there were some guys that didn't put up an offence and these were pointless (especially Gillberg in the WWF back in 98/99).
I'm not saying that the WWE should have squash matches all the time - especially the ones where big guys kill little ones without any offence (like WCW did in the late eighties/early nineties) just sometimes and I give three good reasons:
1. It gets an audience hyped up for when the main wrestler fights another main wrestler. I have got so angry when bigger wrestlers are throwing about little ones and this makes you want the face to win in a P-P-V even more. When a face beats a jobber, you are given assurance that this man can take on a bigger opponent (IMO).
2. It cuts down on the screw jobs and gives the main wrestler some credibility - showing the difference between a superstar and a normal athlete.
3. The 'jobbers' can be monitored by a scout team so that they can pick out the guys who think can make the grade. Those that put on a convincing performance night after night may go onto bigger things. This adds realism in that you can follow a wrestler's career from jobber to him winning the title at Wrestlemania. In a wrestling world devoted to handing belts over to wrestlers, a man actually fighting for the title may be a well deserved and satisfying novelty.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
The problem with Cena's gimmick (like Honky Tonk Man's) was that it makes the wrestler look like a charicature. The Honky Tonk Man, unlike Cena, relied a lot more on entertaining the crowd. Like him or hate him, he was one of the funniest guys going in the late 80s (with exception to perhaps 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper and 'Ravishing' Rick Rude).
As a footnote, Mable had a stupid name and was awful in whatever he did. I just don't know why the WWF kept him on the roster for so long.
It's a fine point of view, Mr Crowly. The squash wrestlers I mentioned put in a certain amount of offence (Rip Rogers gave the late 'Flyin'' Bryan Pillman a hard time, the 1-2-3 Kid was a jobber until he pulled the famous upset on Razor Ramon, The Itallian Stallian was always so close to getting a victory but narrowly missed every time and Barry Horrowitz was a jobber until he entered P-P-Vs for a short period between '95 and '96). Of course, there were some guys that didn't put up an offence and these were pointless (especially Gillberg in the WWF back in 98/99).
I'm not saying that the WWE should have squash matches all the time - especially the ones where big guys kill little ones without any offence (like WCW did in the late eighties/early nineties) just sometimes and I give three good reasons:
1. It gets an audience hyped up for when the main wrestler fights another main wrestler. I have got so angry when bigger wrestlers are throwing about little ones and this makes you want the face to win in a P-P-V even more. When a face beats a jobber, you are given assurance that this man can take on a bigger opponent (IMO).
2. It cuts down on the screw jobs and gives the main wrestler some credibility - showing the difference between a superstar and a normal athlete.
3. The 'jobbers' can be monitored by a scout team so that they can pick out the guys who think can make the grade. Those that put on a convincing performance night after night may go onto bigger things. This adds realism in that you can follow a wrestler's career from jobber to him winning the title at Wrestlemania. In a wrestling world devoted to handing belts over to wrestlers, a man actually fighting for the title may be a well deserved and satisfying novelty.
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Rosey is also stupider especially as a moronic SuperHero. ::) :P
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
Rosey is also stupider especially as a moronic SuperHero. ::) :P
End Quote
He's a superhero, now? Wow. The WWE know how to suspend belief don't they?
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
He's a superhero, now? Wow. The WWE know how to suspend belief don't they?
End Quote
They sure know how to misuse wrestlers. ::)
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
They sure know how to misuse wrestlers. ::)
End Quote
LOL. A great example of this happened in WCW. The guy known as 'Hugh Morrus' was ranting on about how the writers have screwed his chance of winning a belt because he wasn't taken seriously. So he decided to call himself something more sensible like 'Hugh G Rection' (work it out). ;)
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
LOL. A great example of this happened in WCW. The guy known as 'Hugh Morrus' was ranting on about how the writers have screwed his chance of winning a belt because he wasn't taken seriously. So he decided to call himself something more sensible like 'Hugh G Rection' (work it out). ;)
End Quote
And Bobby Don't forget...Bill DeMott ???
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
And Bobby Don't forget...Bill DeMott ???
End Quote
Actually, Howard that is his real name. :)
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
Actually, Howard that is his real name. :)
End Quote
Yeah,I know that.I kinda liked his bully gimmick.too bad it just flopped big time.nobody even cared for that gimmick anyhow. ???
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
Yeah,I know that.I kinda liked his bully gimmick.too bad it just flopped big time.nobody even cared for that gimmick anyhow. ???End Quote
Oh ok. :)
He had a bully gimmick? The only person I know to have had a 'bully' gimmick was 'Big' Bully Busick around 1991. He debuted between Summerslam 91, by Survivor Series 91 he was dropped.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I watched WWF many moons ago and it became dire when the real entertainers left - Hulk Hogan, Junkyard Dog, The Heart Foundation, The British Bulldogs.........
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I watched WWF many moons ago and it became dire when the real entertainers left - Hulk Hogan, Junkyard Dog, The Heart Foundation, The British Bulldogs.........
End Quote
things are not the same anymore,Ozwat.I miss the classic times :(
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
It's a shame that so many wrestling entertainers have died. Mr Perfect, Junkyard Dog etc. For the curious, here is a list of dead wrestlers. Remember to scroll down until you get the list.
I remember the unsung heros like Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine (famous for clocking up over 50 minutes in a Royal Rumble), Tito Santana (who entered every Wrestlemania from 1 to 8 - admittedly I think he lost 7 matches) and 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan (WWF from 1987 - 1993).
Even though Greg and Tito have held the Tag and Intercontinental titles, they are not reknowned for being that. They were tough guys (I laughed at Gorilla Monsoon who said of Greg; 'It takes him 60 minutes to get warmed up')that adapted from the older tougher generation to the Rock 'n' Wrestle generation of the mid 80s.
'Hacksaw' was one of those guys that never won a title (a bit like Jake Roberts, Hercules and Koko B Ware . . .) but was so obliviously optimistic. These days, a wrestler would rarely crack a smile but Jim would always give a wide 'HHHHOOOOOO' and wave his two-by-four in the air.
We need more wrestlers that make us feel good. Wrestling is too negative at the moment. I also know that Koko B Ware, Tito Santana and Hacksaw Jim Duggan have remained faces through their WWF tenure. That's Jim smiling through 7 years, Koko for 6 and Tito being adored by the crowd for at least 8! HHH and Brock Lesnar would have problems sticking to one frame of mind for a month! >:(
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
Not many wrestlers out there make you feel good.
ray mysterio jr.
billy gunn
billy kidman
kurt angle
Guys who make you feel good. I guess. ???
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I reckon Rey Misterio Jnr is the closest. I can't see him turning into a heel in the next year or so, regardless of whether he wrestles Ultimo Dragon (which I reckon will be a possibility).
I would hope that if they wrestled, it would have a similar ending to the 'Bret Hart/'Roddy Piper' match at Wrestlemania 8.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I reckon Rey Misterio Jnr is the closest. I can't see him turning into a heel in the next year or so, regardless of whether he wrestles Ultimo Dragon (which I reckon will be a possibility).
I would hope that if they wrestled, it would have a similar ending to the 'Bret Hart/'Roddy Piper' match at Wrestlemania 8.
End Quote
I heard that Ultimo Dragon has been givin' the walking papers.Vince says he's not too happy with him fitting him in the WWF's hardcore style.So he left.Vince is very picky! ::)
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I heard that Ultimo Dragon has been givin' the walking papers.Vince says he's not too happy with him fitting him in the WWF's hardcore style.So he left.Vince is very picky! ::)
End Quote
I reckon Vince is going to regret that. Even in the 'hardcore' ECW, they successfully used Rey Misterio (before he became famous), Super Crazy, Psicosis, Taka Michinoku and Tajiri (who, in my opinion had never looked better presented).
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
iam back baby yeagh i agree with u on the ecw thing bobby but tajirie looking good in wwe when he first came in the wwe he was giving the rule of regals servent simmaler to virgils gimmik they only recently gave him the cruser belt which i thinks sucks because he and rey misterio and other out of state wrestlers ( sorry if that sounds racist but i cant think of the name to say for non ameracan wrestlers) they were all headliners in the japans companys mexco they are so great atlets and to me the cruserweigt belt isa mid carder they need a higher belt then ill be happy one of the biggest cases in unbderused wrestlers is jericho the wwe running his carrer down the drain he was the first ever undisputed champion ( he won it at vengence which kinda sucked) but was never givin the same treatment as trtiple h or the rock or steve austun jerico push was made out to be nothing this guy is next to bret hear and own heart as the greatist wrestler of all time hes a great heel but the wwe is making him out to be a joke hell wcw did a better job than vince in using crish right it starded of great with the classic angle with the rock but it all went down hill u know why that is because vinces son in law hates jerhcos guts and feelings mutal on both sides ther used to be a rule where the company cannot let personal people get in the way of the company gusse that went out the window ther is one thing thats true its true when they say the wwe is family entertainment . dose vince mc mhan have something against canadians if u dont know what i mean plese say and ill explain it
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
Ever since the WWE has controlled the wrestling market wrestling has gone down.The WWE has no idea of using their talent they have.I used to be a die hard wrestling fan now I'll just watch it if I have nothing else to do.One problem is that there are too many champions and it seems like the champions hold on to the belts for a short period of time.I like to see the champion hold on to their belt for at least 6 months.Nowadays its obvious that every pay per view that the belt will change hands.Pay per view is another problem I remember there would be 4 pay per views a year now it seeems like 4 pay per views a week!In my day the wrestlers werent as ripped as the are today but man could they give the best interviews like Dusty Rhodes.LOL!Only the Rock has real interview skills.I could just go on and on on how wrestling just sucks nowadays.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
hell wcw did a better job than vince in using crish right it starded of great with the classic angle with the rock but it all went down hill u know why that is because vinces son in law hates jerhcos guts and feelings mutal End Quote
Again, I am no promoter of the now dead ECW, but they did a great job of using Chris Jericho before he entered WCW - and he was a face then!
One highlight was a terrific house-show match with Sabu. I have not seen him have a match like that in both WCW and WWF/E.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
Quoting:One problem is that there are too many champions and it seems like the champions hold on to the belts for a short period of time.I like to see the champion hold on to their belt for at least 6 months.End Quote
Triple H had held onto the WWE World title for what seemed to be like forever only to lose it recently to Goldberg.
Quoting:Nowadays its obvious that every pay per view that the belt will change hands.Pay per view is another problem I remember there would be 4 pay per views a year now it seeems like 4 pay per views a week!In my day the wrestlers werent as ripped as the are today but man could they give the best interviews like Dusty Rhodes.LOL!Only the Rock has real interview skills.I could just go on and on on how wrestling just sucks nowadays.
End Quote
The P-P-V every month was started by WCW (funded by the inexhaustable Ted Turner). WWF had to keep up with that and so decided to create the 'In Your House' Series which then evolved into Backlash, Armageddon and the like. I prefer Wrestlemania but I am partial to The Royal Rumble (if only the results were less predictable).
Ha ha! Dusty Rhodes was very confident on the mic but the WWF screwed around with his image, making him wear polka dots and the like. In one interview Dusty mentioned that he had no problem with this development but I heard somewhere that this was Vince's way of punishing Rhodes for some misdemeanour or other - don't quote me on that though.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
wrestling will continue to suck unless Vince does something bout'it! >:(
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
What do you think of HHH losing the championship to Goldberg who many believe to be the greatest wrestler.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
the only reson triple h droped the belt was because he was going to be in a movie i have a this strong beleve that if the movie wasent in the picture (no pun) that he whouldnt have lost it goldberg a waist of time i must amit that i enjoyed his match with jerhco at badblood it wasernt 5* classic but it was one of th e two best matches on show other being hbk vs ric flair going to page 2 i think of the theread howard mentiond something about bring back old wrestler to be honest i agree but 100% but whouldnt it be graet to see ricky the dragon staem boat vs kurtangle that whould be awsome smackdown getting better bork lesnerer is heel again whoooo is it me or is stephs gunns if u know what i mean getting bigger lol
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
One of the things I dont miss about the good ol' days of wrestling was Vince McMahon as an announcer and his bias towards the fan favorites.Hes much better as the "evil owner"
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I think another reason HHH lost the belt was due to Goldberg's jackhammer and spear. HHH is great but Goldberg is da man!
the only reson triple h droped the belt was because he was going to be in a movie i have a this strong beleve that if the movie wasent in the picture (no pun) that he whouldnt have lost it End Quote
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
One of the things I dont miss about the good ol' days of wrestling was Vince McMahon as an announcer and his bias towards the fan favorites.Hes much better as the "evil owner"
End Quote
Vince McMahon is on Tv too much now.He was better sitting at the announcer's table back in the early 90's.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
Macho Pigs wearing tight shorts grabbing each other everywhere...mmmm.. Goldberg has a new move called the "Than-FranThisco Treat" ::)
End Quote
As I said before!
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
I agree with everything Mr Crowly said apart from the match-up between Ricky Steamboat V Kurt Angle. As much as it looks good on paper, Ricky Steamboat has been out of wrestling for at least 10 years. He will have a lot of ring rust.
For me, Goldberg is a wasted talent. It seems that the WWE put him in a ring and expect him to produce the goods - and how many times will we see a missed spear go through the people's barrier before he leaves the WWE?
One of the worst wrestlers right now is (I wouldn't have said this 10 years ago) Scott Steiner. He is an absolute waste of time who develops stupid catchphrases and wears a stupid thing that looks like chain-mail on his head before a match!
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
End Quote
For me, the best TLC match was at Summerslam 2000. I have never seen so many tables being broken! Plus the classic ending where two people were hanging from the belt attachment - that's great!
Yes - Bring back Jeff Hardy. Give him a decent style, don't degrade him and give him a match against Rey Misterio Jnr.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
Wrestiling is dumb now. Although I have watched it for YEARS, my younger brother is an avid fan(for some reason). Last night he filled me in on some story involving a war with the Mcmahons and something about their mom getting body slammed and having her neck broken. I just laughed and said is this a sport or a soap opera on steriods?? ???
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
i whish all the mc mans whouyld be shot dead on tv (in storyline) and leve the wrestlers to get on with ther job i cans stand it ther egos is to big for theirs heads tlc matches let me just say right off the bat i hate hardcore matches i really do i prefer high flyers luchadores technicle and submission wrestling to entertain me in saying that i love ecw because they were creative with it but with vinces rules on baning moves that need to be part of the wrestling the wwe hardcore mtaces are crap the tlcs were awsome but vince is killing his own company and why to make life easier for his on in law anyone elese think that velocity is the best plce for highflyers i think it is because it they can wrestle ther own speed do ther trademarks moves ( theres no way in hell that vince whould alow paul london to do his dropsault ) i think velocity should have a ppv on its own here my line of matches
ultimodragon vs spanky
paul london vs nova
loky vs aj styles
amazing red vs jerry lyn
thoser matches alone gimmik free whopuld be enougfh action to quist my hunger
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
The problem with the hardcore division in the WWE was that it wasn't taken seriously. It was just a couple of guys using props against each other in the most banal way possible. Since the title was merely a battered and plastered up version of the old WWF belt, it made fighting so hard for it pointless.
ECW invented Rob Van Dam's Vandaminator and furthermore developed the Vanterminator (Shane McMahon's move were he flew across the ring from the top to hit his opponent hung up in the turnbuckles with a chair across his face). ECW's Public Enemy made up the idea of putting wrestlers through tables and not The Dudley Boys - who made a habit of it in ECW before bringing the idea to the WWE.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
At least now,they're pushing Kane to the moon.first his brother Undertaker and now Goldberg! ;D
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
Does anybody here like 'The Legend-Killer' Randy Orton? I go to a certain site and they adore him.
I think he is a waste of space for two reasons:
He gets helped out an awful lot in his matches (usually by fellow members of Evolution)
His work-rate is terrible. He doesn't go the extra mile to secure his status.
Subject: Re: the state of wrestling
Does anybody here like 'The Legend-Killer' Randy Orton? I go to a certain site and they adore him.
I think he is a waste of space for two reasons:
He gets helped out an awful lot in his matches (usually by fellow members of Evolution)
His work-rate is terrible. He doesn't go the extra mile to secure his status.
End Quote
Randy Orton is alright.maybe he should turn face or something. ???