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Subject: Why is American Idol so popular?
I mean, who cares about some punk kids singing stupid showtunes? Where is the entertainment? I'd rather watch some clever sitcom (ie seinfeld, cheers, friends) than this stale garbage.
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
I mean, who cares about some punk kids singing stupid showtunes? Where is the entertainment? I'd rather watch some clever sitcom (ie seinfeld, cheers, friends) than this stale garbage.
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I agree American Idol is a total waste of time.
however, I wouldn't classify "Friends" as as clever sitcom, that is trash too, in my opinion.
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
I mean, who cares about some punk kids singing stupid showtunes? Where is the entertainment? I'd rather watch some clever sitcom (ie seinfeld, cheers, friends) than this stale garbage.
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Friends and Cheers are clever sitcoms?! PfftHAHAHAHA!!! They're the reason why American Idol is popular in the first place. Complete, utter garbage - all of it ('cept for Jerry, he's funny).
I do share your hatred for American Idol all the same. Didn't one of them sing "Always Something There To Remind Me"? I remember seeing that song be completely destroyed by some fat-head, but, then, I remembered that this is a Dione Warwick song, so I ended not giving a s**t afterwards. I hated that chick though. She had this nappy red hair. I also saw another one with bright, red hair, but this one was much fatter and uglier. I should have stuck around to see it just to laugh as that cow pranced around on stage pretending to be an idol (we still have Kelly Osborne for that!). It's not so bad to have putrid, wastes of flesh like them to gawk at. I guess you can call it entertainment. That Simon dude is ruthless, but I feel he should be more honest.
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
Quoting:That Simon dude is ruthless, but I feel he should be more honest.
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I agree! :D
I watched the first episode of American Idol(never watched it again), and the only thing I like about it was Simon telling them "how it is". ;D
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
Hey! I like American Idol. Most of these kids have talent and I like to watch them sing. To me it is entertainment. Plus I do enjoy Simon.
The girl last year that sang "Always Something There to Remind Me" did ruin that song. That was a low point in the show, but I still do love it. I know there are others here that love it too.
As for Seinfeld and Friends...I can't stand either one so to each his own, ok?
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
;D I'm with jj65 on this. In my opinion the show stinks along with those pathetic, so called reallity shows. But then again I have a life.
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
;D I'm with jj65 on this. In my opinion the show stinks along with those pathetic, so called reallity shows. But then again I have a life.
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I sure hope this was tongue in cheek. If not I am seriously offended. Just because someone likes AI doesn't mean they don't have a life. >:(
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
You really shouldn't need the appeal of people singing badly and then having an ill-tempered Brit tear them apart explained.
I predict Clay.
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
You really shouldn't need the appeal of people singing badly and then having an ill-tempered Brit tear them apart explained.
I predict Clay.
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OK, I admit it, I am watching the final episode(hey my nephew is here and likes it)
And from what I've seen so far, if this show has any legitimacy, Clay will get sent home crying. :)
He looks like a freakin elf with the personality of a pecan. :D
All in all, whoever wins in the end, all they are is a game show winner with a crappy record(eh hem, see last years winner's new video, zzzzzzz). Nothing more. ::)
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
Why is American Idol so popular? Hmmm, dunno...maybe it has something to do with the reason Karoke (Karioki?) is so popular? I think people just generally like watching these dorks sing bad cover songs. ::)
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
I heard the morbidly obese kid won, big freakin' deal. Now the 2 losers can make the rounds on the talk shows and quietly fade into the background.
does anybody think he has talent? why do we care about him or the other kid. They just strut around stage and sing Michael Bolton songs..........poorly!
I remember back in the early 90's only 40 year old housewives liked this lame contrived crooner $hit, now TEENAGERS are actually watching this? When did everybody get so lame? It probably also has something to do with fascist FOX bombarding the viewer with glitz, sort of distracts you from the train wreck on stage.
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
Why is American Idol so popular? Hmmm, dunno...maybe it has something to do with the reason Karoke (Karioki?) is so popular? I think people just generally like watching these dorks sing bad cover songs. ::)
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It's called "karaoke," princess. It means "tone-deaf" in Japanese ;)
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
It's called "kareoke," princess. It means "tone-deaf" in Japanese ;)
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Well! That explains alot!
And thanks "Grammar Boy" for correcting my spelling. Spelling wasn't a requirement for me to become a "Princess" ;) ;D
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
He looks like a freakin elf with the personality of a pecan. :D
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Don't tell my girlfriend that; she will tear you to pieces. Matter of fact, the reason I predicted he would win is because he has the teenybopper appeal (see: my girlfriend).
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
It's called "kareoke," princess. It means "tone-deaf" in Japanese ;)
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Actually, it's karAoke ;D
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
Actually, it's karAoke ;D
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Thank you Cheer!!! ;D
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
I heard the morbidly obese kid won, big freakin' deal. Now the 2 losers can make the rounds on the talk shows and quietly fade into the background.
does anybody think he has talent? why do we care about him or the other kid. They just strut around stage and sing Michael Bolton songs..........poorly!
I remember back in the early 90's only 40 year old housewives liked this lame contrived crooner $hit, now TEENAGERS are actually watching this? When did everybody get so lame? It probably also has something to do with fascist FOX bombarding the viewer with glitz, sort of distracts you from the train wreck on stage.
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If you hate the show so much and don't watch it why does it bother you so much and how would you know if these kids have talent and what they sing? Why does it even matter? If you don't like them then don't buy their albums.
And, BTW, these two guys do have talent.
Edited jj65's quote.
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
they don't have talent, none of them can write there own music or play an instrument. They just sing somebody else's songs.
that's not talent, that's assembly line music with the "star" doing the least work.
Madonna said it best. Right now there is an obsession with fame. It doesn't matter how you're famous or what you did. People just want to be famous and will accept any ol' Ruben or Kelly Clarkson as a star even though they're some overhyped media creation by the FOX network.
this is the dumbing down of America.
when I first saw Nirvana perform, I thought "ok this is talent" the band writes, plays instruments, and sings. I thought we'd never regress back to the "smoke and mirrors" approach you saw with new kids on the block or some of the later boy bands.
but apparently everybody is very stupid now......and easily amused.
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
they don't have talent, none of them can write there own music or play an instrument. They just sing somebody else's songs.End Quote
What makes playing an instrument less work than singing? I'm a pretty skilled piano player, and I would kill to sing like any of the contestants. Listen to Aretha Franklin sing "Respect"; is she showing no talent? Listen to anything Elvis did; is he talentless?
Quoting:that's not talent, that's assembly line music with the "star" doing the least work.End Quote
TONS and TONS of work go into singing these songs correctly. You say these things as if any good looking kid can go up there and win.
I hate Britney with a passion, but I would never suggest that she puts no work into her music.
Quoting:People just want to be famous and will accept any ol' Ruben or Kelly Clarkson as a star even though they're some overhyped media creation by the FOX network.
this is the dumbing down of America.End Quote
I used to visit message boards where instead of saying "I am offended," I was able to just unload with as many profanities as I could. This is just a random observation and has nothing to do with this thread.
Nirvana was an overhyped media creation too.
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
none of them can write there own music or play an instrument. They just sing somebody else's songs.End Quote
That is actually an assumption on your part. No one knows that as fact.
The fact is that for American Idol purposes and in accordance with their rules, they must sing "covers" and they do not have the freedom to write their own music, their own songs or even play an instrument for the competition. The contestants are in a coordinated competition by which rules they must abide; simple as that.
I'll add -
IMO, the chosen finalists in American Idol must have true talent in order to have been chosen, let alone remained in the competition.
It does take talent and a great measure of work to do something as simple as singing and singing well.
I caught glimpses of the show here and there and the one thing I found to be an annoyance is the constant use of the word "dog" by Randy. Everything and everyone is "yo', dog" or "he's/she's my dog", etc. As an expression, It has always sounded out of place and it is definitely overused and old, IMO.
Edited for typo.
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
I caught glimpses of the show here and there and the one thing I found to be an annoyance is the constant use of the word "dog" by Randy. Everything and everyone is "yo', dog" or "he's/she's my dog", etc. As an expression, It has always sounded out of place and it is definitely overused and old, IMO.
Edited for typo.
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You got that right. :)
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
Actually, it's karAoke ;D
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:) :D ;D
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
I've never seen the American Idol but I watched some of the U.K version Pop Idol.Personally I found the first few knockout rounds hysterical with all these people trying and failing miserably to sing and dance.Two of the biggest disasters have now got jobs from their dreadful appearances.It would appear that all of the 10 finalists are now doing something or another by way of T.V presenting or singing and good for them I say.The bloke who came third in the U.K has done amazingly well with his own material so there you go one who can write and play his own music !
jj65 you are sadly mislead if you think you can only have talent if you can sing,play and write your own songs.Not only are there many extremely talented singers in the world who can't write music, there are also many extremely talented song writers out there who can't sing for toffee and otherwise would never have their material heard.
As others have said if it bugs you so much you can switch it off you know. So what if some people like it,each to his own, we all like different music and thank the lord for that !
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
I really don't care for the show but if people want to watch it thats their choice. Besides, I'm not home when it goes on. About Seinfield and Friends. Seinfield was funny and I think Friends has too much media exposure as it is. If these guys are talented they will get recording contracts and have long careers if not they will go way the way of Britney Spears.
As for Nirvana they were a good band but i think their grunge contempararies were better(STP, AIC, and Soundgarden.)
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
Well, tonight they put out the call for the Australian Idol auditions on Channel 10, and showed a bit of footage from the American and UK versions. Personally I don't see why jj65 is getting so worked up about it, it's basically like popstars but I think they're putting more emphasis on the singing, rather than whether or not they can dance. :)
I'm in agreement with a few of you here, it is extremely hard for ppl to sing a song well, and a lot of effort goes into the actual performance. Speaking from personal experience (I entered a couple of karaoke comps-got nudged into it by friends), I find it really hard to perform to ppl, in the 2 comps I entered, the judges told me afterward that my singing was fine but I lacked the confidence to make the next round. Can't say I blame them, I reckon I look like a deer in headlights when I sing in public! :o
I have to admire these people entering the Idol auditions, it takes a lot of guts, and all it really does is gives ppl a bit of a start-if they don't have talent that's all it will end up being, a start.
Thinking about going for the audition, trying to work up the courage....
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
I mean, who cares about some punk kids singing stupid showtunes? Where is the entertainment? I'd rather watch some clever sitcom (ie seinfeld, cheers, friends) than this stale garbage.
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The short explanation : It's popular because it's offered.
In light of the rash of Reality TV (COPS just wasn't enough ?), the entertainment industry thought it would be a good idea to bring the casting call into everyone's living room. The industry belives that people live drab, dull lives and to see people reaching for fame and stardom and or fortune will excite us. :P
I watched a lot of American Idol. It was there. Just like all of the crazy stuff that's on TV, if it's offered, people will watch it and the industry will say, that's what the public likes, so we'll keep producing it. There are very few shows that I do watch or like now a days, though. And I don't have cable. (I am more entertained by the internet, to be honest).
It's insulting that there is so much fanfare around people attaining fame and stardom.There are a cazillion actors who make a good living - they're not famous. The concept of a "star system" is not all that new. It has it's roots in the beginnings of the modern (19thC) Theatre , if I can remember correctly-which I doubt). We're taught to like and accept glitz, glamour and spectacle and to idolize someone because of their looks or voice. Oh well.
Stick with "Seinfeld" - I will. ;)
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
I heard Rubin won because he ate Clay.
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
I heard Rubin won because he ate Clay.
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Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
I caught a little of the UK pop idol.
There was this running joke, caused by Will Young, about Simon's high trouser-belt. They made him look like an old man!
As cynical as I am, Pop idol are not going to create legends in the making. But they will create five minutes of fame for the winner and the top ten. This is what UK pop idol has created;
Will Young: The winner but I believe Gareth Gates was the one the producers wanted to win! After a spat of two or three chart hits and a cover of 'Light my fire' by The Doors I haven't heard from him since!
Gareth Gates: Commercially, I believe Gareth Gates is the most successful seconded by Darius. He recently did a cover of 'Spirit in the sky' with the Kumars at no 43!
Darius: Writes his own stuff and has released a succesful album called 'Colourblind'. Perhaps the closest we will see to a star being born.
How about these . . .
Rick Waller: Oh my god! This rotund guy managed to get through to the top ten but was forced to resign as he had a very sore throat! As a result he managed to cover awful tracks like Whitney's 'I will always love you' and 'Something inside so strong.' Heard nothing of him since. If you want to squirm watch the video to 'I will always love you' - I creased up laughing! ;D
The Cheeky Girls: These girls from Transilvania (?) created a stir by singing their 'we are the cheeky girls' song - it was bloody awful but they managed to get a recording contract for their efforts.
A few months back, I saw Pete Waterman (one of the critics and Pop mogul in Britain) on telly advertising a 'Choir idol' thing in a church! What's going to be next 'Singing in the shower idol!'
Subject: Re: Why is American Idol so popular?
Well! That explains alot!
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...I think TB was joking: karaoke means "empty orchestra"... which has always rather confused me, as it ain't the orchestra that ain't playing???