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Subject: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
"Everyone felt a deep sense of awe, while many miracles and signs took place through the apostles. All believers joined together and shared everything in common; they sold their possessions and goods and divided the proceeds among the fellowship according to individual need. Day after day they met by common consent in the Temple; they broke bread together in their homes, sharing meals with simple joy. They praised God continually and all the people respected them. Every day the Lord increased the number of those who were finding salvation" -- Acts 2:43-7
Don Carlos, are you reading this?
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
He's also the captain of my bowling team. ::)
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
I just hired him. He's cleaning fish in Chignik.
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
Don't they call those kibbutz, now? In any case...you silly..! :P
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
Jesus built my hotrod.
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
Yeah, Jesus was about as far left-wing as you can get, but I suspect he was just rebelling against his ultraconservative dad.
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
Seriously though, this coming from someone who is not a practicing Christian, but who does believe; Jesus, the man, trancended any political beliefs.
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
I thought Jesus was a carpenter. ::)
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
Wouldn't that be his adoptive father?
PS I've often wondered, is an unemployed carpenter someone who would work?
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
Wouldn't that be his adoptive father?
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;D hehe
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
Jesus is my homeboy 8)
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
Jesus is just alright with me :)
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
Jesus is just alright with me :)
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Jesus Chriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiist...superstaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar...
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
I thought Jesus was a carpenter. ::)
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Joseph was a carpenter. I don't think Jesus was though.
I thought Jesus was last seen at a gas station in New Mexico dressed as Elvis.
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
I thought Jesus was last seen at a gas station in New Mexico dressed as Elvis.
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... or was it the other way round?
ROFL :-)
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
... or was it the other way round?
ROFL :-)
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You know, we're going to Hades for this... :P
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
You know, we're going to Hades for this... :P
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LOL cs, I wonder what level of Dante's inferno would he be in? :P
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
LOL cs, I wonder what level of Dante's inferno would he be in? :P
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Frozen in the middle ;D
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
I have an announcement to make-
Sadly, I had to let Jesus go from his job, it seemed the whole "water into wine" thing stirred up a bit to much trouble in the plant and we were forced to follow through with our policies.
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
I have an announcement to make-
Sadly, I had to let Jesus go from his job, it seemed the whole "water into wine" thing stirred up a bit to much trouble in the plant and we were forced to follow through with our policies.
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I'm sure he'll be a hit at the frat parties at UW though 8)
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
I'm sure he'll be a hit at the frat parties at UW though 8)
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He'll be okay as long as he doesn't head over to WSU over on the other side of the state. ;D
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
Joseph was a carpenter. I don't think Jesus was though.
I thought Jesus was last seen at a gas station in New Mexico dressed as Elvis.
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I work for the Government CS, and that's not what his file says ;D ;D ;D
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
-- Acts 2:43-7
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John, please don't stop reading the Bible. But you are quoting the second book of Acts, and the earthly ministry of Jesus concluded in the first book of Acts. Also, as you imply, the apostles were living together and giving away their wealth. But they did so on a voluntary basis - the wealth was not confiscated and distributed by the government.
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
I know. That's what I want to do. I want to set up a voluntary secular socialistic society without anykind of revolutionary change to our government. (It has to be secular, otherwise it's a cult).
I just titled it "Jesus was a COMMUNIST" for shock value to get people to read it.
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
Jesus built my hotrod. I am pretty grateful. It can go the quarter mile in 15.2s ;D
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
While traveling across country I stopped in a number of churches and found that many had golden phones. I asked about them and was told that they were a direct line to Jesus, or as we hispanics call him, Jesus ;) (pronounced hey-suus). The cost of the call varied from $5000 per second in LA to $25,000 per second in 'frisco, to $100,000/second in Vagas, $50,000 in Chicago etc. Then I got home to Vermont and was told by the local clergy that the cost was only 25 cents per minute. "How come the difference?" I asked. "Because from Vermont its a local call". ;)
To more directly, and seriously, answer you, JH, I think that if Jesus was alive today he would be a secular humanist, and would drive the psudo-Christian bigots from the temple. He was an idealist with notions of equality and brotherly love expressed in a religious language because that was the language available to him. In the post-Marx era I can't call him a communist becuase he was non-rational and non-scientific. I would call him a GD subversive and fellow traveler ;) who displayed illusions of grandure and possibly megelomania.
Now that I have answered your question, let me hasten to add, for the benefit of true Christians who may read this, that I mean no disrespect to either you or your religion. In fact I was reluctant to make this post for fear of offending, but having read some of the rather irreligious comments thought it might be safe. I respect the religious beliefs of others as long as they don't try to force them on me, or on the laws of the land.
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
Jesus built my hotrod. I am pretty grateful. It can go the quarter mile in 15.2s ;D
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I love that song! It's Kooler Than Jesus 8)
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
"They call me white devil, Black Jesus,
Heaven closes, Hell freezes,
Ego's trippin', scripts keep flippin'
Bloods keep bloodin', Crips keep crippin'..."
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
Now that I have answered your question, let me hasten to add, for the benefit of true Christians who may read this, that I mean no disrespect to either you or your religion. In fact I was reluctant to make this post for fear of offending, but having read some of the rather irreligious comments thought it might be safe. I respect the religious beliefs of others as long as they don't try to force them on me, or on the laws of the land.
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No offense taken. I agree that if He were here today He would have a few choice words to say to some of the so called men of God.
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
No offense taken. I agree that if He were here today He would have a few choice words to say to some of the so called men of God.
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I agree with you, Dag... but I also disagree with DC's assessment that Jesus would be a secular humanist. (Big surprise, me and DC disagreeing, huh? ;D ) If, as Christians believe, He was the son of God, then that would still be true if He came back today.
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
Jesus wasn't a Communist, but his followers lived in a communist society. They all lived in a community and shared everything they owned. To each according to his need.
What I find interesting is that Marx condemned religion as "The opiate of the masses", when religion has been the only sucessful vessel of communism.
Early Christian life and Monastic life are our only examples of pure unadulterated communism. And many Catholic saints and leaders have expressed Marx-esque ideals (see Sir Thomas More's "Utopia") I find it amazing how the Church can have such a rich tradition in equality, yet we now have this huge hierachy running everything.
Any thoughts?
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
What I find interesting is that Marx condemned religion as "The opiate of the masses", when religion has been the only sucessful vessel of communism.
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You, as many other people to, are taking this passage out of context. At the time Marx said it, opium dens were common in England, but were expensive - several of the Sherlock Holmes stories feature them, and of course Holmes was a cocaine addict. So just as opium and other hard drugs were for the rich, religion was the opiate of the masses. But what do opiates do? They dull the senses and confuse rational thought. Marx was the ultimate rationalist, and abhored irrationality, so naturally he would see religion as a distraction of the proletariat from its historic mission. Especially since Christianity at the time preached acceptance of the social order, especially, but not exclusively, the Catholics. It wasn't until 1900 that Pope Leo _ issued an insiclical recognizing (some) human rights - I forget its Latin name - and not until the '70s that Liberation Theology made its appearance.
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
Jesus wasn't a Communist, but his followers lived in a communist society. They all lived in a community and shared everything they owned. To each according to his need.
Early Christian life and Monastic life are our only examples of pure unadulterated communism. And many Catholic saints and leaders have expressed Marx-esque ideals (see Sir Thomas More's "Utopia") I find it amazing how the Church can have such a rich tradition in equality, yet we now have this huge hierachy running everything.
Any thoughts?
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Sorry for the duel posts.
You are right to suggest that many Catholic orders seem similar to what we might infere was Marx's idea about communism. I suggest you read Max Weber's The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. It is a very insightful study and makes a lot of sense
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
I want to set up a voluntary secular socialistic society without anykind of revolutionary change to our government. (It has to be secular, otherwise it's a cult). End Quote
John, something like what you are advocating was attempted almost 400 years ago by the Pilgrims who came to America on the Mayflower - www.tuftsprimarysource.org/issues/21/05/dangremond.html. For their first 2 ½ years, their economy was based on shared property. When this system did not work, they allocated property to all of the families and prospered. This was a group of highly motivated people who had a lot in common, but could not make socialism work. Today, we have a very mixed economy and advocates of socialism can argue (wrongly, in my view) that the government planned portion is successful and advocates of capitalism can argue that private property is successful. I think the Pilgrims are a great experiment because they were in somewhat of a vacuum, and it was obvious to them what worked and what did not work!
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
I'll make it work just to prove you wrong! ;D
P.S. It has worked in Early Christian communities and monastic comunities. Why wouldn't it work for a small secular community?
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
I'll make it work just to prove you wrong! ;D
P.S. It has worked in Early Christian communities and monastic comunities. Why wouldn't it work for a small secular community?
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Actually it has worked for several secular communities. I think it was Charles Nardoff who wrote a book called The Communistic Societies of the United States some time before the Civil War. Brook Farm and Onida are examples.
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
I'll make it work just to prove you wrong! ;D
P.S. It has worked in Early Christian communities and monastic comunities. Why wouldn't it work for a small secular community?
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Tell ya what John, DC this goes for you too, since you 2 are determined to live in a Socialist society, you 2 can start your own "small secualr community", and become socialists. By all means, have fun. ;)
Just don't come crying back to us when you realize what you had in this "evil and oppressive capitalist system"(sarcasm). And don't be trying to get in by boat like the tons of Cubans fleeing their socialist country to taste the fruits of Capitalism either.
"Capitalism is the unequal distribution of wealth, Socialism is the equal distribution of misery" -- Winston Churchill
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
I'll make it work just to prove you wrong! ;D
P.S. It has worked in Early Christian communities and monastic comunities. Why wouldn't it work for a small secular community?
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But... monastic communities suck for those of us tied to earthly possessions and pleasures and we are far from a "small secular community." Is this going to be a trial into changing people's way of life the way Pol Pot enforced it? Good luck, John. You'll find me resisting, by any ways or means, anything that will socialize this nation :)
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
"Capitalism is the unequal distribution of wealth, Socialism is the equal distribution of misery" -- Winston Churchill
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Winston would say that, after all, he was something of a capitalist himself
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
You'll find me resisting, by any ways or means, anything that will socialize this nation :)
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Hear, hear!!!!
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
Winston would say that, after all, he was something of a capitalist himself
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I have a helluva nice car, a nice house, some nice possessions, and you know waht I worked for every thing I own. And I'll be if a Socialist government is goint to force me to give you or anyone else for that matter the things I worked so hard to obtain, just because you can't afford them.
You're always accusing the Right of working for "the status quo". You want a status quo, look at Socialism, thats a Prime Example of status quo. In Socialism, Everyone has everything, at the expense of everyone. In time, it collapses. Yes it sounds great on paper, but just look at Cuba for cryin out loud! I look at Cuba and thank God I am not living there!
Sorry for my rant, but I am so sick of you and John praising the wonders and glory of Socialism. You have to ask yourself: do you enjoy owning property? Owning a house? a car? boat? your money? etc etc? If not, then fine, move to Cuba or some other country that has seen the beauty and wonders of Socialism. By all means, go.
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
Did you even read my post? I want to create a VOLUNTARY (so no one's taking your gas guzzler) secular socialistic community within the confines of our current governmental framework.
Marx said that socialism and capitalism couldn't live side by side, but I think it can. I won't force anyone to join. What would the point of that be?
80s, I think you just like to hear yourself repeat what Rush tells you.
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
80s, I think you just like to hear yourself repeat what Rush tells you.
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I think you need to live and realise what it means to pay taxes, own property, own a car, pay a motrgage, pay student loans, etc etc, then maybe just maybe you would see how precious it is to not owe everything to everyone else, including a Socialist government, as you are constintly prescribing in your so-called delusional dream of a Socialist Utopia. Maybe when you get out of high school you will.
And for the record, I don't listen to Rush. ;)
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
Heh, I wouldn't harp so much on Rush if he would at least let the Dems finish their sentence when they try to argue with him. ;)
I promise you, by the time I'm out of college (I am out of highschool, I just graduated) I won't have my ideals beaten out of me by the harsh realities of the world. I won't need to pay off student loans because I have a scholarship to a public school and I'm working right now. I don't pay taxes the way you do, but my paycheck is taxed for social security.
I'll let you know when I have become a heartless, suit-wearing capitalist. ;D
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
And for the record, I don't listen to Rush. ;)
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I second that emotion. ::)
Subject: Re: Jesus was a COMMUNIST!
I think you need to live and realise what it means to pay taxes, own property, own a car, pay a motrgage, pay student loans, etc etc, then maybe just maybe you would see how precious it is to not owe everything to everyone else, including a Socialist government, as you are constintly prescribing in your so-called delusional dream of a Socialist Utopia. Maybe when you get out of high school you will.
And for the record, I don't listen to Rush. ;)
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