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Subject: What's your solution to our economic problems?
Bush has been calling for a tax cut. The thinking is when people are given more of their own money, they'll invest it and stick it back into the economy. The problem I have with that is investors are unpredictable. A tax cut is at best a gamble that might improve the economy. What I think needs to be done is we need to increase the wages of workers to create more investors and more consumers who can use their modest earnings to boost the economy.
I would also like to pay off the government's debt. That's money that the government owes us from bonds etc. and if the debt were paid off, interest rates on mortgages would lower and bond payoff interest would increase. So basically it lowers the cost of living and helps everyone out.
What's everyone else's thinking on this?
Subject: Re: What's your solution to our economic problems?
Relax the restrictions on child labor laws, and drill for oil in national game reserves.
Subject: Re: What's your solution to our economic problems?
Whatever is happenig to the American economy, I hope it continues, the Canadian dollar is now trading at .71 cents US. The highest it's been in 5 years.
Subject: Re: What's your solution to our economic problems?
Whatever is happenig to the American economy, I hope it continues, the Canadian dollar is now trading at .71 cents US. The highest it's been in 5 years.
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High unemployment rate, a war, stock market is in the hole, looming deflation, and now the dollar is sinking against the Canadian Peso :D ! Welcome to the Bush years :) :D ;D
Subject: Re: What's your solution to our economic problems?
and now the dollar is sinking against the Canadian Peso :D ! Welcome to the Bush years :) :D ;D
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Canadian Peso :D, that just sounds silly, it's called the Loonie thank you very much. :)
Subject: Re: What's your solution to our economic problems?
This will never happen but.....
Cut the paychecks of all politicians. None of them are allowed to make more than 200% of the Federal poverty level until the economy gets back on track.
If they hade to live on my income, the economy would be turned around by this time next week.....
Subject: Re: What's your solution to our economic problems?
cut taxes for the middle class, cut military spending.
Subject: Re: What's your solution to our economic problems?
Hmmm.. quit invading nations for their oil.
Oh, you can't. Your love affair with the car has turned you from a creditor nation to a debtor nation. :(
Subject: Re: What's your solution to our economic problems?
Hmmm.. quit invading nations for their oil.
Oh, you can't. Your love affair with the car has turned you from a creditor nation to a debtor nation. :(
End Quote
How about we invade them for the spoiled riches they have stolen from their own people?
Subject: Re: What's your solution to our economic problems?
This will never happen but.....
Cut the paychecks of all politicians. None of them are allowed to make more than 200% of the Federal poverty level until the economy gets back on track.
If they hade to live on my income, the economy would be turned around by this time next week.....
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Amen to that, Kat. We could have our tax cuts and spending wouldn't have to be cut. I am all for this.
Subject: Re: What's your solution to our economic problems?
The problem with our economy is that very few make mega-bucks and too many make too few. Like Kat said, my ideas will never happen because of the "golden rule"-"He who has the gold makes the rules." My ideas are these:
-Take the cap off of Social Security (that is a quick sure-fire way to save the program).
-Have a cap on annual incomes. Does anyone REALLY need $5 billion a year? I don't think I could spend that much in my entire lifetime. This also includes government officials-i.e. Congress. (This one I doubt will ever happen.)
-Have a livable wage. This speaks for itself.
-Have universal health care. If people don't have to pay for health care or insurence, they will have more money to put back into the economy.
-Have a cap on government contracts. We really don't need to be paying $500 for a hammer.
-Pay off government debt. Again, this speaks for itself.
-Don't give major tax cuts to the wealthy, especially in an economical down turn. It didn't work the first time around, do you really think it will work this time?
These are just a few ideas.
Subject: Re: What's your solution to our economic problems?
Hmmm.. quit invading nations for their oil.
End Quote
Oh, you can't. Your love affair with the car has turned you from a creditor nation to a debtor nation. :(
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A lesson of the Clinton administration. Spending into debt "creates" economy. In addition to the principal, in theory, a cash payment for goods or services, the financed package reserves future labors (e.g. future wages) at a greater sum. A thousand people spending a million dollars each in cash will not do as much for the economy as a thousand people spending a million dollars belonging to someone else. As we see now with our corporate scandals, the demands of that spending environment pushed many to doctor the books just to keep up, and in some cases to get ahead.
Blessings of peace are much appreciated, regardless of whether or not peace is a lie. Had I blessings of my own to give, but alas I am a poor man. Peace, harmony, and good stuff is what I wish for all. ;)
Subject: Re: What's your solution to our economic problems?
Oh, wait...economic solutions...economic solutions...um, er...I'm tired. Goodnight.
Subject: Re: What's your solution to our economic problems?
I think it all comes down to creating jobs which Bush is trying to pass a bill that would allow a large chunk (don't remember exact amount) of money to create jobs. Tax cut could work if people would spend their tax cut but that is the problem a lot of people don't spend it they save it, therefore, it does the ecomony no good. No matter what, with the way the tax system is set up it will always favor the weathly. Some have mentioned cutting the pay checks of politicians, they don't make that much money if you really think about it. Look at baseball players they make 50x more than the president does. Paying off the government debt will probably never happen no matter who is in office and believe it or not the growth of the debt has actually slowed down over the last several months. Plus people who knock Bush high goverment spending he is calling for, then you need to look back at what brought us out of the great depression.
Subject: Re: What's your solution to our economic problems?
...Some have mentioned cutting the pay checks of politicians, they don't make that much money if you really think about it. Look at baseball players they make 50x more than the president does....
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That is true...but politicians paychecks come from MY tax dollars. A baseball player, actor or musician is paid by me spending "disposable" income.
I can chose not to go to a ball game, buy a CD, or go to the movies
I CANNOT choose not to pay my taxes. Not without ending up in jail.
Back in the Reagan years, the president was making $200,000 per year salary (I don't know how much this has changed, if at all). This is "pocket money". The president does not have to pay rent to live in the White House, pay utilities, or buy his own food. Taxes pay for alll that. He does not have to pay the salaries of the Secret Service, limo drivers, housekeepers, cooks, gardeners, tour guides or anyone else who works in the White House. Tax dollars do. He travels the country on tax dollars, his family gets body guards on tax dollars, almost everythings he does is paid for by tax dollars.
Before I was laid off from work, my income was $24,500 a year. I had to pay rent, utilities, buy food and pay for my own transportation out of that. I cannot afford maids, butlers, cooks or personal shoppers. If, God forbid, I ever need a body guard, I cannot afford it. I have to rely on the abilities of my city's overworked underpaid police force, and the kindness of strangers (a fictional attribute here in the city). I have friends in other states I have never seen simply because I cannot afford even a one-way plane ticket.
So why does the president get paid almost 7 times more than me, when I pay all of his living expenses?
Politicians are "Public Servants". And servants should be paid less than their employers, or the whole system will eventually fall apart.
Subject: Re: What's your solution to our economic problems?
Back in the Reagan years, the president was making $200,000 per year salary (I don't know how much this has changed, if at all). This is "pocket money". The president does not have to pay rent to live in the White House, pay utilities, or buy his own food. Taxes pay for alll that. He does not have to pay the salaries of the Secret Service, limo drivers, housekeepers, cooks, gardeners, tour guides or anyone else who works in the White House. Tax dollars do. He travels the country on tax dollars, his family gets body guards on tax dollars, almost everythings he does is paid for by tax dollars.
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The president gets paid $400,000 and the vp gets $200,000 that is only gross pay. They also get compensation for travel and they get all the bennies that you mentioned. I am not including all the kick-backs they get from their rich buddies they give boocoo tax breaks to. I do agree with you Kat.