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Subject: The Savage Nation!
Michael Savage has the hottest conservative radio show in America.
Well, one of them.
He recently got fired from his MSNBC TV show. He said a caller should "get AIDS and die".
Here's an article about him:
He wrote a book called Vital Signs. A semi autobiographical novel about a New York Jewish guy (like Savage, or Weiner, his real name is Michael Weiner, did this guy probably get teased to death or what?) who secretly chases women to hide his feelings for wanting sex with men.
Maybe that's why Savage dislikes gays so much? He is a secret closet case? Weirdo.
Subject: Re: The Savage Nation!
I've listened to Savage from time to time, and like any political talk show host, he can say things that leave me thinking "Oh my God, did he just say that?..."
He does have some good ideas, and of course, some really whacked out ones too.
Regarding his dismissal from his TV show, it was a disaster from Day 1. 99% of the time when a radio-only host makes the transition to TV, its not a good idea, and often results in failure. He's lucky his radio show is so popular because his TV show was just not good.
Subject: Re: The Savage Nation!
He said his TV show deserved a Peabody award for how good it was.
It was pretty low rent and tacky looking really. But kinda interesting. MSNBC is a very badly run network anyway. Donahue had the highest rated show on the network and they cancel him.
And yes, radio people don't transfer to TV. With the exception of Larry King.
Subject: Re: The Savage Nation!
My two cents:
I respect Savage because he does not hesitate to speak his mind and, though conservative, he will criticize the President for his apparent mistakes (unlike Rush).
The thing is, he's very egocentric and will cut off his caller's mid-sentence. That's the difference between him and Hannity, because Hannity will actually let the caller shout him down before shutting them up and giving his response.
I thought the TV show was well-done a program that was reviled and protested from day one. Consider that for a while, the phone screeners didn't do their jobs right, the call system didn't work, and he didn't have a good set either. MSNBC had no desire to keep him on the air, which is why they took the first chance they got to pull him off the air. Savage's show was one of the highest rated cable shows in his time slot, but like Rush back in the 90s, that really didn't matter, did it?
At least he's still on the radio. I switch off between Savage and Hannity these days, they entertain me ;D
Subject: Re: The Savage Nation!
MSNBC had no desire to keep him on the air, which is why they took the first chance they got to pull him off the air. End Quote
I never understood why he was on MSNBC in the first place.
MSNBC is known as the "anti-FOX NEWS", if you know what I mean, so I think his #1 mistake was signing on with MSNBC. A network that, like you said, "had no desire to keep him on the air".
I do find his radio show interesting, but for some reason I just never got into his TV show. He always looked uncomfortable on TV, in my opinion.
Quoting:At least he's still on the radio. I switch off between Savage and Hannity these days, they entertain me ;D
End Quote
...and I'm sure he will be until the day he decides to call it quits.
Hannity is a great host with a very entertaining show, and among my favorites.
I think my favorites in order would be:
1. Glenn Beck
2. Bill O'Reilly
3. Sean Hannity
4. Michael Savage
5. Various others...
Subject: Re: The Savage Nation!
Wouldn't it make more sense for him to openly chase women to hide his feelings for men, rather than secretly? :-/
Subject: Re: The Savage Nation!
Wouldn't it make more sense for him to openly chase women to hide his feelings for men, rather than secretly? :-/
End Quote
well...this thread did have potential. ::)
Subject: Re: The Savage Nation!
You wot now?
Subject: Re: The Savage Nation!
You wot now?
End Quote
you have managed to put a road-block on this thread with your comment.
Thats "wot"
Subject: Re: The Savage Nation!
I thought it was a fair comment. Bit off-topic but can't see how it would stop the conversation. If people are deterred that easily then it opviously wasn't that interesting a topic. :)
Subject: Re: The Savage Nation!
I thought it was a fair comment. Bit off-topic but can't see how it would stop the conversation. If people are deterred that easily then it opviously wasn't that interesting a topic. :)
End Quote
well, I'm assuming you've never heard or heard of Michael Savage.
I am fairly certain he is not gay. If that helps. ;)
Subject: Re: The Savage Nation!
well, I'm assuming you've never heard or heard of Michael Savage.
I am fairly certain he is not gay. If that helps. ;)
End Quote
But Dan Savage is gay.
There could be a relation here?
Subject: Re: The Savage Nation!
well, I'm assuming you've never heard or heard of Michael Savage.
I am fairly certain he is not gay. If that helps. ;)
End Quote
Well, it wasn't me that made that implication first. :) And besides, i was talking more about the character.
Subject: Re: The Savage Nation!
Er, right.
He openly chases skirts to hide his desire for men. Or something to that effect.
They quote a line from the book in that there article I gone and posted, yee-haw!!!
Subject: Re: The Savage Nation!
He openly chases skirts to hide his desire for men. Or something to that effect.
End Quote
riiiiight. And Demi Moore's chest "endowment" is natural. ::)
Subject: Re: The Savage Nation!
As far as I know, Michael Savage isn't gay. And his real name isn't "Savage" as previously posted.
He does have quite a temper but it usually works to his favor. The situation that got him fired seemed way too convenient not to be a deliberate set-up, though. In my opinion, Savage shouldn't have been fired, his call-screener should've bought it instead.
But hey, ain't that America? ;)
Subject: Re: The Savage Nation!
riiiiight. And Demi Moore's chest "endowment" is natural. ::)
End Quote
You mean it's not?
Disappointed of West Ruislip
Subject: Re: The Savage Nation!
You mean it's not?End Quote
No, not natural. Very few Hollywood women have natural anything anymore.
Subject: Re: The Savage Nation!
But i spose if they are 'Hollywood' women in Hollywood films...rather than other kinds...you aren't really going to see as much of them in the flesh, so it'll be mostly through clothes and you certainly aren't ever going to touch them. So at the end of the day, it doesn't make too much difference.
Subject: Re: The Savage Nation!
Here's a bit of the part from the Vital Signs book that shows Mike Savage is a closet case gay guy, it is apart of the article at the top of this thread:
Eventually, Trueblood seeks solace in chasing skirts. (Though he admits to being drawn to "masculine beauty," he confides that "I choose to override my desires for men when they swell in me, waiting out the passions like a storm, below decks.") While his wife stays home with the kids, he beds a young "cockswell" with a "dykish haircut" and skin "ofter than that Northern Indian prostitute in Fiji whose covering was as soft as that of my own penis." And so it goes for another 50 pages.
No doubt the anti-abortion, anti-gay, pro-family Michael Savage would disapprove of such a perverted excuse for literature, with all its gratuitous references to illegal abortions, REPRESSED HOMOSEXUALITY and shameless philandering. But it's impossible not to notice the SIMILARITY between Trueblood, the tormented seeker, and Savage, a man whose "inner voice" precipitated an existential crisis over jogging. Neeli Cherkovski says that the chapter in "Vital Signs" about Trueblood's father is based on Weiner's own life, recalling that he went with the author back to the Bronx to see the site of his father's store. But Cherkovski won't speculate about the rest. "I think he is a person who had a lot of wild experiences," Cherkovski says. "He tested a lot of waters." Even the book's dedication, to Weiner's WIFE, suggests that he wasn't making everything up: "Who would listen to such tales and live with he who lived them but she, the unshakably faithful Janet."
SEE? Savage is a man who secretly wants to hide the hose in the shed! HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Subject: Re: The Savage Nation!
Michael Savage is to much hate and intolerance for my tastes. And that was a very stupid comment to be made on (semi, since its MSNBC) national television.