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Subject: Pair of Aces
It appears that Saddam's sons were killed today Qusay and Uday are no more. Looks like the 101st Airborne got lucky.
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
I saw it on CNN. It looks like the US military just blew away this house with machine guns. Although they said the firefight lasted 4 hours. The one part of it I would consider contriversial is they killed one of the children who was not a political member (a grandson to hussien, i think they said he was a teenager). Too bad they could not have gassed them out or something, for the sake of the young one. I guess the USA is bent on killing anyone related to Hussien, regardless of how involved in governement they are. I guess in that part of the world liniage is improtant, and the USA does not want any risk of someone left alive related to him to rally the troops.
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
I originally thought the report was false. I remember they said the two brothers hated each other and tried to kill each other. Kinda wierd that they ended up in the same place. Could it be propoganda, or a way to smoke them out?
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
May Usay and Qusay "R.I.H." (Rest in Hell), along with all the other monsters associated with Saddam that helped fill the Iraqi mass graves.
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
Uday and Qusay were blown away, today, hip hip hooray!
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
Hmm... or as Elton John might have said:
Goodbye U & Q
Though I never knew you at all
You kept the power to yourself
While those around you fawned
You crawled into the woodwork
And you thought that you'd hidden well
Till the Americans, they found you
And they blew you both to Hell
And it seems to me that you lived your lives
Like two vandals in Iraq
But then dying in a firefight
Must have been a nasty shock
And I'm glad I never met you
'Cause they say you were insane
Maybe the best thing for a psycho
Is a bullet in the brain
...must try harder, methinks...
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
That's a pretty good start I'd say. Only (!) another couple of verses to go.
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
This is good news for the ordinary Iraqi citizen. I was also pleased to learn through the week that Idi Amin may die soon.
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
This brings to mind a gospel song I've heard (and the associated scene with "Lord Reefa" for fans of Babylon 5)
No hiding place on the mountain
No hiding place in the waters
No hiding place down here
I went to the rock to hide my face
but the rock cried out "No hiding place"
There's no hiding place down here
Now, if this were only true...
The world might be a safer place if we captured/killed all the other "monsters of our time" (Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin Laden, Ariel Sharon, George Bush, etc.)
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
I have a question. How did they do the whole card thing with 54 of the most wanted men in Iraq, when there are only 52 cards in playing deck? Two jokers? Who got to be them? Baghdad Bob?
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
I have a question. How did they do the whole card thing with 54 of the most wanted men in Iraq, when there are only 52 cards in playing deck? Two jokers? Who got to be them? Baghdad Bob?
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They must represent the Iraqi people :'(
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
Forces are in play that we citizens are not privy to. Sadam and his sons were killed during the first days of this war. In a remote corner of Syria bordering Jordan and Iraq are buried the Iraqi weapons guarded by 40,000 Syrian troops. These troops were recently withdrawn from their positions in Lebanon to guard the weapons. Heard this from a US intelligence official but have no more info.
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
Forces are in play that we citizens are not privy to. Sadam and his sons were killed during the first days of this war. In a remote corner of Syria bordering Jordan and Iraq are buried the Iraqi weapons guarded by 40,000 Syrian troops. These troops were recently withdrawn from their positions in Lebanon to guard the weapons. Heard this from a US intelligence official but have no more info.
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Sorry mate, but Saddam is alive and well and working in a chip shop in Walthamstow. His weapons are hidden amongst the battered sausages ;D
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
Two jokers? Who got to be them?
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Bush and Blair? (Sorry, couldn't resist ;D)
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
Forces are in play that we citizens are not privy to. Sadam and his sons were killed during the first days of this war. In a remote corner of Syria bordering Jordan and Iraq are buried the Iraqi weapons guarded by 40,000 Syrian troops. These troops were recently withdrawn from their positions in Lebanon to guard the weapons. Heard this from a US intelligence official but have no more info.
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Dear me! That's quite a revelation. Have you gone to the media with this?
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
Heard this from a US intelligence official but have no more info.
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Well, then it's obviously false. ;D
The whole thing seems a bit farfetched if you ask me (which you didn't).
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
Dear me! That's quite a revelation. Have you gone to the media with this?
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hehe, Goreripper I was thinking the same thing.
BJ26, why, may I ask, haven't we been informed of this? Seems it might change a few things if the ones in charge knew this secret info. ::)
(of course I am speaking tongue-in-cheek)
Sorry, but I have a really hard time beleiving that a real official with this information, would be telling people about it without telling the media.
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
Dear me! That's quite a revelation. Have you gone to the media with this?
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The way media is today, someone will publish it. Perhaps the Fox News Network? That is why I listen to CNN, and not Fox. Somehow Fox is horrible at seperating news from entertainment.
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
That is why I listen to CNN, and not Fox. Somehow Fox is horrible at seperating news from entertainment.
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...and CNN is horrible at seperating news from biased and opinionated garbage. ;)
For the record: FOX News is continually kicking the tar out of CNN and MSNBC, not to mention the fact they are the highest rated and most watched cable news network in the country. People watch it and trust it. CNN is a has-been. You know its gotten pretty bad when they are so desperate for ratings, they result to hiring (and then firing) Connie Chung, and their biggest draw is...Larry King (who btw is being beaten nightly by Bill O'Reilly in the ratings).
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
...and CNN is horrible at seperating news from biased and opinionated garbage. ;)
For the record: FOX News is continually kicking the tar out of CNN and MSNBC, not to mention the fact they are the highest rated and most watched cable news network in the country. People watch it and trust it. CNN is a has-been. You know its gotten pretty bad when they are so desperate for ratings, they result to hiring (and then firing) Connie Chung, and their biggest draw is...Larry King (who btw is being beaten nightly by Bill O'Reilly in the ratings).
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*shakes head* People watch Fox news because it's a circus. FOX News is the XFL of news programs. It's a friggin' joke.
"We report, We decide."
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
*shakes head* People watch Fox news because it's a circus. FOX News is the XFL of news programs. It's a friggin' joke.
"We report, We decide."
End Quote
Oh contraire.
FOX News' ratings are swamping all the others. Why? Because the vast majority of people who watch cable news realized CNN and MSNBC were nothing more than 2 has-been hacks, and that maybe that crazy network called FOX News was on to something.
If it was just a temporary ratings spike, your argument might hold water. But, since FOX News has been slapping CNN and MSNBC like a red-headed stepchild constistantly for nearly 2 years now, it shows FOX News is the peoples' choice for cable news. Whether you personally like it or not. ;)
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
Oh contraire.
FOX News' ratings are swamping all the others. Why? Because the vast majority of people who watch cable news realized CNN and MSNBC were nothing more than 2 has-been hacks, and that maybe that crazy network called FOX News was on to something.
If it was just a temporary ratings spike, your argument might hold water. But, since FOX News has been slapping CNN and MSNBC like a red-headed stepchild constistantly for nearly 2 years now, it shows FOX News is the peoples' choice for cable news. Whether you personally like it or not. ;)
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Start funny commentary...
You ever hear of the naked news? That is where a woman, while she reads the days news, strips her clothing off so that at the end of the report she is in her underwear. They ran a story about it at slashdot about a year ago. If you have not seen it yet, do not worry, if there are ratings in half naked women telling you the world events then you will see it on Fox. I just hope they do not use Bill O'Rielly as the test sample. I can just imagine his "new" talking points. Ughhh.
... End funny commentary
Back to seriousness. Fox is a gossip channel, filled with the "oh my god, you will not believe this" reporting. They give you 1/10th news burried in editorials and opinions. If Jerry Springer was a conservative, he would be reporting the news at Fox.
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
FOX News has been slapping CNN and MSNBC like a red-headed stepchild constistantly for nearly 2 years now, it shows FOX News is the peoples' choice for cable news. Whether you personally like it or not. ;)
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Yes, yes, but we have been at war for these past few years, haven't we? People feel patriotic because of our wars and they want a news program that will shout "USA! USA! USA!" with them. As soon as we're out of the Bush era, perhaps sooner, FOX will go the way of the XFL. Even if they don't, ratings don't equal quality. Remember, "Who wants to marry a multi-millionaire" scored pretty high in the ratings. It doesn't mean it was something worth watching.
Sometimes I watch FOX news for a laugh, but I usually turn it off because everything they say is a kick in the balls for the left. It's very very very very (continue for 5 pages) unbalanced and unfair reporting. You like it because it reflects your opinions, not because they have quality reporting.
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
I don't watch any of them (well, once in a while I may catch CNN but not on a regular basis). I read the local paper every morning and I have "My Yahoo Page" set up for top stories from Reuters, the AP, the New York Times, and from "Yahoo" (which I'm sure is probably the same as the other ones). This way, I can try to fish through all the b.s. that a lot of the media dishes out to figure out what is really going on. And besides, I don't have to listen to all the "filler" that t.v. news has all the time.
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
May Usay and Qusay "R.I.H." (Rest in Hell), along with all the other monsters associated with Saddam that helped fill the Iraqi mass graves.
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Yeah, they were both horrendous creatures. Too bad they weren't captured though.
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
Oh contraire.
FOX News' ratings are swamping all the others. Why? Because the vast majority of people who watch cable news realized CNN and MSNBC were nothing more than 2 has-been hacks, and that maybe that crazy network called FOX News was on to something.
If it was just a temporary ratings spike, your argument might hold water. But, since FOX News has been slapping CNN and MSNBC like a red-headed stepchild constistantly for nearly 2 years now, it shows FOX News is the peoples' choice for cable news. Whether you personally like it or not. ;)
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I think it was P.T. Barnum who said "you'll never go broke UNDERESTIMATING the intelligence of the American people."
Translation: Give them circuses, give them scandel, give them sex, give them gore, you'll get an audience.
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
Regarding FOX News, I've come to this conclusion:
If they really are ticking of the liberals and lefties so much, as they seem to be, they must be doing something right. :) :D ;D
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
Regarding FOX News, I've come to this conclusion:
If they really are ticking of the liberals and lefties so much, as they seem to be, they must be doing something right. :) :D ;D
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I watch Fox occasionally, and think they are very biases, as are the others. But your post suggests a preference for ideological purity over the facts and something called "the truth". Maybe you need to reconcider you're seemingly uncritical devotion to the "conservative agenda" in light of the reality we are all experiencing, ie a lying "president", no WMD's and gurrilla warfare in Iraq, and, most important, our economy going down the toilet, or are you invested in toilet paper?
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
But your post suggests a preference for ideological purity over the facts and something called "the truth".
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...its called sarcasm. ;)
Lighten up my friend.
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
...its called sarcasm. ;)
Lighten up my friend.
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Sure. A political commentator I once heard said something like - the liberals say 2 + 2 = 6, the conservatives say 2 + 2 = 8. so lets split the difference. So we can make it official, 2 + 2 = 7. The new math of politics.
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
Regarding FOX News, I've come to this conclusion:
If they really are ticking of the liberals and lefties so much, as they seem to be, they must be doing something right. :) :D ;D
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Yes, something so Right, they've fallen off the spectrum. (my turn to use smileys) :) :D ;D
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
Yes, something so Right, they've fallen off the spectrum. (my turn to use smileys) :) :D ;D
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...or you're so far to the left that you have no idea what "centrist" views are anymore.
Hey, I can use smileys too!
;D :D :) ;) :) 8) ::) ;D :D ;) 8)
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
You can all use smilies, but the real point is that the "streatch" of editorial interpretation on our media goes from the far right to the moderate center (which is called the left). The real left has been banned from the media for ages. There is no "left" critique in this country, as there is in western europe, Canada, Mexico, and other "free" countries, where divergent ideas circulate freely. And now we have the FCC's "media concentration" ruling, that will further restrict our access to alternative (within the domanant paradigm) ideas. HOORAY for the recent House vote to overrule those new regs.
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
You can all use smilies, but the real point is that the "streatch" of editorial interpretation on our media goes from the far right to the moderate center (which is called the left). The real left has been banned from the media for ages. There is no "left" critique in this country, as there is in western europe, Canada, Mexico, and other "free" countries, where divergent ideas circulate freely. And now we have the FCC's "media concentration" ruling, that will further restrict our access to alternative (within the domanant paradigm) ideas. HOORAY for the recent House vote to overrule those new regs.
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I have noticed this too. It appears the right has used the tactic of assigning "centrist" to any editorials they produce, and "leftist" to any true centrist opinion. There is no leftist opinion in the mainstream, they are just people from the center who have been labled left by the right. Just by labeling, the right has been able to change the dialouge we use. How sneaky of them.
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
...or you're so far to the left that you have no idea what "centrist" views are anymore.
Hey, I can use smileys too!
;D :D :) ;) :) 8) ::) ;D :D ;) 8)
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Are you trying to say Fox News is centrist? ???
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
well, since we've strayed off the path into this FOX News debate, let me close by saying:
"Opinions are like ***holes, we all have one." :D
But anyway, regarding the topic of the thread, I just heard that the man who tipped off officials the the Hussein boys were in the house, was actually the owner of the house. He has come forward and...will soon be $30,000,000 richer for his tip. (Bounty was set at $15 Million for each son)
Good for him. :)
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
Are you trying to say Fox News is centrist? ???
End Quote
No, not really, just making a general statement that people have inherent biases ;)
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
well, since we've strayed off the path into this FOX News debate, let me close by saying:
"Opinions are like ***holes, we all have one." :DEnd Quote
For the record, I don't watch news on TV anymore...everybody is biased one way or the other. But as an aside, "We're surrounded by ***holes!" (Spaceballs)
But anyway, regarding the topic of the thread, I just heard that the man who tipped off officials the the Hussein boys were in the house, was actually the owner of the house. He has come forward and...will soon be $30,000,000 richer for his tip. (Bounty was set at $15 Million for each son)
Good for him. :)
End Quote
Y'know, that's a lotta money :) I think the $25 mil for Saddam is good stuff too, I think I'll hop on over to Iraq and start shooting things up, I need some money for school again ;D
Kidding. But I guess it's a fair price to have the guy dead :)
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
"Opinions are like ***holes, we all have one." :D
End Quote
Actually, there was this girl that was at the same college as me - when she was born a lot of organs etc. round the colon area were malformed. She had to have extensive surgery and had some kind of bag. :-/
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
Actually, there was this girl that was at the same college as me - when she was born a lot of organs etc. round the colon area were malformed. She had to have extensive surgery and had some kind of bag. :-/
End Quote
ok, to include those few without, I should have said "...99.9% of people have one" :)
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
well, since we've strayed off the path into this FOX News debate, let me close by saying:
"Opinions are like ***holes, we all have one." :D
But anyway, regarding the topic of the thread, I just heard that the man who tipped off officials the the Hussein boys were in the house, was actually the owner of the house. He has come forward and...will soon be $30,000,000 richer for his tip. (Bounty was set at $15 Million for each son)
Good for him. :)
End Quote
Typical Texas. If the rangers can't do the job (no offense to Chuck Morris) call out the bounty hunters (anyone remember "Paladin?)
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
Getting this thread back on topic. I think the U.S. was wrong to parade the bodies as if to say, "Looky what we did." I'm sure a lot of Muslims are upset that the U.S. disrespects their religion-like having a body buried within 24 hours, not using any kind of post-mortiem make-up or even televising them.
The Iraqi people are also upset with the U.S. because they don't have "luxuries" such as water and electricty.
I think if the U.S. wants to earn the respect of the Iraqi people, they really need to work on restoring utilites rather than securing oil fields and then we won't have to read about U.S. troops getting killed everyday.
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
Getting this thread back on topic. I think the U.S. was wrong to parade the bodies as if to say, "Looky what we did." I'm sure a lot of Muslims are upset that the U.S. disrespects their religion-like having a body buried within 24 hours, not using any kind of post-mortiem make-up or even televising them.
The Iraqi people are also upset with the U.S. because they don't have "luxuries" such as water and electricty.
I think if the U.S. wants to earn the respect of the Iraqi people, they really need to work on restoring utilites rather than securing oil fields and then we won't have to read about U.S. troops getting killed everyday.
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Yeah, we need to do all this, but, as I predicted before we "liberated" Iraq, it would turn into a quagmire. Democarcy? If we let them choose, it will be a fundamentalist Islamic state. The Shi'ia are already pressing for that. Some "victory". But I told you so.
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
Getting this thread back on topic. I think the U.S. was wrong to parade the bodies as if to say, "Looky what we did." I'm sure a lot of Muslims are upset that the U.S. disrespects their religion-like having a body buried within 24 hours, not using any kind of post-mortiem make-up or even televising them.
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The problem with burying Uday and Qusay is that someone needs to come forward to claim the bodies first. Who's going to do that? Saddam?
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
The problem with burying Uday and Qusay is that someone needs to come forward to claim the bodies first. Who's going to do that? Saddam?
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Not likely - he probably hated both of them as much as they (purportedly) hated each other - a dysfunctions family. But we should have just buried them sooner, as Cat suggests. It would have been a nice gesture to their religion.
There is a concept called "pragmatic empathy" which has to do with trying to put yourself in the "shoes" of your adversary, to understand where S/he is coming from. If our leaders learned how to use it, I think there would be fewer body bags coming back to our shores.
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
There is a concept called "pragmatic empathy" which has to do with trying to put yourself in the "shoes" of your adversary, to understand where S/he is coming from. If our leaders learned how to use it, I think there would be fewer body bags coming back to our shores.
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True. But it has provided a nice smokescreen for the continuing failure to find Saddam's "weapons" now, hasn't it?
Subject: Re: Pair of Aces
True. But it has provided a nice smokescreen for the continuing failure to find Saddam's "weapons" now, hasn't it?
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Yeah, and the beat goes on. Like Billy Joel's song said, "we didn't start the fire (except in this case we did). The question is, who's going to put it out? Maybe a bit of pragmatic empathy from our leaders, instead of their dreams of Pax Americana, would be in order. We need a bit of sanity in this world.