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Subject: Limousine Liberals?
Do they crack you up or what?
People who talk all P.C. about diversity or whatever. But they live off in a nice safe expensive suburb. They don't ride the buses, interact with the unwashed masses of the cities. Or even embrace the so called diversity that they talk about.
Here's an article about there types:
Radio host Michael Savage talked about this older guy he overheard in an Indian restaurant in San Francisco recently. The guy wore Birckenstocks, wore a pony tail. Was shoveling food in his gaping mouth as he blabbed about the military industrial complex, the latest Noam Chomsky book, how much America is inherently evil, bad mouthing greed, how we need socialism, to end vast oppression in America, etcetera.
Savage said nothing to the guy, his daughter stopped him.
Then after it all ended he saw the guy and his friends drive off in an expensive luxury car. What a shock.
Subject: Re: Limosuine Liberals?
Do they crack you upor what?
People who talk all P.C. about diversity or whatever.
End Quote
No, no they don't. They annoy me. Political Correctness is one of my 'pet peeves.'
They don't ride the buses, interact with the unwashed masses of the cities. Or even embrace the so called diversity that they talk about.
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Yus. And dare i say, i think there are some on these boards. He, i haven't talked to anyone who drops their 't's in months.
Do they crack you upor what?
Radio host Michael Savage talked about this older guy he overheard in an Indian restaurant in San Francisco recently. The guy wore Birckenstocks, wore a pony tail. Was shoveling food in his gaping mouth as he blabbed about the military industrial complex, the latest Noam Chomsky book,
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Euch, ponytail. But i must admit, i like some of Noam Chomsky's spoken word.
'It means, more or less, "Let them eat buns."'
Yeah. I used to love Brioche. Buttery, yellow bread basically. Too sickly-sweet now though.
'Now, it goes without saying that the overwhelming majority of such people are dyed-in-the-wool Democrats.'
I didn't realise the Hollywood lot were involved in politics: i thought most of them didn't even vote.
'No, what makes these people committed lefties has nothing to do with their needing to be reminded it doesn't matter which end of the straw is "up." I think it goes directly to the fact that they live the lives they do.'
Also, if they had an original thought, they'd keep it to themselves to avoid controversy and the possible jeopordising of their careers.
Subject: Re: Limousine Liberals?
this reminded me of a few people...namely Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Julian Bond(head of NAACP), among many others.
They claim to "devote" their lives to the promotion of minorities, the poor, etc, while they are raking in millions of $$$ per year from the people they claim to be "supporting", who by he way, in many cases, are no better off than they were before they mailed that $50 donation check in the mail to "Rev." Al Sharpton or "Rev." Jesse Jackson.
The "limo liberals" as you call it use minorities, the poor, the millions of illegal aliens, and others as nothing more than pawns for political and financial gain. Its been going on for decades, and its a shame people still fall for it.
Subject: Re: Limousine Liberals?
Yeah, a lot of working class people do fall for it.
Not that some conservatives aren't snake oil saleman either mind you, so to speak.
It is something that cracks me up, and I am a social liberatarian pretty much, just when you hear about these spoiled Men and Women of the People.
Like Babs Streisand or filmmaker Michael Moore. I read a news article about how he was storming about a London theater he was performing at.
Here's the article:
Satirist Moore Storms Out of Britain
American satirist Michael Moore has stormed out of Britain after a bust up with the London theatre hosting his one-man show. The Bowling For Columbine moviemaker performed Michael Moore - Live! to packed audiences for two months before Christmas at The Roundhouse in Camden, North London. But on the penultimate night he reportedly flew into a rage, verbally attacked everyone associated with the theatre because he thought he wasn't being paid enough. During the performance he complained he was making just $750 a night. A member of the stage crew says, "He completely lost the plot. He stormed around all day screaming at everyone, even the £5-an-hour bar staff, telling them how we were all conmen and useless. Then he went on stage and did it in public." Staff retaliated by refusing to work the following night, which led to the show being held up for an hour. Eventually he made a groveling apology to staff and the angry audience finally took to their seats. A source reports that Moore then packed his bags and flew to New York the next day without saying thank you or goodbye to anyone.
I have also heard he is not fun to work for either. He doesn't pay his employees that well. He should. If he wants big wages for all people. He should step up to the plate. If he wants to stick up for the little guy, that's cool, just don't be a big fat monkey hypocrite, dig?
Or this article I read about lefty Cybill Shepherd ordering around her black maid. Heh-heh.
Subject: Re: Limousine Liberals?
The "limo liberals" as you call it use minorities, the poor, the millions of illegal aliens, and others as nothing more than pawns for political and financial gain. Its been going on for decades, and its a shame people still fall for it.
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You seem to be implying that these "minorities" get suckered, but I would say they get less suckered with the left than with the right. At least with the left they get school programs and funding for community programs. With republicans they get a bunch of lies. You can pick out a few liberals which are "out there", but most are good middle class people who want to live in a community with good schools, public saftey, and dignity. Just like you used Al Sharptin as an example, I could use Duke as an example of someone to the right with a lose screw.
The right has a bad history of picking someone and pointing at them as a person and saying "see, that is what is wrong with liberals". Makes me wonder why they do not debate the issues. Could it be because republicans have no good replies? Instead, the right is more concerned about who you are sleeping with than sound economic policy which benifits all the people.
Subject: Re: Limousine Liberals?
You seem to be implying that these "minorities" get suckered, but I would say they get less suckered with the left than with the right. At least with the left they get school programs and funding for community programs. With republicans they get a bunch of lies. You can pick out a few liberals which are "out there", but most are good middle class people who want to live in a community with good schools, public saftey, and dignity. Just like you used Al Sharptin as an example, I could use Duke as an example of someone to the right with a lose screw.
The right has a bad history of picking someone and pointing at them as a person and saying "see, that is what is wrong with liberals". Makes me wonder why they do not debate the issues. Could it be because republicans have no good replies? Instead, the right is more concerned about who you are sleeping with than sound economic policy which benifits all the people.
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John, I didn't intend for this to be a "right" vs "left" thing.
I should have pointed out that it happens on both the "right" and "left".
I pointed out the 2 "Reverends" and Julian Bond because they are 3 so-called "civil rights activists" who make millions of $$$ by forcing corporate shakedowns and threats to businesses, not to mention the millions of $$$ they make from donations from people who think they are the "healer of all things bad".
It seems that the ones who coddle to the miorites, the poor, the illegal aliens, etc, are only doing it to exploit them for political and/or financial gain. And whats sad, is that its so transparant and blatant yet they still get away with it.
And don;t get me started on the Hollywierd Liberals who spout about the injustices and wrongs of the world, and how they want to help all the poor and hungry, and then ride off in their limo's to their multi-million dollar mansion in Beverly Hills. Its easy to say you are concerned, but it means nothing until you actually do something aboout it. Martin Sheen and "Babs" can talk all they want, but I dont see them changing the world., and frankly I don't think we ever will.
Subject: Re: Limousine Liberals?
Not that some conservatives aren't snake oil saleman either mind you, so to speak.
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I'm glad ya said that. ;)
A member of the stage crew says, "He completely lost the plot. He stormed around all day screaming at everyone, even the £5-an-hour bar staff, telling them how we were all conmen and useless. Then he went on stage and did it in public."
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Sounds like the guy has some problems with insecurities...
Subject: Re: Limousine Liberals?
*Somewhere in the distance, a muffled explosion can be heard*
Okay. I think this is a pretty unfair generalization. (Must stay calm). I'm into the socialism thing. I earn $5.50 an hour. I live in the city. I ride the bus. I deal with diversity all the time. I believe in socialist ideals. I don't care about the people who push them. If we do become a socialist country, those limo leftists will have to get a real job to earn money. I want to live in a country where you can't make money by just having money to begin with. I make it a point to practice what I preach.
Subject: Re: Limousine Liberals?
I want to live in a country where you can't make money by just having money to begin with.
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That's one of my main criticisms in terms of the fairness of capitalism. The more money you have, the easier it is to make it. It increases exponentially.
I know people who are going to work their whole lives and probably die in debt. But then lottery winners can put their money in high-yield savings accounts and never work again.
I make it a point to practice what I preach.
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Nah, i prefer 'say one thing and do the other' and 'follow what i say, not what i do'. :)
Subject: Re: Limousine Liberals?
People who talk all P.C. about diversity or whatever. But they live off in a nice safe expensive suburb. They don't ride the buses, interact with the unwashed masses of the cities. Or even embrace the so called diversity that they talk about.
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Not True!
JFK and RFK both fought, and were wounded in war for our country. And how were they repaid? They were assasinated by radicals here at home.
I think it more noble for someone born rich to ask "do I have *ANY* responsibility to society, or should I vacation the world and live in luxury?". Liberals care about EVERYONE, where republicans are all about the top 5%.
Subject: Re: Limousine Liberals?
I'm liberal and i don't care about everyone.
Subject: Re: Limousine Liberals?
I'm liberal and i don't care about everyone.
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That would make you an oxymoron. Liberals are caring people.
Actually, come to think of it, it would make you a genius. If all you care about is yourself, then you want a healthy country with a booming economy. If you have a high minimum wage, then "those people" will have money to buy goods and services, which will cause growth. And you will be more in demand for whatever you produce.
And if you have good schools, then you will not have to pay as much as a corporation training them.
Sir, you are a genius!
Modified to add: The oxymoron part is a joke.
Subject: Re: Limousine Liberals?
Maybe we have different definitions of liberal...
1. a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry.
b. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.
d. Liberal Of, designating, or characteristic of a political party founded on or associated with principles of social and political liberalism, especially in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States.
3. Not strict or literal; loose or approximate: a liberal translation.
And i never said i only cared about myself, just that i don't care about everyone.
I'm not sure where you're going with the produce. I don't produce anything. (Save reems of meaningless text :P )
And the good schools? Good state schools; good private schools? If we are assuming i only care about myself, i'll only need one good private school.
I'm not sure i like all these sirs either. :-/
Ah...OK. I was a bit confused about that. Sorry for resorting to the dictionary :)
* ::)
Subject: Re: Limousine Liberals?
I'm not sure i like all these sirs either. :-/
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No problem Hommie. ;D
I guess what I wanted to say before I stuck my foot in my mouth was that Liberals are the best thing we have for a strong economy and strong schools. Liberals, in my definition, want everyone to share in the Great American Dream.
Even if all you want is "one good private school" to go to, you will still have co-workers to deal with. And if they do not have the education or make the $$'s, then who will buy all the products on the market and how will the economy grow?
Okay, foot is out of mouth. 8)
Subject: Re: Limousine Liberals?
Quoting: I think it more noble for someone born rich to ask "do I have *ANY* responsibility to society, or should I vacation the world and live in luxury?". End Quote
Whats wrong with enjoying something you have been fortunate enough to have?
When you start implying that people who are wealthy should be obligated to give their cash up simply because they can, then you start getting really close to communism.
Quoting:Liberals care about EVERYONE, where republicans are all about the top 5%.
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John, that is a gross generalization.
There are good and bad people in both parties, and to just say one is for the people and the other one hates 95% of them is just ridiculous.
Subject: Re: Limousine Liberals?
There are good and bad people in both parties, and to just say one is for the people and the other one hates 95% of them is just ridiculous.
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Nothing much to add to this discussion, but I wanted, for a change, to post something where I am wholeheartedly in agreement with 80sRocked, given that it doesn't happen very often ;-)
Subject: Re: Limousine Liberals?
Whats wrong with enjoying something you have been fortunate enough to have?
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Well, i don't think you could argue that some people are born arbitrarily into wealth and some into extreme poverty is fair.
When you start implying that people who are wealthy should be obligated to give their cash up simply because they can, then you start getting really close to communism.
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You say this like it's a real problem :-/
Subject: Re: Limousine Liberals?
Whats wrong with enjoying something you have been fortunate enough to have?
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Here is my problem with it. Why should someone who is born into the Ford or Kennedy family have so many advantages so early in life, where someone born on the south side of chicago to poor hardworking people have so many less advantages?
If we want to have some fairness, then we should have oppertunity for all. If the rich kid gets to go to the best private schools, have tutors, live in a community where he feels safe, and have good wholesome activities which promote growth; then why should the kid in the ghetto go to an overpopulated school with many bad teachers, have no tutors and his afterschool program cut by the rich republicans? And to make it even more unfair, that kid has to walk through a gang infested neighborhood where he does not feel very safe.
Those who are just given money and did nothing for it should have responsibilities. It is different if you work for it and build something.
Subject: Re: Limousine Liberals?
John Harvey.
You are not a hypocrite. Sounds like you do practice what you preach. I wasn't speaking of leftists like yourself.
Just ones who ride off in their limos while whining about the opressed masses.
Not that I wouldn't rather ride in a limo than the bus. LOL.
Subject: Re: Limousine Liberals?
Well, i don't think you could argue that some people are born arbitrarily into wealth and some into extreme poverty is fair.
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Thats simple:
Life isn't fair.
Life is what you make of it, whether it involves you being born into wealth or being poor and living in the slums.
When you start condemning the more fortunate ones of society for not providing for the less-fortunate, you run into real problems, as I said last night.
Sorry to sound like an "After School Special", but its the truth.
And John, your statement about being born into the Ford or Kennedy family etc etc is illustrating what I'm saying. Regarding Ford, Henry started had and idea, started a small business, and became very very successfull and wealthy as a result. What is wrong with that? Are you saying that those who start a business, become successful, and make a lot of money should give it all away before they die, so their children, as you put it, don't "have so many advantages so early" and aren't born into wealth?
What if a young guy buys a lottery ticket on his 18th birthday and wins $150 million? Should he give it all up because there are less fortunate people on the south side of town? See where I'm going with this?
Subject: Re: Limousine Liberals?
Nah, you see, life under the current system is unfair.
I'm not talking about people giving up money they've actually earnt to people who haven't.
I'm talking about people having an advantage cos they were born into the right class.
Subject: Re: Limousine Liberals?
Sorry, but for the most part you are all missing the big picture here. Limmo Liberals (rich ones) are, by and large, wealthy people who have a sense of social responsibility. The really cleaver ones understand that the New Deal accommodations saved capitalism from what could have been a revolution during the Great Depression, and want to continue to coopt the working class. To do so, as they see it, requires social programs, so they can continue to accumulate in realative peace.
Conservatives, on the other hand, looking at history, believe that the working class cannot be radicalized, is safely undfer control, and so social programs can be eliminated so as to further enhance the wealth of the wealthy without regard to workers and poor people. Both want the same thing, but have different ideas about what it takes to get there.
As a real leftist (NOT a liberal) I say a pox on both their houses. We need a real left movement to counter the capitalist paradigm.