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Subject: George W Bush

Written By: John_Seminal on 07/18/03 at 10:31 p.m.

Did anyone see the documentary "Horn's and Halo's"?


It is a true story about an author who was hired to write a biography on George W Bush. While researching GW, he discovered many bad things Bush did, like his cocain use and drinking, along with a $800,000 stock fraud insider trading that his dad wrote to the SEC to stop the investigation. He discovered a photo of GW while in the air reserves, in an officers club so drunk that GW climbed on top of the bar and got naked.

One of the kickers about the book was, the main informant the author used was a childhood friend of the president. Some speculate the reason this person gave the author the information was because it would be easier to deal with the scoop of someone with no credentials verses a Peter Jennings or Dan Rathers.

It is also worth noting that the Bush lawyers sued St. Martins Press to stop them from publishing the book, and then burned all copies. How american, a political family burning all copies of a book.

The bush camp then threatened the main stram press (ABC, NBC, CBS) all with having their seats taken away from the White House Press room if they repeated the story. Look what happened to that one older woman who has been a white house corrispondent since the 70's. The president snubbed her because she critisized him.

In the end, the author of the book was found dead. Makes me wonder if we elected a fraud, cocain using, alcoholic to the whitehouse who is tainted with this mans death.

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: Hairspray on 07/18/03 at 11:51 p.m.

Did anyone see the documentary "Horn's and Halo's"?


It is a true story about an author who was hired to write a biography on George W Bush. While researching GW, he discovered many bad things Bush did, like his cocain use and drinking, along with a $800,000 stock fraud insider trading that his dad wrote to the SEC to stop the investigation. He discovered a photo of GW while in the air reserves, in an officers club so drunk that GW climbed on top of the bar and got naked.

One of the kickers about the book was, the main informant the author used was a childhood friend of the president. Some speculate the reason this person gave the author the information was because it would be easier to deal with the scoop of someone with no credentials verses a Peter Jennings or Dan Rathers.

It is also worth noting that the Bush lawyers sued St. Martins Press to stop them from publishing the book, and then burned all copies. How american, a political family burning all copies of a book.

The bush camp then threatened the main stram press (ABC, NBC, CBS) all with having their seats taken away from the White House Press room if they repeated the story. Look what happened to that one older woman who has been a white house corrispondent since the 70's. The president snubbed her because she critisized him.

In the end, the author of the book was found dead. Makes me wonder if we elected a fraud, cocain using, alcoholic to the whitehouse who is tainted with this mans death.

End Quote

Sour Politics = Death

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: John_Harvey on 07/19/03 at 07:14 a.m.

Blast! I can't see the trailer. Stupid software.

The ironic thing is W. was always considered "a man of integrity" by his supporters. That's like saying that Clinton has good family values.

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: John_Seminal on 07/19/03 at 10:50 a.m.

Here is a little more information about the movie. It is Roger Eberts review:


Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: Don_Carlos on 07/19/03 at 01:26 p.m.

Georgie's cocaine use and drinking are fairly well established, as is his great Vietnam war record, even if he wasn't AWOL.  We need a more active investigative journalism to look into his dubious business practices.  But in any case, as far as I'm concerned the guy is pond scum (Hey FBI guy, did you hear that?  I said POND SCUM.  Put that in my file and smoke it).

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: DizzleJ on 07/19/03 at 03:30 p.m.

I never heard about any of this! Now I feel cheated! Oh well,
Next year there will be new canidates who will hopefully be good people. I have always admired presidents like Washington,Lincoln,Grant, and Reagan. They never had a dirty past. Although I am still glad Gore didn't win. He seemed very weasly. He seemed like Clinton Incarnate!
2004 Elections Baby!

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: Hoeveel on 07/19/03 at 03:35 p.m.

Oh well,
Next year there will be new canidates who will hopefully be good people.

End Quote

No offense but LOL :)

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: DizzleJ on 07/19/03 at 03:36 p.m.

I am seriously tired of rotten politicians! If only Ross Perot had won.... ;)

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: John_Seminal on 07/19/03 at 03:41 p.m.

I am seriously tired of rotten politicians! If only Ross Perot had won.... ;)
End Quote

The problem is in how we elect politicians. We have a system where the person with the most money normally wins. If you want to have good people elected i would start by removing all television ad's. Force people to read a paper. We should not elect people the way we shop for lunch.

Modified to add: I think Bush is a horrible person who should be removed from office. He is a liar and a fraud. He is evil. Rich people can do no wrong in his eyes, but everyone else is screwed.

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/19/03 at 04:05 p.m.


The problem is in how we elect politicians. We have a system where the person with the most money normally wins. If you want to have good people elected i would start by removing all television ad's. Force people to read a paper. We should not elect people the way we shop for lunch.

Modified to add: I think Bush is a horrible person who should be removed from office. He is a liar and a fraud. He is evil. Rich people can do no wrong in his eyes, but everyone else is screwed.
End Quote

I couldn't agree with you more. When he was handed the WH in 2000, I had a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach and still have-only it is getting worse. It does make me so angry that people don't see it. I think now, people are just beginning to see what exactly he is. If there is any justice in this world, not only would he be impeached, but he would serve jail time for all the illegal dealings he has done-not to mention what he has done to this country.


Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: John_Seminal on 07/19/03 at 04:16 p.m.


If there is any justice in this world, not only would he be impeached, but he would serve jail time for all the illegal dealings he has done-not to mention what he has done to this country.

End Quote

That is what I hate the most. He does something far worse than Martha Stewart, and the SEC looks the other way after his father sends a letter to the SEC ordering them to look the other way. He took $800,000 dollars in insider trading. That alone should have landed the jerk in jail.

All the cocain use, why didn't he do what Senator Orin Hatch suggested, come clean and tell America how he overcame his addiction. That would be what most honorable people who have made mistakes would do, admit it and ask for forgivness. If they want to keep it private, they would not run for office. The American people have a right to know if the person who has the nuclear weapons is a drug addict.

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/19/03 at 04:21 p.m.

That would be what most honorable people who have made mistakes would do, admit it and ask for forgivness.
End Quote

The key word here is honorable. Having Dubya and Honorable in the same sentence is the biggest oxymoron I have ever heard.


Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: Don_Carlos on 07/20/03 at 03:23 p.m.

I have always admired presidents like Reagan. They never had a dirty past. End Quote

How do we know this?  Did anybody look?  Mr Jellybean was a demented stooge for his advisors (and Nancy's astrologer)  His assault on the Constitution (Iran/Contra) was worse than what Nixon did in Watergate.  He was the political equivelant of the "teflon Don" and should have been impeached.  Too bad the Democrates didn't have the *tsk, tsk* to do it.

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: philbo_baggins on 07/21/03 at 04:17 a.m.

I am seriously tired of rotten politicians! If only Ross Perot had won.... ;)
End Quote

We talking the guy who set up EDS, possibly the most ethically-challenged computer services company the world has ever seen (or will ever see)?

Him challenging for the presidency was a bit of fresh air, but when you look at how the guy has got his money... must declare an interest, here: EDS and the way they do business has cost me personally a large amount of work (i.e. money)..

Better stop now before I say something libellous ;-)


Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: Don_Carlos on 07/21/03 at 08:40 p.m.


No offense but LOL :)
End Quote

Actually, this time I think you are wrong.  Both Howard Dean and Dennis Ko... (whatever his name is from Ohio(? wherever that is) are outsiders and Dean at least is relatively untainted by the big game politics.  I haven't always agreed with Howard - he is sopmething of a tightwad - but he is honest, forthright, and, I think, decent.  I'll vote for him in a tik.

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: John_Harvey on 07/21/03 at 08:41 p.m.


We talking the guy who set up EDS, possibly the most ethically-challenged computer services company the world has ever seen (or will ever see)?

Him challenging for the presidency was a bit of fresh air, but when you look at how the guy has got his money... must declare an interest, here: EDS and the way they do business has cost me personally a large amount of work (i.e. money)..

Better stop now before I say something libellous ;-)

End Quote

I think the winking smiley indicates sarcasm. Or am I wrong, Dizzle?

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: John_Harvey on 07/21/03 at 08:43 p.m.


Actually, this time I think you are wrong.  Both Howard Dean and Dennis Ko... (whatever his name is from Ohio(? wherever that is) are outsiders and Dean at least is relatively untainted by the big game politics.  I haven't always agreed with Howard - he is sopmething of a tightwad - but he is honest, forthright, and, I think, decent.  I'll vote for him in a tik.
End Quote

Here here!

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: Don_Carlos on 07/27/03 at 01:58 p.m.

For anyone interested, the book Fortunate Son has been reprinted and is available through Amazon.Com.  I just started it today, and will post a review as soon as I finish it.

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: gamblefish on 07/27/03 at 05:41 p.m.


Actually, this time I think you are wrong.  Both Howard Dean and Dennis Ko... (whatever his name is from Ohio(? wherever that is) are outsiders and Dean at least is relatively untainted by the big game politics.  I haven't always agreed with Howard - he is sopmething of a tightwad - but he is honest, forthright, and, I think, decent.  I'll vote for him in a tik.
End Quote

Dennis Kucinich...he looks like a Keebler elf...

And right now, I think we are at the bottom of Lake Erie...

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: John_Seminal on 07/27/03 at 06:02 p.m.

For anyone interested, the book Fortunate Son has been reprinted and is available through Amazon.Com.  I just started it today, and will post a review as soon as I finish it.
End Quote

The book is not the same. The company which reprinted it had to do edits to stop lawsuits. So what you are reading is not what Hatfield originally had in his book. Plus, he is dead, so I guess it is easier to make changes without having the author complain.

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: Don_Carlos on 07/28/03 at 01:57 p.m.


The book is not the same. The company which reprinted it had to do edits to stop lawsuits. So what you are reading is not what Hatfield originally had in his book. Plus, he is dead, so I guess it is easier to make changes without having the author complain.
End Quote

Not to quibble, but can you document this?

In any case, I am now about 1/2 way through the book.  It pulls no punches, but it isn't a hatchet job either.  It seems to show little Georgie (Junior) honestly, warts and all, but not slanderously.  In many ways it reads as a tribute, although it does go into his shady business deals.  It names sources (although has no formal footnotes.  It does give nanes of books, and dates for periodical references), so, without having checked these sourses, it has a certain credibility.  Much of it is based on interviews with Bush associates, which, of course, would be hard to verify.  I can see why GWB would not want it widely read, but it is certainly not a loeft wing rant.  As of right now, I would recommend it.  I'll post more when I finish it - not tomorrow, have to go negotiate, but I plan to finish it on Wednesday, so hold your breath  ;D

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: Rice_Cube on 07/29/03 at 02:51 p.m.

Speaking of whuppin' on ol' Dubya, how about that John Kerry?  Isn't he adorable?  ;D


Kerry confident!

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: John_Seminal on 07/29/03 at 03:48 p.m.


Not to quibble, but can you document this?

End Quote

It was in the documentary "Horns and Halos". I can look on the web for more information.

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: Don_Carlos on 07/29/03 at 03:51 p.m.


It was in the documentary "Horns and Halos". I can look on the web for more information.
End Quote

Not to bother.  I was just wondering.

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: John_Harvey on 07/29/03 at 09:26 p.m.

Speaking of whuppin' on ol' Dubya, how about that John Kerry?  Isn't he adorable?  ;D
End Quote

Adorable? I don't get it...

Please enlighten me.

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: 80sRocked on 07/29/03 at 10:09 p.m.


Adorable? I don't get it...

Please enlighten me.
End Quote

if you click the link to the picture, it shows the host patting Kerry's head, like one would do to a puppy or a child.  

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: CatwomanofV on 07/30/03 at 11:19 a.m.

Personally, I like this one.


;D ;D ;D


Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: Don_Carlos on 07/30/03 at 01:58 p.m.

Personally, I like this one.


;D ;D ;D

End Quote

The "Dancing (around the issues) Democrats".  Great parody.  ;D

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: 80sRocked on 07/30/03 at 03:44 p.m.

That is pretty funny.

And I hope they keep their day jobs, they make really ugly women. :)

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: Don_Carlos on 07/31/03 at 02:13 p.m.

That is pretty funny.

And I hope they keep their day jobs, they make really ugly women. :)
End Quote

True enough, but Junior makes a really ugly President.  You should read Fortunate Son, it is balanced, factual, and well (though not academically) documented.  What a scum bucket.

Subject: Re: George W Bush

Written By: Don_Carlos on 08/01/03 at 12:52 a.m.

Finished the book today.  Sorry for the delay.  My opinion of it remains unchanged.  It is balanced, (mostly) well written, though a bit repetative, and convincing.  Hatfield does not employ "academic" footnotes, but he does give the names of authors and books, gives dates of news articles and their source, and names most of the people he interviewed, so it would not take much to verify most of his assertions.  The book is far from a hatchet job, although it pulls no punches, and there are occasional lapses into editorializing, ie "value judgements" not segregated from the reporting in terms of the use of words.  I do hope people will read this important book, especially since the Bush Leaguers were trying so hard to keep it out of our hands.  Truely disturbing even if the cocaine thing was not part of the picture.  To me, that is the least disturbing part of the book.