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Subject: Fave Superhero?
In light of all these many superhero movies coming to theaters, I thought I would ask you all:
"Who is Your Fave Superhero?"
I would say Spider-Man 8)
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
Spider-Man is a bit effeminate; and how can you respect anyone who has a ginge girlfriend ::) ;)
I prefer Too Much Coffee Man, he popped my webcomic cherry. :P
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
How is Spider-man girl like at all??
Just cause he is thinner, than Superman?
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
Blade is my favourite. Spawn is a distant second.
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
How is Spider-man girl like at all??
Just cause he is thinner, than Superman?
End Quote
His costume wouldn't be out of place at 'carnie-val' or at a gay pride march ;D
And to quote MC Pitman:
'a super hero from the past,
*I'm Pitman*,
What's your girly web gonnu do against my big spade?,
(It hurts)'
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
Hmmm, I never thought of Spider-Man as gay...or girly. If you look at the history of superhero costumes they've always been colorful and garish, unless the hero is a ninja or relies on stealth (i.e. post 60s Batman).
My favorite superhero: See left :)
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
If anyone's gay it's Batman. Look at his fetishistic superhero suit! He dresses like a giant bat, wears his underwear on the outside and sometimes wears black rubber.
Then there's the fact that Batman always lives with all those young boys. How many kids did he have be Robin? There was Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, and I believe a couple of other boys.
Spider-Man certainly isn't gay. Peter Parker has always liked the girls, not guys like Flash Thompson.
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
But Batman's meant to be gay. Just look at the deliberately camp show from the '70s (or was it the '60s?) POW! WAP! BOP!
Spiderman is just unintentionally whimpy, that's not the same thing :-/
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
Hey Hoeveel, doesn't seem like you and I are at odds a lot? Maybe it is just that you reply to my posts more often than others, I don't know. It Is almost like we are having a second American Revolution, you know you being British and me being American ;D
How old are you Mr.Hoeveel?
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
I'm 20. :)
Apart from this thread and the September 11th one i can't really think of any others where we're at odds.
Your nick does look familiar but i can't remember any other threads where we've interacted.
Personally, i think it's more to do with me being atheist and you Christian that we are at odds rather than geographic location :)
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
Perhaps Hoeveel Perhaps. :)
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
Hmmm...I wonder if there would be some "closet-gay" tendencies in Batman, but they always wrote him as being the billionaire playboy (as Bruce Wayne) and when he was in Bat-mode he'd be attracting a certain Catwoman...hmmm ;)
I think that comic superheroes have such hot girlfriends that they're either very un-gay or trying very hard to hide sumpin' sumpin' 8)
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
If anyone's gay it's Batman. Look at his fetishistic superhero suit! He dresses like a giant bat, wears his underwear on the outside and sometimes wears black rubber.
Then there's the fact that Batman always lives with all those young boys. How many kids did he have be Robin? There was Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, and I believe a couple of other boys.
Spider-Man certainly isn't gay. Peter Parker has always liked the girls, not guys like Flash Thompson.
End Quote
"The ambiguously gay duo?" ;)
Personally, I have always like Superman. You know how Catwoman felt about Batman-even though there was some sexual tension there-but if he is/was gay, that would explain why they never got together. ;)
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
Tsk. Batman is not literally homosexual, he is camp.
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
Personally, I have always like Superman.
End Quote
Did you know Superman was originally Aryan? And Canadian too apparently - or maybe it was just the comic that was Canadian... :-/
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
Tsk. Batman is not literally homosexual, he is camp.
End Quote
Yeah, but Batman originally was a dark superhero, which is why he was so controversial back in the late 30s/early 40s when he was introduced. After the war they had to shift the comic focus to a more happy/upbeat tone, so that's why it became all camp until the baby boomers decided that all the superheroes were gay, so the comic scribes had to de-gay-ify them :) It wasn't just Batman, it was every superhero.
Did you know Superman was originally Aryan? And Canadian too apparently - or maybe it was just the comic that was Canadian... :-/
End Quote
Hmmm...Superman was created by Simon and Shuster, two college kids who I THINK were in Chicago, not Canada. But they could've been Canadian. However, I don't think that Superman was ever "Aryan". It's just that back then, to reach a target audience, you had to make your superhero an upstanding white heterosexual male :P
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
The character started out with blonde hair. I seen it on some prog. :P
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
The character started out with blonde hair. I seen it on some prog. :P
End Quote
But it was dyed to blue. Nothing like a guy with blue hair. ;)
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
Hmmm...Superman was created by Simon and Shuster, two college kids who I THINK were in Chicago, not Canada. But they could've been Canadian.
End Quote
Actually, Superman was created by Siegel and Shuster. Shuster is from Toronto, Canada. And I think hey hooked up in Cleveland.
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
Actually, Superman was created by Siegel and Shuster. Shuster is from Toronto, Canada. And I think hey hooked up in Cleveland.
End Quote
Yeah, I can never remember the non-Shuster guy's name :P
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
I like the X-men. Colossus and Nightcrawler are my fav heroes.
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
My fave?
No question. I love Frank Miller's The Dark Knight Returns.
Daredevil comics by Frank Miller rock too.
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
Eh? We can use non-American swearwords?
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
Eh? We can use non-American swearwords?
End Quote
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
How about women superheroes, like Wonder Woman, Bionic Woman, any of the many X-Men, DC and Marvel Comics chicks? They were not only hot, but they kicked butt too! :-*
As far as dude superheroes go, I'd say Superman's my fave because he has all the qualities I'd want if I could be a superheroe, like the ability to fly and incredible strength. Spiderman can't fly and neither can Batman without the use of his "bat-copter".
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
End Quote
We can't swear in French? (That's the product of 4 years of highschool French)
Sacre M****!
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
We can't swear in French? (That's the product of 4 years of highschool French)
Sacre M****!
End Quote
;) ;) :o :oOf course you can't swear in French!Everyone in Quebec will know what it says!!!!Cheers!
Subject: Re: Fave Superhero?
But it was dyed to blue. Nothing like a guy with blue hair. ;)
End Quote
:D :D :DHey!He's kind of .,like Elvis!Elvis had naturally light brown hair,and dyed his hair black!Cheers! ;D ;D