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Subject: America Rules!!! Happy 4th!
I just wanted to post my thoughts on what makes America so great!
1. America has great Diversity! This diversity; Race, Thoughts, etc., Is what really adds to America. Think how much each group of people add to America's culture!
2. America IS the Land of The Brave and Home of the Free. We make the world a safer place for everyone.
Also Our Idea of Freedom only grows. First Freedom meant rich white men, then all races of men, then women as well, and now I guess Fags have freedoms too! (not that I endorse Homosexuality, It is definetly not for me! But Gays are people too, so... Well... Anyway..)
3. America has tons of land. You may not think this if you are cooped up in some crowed city, but it is true. All over America there are miles of virtually untouched Wilderness. I Believe America to be the most beautiful country in the world!
We have every single kind of landform and climate. A place for everyone!
Anyway, I just wanted to say how much I loved America!
If you can think of any other Characteristics that make America a great country, please post your thoughts! ;D
Subject: Re: America Rules!!! Happy 4th!
America Is Great!!!
Yeah, we're not perfect. What country is? ? ?
I'm very proud to be an American. :)
Subject: Re: America Rules!!! Happy 4th!
Dispite all its problems, I too, am proud to call myself an American. The U.S. is supposed to stand for Freedom and Justice. Unfortunately those ideals are under attack and we as citizens must make sure we preserve those ideals. How? By voting for representives who will indeed REPRESENT us and our rights-not just the choosen few. There is a wonderful document and I suggest that EVERYONE read it if they haven't already. It is called the Constitution. That is the bricks and morter of this nation and without it, we wouldn't have this country. We really need to make sure the Constitution stays intact and we preserve the rights granted to us by that document and "defend it against all enemies, foriegn and DOMESTIC"
Subject: Re: America Rules!!! Happy 4th!
I too love this country, THAT's why I b1tch so much about what I think is wrong - to make things better. Hope everyone knows that.
Happy 4th to all, and be carefull with those fire works!
Subject: Re: America Rules!!! Happy 4th!
Happy 4th July, you guys!
Subject: Re: America Rules!!! Happy 4th!
Happy 4th July, you guys!
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And happy Fourth to you too, ya old Lobsterback ;D
Subject: Re: America Rules!!! Happy 4th!
And happy Fourth to you too, ya old Lobsterback ;D
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Er . . . Thanks. I've never been called a lobsterback before. :)
Subject: Re: America Rules!!! Happy 4th!
Did anybody barbeque tonight?
Subject: Re: America Rules!!! Happy 4th!
Did anybody barbeque tonight?
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No, but we had a good oldfasion venison dinner and watched 1776 (the musaical)
Subject: Re: America Rules!!! Happy 4th!
Did anybody barbeque tonight?
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We are going to tonight. :)
Subject: Re: America Rules!!! Happy 4th!
Patriotism is the belief that your country is superior to all other countries simply because you were born there.
--George Bernard Shaw
That's a good enough reason for me! Go home team! GO USA!
Even though I b*tch and complain, I still think this lovable lunk of a country is great!
Subject: Re: America Rules!!! Happy 4th!
Like I posted in the ppp, this is a little late but enjoy. ;D ;D
Subject: Re: America Rules!!! Happy 4th!
Like I posted in the ppp, this is a little late but enjoy. ;D ;D
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That is just beautiful Cat. just gorgeous. Thank You. :D
Subject: Re: America Rules!!! Happy 4th!
;D Yes! America is the best! The VERY best! Today's a little late to be sayin that but...oh well..I can say any day! Even though YESTERDAY was July 4th...we should be partyin' like it's the 4th all the time!!? HAPPY JULY 5th you all!
Subject: Re: America Rules!!! Happy 4th!
Patriotism is the belief that your country is superior to all other countries simply because you were born there.
--George Bernard Shaw
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Gotta disagree with GBS on this one.
There are many reasons to love our country beyond being born here, like the things we claim to stand for. They are very high ideals, which we puny humans can't always reach, but the point is to keep trying. At least we pay those ideals hommage. That's more than some other nations do (I'm not refering to any specific nation here, and mean no offense). This may be better in a thread on "nationalism, patriotism, and jingoism".
Again, Happy Birthday USA ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: America Rules!!! Happy 4th!
happy birthday, USA! ;D
hope everyone had a great fourth of july. :)
i was at the beach in delaware and i am so sunburned that i'm almost as red as the stripes... ::)
Subject: Re: America Rules!!! Happy 4th!
Like I posted in the ppp, this is a little late but enjoy. ;D ;D
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Hey Cat, I really love the fireworks site. Thanks a lot. Kind of appropriate for me over here too, since last week was Canada Day.
Subject: Re: America Rules!!! Happy 4th!
I love America.
Despite it's many imperfections.
Cheers USA!