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Subject: Emasculated Males Galore!
It seems men are more and more whipped these days.
Comic Bill Maher says we are living in Nation.
Men are wussies who won't stand up to women. They are emasculted and cowardly. They let their wvies or girlfriends more or less push them around, the women wear the pants in the relationship.
And if that relationship doesn't work out the women take the men to the cleaners financially. Marriage is something more and more men are putting off.
So maybe all hope is not lost.
Is it worse in Europe? That place is even more P.C. than the States. And Canada? Hmmm. Well, I think that is pretty obviously the most p.whipped capital on planet Earth, baby.
Women say they don't need men. But how many women will say men don't have to pay alimony and child support? If women don't need men these two things should be outlawed.
Sounds good to me. I mean most people support a woman's right to choose an abortion.
A man should have the right to walk away from a pregnancy. If he is not ready for fatherhood, no questions asked. Just like a woman can give the kid up for adoption or have an abortion, no questions asked. The father has no say in the matter.
Seems fair to me.
But men are so whipped, so used to urinating sitting down, such mama's boys, that this will never happen.
Radio show host Tom Leykis says all the TV shows or most, are geared to women. Cos middle management in TV is all female run and gay male run.
The men are all wussies, or louses, or creeps, predators, dead beat dads, and stupid. The women are always putting the men in their place like the clods that they are.
Leykis had Hollywood TV people call in and agree with this assessment. Hopefully there are a few non-wussy males out there.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Yup. Women today need a good slapping about opviously.
Alimony? A few black eyes should sort that one out.
It's a pity there aren't more men who haven't mastered self-control and mature debate and can still express themselves physically. Too many men are turning all homosexual on us. Homosexuals disgust me. How dare they threaten my masculinity.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
If Bill Maher and Tom Leykis say that we're whipped than it must be true ::) After all these two are the foremost experts on what it takes to keep a woman happy.
Why do you think Bill Maher spends so much time at the Playboy mansion? It's because there he gets nothing but women who hang on his every word, women who don't question him, airheads with DDs. He probably doesn't know how to keep a woman satisfied both intellectually and physically, that's why he puts up this front like he doesn't really want a relationship. Just like a child who gives up trying something new because it's not going the way he wants it to right away.
Child support has nothing to do with being p-whipped. If I had a child and things didn't work out between the mother and myself, she wouldn't even have to ask for child support. It's called being a responsible adult, and taking care of the child I helped create.
If you walk out on someone and abandon your child without giving any sort of support simply because you are not ready to have a child, than i'm sorry but you are not a real man at all.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Slapping around?
I never said anything about that. And I am obviously not in favor of it.
Why should a man have to support a kid if he doesn't want to?
I have no problem with women walking away from unwanted pregnancies.
Men should have the same option. It's only fair.
No alimony, no child support. Would women wanna pay an ex-husband alimony? I think not.
Roseanne didn't like having to do it!
Hey, in Washington State a man can live with a woman and then he can be forced after the breakup to PAY CHILD SUPPORT ON KIDS THAT AREN'T EVEN HIS!!!
Man, that's is not right! But men in Washington State are whipped like you wouldn't believe.
No alimony, no child support, abortion rights for women, birth control choices for men and women, savvy?
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
I have no problem with women walking away from unwanted pregnancies.
End Quote
You're not naïve enough to think, given the way our society (and reality) is, that that's going to happen often enough to make it fair, right?
Most of the statistics for single fathers are for where the mother has passed on.
And also, men have the better jobs and are more likely to have a job at all. Women are more likely to need that money.
Hey, in Washington State a man can live with a woman and then he can be forced after the breakup to PAY CHILD SUPPORT ON KIDS THAT AREN'T EVEN HIS!!!
End Quote
I agree, that's taking it too far to say the least.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Why should a man have to support a kid if he doesn't want to?
End Quote
He doesn't, he can run and hide and not pay anything. But that would make him a pathetic excuse for a human being.
Quoting:No alimony, no child support. Would women wanna pay an ex-husband alimony? I think not.End Quote
My aunt pays her ex husband child support because he has full custody of the children because she works on the road a lot. And i've never heard her complain because she is helping to take care of her children.
Quoting:No alimony, no child support, abortion rights for women, birth control choices for men and women, savvy?
End Quote
Men and women do have choices when it comes to birth control. But if whatever choice they made fails, then they are both responsible for the outcome.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
He doesn't, he can run and hide and not pay anything. But that would make him a pathetic excuse for a human being.
Men and women do have choices when it comes to birth control. But if whatever choice they made fails, then they are both responsible for the outcome.
End Quote
Nothing bugs me more than a person who has a hand in making a new life but isn't man (or woman) enough to see that the new life is taken care of properly. Childcare is one of those "unshirkable" responsibilities.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Oh yeah, and Bill Maher is an idiot.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Oh yeah, and Bill Maher is an idiot.
End Quote
Heh! Heh! I don't know who Bill Maher is, but what I've heard on the boards he seems 'verbally irresponsible' at best.
As for the topic, I've got to think about this. Men become whipped when they pay out alimony. I believe in life that everything has a consequence. To avoid the consequence is not learning your life's lessons. If someone avoids it once, what's to say that he/she is not going to avoid them again (and in some people's cases again and again)?
As for Hoeveel's disgust of Homosexuals well, joking or not (sometimes I can't tell on the boards) I think that was wrong. How are they threatening your masculinity? My girlfriend's cousin is homosexual, met him and his partner and they were very nice people. He didn't threaten me in any way whatsoever. We have to treat people as people, not as a gender, religion or racial stereotype.
I have a girlfriend that nags me, the difference between me being a puss and a man is that I communicate when she's said enough. I am always in control but I am also fair and reasonable, combining the two could mean that you may not need to pay alimony or child support in the first place.
There, I'm finished. :)
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
The men are all wussies, or louses, or creeps, predators, dead beat dads, and stupid. The women are always putting the men in their place like the clods that they are.
End Quote
Cat told me to respond to this ;) although once again, I'll keep my first thoughts to myself.
There are those (like poet Robert Bly) who sort of believe this, and blame it on the disappearance of older men/younger men relationships, like uncle/nephew, grandfather/grandson etc. and rites of passage from adolecents to adult. Basically, older men are no longer teaching boys how to be men, so they look for role models elsewhere, like the movies - Rambo.
From what you wrote, it sounds like your role models are +/- the same sort, and seem to advocate the same kind of "manliness" they display. I, for one, don't buy it. I once dated a woman who told me that she was impressed with me because I wasn't afraid to show my feminine side. She found it sexy and truely masculine. Men (and women) are complex creatures, not Playboy's cardboard cutout characitures. Both sexes have the full range of emotions and both need to develop them to be fully human.
As to your quote, a "deadbeat dad" is one who skips out on the child support.
As to stupid, I can explain that. Just before the creation, God called Adam and Eve to him and said he had one of each of 2 body parts, and showed them the first. "What's it for?" Adam asked. God said it lets you pee standing up. Adam pleaded for it, God turned to Eve, who shrugges, so God gave it to Adam, who ran off happily debarking trees and writing his name in the sand with his new part. Then he gave the second one to Eve, who asked "What's it called?". "Brains" was the reply. ;D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Quoting:I don't know who Bill Maher is, but what I've heard on the boards he seems 'verbally irresponsible' at best.End Quote
thats the understatement of the decade.
After all, his "verbal irrisponsibility" is what got him fired by ABC.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
(1) I have a girlfriend that nags me, the difference between me being a 'pussy' and a man is that I communicate when she's said enough.
(2) I am always in control but I am also fair and reasonable, combining the two could mean that you may not need to pay alimony or child support in the first place.
There, I'm finished. :)
End Quote
(1) They ALL do that sometimes. Depending on the situation, I ignore her or tell her the discussion is closed for now, time for bed. ( ;))
(2) I hope you mean "in control" of yourself. That is always good. Being in control of others, for me at least, is not good in personal relationships, which should be based on mutual respect and a sharing of power (although in a very few cases, domination can be fun ;) - by mutual consent)
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
(1) They ALL do that sometimes. Depending on the situation, I ignore her or tell her the discussion is closed for now, time for bed. ( ;))
(2) I hope you mean "in control" of yourself. That is always good. Being in control of others, for me at least, is not good in personal relationships, which should be based on mutual respect and a sharing of power (although in a very few cases, domination can be fun ;) - by mutual consent)
End Quote
Yeah I mean in control of myself, what I think and what I do. I also have to think about her 11 year old son (not 'created' by me). I'm not too sure how well I'm doing with him. She convinces me I'm doing fine so I accept it.
As for domination, I think my girl's idea of bondage is tying me to the sink! I don't like the idea of domination for that thought alone ;)
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Seems you boys are whipped.
Men should not be forced by government to pay child support.
He should out of the goodness of his heart. But if he chooses not to then the kids are the woman's responsiblity.
As is birth control. If the man won't use birth control the woman needs to say, nope, we are not having sex then.
Birth control is the woman's responsibility since she is the one who gets pregnant.
Women should have abortion rights. I don't approve of abortion but it is the female's choice. It is her body, her choice, her responsibility!
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
As for domination, I think my girl's idea of bondage is tying me to the sink! I don't like the idea of domination for that thought alone ;)
End Quote
To do the dishes, right? Or..... ;)
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Seems you boys are whipped.
Men should not be forced by government to pay child support.
He should out of the goodness of his heart. But if he chooses not to then the kids are the woman's responsiblity.
End Quote
Blerg? I disagree with you here. But I'm sure there are some single moms out there who are more than willing to chew you out for this one so I won't even bother.
As is birth control. If the man won't use birth control the woman needs to say, nope, we are not having sex then.
Birth control is the woman's responsibility since she is the one who get pregnant.End Quote
So the guy can just plant his seed and vamoose, huh? Oh yeah, that's real manly. So that's what it's like not to be "whipped". Let's absolve men of all responsibility for creating life and childbearing and all that.
Women should have abortion rights. I don't approve of abortion but it is the female's choice. It is her body, her choice, her responsibility!
End Quote
Ah, something we agree on.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
The mact of the fatter (;D) is that a lot of women nowadays are born with a lot of testosterone, while a lot of men have less than they should. Women are much better at advertising to get there point across than men do. And after 400 odd years (way more for most other countries) of male domination, who's to say they should go back? Men nowadays would rather switch than fight. 8)
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
And her responsbility to care for the children 100 percent.
If the father doesn't want to be involved.
A guy shouldn't have to run and hide if he wants nothing to do with the kids. He shouldn't have to pay a dime.
Men make more money cos they work more than women do.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Men also aren't gonna make an employer pay for pregnancy leave.
A male employee is more reliable. A woman one can get knocked up and then be out for six months while she has the kid and then recovers.
Not a plus for an employer. Hire the man.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Bill Maher is a member of PETA.
Yuck! I hate that group.
But he is pretty funny. And he isn't a wussy!
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
To do the dishes, right? Or..... ;)
End Quote
Ha! Ha! Don I think you've got a great sense of humour.
I'm afraid it would be to do the dishes. Anything else and the taps get in the way! ;D
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
And her responsbility to care for the children 100 percent.
If the father doesn't want to be involved.
A guy shouldn't have to run and hide if he wants nothing to do with the kids. He shouldn't have to pay a dime.
Men make more money cos they work more than women do.
End Quote
It seems to me you are looking for a 'get out of jail free card'. If it gets too hot, get out of there! Not very mature I'm afraid.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Bill Maher is a member of PETA.
Yuck! I hate that group.
But he is pretty funny. And he isn't a wussy!
End Quote
Bill Maher has his moments, as does anyone, but politically he fits into the category of the "Limousine Liberals" you mentioned in the other thread.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
It seems to me you are looking for a 'get out of jail free card'. If it gets too hot, get out of there! Not very mature I'm afraid.
End Quote
You said it, pilgrim.
And yes, in a lot of companies, the man also gets paid "paternity" leave to care for newborns. Sorry to say, though, that in this case, biology makes a hell of a lot of difference. Yes women get their six months off, but YOU try working in a whalesuit 40 hours a week! (No offense to the ladies, my bad)
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
I do have a problem with both men and women walking away from unwanted pregnancies. If you can't take the responsibility, don't do the deed (or if so, with protection). Both men and women must be held accountable. Don't any of you lunkheads (Zippo and Hooevel in particular) care about the child or children that this will affect?
Slapping around?
I never said anything about that. And I am obviously not in favor of it.
Why should a man have to support a kid if he doesn't want to?
I have no problem with women walking away from unwanted pregnancies.
Men should have the same option. It's only fair.
No alimony, no child support. Would women wanna pay an ex-husband alimony? I think not.
Roseanne didn't like having to do it!
Hey, in Washington State a man can live with a woman and then he can be forced after the breakup to PAY CHILD SUPPORT ON KIDS THAT AREN'T EVEN HIS!!!
Man, that's is not right! But men in Washington State are whipped like you wouldn't believe.
No alimony, no child support, abortion rights for women, birth control choices for men and women, savvy?
End Quote
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
As for Hoeveel's disgust of Homosexuals and their being stoned well, joking or not (sometimes I can't tell on the boards) I think that was wrong
End Quote
I was using a device to attempt to show zippo how his views look to me from behind my leftist sensibilities. I apologise if that wasn't clear.
How are they threatening your masculinity?
End Quote
Just the idea that people who don't like gays don't like them because it actually makes them think gay thoughts etc. and weakens their masculinity...or erm...that the reason they don't like gay people is because they are actually gay and resent that others get to do it openly....well something along those lines anyway :-/
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Seems you boys are whipped.
End Quote
Hi John Wayne, or should we refer to you as Rambo?
As to this quote, grab her by the hair, drag her into your cave, and try to...
Aww, who cares?
Men of quality respect women's equality.
Get the picture dude?
If not, I fear you will be crawling into your cave alone.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Ha! Ha! Don I think you've got a great sense of humour.
I'm afraid it would be to do the dishes. Anything else and the taps get in the way! ;D
End Quote
Thanks. Taps? On the sink? Use your imagination. ;)
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Men also aren't gonna make an employer pay for pregnancy leave.
A male employee is more reliable. A woman one can get knocked up and then be out for six months while she has the kid and then recovers.
Not a plus for an employer. Hire the man.
End Quote
Actually, (the right to) paternity leave seems to be on the cards in Europe and it's already in effect in 1 or 2 Scandinavian countries.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
If you can't take the responsibility, don't do the deed (or if so, with protection). Both men and women must be held accountable. Don't any of you lunkheads (Zippo and Hooevel in particular) care about the child or children that this will affect?
End Quote
Huy, wha? I was arguing for child support. ???
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Thanks. Taps? On the sink? Use your imagination. ;)
End Quote
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Some of the things zippo's said here are amoung the most ignorant statements I've ever seen made on this board.
Nonetheless, I'm a single father (soon to be married) who has just taken full custody of my daughter after almost 13 years of being forced by the government to surrender 18% of my wage to her mother for "child support". This was imposed upon me by the Child Support Agency when they decided that the amount my ex- and I had agreed I pay was "not enough". The amounts you are asked (read - forced) to pay are assessed on one's income from three years previously. This became a problem for me at one point when I was unemployed for six months and the payments fell behind. After I had started working again and was renting and planning for a holiday, I got a letter of demand for almost $2000 that I was told I had to pay within a month. Basically they were going to garnish my wages by 2/3, leaving me with nothing to live on. Fortunately, I wrote my local member who got in touch with the Ministerial representative of the Agency and he negotiated an easier payment structure for me. Remember that my ex- and I had made a mutual agreement on how much she wanted me to contribute to my daughter's upkeep. This apparently wasn't good enough for the "system". The rights of estranged fathers has been in the news here lately as support groups, politicians and the courts attempt to address the discrepancies with the male ex-partner's access to his children after separation, however negotiations are continually being stonewalled by militant women's groups who claim that it's fair because men are generally at fault and are violent against women and children. This is obviously the distorted view of a radical bunch of know-nothings. My relationship broke down because my ex- wanted to be with someone else. It wasn't because I didn't want to be there any more or because I was hitting her. I have full custody of my daughter now because we both agreed that it would be the best thing for her, and because she (my daughter) wanted it that way.
This has nothing to do with being "puss-whipped". It's ingrained into society that the best place for children is with their mothers. That's not always the case, and this way of thinking needs to be changed. Don't hold your breath.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Huy, wha? I was arguing for child support. ???
End Quote
I think it might save you some grief if you use a smiley or something to accompany your irony my friend. It doesn't always carry well in written form. ;)
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
OK, now for a woman's perspective on this idea. Zippo is basically saying that it is the woman's responsibility for EVERYTHING-birth control, child support, etc. So, with him, it is basically, "Wham, bam, thank you, Ma'am." (of course with him, I would even doubt that he would even say "thank you.") He has this attitude that women don't need men-Well, I can tell you from a woman's point of view, we don't need men like him-who will not take responsibity for their actions. If a male doesn't want any kids, then why doesn't he get a vasectimy?
So, the woman is suppose to have a job to support the kid, plus pay for child care at the same time. Child care is very expensive. I have a friend who quit her job so she could stay at home with her children because she was basically working only for child care. So, what is a single mother to do? Any ideas? It is a no-win situation. Once the kids are in school, things are a little bit easier. But that is 5 years. With no help from "daddy."
Because men are "forced" to pay child support makes them whimps? True men are not FORCED into paying it-because they know it is their responsibity but BOYS are FORCED. Boys do not want to accept responsibity for their actions. Boys usually have a tendency to blaiming others. "She did it. It was her fault. I had nothing to do with it." Personally I don't think that boys should have sex. They are not mature enough. (There is a big difference between boys and men-and I am not talking chronologically-I am talking maturity.)
My mother told me once that a real man does not worry about his masculinity. If he worries about it, then there is something to worry about. VERY TRUE. To me, a REAL MAN is someone who is secure in who he is, and what he wants out of life. And that he respects people-including WOMEN. Who is not threatened by women at all, but treats them as equals. Who is not afraid to show his sentitive side but is strong at the same time. (And who is great in bed. ;))
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
I think it might save you some grief if you use a smiley or something to accompany your irony my friend. It doesn't always carry well in written form. ;)
End Quote
It's a pity there aren't more men who haven't mastered self-control and mature debate and can still express themselves physically.
End Quote
Come on, how could that be anything except sardonic?
Alimony? A few black eyes should sort that one out.
End Quote
Do you think i'd openly say the best way of dealing with women who need financial support from their divorced spouses is to beat the crap into them on here? And even if that was my opinion, how would that solve anything? You'd be done for failure to pay alimony and for assault and battery.
I seriously can't see how anyone could've taken that post as my straight-faced opinion; especially i've they've read any of my others.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
This has nothing to do with being "pussy-whipped". It's ingrained into society that the best place for children is with their mothers. That's not always the case, and this way of thinking needs to be changed. Don't hold your breath.
End Quote
I have known many of single dads who were "primary constodian" of their kids. I see nothing wrong with it. Sometimes the fathers make better parents, and other times, it is more feasible in terms of housing, schooling, etc.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Some of the things zippo's said here are amoung the most ignorant statements I've ever seen made on this board.
Nonetheless, I'm a single father (soon to be married) who has just taken full custody of my daughter after almost 13 years of being forced by the government to surrender 18% of my wage to her mother for "child support". This was imposed upon me by the Child Support Agency when they decided that the amount my ex- and I had agreed I pay was "not enough". The amounts you are asked (read - forced) to pay are assessed on one's income from three years previously. This became a problem for me at one point when I was unemployed for six months and the payments fell behind. After I had started working again and was renting and planning for a holiday, I got a letter of demand for almost $2000 that I was told I had to pay within a month. Basically they were going to garnish my wages by 2/3, leaving me with nothing to live on. Fortunately, I wrote my local member who got in touch with the Ministerial representative of the Agency and he negotiated an easier payment structure for me. Remember that my ex- and I had made a mutual agreement on how much she wanted me to contribute to my daughter's upkeep. This apparently wasn't good enough for the "system". The rights of estranged fathers has been in the news here lately as support groups, politicians and the courts attempt to address the discrepancies with the male ex-partner's access to his children after separation, however negotiations are continually being stonewalled by militant women's groups who claim that it's fair because men are generally at fault and are violent against women and children. This is obviously the distorted view of a radical bunch of know-nothings. My relationship broke down because my ex- wanted to be with someone else. It wasn't because I didn't want to be there any more or because I was hitting her. I have full custody of my daughter now because we both agreed that it would be the best thing for her, and because she (my daughter) wanted it that way.
This has nothing to do with being "pussy-whipped". It's ingrained into society that the best place for children is with their mothers. That's not always the case, and this way of thinking needs to be changed. Don't hold your breath.
End Quote
In some ways, your situation is similar to mine, and in some ways not.
I agree that the entire family court system, at least in the U.S. is tilted toward the mother. Why, I guess, has to do with inherited sexist attitudes about family, and needs to be changes. "Krammer vrs Krammer" touched on these issues. The fact that you now have custody of your daughter indicates that things are changing, a bit.
I also agree that there needs to be a more reasonable and rational system for figuring out patental obligations for support, one that can easilly vary depending on the situation.
In line with this thread, though, in my opinion, your willingness to take on that responsibility indicates to me that you are a "real man". I salute you Hombre.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Why should a man have to support a kid if he doesn't want to?End Quote
Because if a man places himself in a position of fathering a child, then he must assume responsibility for his actions and the consequences of his actions, especially if a child is the end result. It is a matter of responsibility and adulthood.
If a man doesn't want to burden himself with those type of responsibilities, perhaps he should think with the head on his shoulders and make certain to not place himself in that position in the first place.
Simple logic.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Because if a man places himself in a position of fathering a child, then he must assume responsibility for his actions and the consequences of his actions, especially if a child is the end result. It is a matter of responsibility and adulthood.
If a man doesn't want to burden himself with those type of responsibilities, perhaps he should think with the head on his shoulders and make certain to not place himself in that position in the first place.
Simple logic.
End Quote
Well put, and nicely phrased, HS.
We are agreeing on more and more things. Are you moving to the left, or I to the right? Either way, I think it's kind of nice. ;D
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
OK, now for a woman's perspective on this idea. Zippo is basically saying that it is the woman's responsibility for EVERYTHING-birth control, child support, etc. So, with him, it is basically, "Wham, bam, thank you, Ma'am." (of course with him, I would even doubt that he would even say "thank you.") He has this attitude that women don't need men-Well, I can tell you from a woman's point of view, we don't need men like him-who will not take responsibity for their actions. If a male doesn't want any kids, then why doesn't he get a vasectimy?
So, the woman is suppose to have a job to support the kid, plus pay for child care at the same time. Child care is very expensive. I have a friend who quit her job so she could stay at home with her children because she was basically working only for child care. So, what is a single mother to do? Any ideas? It is a no-win situation. Once the kids are in school, things are a little bit easier. But that is 5 years. With no help from "daddy."
Because men are "forced" to pay child support makes them whimps? True men are not FORCED into paying it-because they know it is their responsibity but BOYS are FORCED. Boys do not want to accept responsibity for their actions. Boys usually have a tendency to blaiming others. "She did it. It was her fault. I had nothing to do with it." Personally I don't think that boys should have sex. They are not mature enough. (There is a big difference between boys and men-and I am not talking chronologically-I am talking maturity.)
End Quote
From a general point of view -
You go girl.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Well put, and nicely phrased, HS.
We are agreeing on more and more things. Are you moving to the left, or I to the right? Either way, I think it's kind of nice. ;D
End Quote
Thanks, DC. :)
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
From a general point of view -
You go girl.
End Quote
Thanks, HS ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Well, HS, as a man that several women have hailed as a "real man", you might have recognized that I also have stuck up for male responsibility, and more, for men to come to grips with their feminine side. Call me a male feminist if you like, but I think of it more as being just a humanist. Why would any real man want to live with a snivilling, dependent, dolt, when a real woman would be not just a play thing but a partner, a soul mate, a confidant, an advisor, a friend, a companion, in addition to all the great sex stuff that equality and mutual satisfaction leads to? I like being on equal terms with "my woman - she's her own woman -" The results are great.
I wish more people could figure out that equality is MUCH better than either male domination (what Zippo seems to want), or female domination (which he calls "p whipped"). Mutual respect works MUCH better, especially if it is grounded in love. Call me an old sentimentalist - Yeah, I am. ;) ;D
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
I wish more people could figure out that equality is MUCH better than either male domination (what Zippo seems to want), or female domination (which he calls "p whipped"). Mutual respect works MUCH better, especially if it is grounded in love. Call me an old sentimentalist - Yeah, I am. ;) ;D
End Quote
You certainly have the right idea, Don. It's not about power struggles or gender insecurity - If you genuinely love your woman, then these pointless thoughts shouldn't even enter your mind.
I would also like to add that I've never before been bent out of shape reading a thread than this one. :D
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
I've scanned through this thread rather quickly...
I think it might save you some grief if you use a smiley or something to accompany your irony my friend. It doesn't always carry well in written form. ;)
End Quote
... and wondered if this statement were not also applicable to Zippo: the views he's showing here are so completely OTT in their self-centered arrogance that maybe he's acting the agent provocateur rather than believing the drivel he's typed.
Personally, I'd think that no "real" man could possibly leave his children unprovided for...
Notice he's also arguing for paying women less, for not even employing them at all - I wouldn't mind betting he'll be back in another thread to recommend cutting of welfare too so that he can pay less tax. I just can't quite credit that anybody can be so asinine as to believe this kind of rubbish.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
There is only one way to handle a woman (which Maher has failed to disclose) you have to love her.
It seems men are more and more whipped these days.
Comic Bill Maher says we are living in Nation.
Men are wussies who won't stand up to women. They are emasculted and cowardly. They let their wvies or girlfriends more or less push them around, the women wear the pants in the relationship.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Bobby -- this thread go bent out of shape. As a character said in the film House Party "I smell p***y!"
I believe in female and male equality.
Equal work for equal pay. Women should have to be drafted in the army and fight in combat. They must meet the physical requirements that men do. And women must shave their heads too. US Army women don't have to do this at the moment.
But yes, maternity leave in Europe, heh-heh. Don't get me started on Europe, a beautiful continent to be sure, but talk about a ultra P.C. and p-whipped place!
The Italian European Union president lost his job becuase he said Germans were nationalistic!
Aaa, World War I, World War II. They started these, right? I'd say that makes them NATIONALISTIC!
P.C.'ness in action in Europe! Even the Italians are wussies! At least the Japanese are not whipped. Yet!
What does that mean, respect women? Why should I respect women?
Women say that crap all the time. Define it for me.
Men don't deserve respect automatically. Women don't either. I have no respect for women until they earn it on an individual basis.
Hey, how about this! A man is married to a woman. She sleeps with another guy and gets pregnant and divorces her husband!
And now the husband (ex) has to pay child support on a kid that's not his!
I'll bet you folks would be in favor of that.
Ideally, men should support their kids financially. But if they wanna walk away no questions asked. That's the woman's problem. Her body, her pregnancy, her choice, her responsibility.
It is only fair.
Bill Maher is a bit of a limousine liberal, yes.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Eh? Who would be in favour of that?
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
I took issue with your wife-beating post, but I looked at it closer and you had your tongue firmly planted in your cheek, if that's possible for messaging. ;D
Huy, wha? I was arguing for child support. ???
End Quote
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
See my posts on the "Don Carlos, Are you fit?" thread. This guy is, IMHO, sick SICK SICK. Or an agent provacatuer.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Emasculated? Moi? No way, man! I'm my own man. I do what I want. No girl holds me back! No... what? Hold on mom! I'm typing something!
Hold on. My mom wants me to finish the cooking and cleaning.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
I find this South Park excerpt to be extremely relevant:
"Announcer: Hey, kids. Do you like Chinpokomon?
Boys: Yeah!
Announcer: Well then, you're gonna love… Alabama Man!
Singer: Alabama Man! He's quick, he's strong, he's happ'nin'
Announcer: You can take Alabama Man to the bowling alley, where he drinks heavily and chews tobacco.
Boy 1: Wow! He can bowl.
Singer: He can bowl, he can drink, he can drink and bowl. Alaba-ma Man.
Announcer: When his wife asks him where he's been, just use the action button , and Alabama Man busts her lip open.
Boy 1: Shut up, b*tch!
Boy 2: Wow!
Singer: He beat the wife and sleeps it off. Alabama Man!
Boys 1 & 2: I wanna be just like Alabama man.
Announcer: Alabama Man comes with everything you see here. Wife sold separately.
Boy 2: I thought I told you to shut up!
Announcer: Not all people from Alabama are wife-beaters.
Cartman: Gay.
Stan: Totally gay.
Kyle: Liberace gay.
Lab Tech 1: Oooh, dear. Well, let's keep trying. How about this? "
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
... and wondered if this statement were not also applicable to Zippo: the views he's showing here are so completely OTT in their self-centered arrogance that maybe he's acting the agent provocateur rather than believing the drivel he's typed.
End Quote
I don't think so.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Man, that's is not right! But men in Washington State are whipped like you wouldn't believe.End Quote
Excuse me >:(? You don't want to find out first hand (followed by a quick 2nd hand) that this statement is not true.
Tom Leykis is lazy raido personality that relays the same tripe over and over, he hasn't had an original idea in years. Listening to his radio show causes me an embarrassment to human kind, just listen to his ignorant and shallow callers and you can easily judge the depth of his subjects.
Yes there are injustices in the world, country, and the State of Washington, but these injustices pale in comparison to fathers who don't share in the cost and responsibility of children they sire. Yes, men should have some say in choice in preganancies, but they should share responcibilties when life is created.
Zippo, I hope your full of irony and glib, a provacitve raiser of subjects that inspires debate for debate this is. If not, I suggest you don't walk in my Seattle neighborhood, you may witness first hand a strong male subject of my beautiful state.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
See my posts on the "Don Carlos, Are you fit?" thread. This guy is, IMHO, sick SICK SICK. Or an agent provacatuer.
End Quote
Yes I read the thread, Don Carlos. I was a bit disturbed by it to be honest.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
The Italian European Union president lost his job becuase he said Germans were nationalistic!
Aaa, World War I, World War II. They started these, right? I'd say that makes them NATIONALISTIC!
End Quote
Berlusconi hasn't lost his job... nor was it because he said Germans were nationalistic: he described one particular member of the German delegation as reminding him of a concentration camp guard in a film he'd seen. The Germans are pretty sensitive to this sort of thing, so asked for an apology, and seemed to be placated by the apology they got a couple of days later... then Berlusconi went on television (his own TV station, as it happens) saying it wasn't actually an apology: for someone who owns a TV station and loads of newspapers, he's not the most media-savvy chap in the world...
Personally, Zippo, I really, really hope you are not serious with the microcephalic complete and utter (expletive deleted) twaddle you've been posting in this thread... If you are, then may I suggest a visit to a good psychiatrist
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Seems you boys are whipped.
Men should not be forced by government to pay child support.
He should out of the goodness of his heart. But if he chooses not to then the kids are the woman's responsiblity.
As is birth control. If the man won't use birth control the woman needs to say, nope, we are not having sex then.
Birth control is the woman's responsibility since she is the one who get pregnant.
Women should have abortion rights. I don't approve of abortion but it is the female's choice. It is her body, her choice, her responsibility!
End Quote
You know zippo, you are quite sexcist. You always seem to think that the man is the superior race,
And that's not true.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
See my posts on the "Don Carlos, Are you fit?" thread. This guy is, IMHO, sick SICK SICK. Or an agent provacatuer.
End Quote
I saw that, it was pretty gross.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Men are a race now? ;)
What was sick about zippo's thread, again?
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
How do you pronounce:
agent provocateur
is it pronounced like ASIAN?
the first word I mean
and men are the superior of the two genders, smarter, stronger, more violent, more creative, funnier, all around better.
but women are more compassionate, more beautiful, they get to have the multiple orgasms...
not that some women aren't smarter and more creative than many men
but it is only sexist to say men are the superior species
you say women are, no one bats an eye
i would hope all the guys in Seattle aren't wussies...like all the Leykis fans
I think Leykis does a great show, i haven't found it repetitve, he adds a good does of variety and gives the listeners what they want, heck, he is the only guy out there in radio who is not a wuss and will stand up to politically correct types that dominate the media
howard stern and few others are also not wusses, but for the most part in media, the men are gutless wonders...
no alimony, no child support
women always say they don't need men, but if a woman thinks guys should pay child support and alimony, they OBVIOUSLY DO NEED MEN
which they do, to pay their bills...
if not, women could easily pass a law, or vote one onto the ballot to overturn these laws, which they won't do
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
This thread, to my mind, is a bit rediculous, as is the "Don Carlos, are you fit" thread. My guess is that this Zippo person (the profile reveals nothing) is just trying to stir up trouble. I intend to igonre him from now on. He just isn't worth the effort. As I said above, he isn't interested in a serious debate, and he hasn't much to say, so why bother? I think he is someone who was banned not long ago who is trying to cause trouble. Further comments would get personal, so I'll stop.
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
Wha'd I say?
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
How do you pronounce:
agent provocateur
is it pronounced like ASIAN?
End Quote
What do you mean by that, Zippo? Don't tell me that you are adding racism to the thread as well? ???
Subject: Re: Emasculated Males Galore!
What do you mean by that, Zippo? Don't tell me that you are adding racism to the thread as well? ???
End Quote
Just ignore it, Bobby. Maybe it will go away.