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Subject: When will it ever stop??
Welcome to the 21st Century...or should I say the 1960's??
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
I read that. It sounds pretty stupid and callous.
What bugs me most is that these high school kids probably did it because of something their parents instilled into them. So sad.
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
It just goes to show we still have to live with ignorance, even if it is the 21st century. >:(
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
This is so wrong. I can tell you which prom I would go to if I went to that school (and it wouldn't be the whites only) >:(
I agree with Rice...this kind of behavior is learned. It is not something you are born with. Put 10 different kids in a sand box and they will all play together...who cares what race or religion they are. So called grown ups could learn alot from a 2 year old.
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
I read that. It sounds pretty stupid and callous.
What bugs me most is that these high school kids probably did it because of something their parents instilled into them. So sad.
End Quote
Blows my freakin' mind that this sort of thing still goes on. This should be an adminstrative policy with no debate, one class, one prom.
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
I didn't realize any of that was still going on like that. What gets me is that besides some of the students no one else seems to care that much, very sad.
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
This is so wrong. I can tell you which prom I would go to if I went to that school (and it wouldn't be the whites only) >:(
End Quote
I wouldn't go to either. I would protest it, or try to anyway.
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
I didn't realize any of that was still going on like that. What gets me is that besides some of the students no one else seems to care that much, very sad.
End Quote
Sometimes it takes students (i.e. young people) to change things.
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
I agree with Race. It takes administrative initiative to begin to make some healthy changes.
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
I haven't even read the article - just reading the responses tells me what it is all about.
For what it is worth, you guys in the US are by no means alone in regard to this sort of thing.... :(
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
OMG!! It's like reading a history book. I'm so horrified.
I have to add though, that sometimes it goes the other way.
The nursery school/day care that my daughter went to was very multi-cultural. There were children of all "races", religions and nationalities. All the children got along wonderfully. They did not notice anything different about each other.
One day, one little girl told my daughter (who was then 3 1/2) that they could not play together. My daughter could not understand why because they liked the same toys.
The other little girl told my daughter: "My mommy says I can't play with you, because you're white."
I reported the conversation to the staff, who agreed that mom needed a talking to, but attitudes like that are hard to change, no matter who it's coming from.
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
This is absolutely ludicrous in this day and age!! Wake up people!!
I can't believe this happens.....move to Canada....
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
There isn't any room in this world for racism. I wish people would wise up.
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
I love my heritage and I love the part of the country that I live in.......... but.........this is a part of our history that I am ashamed of. I don't know why I feel ashamed, as I am one of the least racially predjudiced persons you would ever want to meet. Could someone explain to me why I feel this shame? Although the racial problem, by no means, is isolated to the south in this country, we must still fight this stigma because of isolated ignorance like this.
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
This is scary!
Beyond that, words fail me....
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
I can't believe this... :(
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
What gets me is that besides some of the students no one else seems to care that much, very sad.
End Quote
And today's youth holds the key to the future.
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
I love my heritage and I love the part of the country that I live in.......... but.........this is a part of our history that I am ashamed of. I don't know why I feel ashamed, as I am one of the least racially predjudiced persons you would ever want to meet. Could someone explain to me why I feel this shame? End Quote
The Doctor Is In, and I will wave my 5 cent fee ! ::)
You feel this shame because in spite of all your aversion to the issue, you realise that in the grand scheme of things, that your standpoint as one individual effectively makes little to no difference? Because the problem is so firmly entrenched?
Under your surface, you are concerned perhaps that because you live in that area that people from elsewhere will tar you with that same brush?
Are these things that you fear?
I am from elsewhere. I do not do that. Have no fear in that regard. People are able to see individuals for what they are. Thinking people that is.
5 cents please. (I changed my mind ;D)
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
5 cents please. (I changed my mind ;D)
End Quote
Allow me to pick up Dudes tab. :)
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
i can't believe this is still going on. when will people grow up? >:( :(
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
This Is Crazy! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
To those who organized this prom, may I just say:
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
I love my heritage and I love the part of the country that I live in.......... but.........this is a part of our history that I am ashamed of. I don't know why I feel ashamed, as I am one of the least racially predjudiced persons you would ever want to meet. Could someone explain to me why I feel this shame? Although the racial problem, by no means, is isolated to the south in this country, we must still fight this stigma because of isolated ignorance like this.
End Quote
Dude, I would in no way challenge your commitment to racial equality, as I would not accuse anyone of you of harboring racial prejudices. I would just say that you are NOT the average "red-necks" that inhabit this country. This is an example of the narrow mindedness and mean spirit of people who, maybe, fear their attraction to black men and women. Or fear that Blacks are attracted to them. When things get down to basic teenage urges, sex is color blind - and has been for MILLENNIA.
I'm in the middle of a facinating book calld Mapping Human History by Steve Olson about what genetic studies show about who we are, and how we are all related. Pete Seeger said it long ago in one of his songs - WE ARE ALL COUSINS. Lets please get over this "race" stuff and learn to live with each other as equal, and wonderfully unique, individuals. I know that for most of you (I hope ALL) I'm preaching to the choir, but we need to get that message out into the wider world IMHO.
In Mexico, the attitude has become, since the 1910 revolution (hint hint POP) that the COSMIC race, the blending of all peoples, is a good thing. Pat Buchanan and racists of his ilk would disagree, but genetisists, when talking about selective breeding, talk about "hybrid vigor". I say, lets "hybrid vigor" the human race.
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
I am from elsewhere. I do not do that. Have no fear in that regard. People are able to see individuals for what they are. Thinking people that is.
5 cents please. (I changed my mind ;D)
End Quote
I understand, Fuss, that you are from Austrailia. Never been there, but I understand it is fantastic. But you must not get too "holier than thou". I understand that there are several outstanding issues between the European invaders of that remarkable continent and the original inhabitants? Were there not bounties at one time placed on aboriginal scalps (I ask, I may be mistaken). Does not your aboriginal population tend to be the poorest and most descriminated segment of your population? I don't mean to accuse YOU of any of these abuses. I simply want to point out that racism rears its ugly head in many contexts. I appreciate your support of us in the states as we try to deal with our nasty variant. You guys in Australia, I think, have your own work to do as well.
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
In Mexico, the attitude has become, since the 1910 revolution (hint hint POP) that the COSMIC race, the blending of all peoples, is a good thing. End Quote
Oh, so that Chiapas and indigenous rights thing in the 90s is nothing to worry about, right? Mexico has to deal with the same problems when it comes to ignorance about race, freedom, and freedom in equality. So much for the revolution of 1910 (hint not needed to enlight anyone, thank you).
The aristocracy still rules, Mexico is lawless, and the poor get the shaft - esp. the indigineous poor. Racism rules over other parts of the world too. This isolated incident in the US is nothing compared to the problems Rwanda, Fiji, Rhodesia, India, and other places in the world face.
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
In Mexico, the attitude has become, since the 1910 revolution (hint hint POP) End Quote
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
I read about this in the local paper the other day. A whites only prom sounds so 1950's. When I read the article I was like am I hearing this right? The fear of interracial dating happening is stupid and so old hat. Racism will be a part of us because people pass it from generation to generation. The way I look at it is there is two kinds of people: good and bad not black and white and etc. I'll talk to anybody as long as they are nice. Usually the people who are mean have some kind of personal problem.
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
Good Lord.
Most high schools across America have been having integrated proms since the late 1960's, definately by the early 1970's. I know, I was there.
Yet these hick yahoos in Georgia are still stuck back in the 50's.
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
This does sound like something straight out of the 1950's. I can't believe this is happening in 2003. I'm assuming most of these kids going to this prom were born in 1985. Well fudge, if you tried this stunt in most other high schools in 1984 you would have been looked at as a relic of the 50's. I bet if you tried it in 1974 you still would have been looked at as a Joe McCarthy dinosaur from the 50's. So how in the heck is this going on in the year 2003!!!!?????
This is totally f*cking stupid. These people in that little Georgia town give all Southerners a bad name too.
My question is this:
What if you are Asian?
Or Hispanic?
Or Native American?
Or East Indian?
Do all non-Whites have to go the "colored prom"?
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
I understand, Fuss, that you are from Austrailia. Never been there, but I understand it is fantastic. But you must not get too "holier than thou". I understand that there are several outstanding issues between the European invaders of that remarkable continent and the original inhabitants? Were there not bounties at one time placed on aboriginal scalps (I ask, I may be mistaken). Does not your aboriginal population tend to be the poorest and most descriminated segment of your population? I don't mean to accuse YOU of any of these abuses. I simply want to point out that racism rears its ugly head in many contexts. I appreciate your support of us in the states as we try to deal with our nasty variant. You guys in Australia, I think, have your own work to do as well.
End Quote
As a fellow Aussie, I can honestly answer that yes we have our own racial problems. This, however, does not stop us from proclaiming our amazement of any racist act such as this, wherever it may be - in our own country or the US.
The world would be a better place if people did the following - one of my favourite phrases - "celebrate diversity and foster tolerance."
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
I understand, Fuss, that you are from Austrailia. Never been there, but I understand it is fantastic. But you must not get too "holier than thou". I understand that there are several outstanding issues between the European invaders of that remarkable continent and the original inhabitants? Were there not bounties at one time placed on aboriginal scalps (I ask, I may be mistaken). Does not your aboriginal population tend to be the poorest and most descriminated segment of your population? I don't mean to accuse YOU of any of these abuses. I simply want to point out that racism rears its ugly head in many contexts. I appreciate your support of us in the states as we try to deal with our nasty variant. You guys in Australia, I think, have your own work to do as well.
End Quote
Eek ! Don Carlos, I think you got off track with my response at some point...
When I said : "I am from elsewhere. I do not do that", I was not trying in any way to be holier than thou. I was responding to Hossy's concern (or what I thought was his concern) that others may see him as someone from down south, and therefore ALSO as someone who was in agreement with the segregation concept itself.
I was trying to allay his (possible) fears that someone from Australia or another country may see him that way simply on the basis of his geographic location.
And what I was trying to say was "Not So". On reply number 9 of this thread you will find :
For what it is worth, you guys in the US are by no means alone in regard to this sort of thing.... :(
End Quote
So you will see I am the first to admit there are ongoing problems with the country in which I live. And whilst you are right, it IS fantastic here (you are all invited, BTW !) - the points you raised are valid, although I question the emotive nature of at least one of your adjectives, specifically "invaders".
And I appreciate your statement that you do not hold me personally responsible for any of the abuses mentioned. However as an English/Danish descendant, does that not make me fall into the category above ?
I consider myself as Australian as the next guy, be they born here, or have descendants going to back to who knows when, or be black, white or anything in between. Makes no mind no ways to me! We all have to live somewhere.
I do however, dislike being white and therefore tacitly responsible for things that happened over 200 years ago, which is the current political flavour in this country. I cannot help what happened then.
Until we get past that point, I am not sure where we are going or will end up. It is very sad.
So : We each have our problems, they just take different form....
FB ;)
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
>:( >:( This is crazy. >:( >:(
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
I do however, dislike being white and therefore tacitly responsible for things that happened over 200 years ago, which is the current political flavour in this country. I cannot help what happened then.
End Quote
I agree with you on this statement Fuss. We should be ashamed of what happened over 200 years ago, and even sorry that it happened - but how can we be blamed? I dont know about you, but I wasn't around then :D
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
I agree with you on this statement Fuss. We should be ashamed of what happened over 200 years ago, and even sorry that it happened - but how can we be blamed? I dont know about you, but I wasn't around then :D
End Quote
Well I checked your profile, and I am a bit older than you Gecko... :)
I just feel like I have been around for ever ;D
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
Oh, so that Chiapas and indigenous rights thing in the 90s is nothing to worry about, right? Mexico has to deal with the same problems when it comes to ignorance about race, freedom, and freedom in equality. So much for the revolution of 1910 (hint not needed to enlight anyone, thank you).
The aristocracy still rules, Mexico is lawless, and the poor get the shaft - esp. the indigineous poor. Racism rules over other parts of the world too. This isolated incident in the US is nothing compared to the problems Rwanda, Fiji, Rhodesia, India, and other places in the world face.
End Quote
You are both right and wrong. Clearly, indiginous peoples in Lat Am are disadvantaged as a result of racism. And Africans kill Africans over "ethnic" issues. But if you follow my posts, you will see that I am not making excuses for any group or nation, but advocating FOR human unity AND human diversity. I have felt racism as both a recipient and a racist, and learned to forgive and to purge. Again, I call on all good people to recognize our inter-relationship (we are indeed, all cousins) and to revel in the cultural differences that make us unique.
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
As a fellow Aussie, I can honestly answer that yes we have our own racial problems. This, however, does not stop us from proclaiming our amazement of any racist act such as this, wherever it may be - in our own country or the US.
The world would be a better place if people did the following - one of my favourite phrases - "celebrate diversity and foster tolerance."
End Quote
My sentiment exactly, and certainly no personal offence intended. I must say, though, that I really don't like the word "tolerance" in this context. I prefer "acceptance". No big deal though. We are simpatico.
Never met a natives of Astrailia, but I understand that they are a very interesting people. I'd love to visit your continent and meet them, and the European Assies too.
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
I was not trying in any way to be holier than thou. I was responding to Hossy's concern (or what I thought was his concern) that others may see him as someone from down south, and therefore ALSO as someone who was in agreement with the segregation concept itself.
I was trying to allay his (possible) fears that someone from Australia or another country may see him that way simply on the basis of his geographic location.
And what I was trying to say was "Not So". On reply number 9 of this thread you will find :
So you will see I am the first to admit there are ongoing problems with the country in which I live. And whilst you are right, it IS fantastic here (you are all invited, BTW !) - the points you raised are valid, although I question the emotive nature of at least one of your adjectives, specifically "invaders".
And I appreciate your statement that you do not hold me personally responsible for any of the abuses mentioned. However as an English/Danish descendant, does that not make me fall into the category above ?
I consider myself as Australian as the next guy, be they born here, or have descendants going to back to who knows when, or be black, white or anything in between. Makes no mind no ways to me! We all have to live somewhere.
I do however, dislike being white and therefore tacitly responsible for things that happened over 200 years ago, which is the current political flavour in this country. I cannot help what happened then.
Until we get past that point, I am not sure where we are going or will end up. It is very sad.
So : We each have our problems, they just take different form....
FB ;)
End Quote
Hi Fuss, I started to edit your response, but gave up. I do apologize for the "holier that thou" comment since I see it was undeserved. I do stand by my charictarization of those of us of European background as "invaders". We invaded the the Americas, your country, the middle east - the rest of the world, and in MHO mostly f##ked it up. I do recognize that we are not unique in this. The Moors invaded Spain in 700 ad and dominated it until 1492. It is a human legacy of intolerance, conquest, and horror that we ALL must overcome. How to overcome it is a different matter. I think our first task is to overcome the legacy of racism and "white man's burdon" that seperates us from our cousins. Good lord, What a task. I hope it isn't hopeless, and that we really can forge a world based on love and acceptance.
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
I agree with you on this statement Fuss. We should be ashamed of what happened over 200 years ago, and even sorry that it happened - but how can we be blamed? I dont know about you, but I wasn't around then :D
End Quote
I also agree that we shouldn't be held responsible for the things our ansesters did (mine probably killed a bunch of Tainos). On the other hand - and I'm no Biblical scholar- isn't there a line about the sins of the father being visited on the sons for seven generations?
I guess that to acknowledge that our ancesters "done wrong" is a first step. Maybe the second step is to find ways to make it right by this generation of those who we "disadvantaged". How is another issue.
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
This is Cr@p, I'm sure many whites wouldn't be able to attend it anway, after all......people say you have at least 55 black in you, after the history of our ancestors rapping slaves or having sexual intercourse with them. >:(
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
This is Cr@p, I'm sure many whites wouldn't be able to attend it anway, after all......people say you have at least 55 black in you, after the history of our ancestors rapping slaves or having sexual intercourse with them. >:(
End Quote
Perhaps Alicia, instead of shooting from the hip, you can explain...
Is the whole thread crap?
Do you take offense to a particular post?
And maybe also check your spelling in order to avoid changing the meaning of your original intent? Rappers?
Huh? ::)
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
I must say, though, that I really don't like the word "tolerance" in this context. I prefer "acceptance".
End Quote
Good point Don Carlos. Now that you mention it, acceptance is a better word to use than tolerate. This is a phrase I used to use a lot when talking to a guy at work - who was very very racist. He had no time for anyone who wasn't a "straight, white Australian ." Very sad. Our country is very multi-cultural and this is something that I am very proud of.
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
This is Cr@p, I'm sure many whites wouldn't be able to attend it anway, after all......people say you have at least 55 black in you, after the history of our ancestors rapping slaves or having sexual intercourse with them. >:(
End Quote
First, I thought your meaning here was very clear the cr@p is the racism.
Second, both anthropologists and genetisist agree that we are ALL decendents from a small group of people who lived in East Africa, who were probably black. Our ancestors who moved to cooler climates lost the pigment so as to better produce vitamin D.
Subject: Re: When will it ever stop??
I also agree that we shouldn't be held responsible for the things our ansesters did (mine probably killed a bunch of Tainos). On the other hand - and I'm no Biblical scholar- isn't there a line about the sins of the father being visited on the sons for seven generations?
I guess that to acknowledge that our ancesters "done wrong" is a first step. Maybe the second step is to find ways to make it right by this generation of those who we "disadvantaged". How is another issue.
End Quote
I don't think we should be held responsible for what our ancestors did either. Sometimes I think Blacks are talking more about segregation then slavery. Segregation happened fairly recently, some 30 odd years ago. There are humans alive now that lived through it and remember it. Slavery on the other hand, is something that can be easily dismissed by the more bigoted elements as happening "over 100 years ago".