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Subject: KISS eras
OK first off I'm a life long KISS fan. Since the beginning I have followed that band and I don't think anyone here could tell me something about KISS that I don't know. Hell, I got an autographed copy of Animalize signed by Mark St. John and I drove 6 hours to get it!
Anyway after the so-called "Farewell Tour" I have parted ways with KISS. It was over and I saw the Farewell Tour to say good-bye. Gene said it best when he said "We've done everything, what more is there to do?"
Well apparantly he meant "We're gonna bleed this KISS thing dry for the third time around, release at least 5 more compilation albums, and come up with more ridiculous merchandise. Also it doen't even matter now who's wearing who's make-up. Eric can be Peter and Tommy can be Ace".
So anyway here's my breakdown on the KISS eras. Vote for your favorite......
1. 1973-1975 "This is some scary sh|t" era
2. 1976-1978 "This band rocks!" era
3. 1979-1980 "This is a traveling circus merchandising sham for kids!" era
4. 1981 "The Elder and what the hell were we thinking ?" era
5. 1983-1989 "Well Glam is where the money is" era
6. 1990-1995 "Grunge seems to be the money maker now, we'll try this." era
7. 1996-2000 "Let's get the makeup back on and cash in" era
8. 2001 "Farewell fans, it's been great. Thank You." era
9. 2002- "It doesn't matter anymore. Just give us your money and don't ask any questions." era
I'm for era #1
Honorable mention goes to era #8
They can all KISS my ASS with era #9
Subject: Re: KISS eras
Rather astute observation there Floyd! Couldn't have summarised it better myself, but Kiss was never just a band. They revolutionised marketing for the music and entertainment industries. Even Lucasfilm learned from them.
Subject: Re: KISS eras
Yes you are right. KISS was the first big merchandising machine on that scale, as was Star Wars; the first big toy selling movie.
However, looking back, you gotta wonder where KISS's head is, and it's not hard to figure out. It was ALWAYS about the money. I mean I love KISS and everything, heck I worshipped Ace for years, but how far is too far?
I can't allow myself to buy an official KISS pooper scooper, or the licensced Paul Stanley Salad Shooter.
But did you notice how KISS was in the 80's? No merchandising at all, it was all about the music. Of course Gene had gone Hollywood and Paul had to fend for himself and shoulder most of the KISS responsibilities. They had some good albums (Lick it Up), terrible albums (Crazy Nights), and everything in between.
KISS is a band, but it will always be more than a band too. It touched and influenced too much to be just known as a rock band, but then again, that's all it really is.
Subject: Re: KISS eras
I like KISS and I think they've had something good to offer from their every incarnation as a band.
I do agree they take merchandizing too far when they go to the extent of selling KISS caskets, for whenever their fans pass away. ::)
Subject: Re: KISS eras
I hate to rain on your parade, but I think KISS is one of the most overrated bands in history.
Ture, they put on a good showwith the fireworks, lights, and makeup, but as a huge classic rock fan, I can't say that I like a single KISS song. (Give me Pink Floyd, Cheap Trick, or Aerosmith anyday over KISS).
I seriously don't know what the fascination with KISS is based on. Its definitely not the music, because it basically isn't very good, in my honest opinion.
I know several people who have been to a KISS concert in their day, and they will admit they went for the show and not so mucht for their music.
Subject: Re: KISS eras
I seriously don't know what the fascination with KISS is based on. Its definitely not the music, because it basically isn't very good, in my honest opinion.End Quote
Opinions are a beautiful thing. We can each have our own. :)
I think KISS has some very good tunes and I am also a classic rock fan. They are unique and original. Many rock bands are. They all have their thing, style even.
Not everybody likes Jethro Tull, but the people who do like them, think they have very good tunes, are unique and original. They have their own style.
Bands, music, styles,... It's all a personal thing.
Subject: Re: KISS eras
Ture, they put on a good showwith the fireworks, lights, and makeup, but as a huge classic rock fan, I can't say that I like a single KISS song. (Give me Pink Floyd, Cheap Trick, or Aerosmith anyday over KISS).End Quote
PYRO!! It's not fireworks...it's called PYRO!! ;)
I liked KISS back in the day and I gotta admit when I hear songs like Shout It Out Loud or Love Gun I just CRANK the stereo...I was a member of the KISS Army when I was 14...they're not the BEST musicians, granted, but they had a uniqueness about them and they played no bullsh!t rock n roll that was meant to make people party...and party we did!!
I vote for era #2
Subject: Re: KISS eras
PYRO!! It's not fireworks...it's called PYRO!! ;)
End Quote
ok ok ok, PYRO. :D
Somethig I forgot to mention in my post was this:
I wonder if KISS would be near as popular without the makeup and pyro? After all, it is their #1 gimmick because when someone thinks of KISS, they automatically think of the makeup(at least I do).
PS- has anyone seen Gene Simmons without his makeup and costume? Yikes, its a total transformation! :o
Subject: Re: KISS eras
last night i saw a video on vh1 classics, i thought it was one of those 80`s hair bands. IT WAS KISS :o
Subject: Re: KISS eras
The best musicians to serve with Kiss were Bruce Kulick, Eric Singer, Eric Carr and Vinnie Vincent.
Subject: Re: KISS eras
I'm glad someone else here mentioned Vinnie Vincent. He was without a doubt the best musician (and possibly songwriter) the band ever had.
Eric Carr kicked, but Peter Cris brought the 70's sound that the band could not reproduce in the 80's.
Ace is my favorite member, but even I'll admit that he's a sloppy player, and in real life a drunken putz.
Anyone here read the book "KISS AND TELL" written by two friends of Ace? It was a real eye opener. I don't believe all of it, but I believed enough.
The fascination with KISS? It was whatever you wanted it to be. KISS was mostly a boys night out band, that's the way I always took it. They sang about sex, partying, and rock n roll. They were living the lives that we all wanted.
Subject: Re: KISS eras
I don't see anything wrong with milking the cow... if anyone believes it isn't about the money, they're kind of thick. Why do you think the "retired" Rolling Stones still saddle up every few years? Gene and Paul have never denied that it was about the money (and girls, of course!)... and I could be wrong, but I'm not sure they ever gave an ending date for their farewell tour. I think it was left open ended.
As for other people appearing in Peter and Ace's make up, those characters are property of KISS. For whatever reasons, the originals aren't with the band anymore, so, again, I don't see anything wrong with other people appearing in those roles. It's not like there is any deception... the stand ins aren't being passed off as Ace and Peter.
My favorite era, BTW, was #2... but I am planning to see them in Kansas City later this year when they and fellow oldsters Aerosmith take the stage.
Subject: Re: KISS eras
I think you are correct, Lester (the name of Gene and Paul's pre-Kiss band ;) ). It was Paul who once said that Kiss could continue indefinitely as a franchise, with none of the original members just musicians wearing face paint.