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Subject: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
I think this exit exam is worthless, I dont see wh we have to take it, plus at my school we have to pass standards in a class, if we have an A+ and have passed all the standards in that class except one...we fail. I think these tests are very dumb. While Some people say "oh, we want to see if you pay attention in class....." I think thats bull Cr@p. People do have disorders to where they just cant learn a certain subject. and yes A LOT of students dont pay attention...but what about those who do? why should we have to suffer for those people's mistakes? I have a friend who works for a school district and she told us that some teachers took it and they didn't pass. I personally think that these tests put a lot of anxiety on people, and if people dont pass some feel stupid. and some people have test anxiety, what about them? I dont think we should have these tests. Now I want to know what everyone else thinks.......
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
As much as I hated taking those type of tests in HS and college, I am going to have to agree with the system Alicia. In Florida we have the FCAT-Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test exam, they had to lower the bar so that 3000 seniors could pass this year. I know that they use the FCAT test as litmus paper to test different grades from 3rd grade up to 12th. What is really sad is the fact that seniors graduating today cant even write a normal paper or do simple math! If you decide to go on to college, there is the CLAST - College-Level Academic Skills Test, which you MUST pass if you wish to graduate from any college or univeristy (AA is included as well as a BS or BA).
I do see your point in as a whole class. Is it based on just one person failing (the whole class fails) or does the whole class average have to be above the passing level?
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
As a certified K-6 teacher, I do NOT believe in standerized tests-at any level. Whether it be the SATs, GREs or what. I think they only thing that they show is that a student can "guess" right. To me, part of an education is to learn how to learn. Standerized tests do not show that. They don't show the students ability to grasp concepts, to analize material and come to conclusions based on the material. I think that standerized tests basically puts all students into the same box. I had a student one time (5th grade). He had a lot of learning disabilities. We were doing biographies and he did his on one of the Wright brothers (I can't remember which one). He brought in a model of their plane that he made out of legos. I was very impressed with that. To me, it showed that he really understood. A test would not show that.
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
I don't think the idea of having a leaving exam is so bad, I'm more annoyed with the changes they've made to the system over here in Oz with the HSC (Higher School Certificate). They overhauled the system 2 years ago (I was supposed to be in the "guinea pig" year, but dropped out of school at the beginning of Yr 10) and I am now facing the HSC for the first time. It's absolutely terrifying!!! :o
They base your UAI (University Admission Index) on not only the end of year exams but on your classwork performance ie. all your assessments during the year, and to top it off, they scale the scores according to the class average!
I used to be one of those ppl who didn't mind tests, I still prefer them to assignments, but this year I'm dreading every single one of them! I spent the first hour of a recent english exam trying very hard to keep my lunch down, not fun let me tell you! :'( I think the new system sucks, constant pressure on you all year! It's enough to drive a person mad.... ::) :o ::)
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
Here in Massachusetts we have the MCAS test. High school students must pass it or they don't graduate. Which means they can't get into college, even if they "know" the material.
(they can go to a junior college, and later transferr to a University, but that adds years and dollars that most people don't have.)
On the surface it sounds good, since much has been made over the years about high school seniors who can't even read. But the results have been published for the last several years, and it just shows what most people have known all along...that students in "wealthy" communities do better than those in "poorer" districts.
In many cases, that is because the schools in the poorer district have to to the same job with less. My daughter's classroom has one computer....one. For a class of twelve. The next city over has one computer for each student in each class with several left over. The textbook ratio is even more horrific.
And our district's test scores are poorer. I wonder why. {read that last with a sarcastic tone}
This year they are finally cutting "special needs" students some slack, and letting them "do-over" the test, or make some accommadations. (like allowing some to take the test verbally).
I think a "one test for everyone" approach is stupid...kids with special needs and/or abilities will not perform the same as everyone.
And then there are people like my brother, who are near-geniuses, but "freeze up" when it comes to test-taking.
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
I think they only thing that they show is that a student can "guess" right.
Good point, Cat, especially when certain parts of the exam cover things that the class has not had the opportunity to learn.
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
Reply to all those who said something about seniors who cant read: Haven't you ever heard of disorders? especially in simple math???? what is it called when you cant read...isn't is dislexia or something? my friend cant spell very well or read..does that mean they should get held back? highschool is suppose to get you ready for the future and help you on that....not take it away from you.
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
Reply to all those who said something about seniors who cant read: Haven't you ever heard of disorders? especially in simple math???? what is it called when you cant read...isn't is dislexia or something? my friend cant spell very well or read..does that mean they should get held back? highschool is suppose to get you ready for the future and help you on that....not take it away from you.
End Quote
When someone can't read or write-it is call illiteracy. Illiteracy stems from someone not learning how to read or write (that does not mean that they CAN'T learn-they just haven't) Dyslexia is a condition where the words jump around. People with dyslexia can learn to read, they just have to learn a different way. For some people, it helps if they read upside down. For others, sometimes using a colored jell over the page. The problem with a lot of school systems is that they don't have the resources (or the want) to try to teach these people the way they need to be taught so they can learn. Not just with reading but with everything. So now, with "No child left behind," schools are spending what little resources they do have to teach a test, instead of teaching the students. IMO, I'm afraid that many children will be left behind.
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
When someone can't read or write-it is call illiteracy. Illiteracy stems from someone not learning how to read or write (that does not mean that they CAN'T learn-they just haven't) Dyslexia is a condition where the words jump around. People with dyslexia can learn to read, they just have to learn a different way. For some people, it helps if they read upside down. For others, sometimes using a colored jell over the page. The problem with a lot of school systems is that they don't have the resources (or the want) to try to teach these people the way they need to be taught so they can learn. Not just with reading but with everything. So now, with "No child left behind," schools are spending what little resources they do have to teach a test, instead of teaching the students. IMO, I'm afraid that many children will be left behind.
End Quote
do you realize that some people just cant learn? I dont know math and D@mn do I try my hardest I try so hard I'm in tears half the time because I still cant get it...what I'm saying is why should the people who REALLY want to learn and try their hardest be punished? if the teachers dont want to teach why should we be punished?iif some student preffer to be screw ups why should we be punished? if schools cant afford to teach why should we be punished? they will just waste more money on building more schools because so many people will be left behind.
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
Well I m in the class of 2004 and we are the first to get tested on the high exit exam .Well I think it really stupid and pointless.
The borad of education or who ever is charge of the exit exam get me really piss off because they keep coming with more stuff . like if you dont pass your exit exams you cant take summer school classes . How about if you have to make up credits for a class that you fail or something . The only class you can talke in summer school is a class for the exit exam
which is really stupid . I think the exit exam is BS
TheN I read that there thinking about delaying the exit eam for 3 years they need to make up thir freakinh minds.Plus I did pass my english highschool exit exam but the MATH part is going to be a challage for me .WHEN IT COMES TO MATH AND TESTING I BLANK OUT i have to be reminded . Coming from a person with a lerning disordor no matter how hard I try I can never get some parts or I forget . So what will happen to those that HAVE a learning disordor?? Borad of education you or who ever made up the exit exam can kiss my A**.
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
I understand the need for schools to be sure that student go out into the world fully prepared, but after reading other people's posts I am more opposed than ever to a statewide or district-wide testing system.
I was always fairly good with tests...I never got stressed out, but then I am the type of person that once I learn something, it stays in my mind.
My brother is just the opposite. He is just as "intelligent" as I am (however you want to measure intelligence) but he panics and freezes when he has to take tests. He may know the material better than anyone else in the class, but he would fail the test due to his anxiety.
I used to think he was the only one in the world with this problem, but not anymore.
It would be nice (but I doubt it would be practical) to have each individual school tailor the tests to the students.
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
I think there are both pros and cons to testing. There are some things a person should be able to do to get a high school or college diploma, like being literate and able to do simple math. On the other hand, "make or break" tests that call for recollection of specific facts are, to me, problematic. Which facts about U.S, history should people know? And who should decide? By the way, in 1968 I passed the U.S. Army intelligence test with flying colors - having not read the questions. I just made pretty patterns on the answer sheet. ;D I guess genius will out ;)
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
Good point, Cat, especially when certain parts of the exam cover things that the class has not had the opportunity to learn.
End Quote
I had to take the MCAS and I almost failed the math part because certain parts of that section contained Trigonometry. I don't know very many sophmores that take trigonometry. Maybe the creators of the test do. I dunno.All that matters is that my friends and I passed. Being the first class to needto pass the MCAS (2003), I am glad to say that all of my friends and I will be walking across the stage and getting our diplomas on June 7th!!!!!!!!
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
I think there are both pros and cons to testing. There are some things a person should be able to do to get a high school or college diploma, like being literate and able to do simple math. On the other hand, "make or break" tests that call for recollection of specific facts are, to me, problematic. Which facts about U.S, history should people know? And who should decide? By the way, in 1968 I passed the U.S. Army intelligence test with flying colors - having not read the questions. I just made pretty patterns on the answer sheet. ;D I guess genius will out ;)
End Quote
Basic math? sucks for me then because I can't do %'s some decimal problems, fractions and long division :'( :-[
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
Where do you live, Alicia? That could make a slight difference in the tests you have to take. I live in Ohio. Here, you had to pass the Proficiency Tests in order to graduate. Then they made up the Ohio Graduation Test because the Proficiency Test was a bit too hard (IE giving tenth graders questions for seniors and\or college graduates in some cases, which is tough because they have the same test for all 4 high school grades) for sophomores. My brother, a sophomore, had to take it. He said the only hard part was the math. It won't count against him because his class was the first to take it. If not a lot of people pass the test the first year it is given, they may make it a little easier on the math part. But since we have both taken and passed the Proficiency Test, we get to graduate! Next year, the seniors will not have to take a test to graduate, which will free them to study for their SATs and\or ACTs.
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
I don't think they do this in Illinois. My brother graduated last year and didn't have to take one. I think this is just ridiculous. Shouldn't a passing grade in a class be enough to get the credit to graduate?
Thank goodness I have never had a problem with testing, but I have a friend who does. I think the major problem with standardized testing is that they are timed. One of my high school guidance counselors did a "study" on a few of us. He gave us a standardized test, letting us do it at our own pace. The next day, he gave us the same test, following the "timing" guidelines. A good friend of mine got a 98% cum. the first day, and a 75% cum. the second time. The tests were the same both days so you would think, after doing it once, you would already have a clue to the answer. Out of 10 of us, only 2 scored the same both days (or higher the second).
I agree that everyone who graduates HS should be able to read and do simple math, but I don't think it should matter if they can do 20 problems in 20 minutes or in 60 minutes.
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
I agree that everyone who graduates HS should be able to read and do simple math, but I don't think it should matter if they can do 20 problems in 20 minutes or in 60 minutes.
End Quote
Hear, hear!!! I never used to have probs with taking tests, but this year, for some reason, I'm an absolute nervous wreck! The onset of my juvenile Alzheimer's isn't helping me much either, LOL :)
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
I agree that timed tests are not fair, and I hate standarized tests and memory based tests too. I always give essay based take-home exams in my classes, and at least a week to do them. The questions never have a right or wrong answer, but require the development of an argument supported by facts drawn from the reading assignments. Grades are based on the use of facts and clarity of writing, not opinion.
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
I agree that timed tests are not fair, and I hate standarized tests and memory based tests too. I always give essay based take-home exams in my classes, and at least a week to do them. The questions never have a right or wrong answer, but require the development of an argument supported by facts drawn from the reading assignments. Grades are based on the use of facts and clarity of writing, not opinion.
End Quote
These were always my favorites. Even if they weren't take-home. ;)
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
F**k that standardized s**t! You don't have to take them if you don't want to, but you also have to live by your choices and accept the consequences, so if it takes an exam to pass a class and go up into something better, then bite the f**king bullet, take the damn thing, and stop whinning about it, you know? You can never really fail anything if you are provided a chance to do it again, right? I dunno. I'm a screw up and I'm just some white, suburban punk, so what the heck do I know, you know?
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
You can never really fail anything if you are provided a chance to do it again, right? End Quote
I don't know about other states, but here in Massachusetts, this is the first year that students have been allowed to "do it again". Originally, if you fail the MCAS test on the first try, that's it; no diploma for you, dummy.
After a *lot* of high school seniors failed the test by a very small margin (sometimes only one point), and the threat of a lawsuit, students were finally given the chance to re-take the test.
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
I don't know about other states, but here in Massachusetts, this is the first year that students have been allowed to "do it again". Originally, if you fail the MCAS test on the first try, that's it; no diploma for you, dummy.
After a *lot* of high school seniors failed the test by a very small margin (sometimes only one point), and the threat of a lawsuit, students were finally given the chance to re-take the test.
End Quote
That ideology never made any sense to me. The idea of having too many kids fail that the bar has to be lowered in order to pass more idiots. Failure is an everyday thing, right? Or is it that unnatural and alien to our lives that we have to become pill-popping, sue-happy automatons at the first sign of mediocrity. F**k that. No wonder the guy who served my Panda Bowl this morning graduated with a 3.5 GPA and has a degree in liberal arts, sociology, or psychology, or whatever ::) Such a system makes me doubt about the intelligence people who are higher up than me, so bollocks to those morons. Some of them have PhDs and can't even spell right even after the effects of the 'shrooms have worn off!
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
That ideology never made any sense to me. The idea of having too many kids fail that the bar has to be lowered in order to pass more idiots. Failure is an everyday thing, right? End Quote
I don't believe that the bar should be lowered at all.
I do believe the schools and teachers should be given adequate resources and proper tools.
One teacher should not have to teach 50 kids at the elementary school level.
History books should cover events that happened *after* World War 1.
When I was in high school our books were so old the pages crumbled, the ink was faded, and a lot of the information was inaccurate. My science book taught that there were only 7 planets in the solar system, and that there was no way to prevent childhood diseases such as polio, measles, and mumps.
It's just another case of decision-makers putting the cart before the horse.
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
If a lot of people fail a test, it is not a matter of lowering the standards. There could be something wrong with the test-not the people taking it. Tests are not foolproof. The people who write the tests make many mistakes. I have even heard that on one test, someone misquoted certain authors. It really doesn't make any sense that students have to learn certain authors when the writers of these tests can do whatever they like-Literary licence? I just don't believe in standardized tests-ANY OF THEM!
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
If a lot of people fail a test, it is not a matter of lowering the standards. There could be something wrong with the test-not the people taking it. Tests are not foolproof. The people who write the tests make many mistakes. I have even heard that on one test, someone misquoted certain authors. It really doesn't make any sense that students have to learn certain authors when the writers of these tests can do whatever they like-Literary licence? I just don't believe in standardized tests-ANY OF THEM!
End Quote
I agree CatV, but I do think that they ARE a nessary evil. I am sure that you can see the difference in grading standards just within the school that you taught in with the different instructors. Now imagine that statewide. If we all just released students after they graduated each HS, then the colleges/Universitys will have to get involved, and have thier own standardized test that would be statewide as an entrance exam. (Some do now but its not enforced since most schools allow you to substitute your SAT/ACT scores or if you have had advanced classes in HS to "clep" out of some subjects if your scores are high enough) I can almost see a worst case senario happening where some kid from district X is excluded because a high percentage of students from that area fail out the first year. However if you came from district Y, your good to go. Unless your a genius and can figure a way to make a fair for all test, I dont see this changing anytime soon.
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
F**k that standardized s**t! You don't have to take them if you don't want to, but you also have to live by your choices and accept the consequences, so if it takes an exam to pass a class and go up into something better, then bite the f**king bullet, take the damn thing, and stop whinning about it, you know? You can never really fail anything if you are provided a chance to do it again, right? I dunno. I'm a screw up and I'm just some white, suburban punk, so what the heck do I know, you know?
End Quote
ummm...you dont make sense on some of the things you said in this post......and I do take it.....so there....
Subject: Re: HighSchool Exit Exam...what do you think?
I passed the English part..thank god.....but not the math...I knew it was going to be a pain in the A ss but I still dont think it's fair about the english or the math....even If I did pass one and I will continue to B!tch about this as long as everyone has to take both the math and the english