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Subject: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Should it be legal?
If not, how harsh should the punishments be?
If so, how would it be regulated?
I just want to see people's opinions on this. On an earlier board there was some discussion about it. I just wanted to give it a more open forum.
So... What do you think?
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Given the current budget crunch, perhaps we could legalize pot and impose a huuuuuge tax increase on all Pizza and Doritoes. That way we profit when people get the "munchies". :D
Anyone seeing where I am going with this?
(kidding of course ;))
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
I'm cool with that. If it were taxed, Bush might be able to pay for all the stuff he's paying for. If we had the money for it, I would have no problem with a tax cut.
Anyone want to get some "munchies" with me once it's legalized?
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Legalize it.
Tax it like liquor.
Sell it like liquor.
Apply current liquor laws. (DUIs, Public intox, etc.)
Regulate by the BATF(&M).
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Marijuana laws are ridiculous. It should have been legalized years ago. In fact if it was legal, it would be safer because it would be regulated and grown professionally, not in Bubba's fishtank.
For God's sakes the United States Constitution is written on hemp, doesn't that say it all?
Prohibition was a huge failure, as is the so-called "War on Drugs".
People who are gonna smoke it will smoke it, legal or not. So stop wasting tax-payer's money on marijuana busts and concentrate on the rapists, murderers, and child molestors.
Pot is 100% natural, unlike 99.9% of all drugs.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Legalize it.
Tax it like liquor.
Sell it like liquor.
Apply current liquor laws. (DUIs, Public intox, etc.)
End Quote
I agree.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Legalize it.
Tax it like liquor.
Sell it like liquor.
Apply current liquor laws. (DUIs, Public intox, etc.)
Regulate by the BATF(&M).
End Quote
Couldn't have said it better as for what should be decided.
However, even legal the old adage still rings true, only Dopes smoke dope. You want to remove all ambition from anyone? Get them stoned. You want to take a lively crowed and bring the party down? Get them stoned. You want to sabatage someone with any ambitions career path? Get them stoned. It may be safer than a lot other things, but that doesn't make it good.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Our state has just sanctioned legalised marihuana usage for chronic pain sufferers and terminal patients.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
I am of the opinion is that marijuana is one of the finest, most plentiful, most consistent sources of humor on this planet, and its legalization can do nothing but help the already booming comedy industry.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Couldn't have said it better as for what should be decided.
However, even legal the old adage still rings true, only Dopes smoke dope. You want to remove all ambition from anyone? Get them stoned. You want to take a lively crowed and bring the party down? Get them stoned. You want to sabatage someone with any ambitions career path? Get them stoned. It may be safer than a lot other things, but that doesn't make it good.
End Quote
All true. I agree 100%. Still, if I'm good little, (otherwise) non law breaking, tax paying, adult member of society, and I'm sitting at home by myself or with a couple of friends, not contemplating carreer advancement, and want to spark one up, I shouldn't have to worry about "Big Brother" saying that it's illeagle because "I SAY SO", and not have to worry about being put away with a bunch of murderers and rapists for 20 years. That's my bi-annual political "statement".
Edited to add:I need to say I haven't smoked pot for at least 6 years, for what that's worth.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Current drug laws are mind-numbingly stupid: huge profits to be made by hawking the things, money that goes to the last people in society you'd want to have megabucks. As I've aged, my views on this have become, if anything, more extreme: less addictive drugs should be licensed and sold in the same way as alcohol and tobacco; physiologically addictive drugs should be available on prescription to anybody addicted to them.
This would have the following consequences:
1. Removal of the profit motive - instead of each addict being a source of thousands of pounds/dollars a year, once registered as an addict, drug pushers will get no more money from them
2. Reduction in crime as addicts won't have to finance their habit
3. Huge saving in police manpower
4. Money from licensed drugs going to the exchequer rather than to the drug dealers
Negative side:
1. We're sending the wrong signal to young impressionable children
Phil's rebuttal of above argument:
It's really working at the moment, isn't it? Drug usage at an all-time high (pun intended) - most importantly, it is worth the dealers' while to get kids hooked. Take the following line from Tom Lehrer's "Old Dope Peddlar" - written in the 1950s:
He gives the kids free samples, because he knows full well
That today's young innocent faces will be tomorrow's clientele
...sums it up: if you remove the earning power per addict, it'll end the high-pressure sales to get the kids hooked on the stuff in the first place.
I have yet to hear a politician in power come out with any rational argument for the status quo (though over here you'll hear some of the braver LibDems giving a line like the above, if a bit watered down). They're all scared to sound "soft on drugs" - which is complete and utter twaddle*: they're making things worse by keeping the law as it stands.
*Modified to bowdlerize "bollocks" as it might have been deemed offensive
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
I agree with FOXVOX, legalise it and treat it like alcohol.
Heck I've done worse stuff under the influence of alcohol than I ever did 'mellowing' with a group of friends.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Like Peter Tosh said:
"Legalize it, don't criticize it" 8)
As for why & how...you all pretty much covered that.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
I say legalize it. Like it has been said, it would be grown in a safer place and it would be controlled. Apply the liquor laws to the sale of pot and there would also be the new tax revenue. We wouldn't have to raise the munchie tax, though. More taxes would come in on munchies as a result anyway.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
I say legalize it. End Quote
Tobacco companies will never, ever allow pot to be legalised.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Tobacco companies will never, ever allow pot to be legalised.
End Quote
The drugs cartels wouldn't like it much, either... though I'd reckon that the tobacco companies would probably be in there first with the product... just think of the brand names waiting to be used:
Silk half-cut
Marlboro Heavies
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
I agree with what everyone else has said. Legalize it, tax it. Not to mention how much money the govt would make. Look at how much less money the drug dealers would make. Besides the fact that I've never seen 2 guys who were stoned beat the crud out of each other whilst stoned. It happens all the time when they're drunk.
Kinda' off topic...but has anyone seen the "Hooked..." series on the History Channel. It basically goes through the progression of all types of drugs (cocaine-which used to be legal, opiates, MJ, etc). I watched it a few times when I couldn't sleep and it was rather interesting.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Hold on a sec - from this straw poll, EVERYBODY seems to be in favour of legalization... how representative are you guys of public opinion in the States? Or could it be that only those people on-line favour legalizing marijuana, and the off-line majority holds sway?
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Looks like we're not alone:
More people seem to be coming to the same conclusion:
..even the former Chief Inspector of Prisons:
Prison Boss Calls For Drugs Legalisation
..and comedians ;-)
Call To Legalise Drugs - Ben Elton
Now all we have to do is convince the politicians...
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Yay for Canada! eh?
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Marijuana is (effectively) legal in Holland, the Dutch actually smoke less per head than the British, where it's illegal!
In fact, at the last study I saw, Holland came 5th in Europe for consumption, The UK came 2nd behind the Republic of Ireland.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
FOXVOX said:
Quoting:Legalize it.
Tax it like liquor.
Sell it like liquor.
Apply current liquor laws. (DUIs, Public intox, etc.)
Regulate by the BATF(&M).
End Quote
Then Race Bannon said:
Quoting:Couldn't have said it better as for what should be decided.
However, even legal the old adage still rings true, only Dopes smoke dope. You want to remove all ambition from anyone? Get them stoned. You want to take a lively crowed and bring the party down? Get them stoned. You want to sabatage someone with any ambitions career path? Get them stoned. It may be safer than a lot other things, but that doesn't make it good.End Quote
I seem to agree with the majority here...Legalize it, regulate it, tax it. Treat it the same as alcohol and tobacco...no one under 18 (or 21) may buy or use it.
As for what Race Bannon says...I think the lack of ambition and productivity holds true for anyone with an addictive personality. How ambitious is an alcoholic? How productive is a chain-smoker in an no-smoking-inside-the-building workplace?
If legalized the tobacco companies could very easily save their hides by becoming the first to produce the newly-legal marijuana products. The extra tax revenue could indeed help out the government(s).
Philbo: There are a large number of people of all ages here in the States who do support legalization. Unfortunately, many of us do not bother to vote or become politically involved in any way, shape or form. Therefore, many lawmakers believe we are just a "fringe group". Couple that with those who lobby against legalization for whatever reason, and you have the current situation (as I see it. It may be different in other parts of the country).
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Unfortunately, many of us do not bother to vote or become politically involved in any way, shape or form.
End Quote
Hm... must be the effect of the dope, methinks ;-)
But I reckon you're right, and think it's probably much the same this side of the Atlantic. Though as my previous post pointed out, the "rational" rather than the emotional argument is starting to gain momentum, and gain support from quite a few different angles.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
If legalized the tobacco companies could very easily save their hides by becoming the first to produce the newly-legal marijuana products.
End Quote
Would they be saving their hides, though? I have to wonder how long it would be after the first legal MJ cigarettes were sold that someone was filing suit against "big tobacco" the way the cigarette smokers did a few years ago. ::)
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Would they be saving their hides, though? I have to wonder how long it would be after the first legal MJ cigarettes were sold that someone was filing suit against "big tobacco" the way the cigarette smokers did a few years ago. ::)
End Quote
Main reason for all the suits against the tobacco companies is that said companies knew that smoking was harmful for years but suppressed the research. If they started selling joints while telling people they were harmful, there'd be no legal comeback. Having said that, you could guarantee someone would try...
...in the same vein, when's the class action against the Columbian drug barons starting, then?
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Gonna have to go with legalising it! The way I see it, you wouldn't really be corrupting anyone any further, pot's so easy to obtain, but you take away the "rebel" factor, you know, "ooh, it's not allowed, let's do it!" And in reference to what XenaKat (I think) said about legalising it for over 18's (or 21's) I think that would work just as much as the regulations on alcohol and cigarettes do, increasing the "rebel" factor......just a theory ;D
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Gonna have to go with legalising it! The way I see it, you wouldn't really be corrupting anyone any further, pot's so easy to obtain, but you take away the "rebel" factor, you know, "ooh, it's not allowed, let's do it!" And in reference to what XenaKat (I think) said about legalising it for over 18's (or 21's) I think that would work just as much as the regulations on alcohol and cigarettes do, increasing the "rebel" factor......just a theory ;D
End Quote
I agree. I think part of the appeal is that it is illegal, but easier to obtain than cigarettes or alcohol (for underage smokers/drinkers). Once you make it legal, as Spike said, the "rebel" factor decreases dramatically. If you keep telling a kid not to touch something, the minute your back is turned, what is the first thing they do? They touch it.
And, for those who might say that "marijuana leads to harder drugs", I say "Baloney" (you're welcome HS ;))! I know people who have smoked pot for years (decades in some cases) yet have never tried anything else like coke, etc. I also know some who will smoke, but won't touch alcohol.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Another reason to love the Irish ;D
End Quote
Heh, I wouldn't mind seeing Lucky stoned.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
I have stated this before but I really think that it is time to legalize it. A couple of weeks ago, I saw a movie called "Weed" on the Sundance Channel. It was about the "war on drugs"-marijuana to be specific. The money the government has put into this war over the past 80 years-since it became illegal has been ridiculous. Between the bogus propaganda ("marijauna gives you brain damage" "leads to harder drugs." etc.) to task forces to bust someone for having a joint or two. (What was that John Lennon's song? "Ten for Two") Our prison system is over-flowing. I wonder just how many prisoners are in there just for pot. I have never, ever seen anyone get biligerant when they are stoned-like I have seen when they are drunk.
There is another side of pot which many people are now recongizing-the medicamal properties. Cancer, AIDES, Glocoma, and just having pain can be releved. I confess, I have been known to fire up a little if I have a REALLY bad headache or during a certain time of the month.
If it was legalized, the government can tax it and make quite a bit of money-not to mention what it would save on the task forces, the ads, and the prison system.
There is also the issue of hemp. If hemp could be grown legal for commerical use (i.e. materal from clothing, ropes, etc) there would not be a mature marijuana plant for at least a two mile radius. Marijuana is the female plant and hemp is the male. When hemp is around, the female plant turns to the male-thus, you have hemp.
I find it very hypicrital to have legalized synthethic drugs that can cause DEATH but something that is grown naturally and has a greater "success rate" with less side effects be illegal.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
I confess, I have been known to fire up a little if I have a REALLY bad headache or during a certain time of the month.
End Quote
Although I do not smoke anymore - I will say that weed is the BEST cure for those "Monthly" aches and pains we women have to endure. ;)
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
And, for those who might say that "marijuana leads to harder drugs", I say "Baloney" (you're welcome HS ;))! I know people who have smoked pot for years (decades in some cases) yet have never tried anything else like coke, etc. I also know some who will smoke, but won't touch alcohol.
End Quote
I think that argument was given up on long ago, you might have a few old geezers coughing that "danger" up, it's a good one for stoners to giggle at. ;)
And everyone I know who smokes on a regular basis rarely drinks.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
I still don't clearly understand why marijuana is illegal to begin with. I hear it's all politics. A stoner once told me it had something to to with something that happened in the 17th century and that's why it's illegal (or something like that).
Anyone know the real reason it's illegal?
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
I'm cool with that. If it were taxed, Bush might be able to pay for all the stuff he's paying for. If we had the money for it, I would have no problem with a tax cut.
Anyone want to get some "munchies" with me once it's legalized?
End Quote
:o :oWell,the Everly brothers sure got the "munchies'when they used it!!!tee hee.Don wrote a song called "Mary jane"--and it wasn't about Spider-Man's girlfriend!!!Seriously,though,I think it should be OK for medical purposed,like glaiucoma.I think doctors who've researched it should know enough to know what it's good for.Cheers!
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
:o :oWell,the Everly brothers sure got the "munchies'when they used it!!!tee hee.Don wrote a song called "Mary jane"--and it wasn't about Spider-Man's girlfriend!!!Seriously,though,I think it should be OK for medical purposed,like glaiucoma.I think doctors who've researched it should know enough to know what it's good for.Cheers!
End Quote
OK, I have come to the conclusion that everything & everybody in this World are somehow connected to the Everly Brothers. You know, like "six degrees of seperation" or "six degrees of Kevin Bacon"? ::)
*note to self: admitting I have fewer brain cells from attending too many Grateful Dead shows is the first step to recovery
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Maybe it should be a new game on PBG? Start with any random topic and see how quickly we can get it to The Everly Brothers (or The Smiths or Deborah Gibson or anyone elses 'pet' topic)
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
I still don't clearly understand why marijuana is illegal to begin with. I hear it's all politics. A stoner once told me it had something to to with something that happened in the 17th century and that's why it's illegal (or something like that).
Anyone know the real reason it's illegal?
End Quote
Believe it or not, it was started because of racial reasons-like many of the drug laws were.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Yeah, leagalize the weed, my stash is almost gone ;). But its the booze companies that really object. I mean you can grow the stuff in your living room. Years ago I had a very nice plant mingled with my spider plants etc. Mom thought it was really nice and asked what it was. "I don't know, just pretty" I said. So imagine the decline in booze sales if we all had our own intoxicant growing in our livingroom windows. And why shouldn't we? We can legally make wine and beer, so why not grow the infamouse weed? Hey, it may not be healthy (I understand that it is more carcinogenic than tobbacco) but it sure is nice. ;D The zero population growth folks might object though as well. It makes me hornier than all get-out ;) ;) So pass me that joint :-X :-X
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Yeah, leagalize the weed, my stash is almost gone ;).... End Quote
I KNEW it!
The only time I have ever thought of Socialism as good was when I was pipe dreamin' 8)
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
A politician who runs for President of the U.S. who has the guts to actually say he will do whatever is necessary to legalize marijuana and actually mean it, would win the election by a landslide because all, every single person of voting age, including all the usual non-voting youths will run to the polls like hungry lions to a zebra. If only..... ::) ;D
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
A politician who runs for President of the U.S. who has the guts to actually say he will do whatever is necessary to legalize marijuana and actually mean it, would win the election by a landslide because all, every single person of voting age, including all the usual non-voting youths will run to the polls like hungry lions to a zebra. If only..... ::) ;D
End Quote
I dunno, Hair... wasn't that part of Jerry Brown's schtick? :P
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
I dunno, Hair... wasn't that part of Jerry Brown's schtick? :P
End Quote
I don't know about all that, sorry to say, but i think it has to be someone who really means it and can sell himself well with some of the reasons posted here! :D
Of course, he should probably have other issues addressed as well and be a good guy. :-/ Ok. We'll probably never have a president that good.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
A politician who runs for President of the U.S. who has the guts to actually say he will do whatever is necessary to legalize marijuana and actually mean it, would win the election by a landslide because all, every single person of voting age, including all the usual non-voting youths will run to the polls like hungry lions to a zebra. If only..... ::) ;D
End Quote
Jimmy Carter wanted to decriminalize it but I can't remember what changed his mind.
My state has a "grassroot party." A couple years ago, there was a political debate on PBS with ALL canidates. The one running for Congress was stoned off his... Personally I thought it was funny but it really didn't do much for the party but made the guy look like an idiot. The guy running for Lt. Governer did so much better. He was right on with his arguements.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
I KNEW it!
The only time I have ever thought of Socialism as good was when I was pipe dreamin' 8)
End Quote
I never touched the stuff. Go Socialism! (though if it were legal, I might.)
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
:o :oWell,the Everly brothers sure got the "munchies'when they used it!!!tee hee.Don wrote a song called "Mary jane"--and it wasn't about Spider-Man's girlfriend!!!Seriously,though,I think it should be OK for medical purposed,like glaiucoma.I think doctors who've researched it should know enough to know what it's good for.Cheers!
End Quote
:) ;)I agree. Thatt stuff makes the everly brotehrs even better:D I can place myself at the time and place when they were coming up with those tunes and toking up8) :D :P
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
I have seen people smoke pot out in the open, on the street, at events -openly as if it wasn't illegal.I hate drugs but would like to see pot legalized and regulated. I hate pot, but I do realize that it is an integral drug for pain management for Cancer and AIDS patients and I think that they ought to be able to have it prescribed for their pain.
Not a popular view, but I think that people who smoke pot for mood altering reasons have issues they are trying to escape and not effectively deal with, just like alcohol. I believe that we need to get through this life without as much drugs as possible. I heard that one average joint has the tar of four tobacco cigarettes. It doesn't bother me that it would be legalized, I'm never around anyone who smokes it anyway.
Only thing is - if it was legalized, I wonder how many people would be getting high on their lunch breaks, working stoned-I guess people do that anyway now.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
My reply to this post: Marijuana is part of this earth...it's here to stay, some people use it, some people dont.....it does get you calm and can help with headachs and such...I say it's a good thing it's around...while others might say it's not.....but who cares....except the people who do it.....
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
I KNEW it!
The only time I have ever thought of Socialism as good was when I was pipe dreamin' 8)
End Quote
And my stash IS getting low ;)
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
I have seen people smoke pot out in the open, on the street, at events -openly as if it wasn't illegal.I hate drugs but would like to see pot legalized and regulated. I hate pot, but I do realize that it is an integral drug for pain management for Cancer and AIDS patients and I think that they ought to be able to have it prescribed for their pain.
Not a popular view, but I think that people who smoke pot for mood altering reasons have issues they are trying to escape and not effectively deal with, just like alcohol. I believe that we need to get through this life without as much drugs as possible. I heard that one average joint has the tar of four tobacco cigarettes. It doesn't bother me that it would be legalized, I'm never around anyone who smokes it anyway.
Only thing is - if it was legalized, I wonder how many people would be getting high on their lunch breaks, working stoned-I guess people do that anyway now.
End Quote
I don't know anyone who smokes pot to escape. They do it because they like it. Very few people do it to rebel. Very few people do it to escape. They just like feeling high.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Very few people do it to escape. They just like feeling high.
End Quote
Bah! Yeah right! Are you high or something? ALOT if not MOST people smoke dope to "escape". Whoever "told" you that is full of crapola! And I am assuming someone told you, because if you have ever smoked it I don't think you would be spewing such nonsense. ;)
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
I don't know anyone who smokes pot to escape. They do it because they like it. Very few people do it to rebel. Very few people do it to escape. They just like feeling high.
End Quote
But but getting high IS a form of escape, is it not?
And that's all I have to say about that...as Mr. Gump would say! :P
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
But but getting high IS a form of escape, is it not?
And that's all I have to say about that...as Mr. Gump would say! :P
End Quote
I have never smoked a doobie in my life. I have talked to people who have smoked. They say it's laughable that you need to give pot a purpose beyond feeling good. If feeling good is an escape, then I guess sex is an escape too. You don't need to escape anything to want to feel good. I take the escapist argument as a sign of cluelessness.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
They say it's laughable that you need to give pot a purpose beyond feeling good. If feeling good is an escape, then I guess sex is an escape too. You don't need to escape anything to want to feel good.
End Quote
At this juncture, I'd like if I may to cross-post a Bill Hicks quote:
They lie about marijuana. Tell you pot-smoking makes you unmotivated. Lie. When you're high, you can do everything you normally do, just as well, you just realise, it's not worth the ******* effort. There is a difference.
Most pot-smokers I know (and I'd include myself in this group, even though my intake is on the once-or-twice-a-year sort of level) don't smoke as any form of escapism: pot isn't usually that strong. However, I do know people who do smoke excessively, rather like ones who drink to excess, to numb the brain so they don't have to think. Again, similar to alcohol, these people are talked about by other tokers as though they have a problem. There's nothing inherently worse about marijuana than alcohol, which is one reason that the current law is so absurd.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
My two cents:
I don't smoke it for health reasons. But the way I see it is hey, we are sitting on a gold mine with it. It is no more harmful than alcohol. Legalize it sell it and tax it, baby tax it. When they do legalize it you can bet your biscuits I will be growing it, I want to capitalize on that cash cow!!
And hey, if it is legalized, then future Presidents of the US won't have to lie about the inhaling factor!
As for people getting stoned at work, well hey, should be treated just like anyone who would drink on the job. ;) :D
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
I am of the opinion is that marijuana is one of the finest, most plentiful, most consistent sources of humor on this planet, and its legalization can do nothing but help the already booming comedy industry.
End Quote
Oh man ;D
Just a couple weeks ago, after the white trash party, my friend and I got home drunk off our keisters and lit some up. I don't think a mention of "Lactaid" (milk for lactose intolerant people) has ever been so funny. Laughed so hard I thought I was going to have a hernia ;D
It'd be good to legalize it though. I did hear a theory that it's not legal because of economic reasons, because the government cannot tax pot since it can be grown...or something like that :P
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
You know what irks me? It seems now-a-days that you can pretty much guarantee if you want a job, you have to take a pee test. Which is fine, cause there are PLENTY of things on the market (Sure Jell anyone? ;)) that will make you test clean. But it's all these companies that are starting to randomly test employees which means you have no time to detox! I can understand if you are operating heavy machinery or if there is an accident on the jobsite to test, but what on Earth is the point of randomly testing office employees? Unless you are coming to work visibly hammered, then I don't see a reason for it.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
It'd be good to legalize it though. I did hear a theory that it's not legal because of economic reasons, because the government cannot tax pot since it can be grown...or something like that :P
End Quote
You can brew your own beer (or wine), and that can't be taxed... same thing can apply to pot as to cigarettes or alcohol: where you're buying a packaged product, it can be licensed and taxed. Not to mention quality control...
This thread has inspired me to a parody... "
;Mary Jane (Rollin' another reefer)" to the tune of "Proud Mary (Rollin' on down the river)". Enjoy ;-)
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
You know what irks me? It seems now-a-days that you can pretty much guarantee if you want a job, you have to take a pee test. Which is fine, cause there are PLENTY of things on the market (Sure Jell anyone? ;)) that will make you test clean. But it's all these companies that are starting to randomly test employees which means you have no time to detox! I can understand if you are operating heavy machinery or if there is an accident on the jobsite to test, but what on Earth is the point of randomly testing office employees? Unless you are coming to work visibly hammered, then I don't see a reason for it.
End Quote
The place I used to work tested everyone on hiring. After that it was only the truck drivers and mechanics who were subject to random testing.
Office employees were never subjected to another test again, unless, as you said...they showed up visibly intoxicated on something-or-other.
I think a lot of it depends on the actual company and if they trust their employees or not...most, I have found, do not.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
If you show up for work drunk or stoned, that is one thing but I really don't want my employer to tell me what I can and can't do on my own time. If I want to have a drink or two after I get home, that is my business. If I want to fire up a little after work, that is my business, too. I don't think that an employer has the right to dicate what someone does on their off time.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
If you show up for work drunk or stoned, that is one thing but I really don't want my employer to tell me what I can and can't do on my own time. If I want to have a drink or two after I get home, that is my business. If I want to fire up a little after work, that is my business, too. I don't think that an employer has the right to dicate what someone does on their off time.
End Quote
My thoughts exactly! As long as what you do on your own time is not affecting your job, then it's none of their business! When I filled out my government job application, it asked if I have ever done drugs. wtf? They tested me anyway, what's the point of telling them that I have?
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
If I want to have a drink or two after I get home, that is my business. If I want to fire up a little after work, that is my business, too.
End Quote
The difference, of course, being that having a drink is legal, whereas sparking up a joint is not. IMO, an employer is within his/her rights to expect a workforce which isn't doing something illegal.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
The difference, of course, being that having a drink is legal, whereas sparking up a joint is not. IMO, an employer is within his/her rights to expect a workforce which isn't doing something illegal.
End Quote
Along this line of thinking, then (to play devil's advocate) the employer should also fire someone under age 18 who is caught smoking on company property or drinking. Or, even speeding to work, as they are also illegal.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Along this line of thinking, then (to play devil's advocate) the employer should also fire someone under age 18 who is caught smoking on company property or drinking. Or, even speeding to work, as they are also illegal.
End Quote
Actually, I'm not sure that it's illegal for someone under 18 to smoke... they can't buy cigarettes legally, but I don't think they are prohibited from smoking. I could be wrong about that though.
As for speeding, hey, everyone does it, right? :P
Seriously though, where is the line drawn? From the employer's viewpoint, pot is just as illegal as cocaine. I think we all agree that coke is a far worse drug, but employers can't pick and choose which illegal drugs it's okay for their employees to use.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
IMO, an employer is within his/her rights to expect a workforce which isn't doing something illegal.
End Quote
If it's not be done at work or with company assets, it's none of the company's business. Sure, if a guy's using his firm's computers for insider trading or storing drugs at the warehouse there's cause for concern from the boss, but I'd make a case for wrongful dismissal if I was fired because I was street racing for cash on weekends using my own car on public roads (not that I'd do that).
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
If it's not be done at work or with company assets, it's none of the company's business. Sure, if a guy's using his firm's computers for insider trading or storing drugs at the warehouse there's cause for concern from the boss, but I'd make a case for wrongful dismissal if I was fired because I was street racing for cash on weekends using my own car on public roads (not that I'd do that).
End Quote
Perhaps I should have phrased that differently... I think an employer has a right to expect a workforce which isn't doing something illegal which could have a direct affect on job performance. Now then, I'm not saying that smoking a dime bag after work is going to cause you to staple someone's fingers to their desk at work the next day, but the boss just might think that... and so is within his/her rights to expect "clean" personnel. IMO.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Perhaps I should have phrased that differently... I think an employer has a right to expect a workforce which isn't doing something illegal which could have a direct affect on job performance.
End Quote
That was basically my former employer's philosophy..."as long as it doesn't have a direct effect on work performance".
Each mechanic had to spend one week every six months "on call" for emergency repairs. For that week, and that week only, they were expected not to indulge in alcohol or anything else "intoxicating".
The so-called "random" tests weren't that random either...they gave six guys a head's up a week before...that names would be pulled out of a hat for the random test. And the boss made sure to only pick two of the six fellas warned for the test. This gave them time to "detox", so to speak.
I would have to say that this company was one of the best around to work for...they treated their people like inelligent adults. (BTW...they are very small...40 people if you count the dog as "security officer".)
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
I think an employer has a right to expect a workforce which isn't doing something illegal which could have a direct affect on job performance.
End Quote
Agreed 100% - if you're half cut at work, be it alcohol, pot or whatever, an employer has the right to act
Now then, I'm not saying that smoking a dime bag after work is going to cause you to staple someone's fingers to their desk at work the next day, but the boss just might think that... and so is within his/her rights to expect "clean" personnel. IMO.
End Quote
You think a boss would be within their rights to fire someone based on their own innaccurate prejudices? Unless, of course, it's explicitly written into their contract.
The main problem with testing for pot is that, unlike alcohol, it's a long term thing: you can show up positive weeks after taking the stuff (if it's a hair test, it depends how long your hair is - I'd probably test positive for pot smoked nearly a year ago) - there's no proof that someone was under the influence at work, or even proof of anything illegal: who's to say the stuff hadn't been smoked during the friend's stag do in Amsterdam/Tijuana?
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
You think a boss would be within their rights to fire someone based on their own innaccurate prejudices? Unless, of course, it's explicitly written into their contract.
End Quote
I do think a boss would be within rights to fire a person for using pot, yes. A positive drug test taken before employment is enough to keep a person from being hired in the first place, right? Then why should it come as a shock that a positive test given during employment could result in termination? Personally, Phil, you can hook yourself up to a hooka pipe as big as your house and I don't care... but if I'm paying your salary then I do expect you to abide by my policies.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
but if I'm paying your salary then I do expect you to abide by my policies.
End Quote
Now I don't know how the law works in the US, but in the UK we have legislation to prevent discrimination based on the prejudices of ones employers!
When I'm at work, I expect to be paid for the service I provide, not because I conform to my boss's idea of an ideal human being.
What if your boss was a fundamental muslim, would you expect all employees to abide by his policies?
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
You think a boss would be within their rights to fire someone based on their own innaccurate prejudices? Unless, of course, it's explicitly written into their contract.
End Quote
Except for the fact that pot is illegal. If it were alcohol, I would say no...but when the substance is illegal the boss does have the right. I am going to have to agree with Lester on this one. You can refuse to hire for a failed drug test so you should be able to fire for a failed drug test.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Please read the second bit of that post: a test for pot shows that you've used some over the past weeks - if, for example, you'd been on a day trip to Amsterdam, then you could quite legally have smoked some. There would be no evidence that you'd broken any law, no evidence that you'd been working under the influence. On its own, a positive test for marijuana means absolutely nothing - unless you have a prejudiced boss ;-)
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Now I don't know how the law works in the US, but in the UK we have legislation to prevent discrimination based on the prejudices of ones employers!
When I'm at work, I expect to be paid for the service I provide, not because I conform to my boss's idea of an ideal human being.
What if your boss was a fundamental muslim, would you expect all employees to abide by his policies?
End Quote
Taoist, the policies I'm making reference to are those put forth as company policy. However, one would assume that if a boss had a personal dislike for pot smoking, then that would be covered in the manual.
Regardless of whether my boss was a fundamentalist muslim or an athiest, I would be given a copy of a manual outlining expected behavior. If "illegal drug use will not be tolerated" is stated as policy, then what defense does someone have when fired for doing exactly that?
And for clarity, let me just say that anyone with half a brain won't try to prohibit employees from taking part in legal activities.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Please read the second bit of that post: a test for pot shows that you've used some over the past weeks - if, for example, you'd been on a day trip to Amsterdam, then you could quite legally have smoked some. There would be no evidence that you'd broken any law, no evidence that you'd been working under the influence. On its own, a positive test for marijuana means absolutely nothing - unless you have a prejudiced boss ;-)
End Quote
From the UK you might take a day trip to Amsterdam... but I don't think that's very likely if you're in the US. ;)
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
From the UK you might take a day trip to Amsterdam... but I don't think that's very likely if you're in the US. ;)
End Quote
That's why I included Tijuana on the previous post... or even a trip up to Canada, as they're lightening up on personal use - what I mean is that a positive test for marijuana doesn't necessarily mean there's any evidence of illegality.
Subject: Re: Marijuana: What's your opinion
Taoist, the policies I'm making reference to are those put forth as company policy. However, one would assume that if a boss had a personal dislike for pot smoking, then that would be covered in the manual.
End Quote
This may be acceptable in the US, but in the UK the company cannot make arbitrary policies. Employees are protected (to an extent) by law. This doesn't stop companies trying it on, my boss thinks he can make the company policy on smoking (he chain smokes) but this is, in fact, not legal!
When it comes to illegal activities I find it a little amusing that companies feel the need to specify that they will not tolerated but in the UK, this only applies whilst at work or representing your company.
Legal precedents have already been set that you cannot be sacked from your job because you broke the law outside work unless it can be shown this will directly affect your work. A relevent example is a school teacher who was sacked after being convicted of cultivating cannabis. A tribunal found that this sacking was unfair.