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Subject: Dr. Kelly
I'm sure this has probably been reported in the States but it will probably be of more interest to the Brits on here:
Dr. David Kelly has now been identified as the main source for the 'Dodgy Dossier' scandal:
He was in front of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee on Tuesday, i believe. Clarifying what had been said in various interviews etc.
By Friday, he was found dead in some woodlands near somewhere called Farrington. The police at the time referred to it as an 'unexplained death'. Now it's being dubbed as a 'suicide'. :-/
Hilda Murrell, anyone?
Willie McRae?
I'm sure most of you can give examples of people who were a thorn in the side of the government and either 'committed suicide' or were killed in some 'accident' or other.
Subject: Re: Dr. Kelly
Hmmmmm. Sounds a little suspicious to me.
Subject: Re: Dr. Kelly
The links do not work at the moment.
How was he killed? Is there any suspicion of murder?
Subject: Re: Dr. Kelly
It may have something to do with the BBC being funded by T.V. licensing, so you need to be a U.K. resident to get the news or something.
I'll give you some specifics from the 3rd link....
He left his home 'at about 1500 BST on Thursday and his family reported him missing at 2345 BST the same day.'
His body was found 5 miles from his home on the ground in a wooded area on Friday. No time seems to be given but the hearse left the scene just before 2000 BST.
The 'cting superintendent Dave Purnell said formal identification would take place on Saturday and the case was being treated as an "unexplained death".'
And from another article on the same site (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/3079787.stm):
'Police have confirmed that the expert at the centre of the Iraq dossier row bled to death from a cut to his wrist,'
'The government will now hold an independent judicial inquiry into the circumstances surrounding his death.'
'Another reporter shouted: "Have you got blood on your hands Mr Prime Minister? Are you going to resign over this?"' No response was given.
'Confirming Dr Kelly's death, acting superintendent David Purnell said: "A post-mortem has revealed that the cause of death was haemorrhaging from a wound to his left wrist.
"The injury is consistent with having been caused by a bladed object.
"We have recovered a knife and an open packet of Co-Proxymol tablets at the scene."
He said police inquiries were continuing but there was no indication at this stage of any other party being involved
This article gives a more precise time for the discovery of the body: 'Dr Kelly's body was found at 0920 BST in a wooded area at Harrowdown Hill, near Faringdon,'
'Dr Kelly is survived by his wife, Janice, and three daughters Sian, 32, and 30-year-old twins Rachel and Ellen.'
Opviously, the BBC is walking on eggshells here because the government is now seemingly trying to suggest it was the BBC's handling of the whole thing that led to the man's death.
Subject: Re: Dr. Kelly
One would hope that he wasn't "offed" by the Brit Gov't, just as one would hope that U.S. citizens aren't "offed" by our own gov't, but given CIA and FBI activities in the past, who can tell? I, for one wouldn't put anything past either of them. Too many James Bond movies I guess.
Subject: Re: Dr. Kelly
Heh. Personally, i think if he wasn't 'offed' then he was given the 'we can make life very difficult for you'/'we can either do this the easy way or the hard way' talk. :-/
But as i say, this is pure speculation.
Subject: Re: Dr. Kelly
Heh. Personally, i think if he wasn't 'offed' then he was given the 'we can make life very difficult for you'/'we can either do this the easy way or the hard way' talk. :-/
But as i say, this is pure speculation.
End Quote
And probably not far off the mark.
Subject: Re: Dr. Kelly
Just reading some more BBC articles on Dr. Kelly;
It said he'd converted to the Baha'i faith in the past four years, in which the followers 'do not condone suicide.'
And even then, i still haven't seen or heard a good reason for the man to commit suicide in the first place. :-/ :(
Subject: Re: Dr. Kelly
Could someone clarify why he would want to kill himself, or alternately, what the government would gain by having him killed? I'm pretty unclear on this.
Subject: Re: Dr. Kelly
This actually happened just down the road from me,don't know where they got 'Farington' from(no such place.) it happened in a small village kind of on the way towards a town called Faringdon,but I digress.Basically this man was a very gentle,shy and intensly private person who got thrust into the limelight in the capacity of 'scapegoat' it would appear.It would appear he couldn't handle the pressure from the media and the government and commited suicide.There will be an investigation begining next week in which even the prime minister is meant to be questioned.........