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Subject: Best Internet Sites...
What are the funnest, best places to go on the web?
The only places I go are here, slashdot.com (tech news), javaranch.com (java programmers site), and yahoo.com (for fantasy sports).
Oh, I also read some on-line newspapers like the chicago sun-times and the new your times.
What websites does everyone else like?
Subject: Re: Best Internet Sites...
Depends what you like really.
Personally i like - in no particular order: Elftor.com (politically incorrect, dodgy-humour-based webcomic - Not for those easily-offended);
Weebl (www.Weebl.jolt.co.uk), flash cartoon with odd, British, geeky humour;
Ginger Nation (www.tnt.34sp.com/gingernation/index.php), a 'Ginger Pride' site LOL;
www.songmeanings.net, i just like this site for the squabbling NOFX fans, pure comedy;
It's a Conspiracy Net(http://www.itsaconspiracy.net/index.html), 'the ramblings of a right-wing conspirator who is easily annoyed by the stupidity and hypocrisy of the left.' a Republican who writes some interesting pieces on all sorts of subjects - mostly politically-orientated. This is where i got a lot of the info about the questionable tactics of PETA and i'm not sure if it's still up but he had a link to a flash parody of the Real Slim Shady with Saddam;
www.petsorfood.com, a site where you can buy all sorts of animals (such as hamsters) either as food or as pets, interesting stuff;
www.guimp.com, 'the world`s smallest website'. Kind of interesting in a Japanesey kind of way;
www.superbad.com, odd but surprisingly large and confusing network of rabbit-warren-like, inter-connected little pages, kind of interesting;
flemcomics.com, a kind of black humour with quirky bits and lots of jokes about guns, prostitutes, lesbian terrariums and a mutant Jesus - you know the type - about the slightly life of some Goth who moves from California to live with his mate in Texas. So-so most of the way threw but with a few gems;
And a few political ones. :)
Subject: Re: Best Internet Sites...
CIA World factbook
Learn about those far-flung places you read about in the news.
My main multimedia source.
David Brown Book Co.
Great for finding more specialized history books and acadamia; journals, university press, et al.
Mere Entertainment:
TV Tome
Look up your favorite past and/or present sitcom, gameshow, etc.
A guilty pleasure. Read facts and rumors about, and revel in, the epidemic of layoffs and bankruptcies afflicting the dot-com world. InternalMemos.Com is especially interesting.
Internet Movie Database
The skinny on your favorite movies. Loaded with information.
The Secular Web
Challenge your beliefs. Get to know yourself.
Natural Law Party
Subject: Re: Best Internet Sites...
Tsk! That T.V. Tome site doesn't even give a look-in to all-time classics like Stop-It and Tidy-Up or Button Moon. :P ;) It nearly redeems itself having a mention for Magic Roundabout. Hmm...but the 'series included witty commentary for the adults,' ? I didn't notice that, i thought it was just weird with storylines that were funny in that they never really went anywhere and didn't make much sense....hillarious when stoned.
Hm...4am, time for bed said Zebedee. :P ::)
Subject: Re: Best Internet Sites...
How rude and insensitive of me for not providing a link to a TV show database for my friends in the UK.
You'd probably know better sites than me, but please allow this awkward-but-sincere gesture so I may redeem myself... :-KidsTV-UK
Subject: Re: Best Internet Sites...
Heheh. I was only trying to be awkward anyway ;)
Subject: Re: Best Internet Sites...
I figured as such...you'll fit right in, here... ;) ;D :P
Subject: Re: Best Internet Sites...
Davester-Ive been going to secular web and infidel.net a loooong time:)
Subject: Re: Best Internet Sites...
Here are some of my favourite sites:
www.triv.net - Submit your own quizzes, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire style
www.amiright.com - A database of misheard lyrics, song parodies plus this fab message board
www.smashhits.net - Music site that contains interviews, a message board plus a link to listen to the Smash Hits radio station. Also get the juice on the latest issue of Smash Hits
www.imdb.com (Already listed above) - A site that has information on films, celebrity profiles and even TV shows.
www.bored.com - A brilliant site that has links to the guess the TV show or movie name/ dictator or sitcom character game, useless facts and sies in paticular categories
Subject: Re: Best Internet Sites...
http://www.rinkworks.com/ - funny things people have said, and "it's a bad, bad, bad, bad movie"...just funny all around.
http://www.brainofbrian.com/ - strange facts and some other random stuff.
http://www.thedan.com/ - a site run by the dan. not just dan, THE dan.
http://www.eeggs.com/ - "easter eggs" (hidden stuff in movies/games/songs/etc) archive.
http://home.nc.rr.com/rellis/fortunes/fortunes_index.htm - weird fortune cookies.
and, if you're really really really bored, my stupid site is linked below my avatar. *caution: it makes no sense.
Subject: Re: Best Internet Sites...
:D 8)Besides amiright,I like Oldies Music Bulletin Board,Wanderers,Bill griggs rockin 50s,the Fifties Index,and I check out Everly net,too.Cheers! 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
Subject: Re: Best Internet Sites...
Bored. com has a lot of stuff for you to do when you're bored.
Subject: Re: Best Internet Sites...
www.fanfiction.net / www.fictionpress.net for TV/movie/anime/etc fiction, original fiction, and original poetry.
www.televisionwithoutpity.com for snarky recaps of shows and a messageboard, that takes TV on....with no pity.
Subject: Re: Best Internet Sites...
Well, I have to say it. My all-time favorite website is www.inthe00s.com ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Best Internet Sites...
Speaking of fan fiction, isn't there a lot of fan fiction for Enterprise where Trip and Cpt. Archer have a gay relationship? I thought that was funny. A lot of the Star Trek fanfiction seems a bit dodgy in that area.
Subject: Re: Best Internet Sites...
Well, I have to say it. My all-time favorite website is www.inthe00s.com ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
And so Do I,Cat. ;D
End Quote
Subject: Re: Best Internet Sites...
Im only gonna name a few because it will involve me thinking.....
yesterdayland.com (But I hear its gone now :'( )
just funny...:
eatglue.com (I know the onwer of this site personally...he hasnt updated it since May because of personal problems he's having...so there isnt much new stuff there, but there's alot of old stuff)
hebrewhijinx.com (Its a Jewish Super Mario! lol)
there are more...Ill think of them later
Subject: Re: Best Internet Sites...
yesterdayland.com (But I hear its gone now :'( )
End Quote
Unfortunately it is gone. I used to love that site
Subject: Re: Best Internet Sites...
Well, I have to say it. My all-time favorite website is www.inthe00s.com ;) ;) ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
End Quote
Egad Cat! be original! ;D
Subject: Re: Best Internet Sites...
Egad Cat! be original! ;D
End Quote
Just being honest.
Subject: Re: Best Internet Sites...
I liked that Black People Love Us site. Bit on the American side humour-wise, though. It could have been more offensive and therefore more funny. But i don't think it would have worked without the main people in it looking the way they did: you can't really find people who look like that over here.