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Subject: Tornadic Destruction
Hey all! We have had quite a busy couple of hours here in SouthEast Kansas.....many people in the surrounding area are without electricity, homes have been destroyed, businesses are destroyed, Police and Emergency Buildings have also been damaged or destroyed. Many Counties surrounding mine had more than one tornado hit. Roads are impassible, and the Red Cross is setting up shelters and are asking for any help anyone can provide.
Please, if you pray offer up a few as we have no idea how many people have lost their lives and we are just starting to organize to help. Thankfully my town was not hurt, although half of us are without power.
Man, it is hard to believe in just a couple of hours how much damage has been done.... :(
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Big time bummer :(
My thoughts and good karma go out to the people of Kansas who were caught in this natural disaster. :'(
But I'm very glad you're okay, Shaz :)
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Wow! I am so glad that you and your family are okay. When I was living in Denver, we had a few that touched down not too far from our house & you're right, it's amazing how much damage can be done in such a short amount of time. :-/
I hope nobody was seriously injured. :(
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
People.....while you are at it.....please pray for us here in Arkie...we are next it line and it is starting to get bad in Western Arkie as I type this.
I am off to the folks and the storm shelter....just home to pack up my cats and my important personal belongings.....look like it is gonna be a long nite :'(
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
SS, I hope everything turns out okay & you and your family are safe. Let us know what happens!
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
7 tornados warnings in my state now......time to find shelter.....will talk to you all again when I can
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Our thoughts are with you. I hope everything is ok.
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Sorry to hear that Shaz, SS et al - hope you are all safe and well
FB ;)
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Shaz, I'm glad that you are ok...I was wondering if you got hit. Sister, I hope that it's not too bad there...Things have calmed down here and I hope that it stays that way!
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
and just when I thought it was over.....here comes round number....oh h#ll....what round it this..3, 4?? anyway...it is gonna be a long nite for us here in the south.
Guess I didnt need to sleep anyway
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Wow, my prayers are with all of you in the path of these tornados. That people survived and for SS and her family, I pray that they made it through last night unscathed.
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Goldie and SS~
I hope you gals are ok!
I am fine, but several of my friends in the surrounding area have lost homes, and one friend is unaccounted for...we are hoping they are just...not found yet maybe they have hid. :-/
And so far, my friend that has it worse has lost the roof of their home, a tree relocated itself in their bathroom, and their horse is just.....gone. Not there.
The pic at MSN in Carl Junction is about 45 minutes away from me....about 30 miles as the crow flies. I am a lucky lucky woman today.
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
I have been hearing about all of this. I feel for all the families who have lost their homes or a family member. Supposedly those same storms are headed my way here in Georgia, I just hope it wont be as bad here as it was their.
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Shaz, I hope your friend is found.
SS, I hope it passed you by.
In 1990, there was a terrible tornado that hit in Plainfield, IL and I have seen how devastating it can be. I hope you are all safe.
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Thanks Cheer, my friend has been found. She was in a basement with some neighbors. Minor injuries, nothing serious.
What a relief, yet I am still sad for the others who didn't make it.
I love everybody today! Take nothing for granted!!!
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Shaz, I'm so happy that your friend survived with only minor injuries.
SS, hope things are going okay there as well. Let us know!
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Shaz, glad to see that you all right. Glad we only have to deal with blizzards. Hope things quiet down and get fixed up. Glad your friend is (more or less) ok. You are in our thoughts, be well.
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Hey all!! My family and I made it ok, luckily our part of the state was not hit as hard as Northern Arkie...we have alot of wind damage and downed trees, but all the tornadoes stayed north of us.
We had another round of it today, and are expecting another round tomorrow. Today was not as bad, but the weather guys are saying tomorrow could be a repeat of yesterday. :-/
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Glad to hear that you are ok. I was worried. I will keep you in my prayers til this season is over.
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
More storms tonite...this makes 5 days in a row!! We are back under a tornado watch again and I am sick of it!! :-/
The worst damage we have had all week was in Northern Arkie...where two F3 (on the Fujita scale) tornadoes touched down and destroyed an entire town...no deaths so far, just lots of injuries and I hope it stays that way.
I think my sister is under the gun again in KC and I am not sure about Shaz...so once again, think of us tonite
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
You guys are in my thoughts. I really hope things settle down for you and that you are all ok. Please keep us informed.
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Well, just when you think things are bad, they get worse. I spent a few hours in the basement of my work today, as the tornado sirens blared outside, half out of my mind with fear for my children and family that I could not contact during that time. 3 tornados hit my county, one south of our town about 3 miles, one huge one north of our town about 8 miles (that one had three tails :o) and one weaker one that went right OVER our town...terrifying me to the point of insanity. Thank goodness all that happened to us was our lawn had things blown around. You would think that if we were unlucky enough to be hit with tornadoes they would at least have swept away the "Yard Art" that the Jerry Springer couple downstreet decided were necessary!! ARGGGH I am so ready to move! Anybody know of any good places to move that are relatively tornado free? :-/
They are telling us that it isn't over, and we can expect more action this week. And since what I get usually Goldie and SS get, I hope you gals are doing well!
(BTW does anyone need any pink flamingos or lawn gnomes? I know where you can get some for free! I would even pay the shipping fees! ;D)
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
OMG Shaz!! You really did get it bad today!! Thank God for basements!!
I am STILL sitting here waiting on more storms to roll in...more coming from Oklahoma, arghhhhh these nites keep getting longer and longer.
I wonder if this is a new record for us, this many storms and tornadoes this close together?? And I heard that too Shaz...we are not out of the woods yet, MAYBE by the weekend, then only more to move in the first of the week
And btw Shaz, Jonman has been telling me Vancouver is nice this time of year...can I swing by and pick you up on my way to Mooseland??
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Well it is right over ( a tornado) Grant County..which is the county below me.....where my grandparents live. I called and they were already awake.....and the weatherman has the storm tracker moving RIGHT over where they live...
OMG!!! this is ENOUGH already God!
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Shaz and SS,
Florida's nice, I guess we have the occasional tornado, but I haven't seen one yet in 3 years. And the winters are damned nice, too! Should I make room for you? ;D
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Shaz and SS,
Florida's nice, I guess we have the occasional tornado, but I haven't seen one yet in 3 years. And the winters are damned nice, too! Should I make room for you? ;D
End Quote
Yay! Yes. I will pick up SS and we will be there in a few days. LOL! ;D What do you say, Spitfire, fancy Florida living?
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
We got hit pretty good here last night just south of Atlanta. The storm was unbelievable it had over 800 lightning strikes per minute which is like 13 or 14 a second. Seeing it in person was crazy it was basically constent bolts of lightning and thunder enough to rattle the house. The rain is the heaviest rain I have ever seen in my life, it was to the point I couldnt even see the houses across the street. This caused a lot of flooding, one of my friends basements got soaked. Winds were also strong blowing around 50+mph bringing down trees and also did some minor damage (no damage to my house though). There was also hail, but I don't know how large or small it was. Hopefully its all over cause there arent any storms out there so far today.
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Yay! Yes. I will pick up SS and we will be there in a few days. LOL! ;D What do you say, Spitfire, fancy Florida living?
End Quote
All packed and ready......just honk the horn when you pull up....see ya in a few days TV9!! ;D
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
All packed and ready......just honk the horn when you pull up....see ya in a few days TV9!! ;D
End Quote
Cool! Load up on sunblock! ;D :)
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Got it!!
Just told Thom......he is all ready for us!!!!!!
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
For those that are interested, this is near my home, about 25 miles away.
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Wow, Shaz, those pictures are scary. You guys in the paths of these tornadoes will continue to be in my prayers.
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
The saddest picture to me is of the cemetery in Stockton. I know that most of those stones won't be replaced. :'(
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Man its scarey enough watching it on TV - but my first thought was "hell - how many of my net friends live in the path of those monsters".
Its really good to know that you are all safe and in one piece.
Fingers crossed for a more gentle tornado season for you all.
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Thanks BMG!!
I think I speak for us all in the tornado belt that we hope it is over very soon!!
I think we are in for another round later today and tonite, and then that is suppose to be all of it for awhile...I say awhile..that could mean just 24 hours if the weather changes again! ::)
Give me wintertime over this mess anyday!
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
I too have watched it on the news and worried about some on these boards but as my geography is so crap I didn't know who it might be.Fingers crossed it's all over for now.
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Thank you all for your prayers and kind thoughts. Southern Spitfire, Goldie and I are here in Tornado Alley, or at least we are around it. I don't know if anyone else is, but if you are stay safe! Today may be another scary one! :-/
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
I hope today is much quieter than last night. I slept a total of 1 hour all night long! Everytime I would start to doze off, either a clap of thunder would wake me or my newly purchase NOAA weatherradio would go off and wake me!
Shaz, I'm glad to know that you survived last night!
Ss, I hope that all is well there today!!
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Sis, tonite is my night...60% chance....GAWD, let me say it AGAIN....I AM SO SICK OF THIS!!!
I see Goldie and Shaz are getting it right now...hold on to your coconuts girlies...I see you are in for one h3ll of a blowjob!!
PS goldie...glad you finally took my advice and got that NOAA radio! ;)
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Sis, tonite is my night...60% chance....GAWD, let me say it AGAIN....I AM SO SICK OF THIS!!!
I see Goldie and Shaz are getting it right now...hold on to your coconuts girlies...I see you are in for one h3ll of a blowjob!!
PS goldie...glad you finally took my advice and got that NOAA radio! ;)
End Quote
No kidding SS! you and Goldie keep safe! Right now it is just rain and cloudiness here.
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
Well, don't forget us in Okiehoma! I am SO tired of this. I mean yeah, I know this is one of a tornado's favorite state, but i am SO SICK OF SEEING TORNADO WARNINGS EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!!
Word of advice: never move to OK
second word of advice: if ya do, make sure and stay away from Moore
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
I spent much of my childhood living in the cyclone area of North Western Australia.
Cyclones are so different to tornado's. You can have up to 5 days warning as the weather bureau watch the cyclone gather its force. You go from yellow, to orange, to red alert over those days. You have time to stock up on supplies in case the floods that follow are ongoing.
We have had many cyclones that have wiped out many towns - but the death toll is always extremely low. I think the highest death count was when a fishing trawler was caught out in one and they lost 6 or 7 crew. Other than that we are generally surprised when someone here dies in a cyclone as there is so much advance warning.
Tornado's seem to just appear from no where and hit so randomly and visciously with absolutely no warning at all.
In Perth and its surrounding country towns - we get mini tornado's. Miniscule compared to the monsters we have seen on the news in the US - but enough to destroy several houses at once. The day after christmas last year a 6 year old girl was killed by one in my mums town 2 hours northeast of perth.
I have seen docos that explain the peculiar weather pattern that seems to only occur in that one belt in the US. Something to do with various mountain ranges and the weather patterns over them colliding with each other ?? Does that sound right?
Its a fascinating weather phenomenon when it isnt happening in your own backyard.
Cyclone season here is generally December to March. How long does tornado season last ?
I hope you have all had another day of safekeeping :)
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
I'm not believing this. We had a bonafide tornado warning for SW Va., Southern WV, Eastern Ky. last night from 7pm until midnight. :o I wish y'all would keep those d@mn things out there where they belong! ;) We do have them here, but only once in a blue moon. Again, I'm glad everyone "out there" made it through this little spell alright. Prayers do work!
Subject: Re: Tornadic Destruction
In Eastern NY and Western Mass, there is a mini-tornado belt-not like in the central part of the country. Tornados can hit just about anywhere but there are some regions more prone to it than others. The fact that the central part of the US is flat, there is really nothing to stop tornados-like in the more mountainous areas. We have been hit with strong winds before and are never too sure if it was just a big gust or if it was in fact a tornado.