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Subject: If you were president...
If you were to become president today, how would you handle the mess in Iraq? I am just courious.
I think what I would do is call in the U.N. to help out and offer solutions because I wouldn't have the foggist idea of how to handle the mess.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
Personally, i wouldn't have invaded in the first place.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
Personally, i wouldn't have invaded in the first place.
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Nor would I, but Georgie's successor will have to deal with "the mess".
Like Cat, I'd call for U.N. assistance (and pay up U.S. dues to the U.N.). I'd also call for international peace keepers in Isreal/Palistine, which might defuse that situation, and gain us some support from the Arab/Islamic world. I would also recruit people with some expertice in Islamic/Arab affairs, unlike the guys we have over there now. But it ain't gonna be easy :'(
Subject: Re: If you were president...
If I were president, I wouldn't have invaded. However, if I had been possessed by an evil spirit, forced to invade Iraq, and forced to deal with it afterwords, I would sure have a job ahead of me!
First of all, I would stabilize Iraq with the help of international peacekeepers. Second, I would make amends with the U.N. and get the opposition to the war to help clean up our mess. Third, I would rebuild Iraq's infrastructure, so the interim gov't will be effective beyond the Baghdad city limits. By the time that's all taken care of, I would be 2 years out of my term.
If I were Georgie, though *shudder*. I would get foreign troops in Iraq as we care less when non-American's die. Then I would work hard to distract everyone from Iraq. I wouldn't start another war, because people would start to get wise to my rating boost scheme. I would probably focus on peace in the middle-east, then take credit for all of it.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
Obviously you guys..
1. Hate or extremely Dislike Our President
2. Dissaprove of the war in Iraq.
Now before you say " Duh ya think so??"
Let me answer the original question:
Ya, Help from the U.N. would be nice, pretty much because it would get things done faster. Also, the top thing now, is to make sure Iraq is stabalized as a free goverment, without another Saddam! I wish nothing more than, peace for the Iraqi people, so the faster Iraq is reformed the better! Also the War was needed manly to get rid of Saddam and his evil regime, which were a direct threat to the United States, if not the entire planet.
I happen to think that George Bush is one the greatest presidents and I think you guys forget how much he has done for our great country! >:(
I am not a republican or a democrat either, I say may the best man win. I was very happy when Bush beat Gore. Gore would of been another Clinton, who got us in this mess in the first place! He ruined our economy and never took care of Saddam, when he should have. Even he admits to that fact and he has said he wished he would have gotten rid of Saddam.
No offense to anyone, just my opinion.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
Obviously you guys..
1. Hate or extremely Dislike Our President
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Nup. Not really.
2. Dissaprove of the war in Iraq.
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Dissapprove is maybe not the right word. I just think it's pointless in some respects.
Also, the top thing now, is to make sure Iraq is stabalized as a free goverment, without another Saddam!
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Ah, right. Like you did in Afghanistan? Where people are fleeing the new regime to Britain in fear of their lives. Nice one. :)
I happen to think that George Bush is one the greatest presidents and I think you guys forget how much he has done for our great country! >:(
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Sorry, you're going to have to refresh my memory on this one. :-/
No offense to anyone, just my opinion.
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None taken. :D :)
Subject: Re: If you were president...
i would have invaded. Iraq was a thorn in our side for too long.
pay the U.N. dues? where's the money that most of the countries owe us?
also, the rest of the world tends to look to the US as the world's police...if we don't do anything, the world goes to hell in a handbasket...not much we can really do.
we do one thing, we're hated for it. we do the opposite, we're hated for it. lose-lose situation.
BTW, the war with Iraq, wasn't for oil. we get ours from South America.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
also, the rest of the world tends to look to the US as the world's police
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Huy, nah. See, that's the point you're missing. The U.S. sees itself as the World's Police. The rest of the word sees them as arrogant meddlers, imo. :)
if we don't do anything, the world goes to hell in a handbasket...not much we can really do.
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Aw, you sure you don't want to give yourselves more credit?
we do one thing, we're hated for it. we do the opposite, we're hated for it. lose-lose situation.
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We're talking about real people's lives here - not a bloody popularity contest. You're meant to do what's right. :)
BTW, the war with Iraq, wasn't for oil. we get ours from South America.
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I don't think anyone mentioned oil.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
I happen to think that George Bush is one the greatest presidents and I think you guys forget how much he has done for our great country! >:(
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Like when he cut benifits to our vets? Or when he decided we could do with some more arsenic? Or when he increased gov't spending and cut income? Or how he got us embroiled in two wars, one of which (Iraq) we didn't have a reason for? Or how reconstruction of those countries have gone about as well as Michael Jackson's comeback?
I also can't get over how moronic George W. looks when he speaks. I can't watch him give a speach without bursting out laughing.
That's my Liberal rant for the day. Now I need to go earn miminum wage. Good day.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
The oil seems a no-brainer; it's what people believe the Americans are there for; it's the Iraqis' country, and they have some tough choices to make. Will they get another chance from the international community if they reject the American offering? Doubtful; the international community has a hard time acting before a million are dead.
But the sabotage of other infrastructure speaks to two main possibilities: First, and most obviously, that Saddam loyalists are willing to tear the place apart in revenge; and also that the people really don't want the Americans and British in town, and will sink themselves in order to drown the pirates.
It's hard to say what should come next. These problems should have been considered before the war. Lawlessness in the wake of a war? Who could have imagined? Resistance after a partial victory? Who could have imagined? Angry people willing to wreck what little they have left in order to make sure they have a say? Don't tell me there's no historical precedent.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
I happen to think that George Bush is one the greatest presidents and I think you guys forget how much he has done for our great country! >:(End Quote
As good as Reagan?, who BTW just had an aircraft carrier named after him. Maybe one day GW will have a big aircraft carrier named after him too. They could use it to patrol the border with Mexico.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
Gore would of been another Clinton, who got us in this mess in the first place! He ruined our economy and never took care of Saddam, when he should have.End Quote
We had the best economic growth under clinton than any president I can remember. And I count economic growth by the fact that I had a good job. As soon as GW took over, everything went in the toilet. GW is for the rich snobs, all 1% of them.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
It's hard to say what should come next. These problems should have been considered before the war. Lawlessness in the wake of a war? Who could have imagined? Resistance after a partial victory? Who could have imagined? Angry people willing to wreck what little they have left in order to make sure they have a say? Don't tell me there's no historical precedent.
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Not to mention it is a gazillion miles away. I sure hope the marines have frequient flier miles, or I dunno how we are going to pay for this.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
If I were President, I'd be as honest and right as Abraham Lincoln or as close as possible. :)
Subject: Re: If you were president...
If I were president now, I would do exactly what Bush is doing. I still dont see how someone could believe this war was unneeded.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
Hairspary - Right as in Right and Left, or right as in right and wrong? ;)
Subject: Re: If you were president...
Hairspary - Right as in Right and Left, or right as in right and wrong? ;)
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Just! Honest and just. That's what I'd expect from the "Leader of the Free World".
Subject: Re: If you were president...
Heh, i was only trying to wind him up :) By the way, i'm glad you put that in speechmarks ;)
Subject: Re: If you were president...
Hairspary - Right as in Right and Left, or right as in right and wrong? ;)
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LOL! Point well taken. I meant right as in doing the right thing.
But I like Goreripper's choice word much more - "Just". 8)
Subject: Re: If you were president...
If I were president now, I would do exactly what Bush is doing. I still dont see how someone could believe this war was unneeded.
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There are alot of wars which are needed. What most disagree with is the cost and the lies. Lies such as Hussien was a direct threat to America with his "Wepons of Mass Destruction" which they still have not found yet. And the cost of young Americans being killed every day is too much. What about the lives of those who died? Don't they get a chance to live a full life, or at the least know what they are sacrificing their life for? Don't get me wrong, I think Hussien was a bad guy, I just do not see why America needed to sends its young to go and die. If someone told me that Hussien was going to try and kill my family with some nuke or germ bomb, I would go and fight. But if the real reason was for gas, or because the president wanted to have some legacy, then I would not want to go. To me, even one unnessesary death is too much.
Having said that, could it be possible in your mind that Bush went there for the oil? I would have a lot more respect for Bush if he said the reason we went to Iraq was so I did not have to pay 2 dollars a gallon at the pump. At least he would have told everyone the truth. I guess we are all peon's on Bush's chess board.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
I happen to think that George Bush is one the greatest presidents and I think you guys forget how much he has done for our great country! >:(
I am not a republican or a democrat either, I say may the best man win. I was very happy when Bush beat Gore. Gore would of been another Clinton, who got us in this mess in the first place! He ruined our economy and never took care of Saddam, when he should have. Even he admits to that fact and he has said he wished he would have gotten rid of Saddam.
No offense to anyone, just my opinion.
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Welllll, I'll refrain from posting my initial reaction, but you need to get your facts straight. It was George 1st who ruined the economy, and failed, after the first Gulf War to take care of Saddam. Clinton came into office facing a hugh deficit and a sluggish ecomony, which he turned around. Employment went up, the stock market took off, and by the end of his term the Fed Gov't was running a surplus for the first time in my memory. These are facts, NOT opinions, just check the record. There are, on the other hand, areas where Clinton failed. No reform of health care for example, but the things you attribute to him were the responsibility of his predesesor. And by the way, what happened to the "Clinton surplus"? I'll tell you. George II gave it to his rich friends in the form of 2 tax cuts. Now the Fed Gov't is running the biggest deficit since Mr Jellybean (Ronald Reagan). Some leadership.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
If I were president now, I would do exactly what Bush is doing. I still dont see how someone could believe this war was unneeded.
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Unneeded? Needed for what? Little Georgie lied about the uranium stuff and is scapegoating George Tenent, he lied about the WMDs. His father asked the Shiia to rise in rebellion, and they got slaughtered (can't blame that on George II though). And how many G.I.'s have been gunned down since the WAR ended? We needed this like a hole in the head.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
Just! Honest and just. That's what I'd expect from the "Leader of the Free World".
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Don't hold your breath!
Subject: Re: If you were president...
(1) could it be possible in your mind that Bush went there for the oil? I would have a lot more respect for Bush if he said the reason we went to Iraq was so I did not have to pay 2 dollars a gallon at the pump. At least he would have told everyone the truth.
(2) I guess we are all peon's on Bush's chess board.
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(1) As several people said BEFORE we invaded. Of coiurse that';s why we invaded.
(2) "cannon fodder" might be more accurate.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
His father asked the Shiia to rise in rebellion, and they got slaughtered (can't blame that on George II though).
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I think i read about that, is this one of them cases where the U.S. said 'Uprise and we`ll support you' on the sly and when they did so the U.S. turned its back on them and let them, as you say, get slaughtered?
Subject: Re: If you were president...
I think i read about that, is this one of them cases where the U.S. said 'Uprise and we`ll support you' on the sly and when they did so the U.S. turned its back on them and let them, as you say, get slaughtered?
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This is addressed in the film Three Kings.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
I don't watch much Hollywood.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
It was George 1st who ruined the economy.
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Not quite. I think George Sr. suffered greatly from the fallout of Reagonomics. I blame Reagan more than I blame Bush the Elder.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
Huy, nah. See, that's the point you're missing. The U.S. sees itself as the World's Police. The rest of the word sees them as arrogant meddlers, imo. :)
Aw, you sure you don't want to give yourselves more credit?
We're talking about real people's lives here - not a bloody popularity contest. You're meant to do what's right. :)
I don't think anyone mentioned oil. End Quote
um. no. we don't "meddle" unless provoked...except the witch hunt back in the 60's..that was stupid.
as for your other comments, yes we are the world's police because no other country stepped up except us and britain and they were after us. also, whenever a problem arises within a country who is the first they turn to? WWI and WWII um...each time they turned to the US.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
You meddle in plenty of places where you weren't provoked: Gulf War; Vietnam, Korea and ; Israel; South America generally; all your 'humanitarian' outings in the Balkans.
Actually, the U.S. only joined in the Second World War because the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
As for being the world police, you like involving yourselves in places where you have your own specific interesets and countries - often on 'humanitarian' grounds or at least (as in the case of Iraq) you have it as a Plan B explanation - while, relatively speaking, completely ignoring Africa; no matter how many bloody revolutions they have; no matter how many despotic dictators arise there; no matter how many genocidal massacres they have there, i don't think we'll ever see the United States invade, occupy and control an African country with 0 resources on the grounds that they have a Saddam-like dictator. At the end of the day, Africa just isn't useful enough for anything more than some token peace-keepers and a bit of arms dealing to both sides.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
I think i read about that, is this one of them cases where the U.S. said 'Uprise and we`ll support you' on the sly and when they did so the U.S. turned its back on them and let them, as you say, get slaughtered?
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Yes, and based on the mass graves that were found, by the thousands. :'( :'(
Subject: Re: If you were president...
um. no. we don't "meddle" unless provoked...except the witch hunt back in the 60's..that was stupid.
as for your other comments, yes we are the world's police because no other country stepped up except us and britain and they were after us. also, whenever a problem arises within a country who is the first they turn to? WWI and WWII um...each time they turned to the US.
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I know from your profile that you are young, but I must ask you to get more familiar with the history of U.S. foreign policy over the last few years before you make these statements. I'm sure that they are right out of your high school classes, but, my young friend (no sarcasm or ill will intended), you have much to learn. I hope you are going on to collage, and that you study at least a bit of U.S. history. I know we like to think of ourselves as the good guys, but there is much more to it. Please take this as a friendly abmonision from an (much older) friend, and not as an insult, which is in no way intended.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
I hope you are going on to collage, and that you study at least a bit of U.S. history. I know we like to think of ourselves as the good guys, but there is much more to it. Please take this as a friendly abmonision from an (much older) friend, and not as an insult, which is in no way intended.
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I would add: do not just take the textbook for the truth. Read documents from the time you are studying. There is much more interesting history there than in a dry text book. If you look for the original documents, you will see the fighting for power. You do not want to be spoon fead someones version of history. If Germany won WWII you would be told how they liberated Europe. History in a book is one mans perspective. And read an issue from many perspectives. You will be better off for it.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
'History is a set of lies agreed upon' - Napolean Bonaparte
Subject: Re: If you were president...
'History is a set of lies agreed upon' - Napolean Bonaparte
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Yup... "we liberated iraq". i wonder how they would classify taking texas from mexico? did we liberate the people of texas too?
Subject: Re: If you were president...
Yup... "we liberated iraq". i wonder how they would classify taking texas from mexico? did we liberate the people of texas too?
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Personally, I think we should give Texas back to Mexico (but I don't think they want it either). ;)
Subject: Re: If you were president...
Personally, I think we should give Texas back to Mexico (but I don't think they want it either). ;)
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Once, i stole some CDs with some rearragements of pieces of dance music on it from a petrol station. They told me to give the Mixes back to Texaco. ;D
Subject: Re: If you were president...
Quoting:Personally, I think we should give Texas back to Mexico (but I don't think they want it either). ;)
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Nah, give them California.
After all, 99.9% of the population of CA will be illegal Mexicans in 10 years anyway, the way they cater to them. ;)
And look at the bright side of giving up CA, no more crack-pot politics coming from the state that wanted to outlaw "The Pledge of Allegiance", among many other things. ;D
Subject: Re: If you were president...
Nah, give them California.
After all, 99.9% of the population of CA will be illegal Mexicans in 10 years anyway, the way they cater to them. ;)
And look at the bright side of giving up CA, no more crack-pot politics coming from the state that wanted to outlaw "The Pledge of Allegiance", among many other things. ;D
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Would we give them all the gold that CA produced too? And while we're at it, why not give them back all the land we stole from them? Poor Mexico, so far from God, so close to the United States.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
Poor Mexico, so far from God, so close to the United States.
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Very clever. Did you hear that from someone or did you just make that up? We don't have a lot of Mexicans in Pennsylvania, but we do have Puerto Ricans and Cubans. They have taken over the Pizzaria buisiness from the Italians. I'm friends with the guys who work at Uptown Pizza. Everything there tastes great and it's dirt cheap! You can get a slice of plain with a small soda for $2.20.
I don't know where I'm going with this, I'm just hungry right now. My parents are late with dinner.
Subject: Re: If you were president...
Poor Mexico, so far from God, so close to the United States.
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This is a Mexican saying. Don't know where it comes from, but the history bears it out. Jose Marti made simlar statements around the turn of the 20th Century. He called the U.S. "La sombra del norte", the shadow of the north.