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Subject: what do you think is the worst way to die?
I duont know for me, I think drowning....or getting pulled apart?
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Suffocating, probably. Or getting stuck in an elevator forever.
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
getting run over by a car BUT
dying in your sleep is the BEST way.My Brother did. :( :'(
He would've been dead 8 years next month. :( :'(
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Quoting:What do you think is the worst way to die?End Quote
Unloved and alone?
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
A virgin! Definitely must get laid once in a lifetime 8)
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Falling feet first into a meat grinder?
Burning at the stake?
Impalement! That would be pretty bad.
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Something long term like cancer or AIDS. :-/
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Anything that takes a long time and is excruciatingly painful.
This would cover: cancer, AIDS, crucifiction, stoning (used as an actual legal sentece in many countries), drowning and burning.
A lot of the people who were trapped in the nightclub fire in Rhode Island a couple of months ago survived that night...only to die of the burns, ( and the related complications like shock, respiratory distress and infection) later. :'( :'( :'( :'(
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Being buried alive. :(
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Being dragged behind a car would be rather nasty.
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Being buried alive. :(
End Quote
The Layne Staley way? :'(
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Falling feet first into a meat grinder?
Burning at the stake?
Impalement! That would be pretty bad.
End Quote
:o :oI agree those are all pretty bad.It seems being in a downing plane would be pretty bad ,too.I think it would be like being on a roller coaster,but you're up a lot higher,and there's no brakes and no way to do so,and you're going down faster and faster as in a roller coaster,till eventually the plkane breaks apart.I think if you're riding a roller coaster you can imagine this.But I think a lot of people lose consciousness on a downing plane.Cheers!
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Ummmmmmm.... I think the worst way to die is!!!!!
Being killed by a loved one ,
think about that one :-/ :-/
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
starving to death
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Man, what a depressing thread.
How about finding out you've contracted AIDS and cancer after you've been put in the hospital because you got ran over and dragged by a car and a loved one has secretly stolen all your meals for the last 7 days because you're so unloved and alone and the hospital catches on fire and while you're burning you get stuck on an elevator and a water main bursts, fills up the elevator and you drown.
Have a nice day! ;D
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
The Layne Staley way? :'(
End Quote
:'( :'( :'( Yes. :'( :'( :'(
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Man, what a depressing thread.
How about finding out you've contracted AIDS and cancer after you've been put in the hospital because you got ran over and dragged by a car and a loved one has secretly stolen all your meals for the last 7 days because you're so unloved and alone and the hospital catches on fire and while you're burning you get stuck on an elevator and a water main bursts, fills up the elevator and you drown.
Have a nice day! ;D
End Quote
Yikes!...You win. :(
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Man, what a depressing thread.
How about finding out you've contracted AIDS and cancer after you've been put in the hospital because you got ran over and dragged by a car and a loved one has secretly stolen all your meals for the last 7 days because you're so unloved and alone and the hospital catches on fire and while you're burning you get stuck on an elevator and a water main bursts, fills up the elevator and you drown.
Have a nice day! ;D
End Quote
Yup, that about covers it. :-/
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Well,seppuko is pretty bad,too,but I can't imagine being able to do it yourself!Cheers! :P
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
I'd say that worrying about dying all the way until you die comes pretty high up on the list...
The worst way to die: fatally
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Drowning or Suffocating.
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Having accomplished nothing.
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Having accomplished nothing.
End Quote
What would you consider a worthy accomplishment? I mean, I accomplish things every day...
Just curious.
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
To quote a somewhat famous email about chickens crossing the road:
Ernest Hemingway
"Alone. In the rain."
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
To quote a somewhat famous email about chickens crossing the road:
Ernest Hemingway
"Alone. In the rain."
End Quote
You beat me too it...I was just about to say
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Getting butt-slammed upside the head by a 600 pound sumo wrestler.
And then he farts on you, just for good measure.
Oh yeah, drowning would probably really suck too.
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Dying of hunger would be bad, but dying of thirst would be worse.
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
I'm surprised nobody mentioned being eaten alive by a lion, shark, tiger, alligator, bear, and carnivorous animal.
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
I'm surprised nobody mentioned being eaten alive by a lion, shark, tiger, alligator, bear, and carnivorous animal.
End Quote
All at the same time! That would hurt!
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
To quote a somewhat famous email about chickens crossing the road:
Ernest Hemingway
"Alone. In the rain."
End Quote
You are soooo right TV9!
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Being buried under sand or dirt, and not being able to move, and knowing that if you breathed in, you would only get sand or dirt :'( :'(
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
I'm surprised nobody mentioned being eaten alive by a lion, shark, tiger, alligator, bear, and carnivorous animal.
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:o :o :o :oYeah,that would be bad,too--esp[ecially if the tear open your abdomen and pull o ut your intestines and eat those first,then your stomach,then your liver,then kidneys--I think you would finally die after it eats the first lung and is starting to pull out the second one to eat :PCheers!
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
:o :o :o :oYeah,that would be bad,too--esp[ecially if the tear open your abdomen and pull o ut your intestines and eat those first,then your stomach,then your liver,then kidneys--I think you would finally die after it eats the first lung and is starting to pull out the second one to eat :PCheers!
End Quote
Ok, that is a horrible visual.
Can I just say "EWWWWWW!" :P ;D
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
oh god what an awful thread :-/
well drowning would be bad, or suffocating or burning...being tortured until you die, actually everything that has to do with a lot of pain and being murdered..
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Ok, that is a horrible visual.
Can I just say "EWWWWWW!" :P ;D
End Quote
:P :PYeah,you can!I think no one mentioned this until later in this thread is because they have ways you can fend off animal attacks.I think this would just happen,if,I don't know---youu fall and break your leg,or something,and can't get away for some reason.Cheers! :-X
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
:P :PYeah,you can!I think no one mentioned this until later in this thread is because they have ways you can fend off animal attacks.I think this would just happen,if,I don't know---youu fall and break your leg,or something,and can't get away for some reason.Cheers! :-X
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Do you mean like maybe even if you like break your back so you can't move but you can still feel it while the animals tear you up and make you into an all you can eat buffet? Argh that is a happy thought. :(
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Do you mean like maybe even if you like break your back so you can't move but you can still feel it while the animals tear you up and make you into an all you can eat buffet? Argh that is a happy thought. :(
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:o :o Yeah----that would be bad,too.:o
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Just a thought: crocodiles are PDQ and can swallow a man whole. Just think of Crock's digestive process. :P
:P :PYeah,you can!I think no one mentioned this until later in this thread is because they have ways you can fend off animal attacks.I think this would just happen,if,I don't know---youu fall and break your leg,or something,and can't get away for some reason.Cheers! :-X
End Quote
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Actually crocs can live for a week on a roast chicken. When they take a large animal like a buffalo, they'll usually take a few good sized bites and then jam the rest under a log for later. Their metabolism is very slow, so despite their size, they don't really eat that much.
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Actually crocs can live for a week on a roast chicken. When they take a large animal like a buffalo, they'll usually take a few good sized bites and then jam the rest under a log for later. Their metabolism is very slow, so despite their size, they don't really eat that much.
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:o :o :oYour screen name suggests an interesting way to die!LOL :DCheers! :P
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Having your testicles blown off.
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Having your testicles blown off.
End Quote
I don't think that would kill you. It would just make you sing higher. :)
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
I don't think that would kill you. It would just make you sing higher. :)
End Quote
LMAO!!!!!! ;D
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
To me, fire. :'( Cancer goes without saying - those are the two worst, I think.
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Having your testicles blown off.
End Quote
:o :o :oby Lorena Bobbitt?Cheers!
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
:o :o :oby Lorena Bobbitt?Cheers!
End Quote
LOL Marian I dont know if that counts! He's had it re-attached and is now (or was) a porn star! :o
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
:o :o :oYour screen name suggests an interesting way to die!LOL :DCheers! :P
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Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Getting run ove by a steamroller wouldn't be pleasant.
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Having your testicles blown off.
End Quote
your heart would still be beating.So having your testicles blown off is silly! ;)
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
your heart would still be beating.So having your testicles blown off is silly! ;)
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Your heart might stop from the shock and pain, though.
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Your heart might stop from the shock and pain, though.
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You can be sure mine would :o
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
your heart would still be beating.So having your testicles blown off is silly! ;)
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Just how many guys would want to remain alive after such an injury?
Not many, I'd bet....
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Just how many guys would want to remain alive after such an injury?
Not many, I'd bet....
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LOL, I think you'd be right there ;D. However, I read just yesterday that a man had a testicle ripped off by his girlfriend (with her fingernails! :o) when she found out he was/caught him (can't remember which) cheating. But wait, there's more! She got sent to jail for it, served her sentence and then......drumroll please.....the man with one ball asked her to marry him!!! :o ??? :o I think the missing ball may just have addled his brains.....:D
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
LOL, I think you'd be right there ;D. However, I read just yesterday that a man had a testicle ripped off by his girlfriend (with her fingernails! :o) when she found out he was/caught him (can't remember which) cheating. But wait, there's more! She got sent to jail for it, served her sentence and then......drumroll please.....the man with one ball asked her to marry him!!! :o ??? :o I think the missing ball may just have addled his brains.....:D
End Quote
Oh,my God!Is that really any better than a man who beats his wife?Cheers!
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Getting run ove by a steamroller wouldn't be pleasant.
End Quote
:o :o :oYeah,if you don't get run over head first,you don't die instantly!!! :oCheers! :P
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
In an auto accident off the side of a cliff with the auto reverse tape player continually playing Boy George (out of my reach) while I slowly bleed to death! :o
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
In an auto accident off the side of a cliff with the auto reverse tape player continually playing Boy George (out of my reach) while I slowly bleed to death! :o
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ROFL! "Do you really want to hurt me/Do you really want to watch me die" - isn't that how it goes?
PS "Getting your testicles blown off", in the explosive rather than the Bill Clinton use of the word, would probably be the worst way not to die...
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
ROFL! "Do you really want to hurt me/Do you really want to watch me die" - isn't that how it goes?
PS "Getting your testicles blown off", in the explosive rather than the Bill Clinton use of the word, would probably be the worst way not to die...
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Funny you should mention that Phil, it actually happened to someone (he didnt die) but had to listen to the Boy George album for 8 hours till someone found him! Needless to say he never listened to Boy George again!
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
What would you consider a worthy accomplishment? I mean, I accomplish things every day...
Just curious.
End Quote
That's a tough question. I guess I should have said "believing you had accomplished nothing". It's not for me to judge what others have or have not accomplished, but for them. For me, I'm satisfied that my being on this planet has been positive for others, I guess that would be my definition of "accomplishment". I've fathered 4 great kids, helped hundreds of other young people become active learners and thoughtful people, made a few people happy, at least some of the time, and have done very little that I am ashamed of. What do you think :-/
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
:o :o :oby Lorena Bobbitt?Cheers!
End Quote
Actually Bobbittizing a guy and blowing a testicle off. Hmmm. If they can get both his Vienna sausage and the guy to the ER on time, they can reattach it. Once a guy loses a Swedish meatball or two - and it's gone! Ugh! They can die too from blood loss and pain.
Gut shots are pretty bad too.
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Actually Bobbittizing a guy and blowing a testicle off. Hmmm. If they can get both his Vienna sausage and the guy to the ER on time, they can reattach it. Once a guy loses a Swedish meatball or two - and it's gone! Ugh! They can die too from blood loss and pain.
Gut shots are pretty bad too.
End Quote
:o :oIf you're a female pairs figure skater,it wouldn't be good to accidentally "Bobbitize'your male partner!Cheers!
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
The worst way? Well, any manner where any kind of pain is involved kind of sucks out loud don't you think?
I just want one of those non painful ordinary garden variety deaths please.
No animals eating me or anyone hacking off valuable body parts or blowing me up or anything like that.
I don't necessarily mind the dying, but like I have emphasized to my family, for pete's sake make sure I am dead before the autopsy starts...ACK! I would imagine cutting of my head (preferably in one try) would do the trick nicely.
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
:o :oIf you're a female pairs figure skater,it wouldn't be good to accidentally "Bobbitize'your male partner!Cheers!
End Quote
What do you think they will play at the funeral? Uh, "Hot Corn, Cold Corn" cut#B4 by The Everly Brothers of course. Du-uh!
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
I also think choking on a ham sandwich or horking in your sleep & drowning in it would be pretty bad as well.
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
I just want one of those non painful ordinary garden variety deaths please.
End Quote
I agree, Shaz. I want to die like my grandma did. She was in a nurshing home when she died. One morning she just died. Aneurysm. Yep, wanna die like grandma...in my scrambled eggs. ;D
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
:o :o :oby Lorena Bobbitt?Cheers!
End Quote
Like, when your decrapitated they say you still have...uhhh, like 20 seconds of conciousnes :o :o
I would listen to The Righteous Brothers then, right before I go 8)
Um,like What kind of music would you want to have at your funeral played?
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
I also think choking on a ham sandwich or horking in your sleep & drowning in it would be pretty bad as well.
End Quote
How does anyone "hork"in their sleep? I must try that if it's something new. ;D :D
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Like, when your decrapitated they say you still have...uhhh, like 20 seconds of conciousnes :o :o
I would listen to The Righteous Brothers then, right before I go 8)
Um,like What kind of music would you want to have at your funeral played?
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:o :oI read that that happened a lot during the french revolution.Cheers! :o
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
How does anyone "hork"in their sleep? I must try that if it's something new. ;D :D
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Howard, "horking" in your sleep is a slang term for "vomiting" in your sleep. :-X :-X
I've only heard of it happening to people who drink waaaaayyyy waaaayyyy to much alcohol.
There have been a few rock stars who have died that way.
You really, really don't want to try it.
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
I agree, Shaz. I want to die like my grandma did. She was in a nurshing home when she died. One morning she just died. Aneurysm. Yep, wanna die like grandma...in my scrambled eggs. ;D
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Exactly, Dag! I also don't want to be found dead and it was apparent I was in a private act of some kind..I guess it shouldn't matter.. after all I will be dead but still! Look at poor Elvis.
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Quoting:I just want one of those non painful ordinary garden variety deaths please.End Quote
So, I guess it's like the old joke:
"When I die, I want to go just like my Grandfather, peacefully in my sleep. Not yelling and screaming like the passengers on his bus."
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
So, I guess it's like the old joke:
"When I die, I want to go just like my Grandfather, peacefully in my sleep. Not yelling and screaming like the passengers on his bus."
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LMAO!! Exactly!! ;D
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Not being a big fan of dying I would have to say that any way of dying is bad with the painful ways being the worst.
If I had to choose a good way (is there truly one) I guess it would have to be going to sleep and not waking up.
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Howard, "horking" in your sleep is a slang term for "vomiting" in your sleep. :-X :-X
I've only heard of it happening to people who drink waaaaayyyy waaaayyyy to much alcohol.
There have been a few rock stars who have died that way.
You really, really don't want to try it.
End Quote
I'm not that person who drinks a lot.I dribble on my pillow.Would that count? ;D ???
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
Ever see those war movies were soldiers storm the beach and step on a land mine? And get blown in half, laying there until they die?
That's a pretty bad way to go.
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
I'm thinking being thrown into a wood chipper would really suck. Or being caught in a car underwater as water slowly seeps in...
Oooooh morbid. :-/ ;D
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
In an auto accident off the side of a cliff with the auto reverse tape player continually playing Boy George (out of my reach) while I slowly bleed to death! :o
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slowly bleeding to death would be better than being trapped and having to listen to that till the battery went dead. :o
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
slowly bleeding to death would be better than being trapped and having to listen to that till the battery went dead. :o
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Humm I dont know about that 98vfr! once the battery got low enough, the tape would be played slower and I might get a good laugh out of hearing Boy George warped voice! (provided that I could laugh!)
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
1. Being sprayed with nitrogen and then being kicked
2. Being "Drawn and Quartered" I saw that one on Faces of Death...absolutely vile
3. Dying of starvation or thirst
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
2. Being "Drawn and Quartered" I saw that one on Faces of Death...absolutely vile
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I have seen one of those Faces of Death and that was enough for me! Gawd :P :o It was the one where the guy shot himself in the head. I NEVER want to see one of those shows again. *shudders*
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
walking across the street when the sign says "WALK"then all of sudden a car makes a turn not seeing you there and "Wooh"!...runs you over.You're DEAD!
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
I was watching "Unsolved Mysteries" once. The mystery was a murder. The killer took the victum to a steel plant. he then hung the (Still alive) victum from a hook, and lowered him into a vat of hot liquid steel. Now that is a bad way to die...
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
burning to death has got to be pretty bad, people jump out of buildings (no matter how high) just to get away from the heat.
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
burning to death has got to be pretty bad, people jump out of buildings (no matter how high) just to get away from the heat.
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:o :oHow about being already burned,jumping oyt and landing on a cactus or thorny bush.!!!! :o
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
How about strutting your stuff on a sidewalk only to trip and fall into an unguarded manhole and as you flounder in the stinky depths someone comes up and closes the manhole above you?
That would really be horrible. :-/
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
How about getting you fingers stuck in a bowling ball, being dragged down the lane by the force of your throw, knocked unconscious by the pins and mangled by the automatic pin setter? (oh wait.... I think I am in the wrong thread....sorry) :-[
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
:o :oHow about being already burned,jumping oyt and landing on a cactus or thorny bush.!!!! :o
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worste case scenario ???
Subject: Re: what do you think is the worst way to die?
I am RIGHT with you. That was the first and last time that I saw FOD. I couldn't sleep or eat well for week because of that.
I have seen one of those Faces of Death and that was enough for me! Gawd :P :o It was the one where the guy shot himself in the head. I NEVER want to see one of those shows again. *shudders*
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