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Subject: Proof that you can't always manufacture a hit
British duo Jemini, who received a record nil points at the Eurovision Song Contest, thought their failure there would win domestic support for their single. It hasn't:
Subject: Re: Proof that you can't always manufacture a hit
Is having "nil points" a good thing?
Subject: Re: Proof that you can't always manufacture a hit
No, that's exactly the point. They got the lowest score ever. Apparently they thought that once thehy got back to England, people would feel sorry for them and buy their CD anyway. But it's not happening. If you look up "loser" in the dictionary now, you see a picture of this pair.
Subject: Re: Proof that you can't always manufacture a hit
Its the first time in all the decades of the Eurovision that a country recieved no votes at all. How embarrassing !
I thought they had a hide trying to blame it on the war and Tony Blair - the simple fact was that they were singing completely off key and couldnt dance to save their lives and the lyrics were atrocious - and yes I realise most of those factors are generally what is required to actually get a song entered into the Eurovision but Jemini were worse than the absolute worst !!
Subject: Re: Proof that you can't always manufacture a hit
Ok I have to disagree with you a bit here BMGirl. Firstly it's not the first time in the history of the programme anyone has got no points it's the first time in the history of the programme that the United Kingdom have got no points.Whilst I do agree that their performance was truely dreadful the voting is political in a lot of cases.I watch religiously every year and every year without fail particular countries give other countries '12 points' it's never not happened yet.As predicted before the show even started 'Tatu ' got stupidly high points even though their performance was equally as dreadful as the U.K's.Apparently they were a complete pain in the arse the whole week before the show refusing to sing,turning up late and throwing hissy fits which is why they were booed by the auditorium.
Believe me if America were to have had a song in the show you can rest assured they would have got 0 points from the likes of France too !!
Subject: Re: Proof that you can't always manufacture a hit
Ok I have to disagree with you a bit here BMGirl. Firstly it's not the first time in the history of the programme anyone has got no points it's the first time in the history of the programme that the United Kingdom have got no points.Whilst I do agree that their performance was truely dreadful the voting is political in a lot of cases.I watch religiously every year and every year without fail particular countries give other countries '12 points' it's never not happened yet.As predicted before the show even started 'Tatu ' got stupidly high points even though their performance was equally as dreadful as the U.K's.Apparently they were a complete pain in the arse the whole week before the show refusing to sing,turning up late and throwing hissy fits which is why they were booed by the auditorium.
Believe me if America were to have had a song in the show you can rest assured they would have got 0 points from the likes of France too !!
End Quote
I have to agree with you on many points here. Yes, the UK have never done so bad, but many other countries have recieved nil points in the past.
I thought the UK's entry was performed badly on the night, but they didn't deserve no points. I actually heard them do an acoustic version of the song which was fantastic - the girl has got a good voice. Ok - the song isn't exactly the best ever written, but it wasn't THAT bad.
The politics are so dreadfully explicit in the voting. Cyprus and Greece always give each other top points (it's quite funny in a way being Cypriot and watching them do it EVERY YEAR! ;D)Neighbouring countries also tend to do this. For the UK, mMaybe the war did have some part to play? Who knows?
I have to say that IMO, the Turkish entry did not deserve to win. I recall the Spanish entry being very good. I used to watch it religiously when I was younger, but nowadays, I just can't watch it with the naivity I had back then. It just seems like the really good songs never win. There's tactical and political voting, even though its now done by the public. Tatu undoubtly were going to do well, even though they performed awfully! All beacuse of the controversy. Oh well.
Subject: Re: Proof that you can't always manufacture a hit
Did someone mention t.A.T.u. ??? I luuuuuv t.A.T.u. :D !
Subject: Re: Proof that you can't always manufacture a hit
I have watched it religiously for decades too - why are we compulsed to watching bad bad music !!
But it was my Swedish friend who said they were the first country to recieve nil. I took her word for it cos I couldnt think of any other time it had happened. She performed on it about 8 or 9 years ago as a backing singer.
Yes I always laugh at how neighboring friendly countrys give each other 12 points regardless of the quality of the song.
I actually read a few weeks ago that some countrys purposely send a bad act because of the expense involved in having to hold the contest in your country when you win.
What I hate most is that the past couple of years SBS has televised it without Terry Wogans comentary - I miss his sarcasm :( The guy that did it this year was dreadful - he kept stopping in the middle of sentences and just drifting off. Could have been worse - was it last year they did it with Effie and got so many complaints they had to repeat it minus her a week later ?
Subject: Re: Proof that you can't always manufacture a hit
What I hate most is that the past couple of years SBS has televised it without Terry Wogans comentary - I miss his sarcasm :( The guy that did it this year was dreadful - he kept stopping in the middle of sentences and just drifting off. Could have been worse - was it last year they did it with Effie and got so many complaints they had to repeat it minus her a week later ?
End Quote
It can't be the same without Terry Wogan. I couldn't imagine it!! ;D
Subject: Re: Proof that you can't always manufacture a hit
So true Criz - and you have the benefit of being in Terrys country so you dont have stoooooopid TV producers going "terry who ? - cant we just do it with one of our own guys" arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh they should never mess with the master !!!
Does Terry still have the half hour show in the evenings ? I have so many eps on video from 88,89,90 !!
Subject: Re: Proof that you can't always manufacture a hit
was it last year they did it with Effie and got so many complaints they had to repeat it minus her a week later ?
End Quote
I think it was. But that's what they get for using "Effie" as a host. If anyone's 15 minutes is up, it's hers.
Subject: Re: Proof that you can't always manufacture a hit
They've made #15 on this week's chart. The nul points campaign helped a lot, apparently. While R. Kelly earns a blue disk with Ignition (Remix).
Edit: TaTu are at #14 this week with Not Gonna Get Us. Jemini, all throughout Eurovision went around with a T-shirt saying "TaTu - nil points". Ahh, sweet irony.
Subject: Re: Proof that you can't always manufacture a hit
But it was my Swedish friend who said they were the first country to recieve nil. I took her word for it cos I couldnt think of any other time it had happened. She performed on it about 8 or 9 years ago as a backing singer.
End Quote
(Dons Eurovision anorak...)
Close...but the first country to achieve this somewhat dubious honour was Norway with its 1984 effort (title and artist are lost to my memory, but it involved a bloke in sungalsses doing a lot of shouting!) - check the myriads of Eurovision sites if you're that interested!
Funny thing was, the following year Norway won the contest outright with the eminently forgettable "Let It Swing" by Bobbysocks...(good grief, I need a life!)
Glory be to Tel tho' - he was on cracking form this year!
Subject: Re: Proof that you can't always manufacture a hit
Sweden could never get a zero! I love Swedish Pop!
Subject: Re: Proof that you can't always manufacture a hit
Fortunately (from the sound of it) I missed G(J)emini's offering... but did hear the Turkish entry and the best I can find to say about it was that it was musically mediocre and lyrically worthless; I caught Tatu's entry and it was utterly cringeworthy - couldn't tell whether it was well-written as the performance of it was dire. And these were the songs which came first and third?
That's the main reason I've not bothered with Eurovision for the last few years - the best songs have rarely one, and the whole event has sod all to do with the quality of music. Even Wogan was going on about political voting before this year's show...
Subject: Re: Proof that you can't always manufacture a hit
Sort of a PS... the lyrics from that winning song:
I feel you moving on a different course
Making the way for a distant coast
You say you love me and you roll your eyes
Turn to stare at the empty skies
Not so bad? Just wait, it gets better:
I thought it was over and we'd pass all that
All we've done is to pass back to frame number one
Come on, now, now
I wanna show you all again what it would be like
If you just let go and let me love you
...and then the chorus:
Everyway that I can
I'll try to make you love me again
Everyway that I can
I'll give you all my love and then
Everyway that I can
I'll cry, I'll die
Make you mine again
I think Chucky's lyric generator does better than this...
Full lyrics here for anyone with a stronger stomach than mine ::)
Subject: Re: Proof that you can't always manufacture a hit
I thought the winning song was awful, but it did have that Holly Valance, 'Kiss Kiss' vibe to it.
As I said before, I thought the Spanish entry was very good - that deserved to win. The Sweedish entry wasn't too bad for a Eurovision song either.
Edited to add: Nope, Terry doesn't do that show anymore : [ I remember watching it when I was a kid, as far as I can recall it's been off the air for some time!
Subject: Re: Proof that you can't always manufacture a hit
God bless Terry Wogan he makes the show for me really.I love his radio show too he is SO funny.
Subject: Re: Proof that you can't always manufacture a hit
I watched the contest and saw Jemini warble and dance unnervingly on the podium. They deserved 'nil points' regardless of politics - truly awful.
I am surprised that people are buying this rubbish.