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Subject: Video Rental & Your Privacy
There are a lot of things you can't do in the "land of the free" without some sort of ID. One is getting a membership at a video rental store. Most places steadfastly refuse to issue a membership to anyone who does not have, or does not wish to show, a picture ID. Some people consider this to be an invasion of privacy. The Video Privacy Protection Act passed by Congress and signed into law in 1988 does diddly. For one thing, it permits the release of a customer's rental record to a cop with a court order. For another thing, it permits the video store to sell your rental information to direct marketers. Add to that more recent developments of the Patriot Act and Total Information Awareness. So what can you do? First, try to obtain a membership without ID. (I was able to do this at one video store by telling them I didn't have ID. I was able to obtain a membership after they reluctantly agreed to let me have one. Of course I used an alias.) That most likely will not work; it has only worked for me one time. If that fails, enlist the help of a family member who is not as concerned about privacy issues and rent using their membership. (When you sign the receipt, make your signature an illegible scribble.) If that doesn't work, consider obtaining alternate ID, such as those mail-order blank ID cards. If the store will not accept anything other that an official state-issued ID card, they must not want your business. Take your business to someone who wants it.
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
well, considering I used to work at a video store in my youth, its true, we never allowed anyone to join with out an ID.
Not because we wanted to intrude into their private life, we hade better things to do, but because we got tired of people joining under false names/addresses and never returning the videos.
you would be amazed at how much my store lost per yea before we began to reuqire valid ID for memberhips from people who would join under false names, then rent movies that were never to be seen again. And since they use a fake name and address, we had to take it as a loss, and ultimatley those losses were paid for by you, the consumer.
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
Yep, a worthy cause. Please everyone rise up in arms! ::)
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
You forgot to add aliens somewhere in your post, and how they are controlling the shadow government, and that this is all a big conspiracy to get more snow from Canada.
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
You forgot to add aliens somewhere in your post, and how they are controlling the shadow government, and that this is all a big conspiracy to get more snow from Canada.
End Quote
....and that Tri-Lateral Commision too!
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
Holy crap :o
So the govt. knows I've rented Fried Green Tomatoes and Steel Magnolias at Super Duper Video in Lake Forest?! That's it! I have to get another identity 8)
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
Yes, it's leading us to a New World Order!
Those darn Jewish bankers.
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
You forgot to add aliens somewhere in your post, and how they are controlling the shadow government, and that this is all a big conspiracy to get more snow from Canada.
End Quote
Not aliens, PENGUINS! PENGUINS DAMMIT! They're after us, you have to see that!
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
There are a lot of things you can't do in the "land of the free" without some sort of ID. One is getting a membership at a video rental store. Most places steadfastly refuse to issue a membership to anyone who does not have, or does not wish to show, a picture ID. Some people consider this to be an invasion of privacy. The Video Privacy Protection Act passed by Congress and signed into law in 1988 does diddly. For one thing, it permits the release of a customer's rental record to a cop with a court order. For another thing, it permits the video store to sell your rental information to direct marketers. Add to that more recent developments of the Patriot Act and Total Information Awareness. So what can you do? First, try to obtain a membership without ID. (I was able to do this at one video store by telling them I didn't have ID. I was able to obtain a membership after they reluctantly agreed to let me have one. Of course I used an alias.) That most likely will not work; it has only worked for me one time. If that fails, enlist the help of a family member who is not as concerned about privacy issues and rent using their membership. (When you sign the receipt, make your signature an illegible scribble.) If that doesn't work, consider obtaining alternate ID, such as those mail-order blank ID cards. If the store will not accept anything other that an official state-issued ID card, they must not want your business. Take your business to someone who wants it.
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Ummmm, did a video store send you to collections or something? :o Or are you embarrassed to have your real name connected to all those fetish porn movies you rent? ;)
B.F.D. ::)
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
Not because we wanted to intrude into their private life, we hade better things to do, but because we got tired of people joining under false names/addresses and never returning the videos.
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I worked at a video store, too and this was a big problem. We also lost our only Laser player the first week we had it to rent out. Video stores lose quite a bit of money this way.
TV9 is right, it is the Penguins! Evil, I say, Evil.
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
it permits the video store to sell your rental information to direct marketers.End Quote
Naw. naw...
Let's give Scary Moose a little bit of credit. Afterall, he does have a very small point.
The solution, Scary, is for you to demand that your private information be kept private and not given, rented or sold to any other solicitors, companies or third parties. They're usually very good about this if you make a point of it. :)
As far as presenting a false i.d., well, that's called fraud and it is punishable by law, especially when contracts are involved.
Problem solved. ;D 8)
Unless you're a paranoid person and your whole life feels like it's all a giant conspiracy.
Edited to delete all the other rubbish from the original message which was irrelevant to my reply.
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
We also lost our only Laser player the first week we had it to rent out. Video stores lose quite a bit of money this way.
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you're right. When I worked there, we had just started renting out Ninetendo systems and VCR's. Needless to say, they weren't our's for long. Or they would come back broken.
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
you're right. When I worked there, we had just started renting out Ninetendo systems and VCR's. Needless to say, they weren't our's for long. Or they would come back broken.
End Quote
The only VCR's we kept were the ones that didn't have the record feature. We had to require credit cards to rent the Nintendo and it still disappeared.
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
I edited up there. ;D
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
If I made a sizeable investment and rented out my investment to you, I would require some way of identifiying you. But that is just the way I see it.
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
If I made a sizeable investment and rented out my investment to you, I would require some way of identifiying you. But that is just the way I see it.
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The way i see it, if you, a total stranger, showed up at my door and asked to borrow a piece of my property, forget it!
unless I know you, you aint getting my stuff! :)
Same goes with video stores. They are not going to just let you walk out with thier mvoies(which they bought, and beleive me, new releases are not cheap to buy out-right), without some assurance that you can be identified later on.
For the record: When I worked at the video store, New Realeases cost an everage of $90/tape for my store to buy from the distributor. So every time someone stole one, its a $90 loss for the store, on average.
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
Taking an "I don't trust you" attitude towards a potential customer is not a good way to foster a business relationship.
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
And neither is trusting everyone to uphold their end of the bargain. It's one thing to request not to have your info sold to solicitors, but ID has to be checked to see who you say you are. It's business, if you don't like it, then fine - nobody wants to do business with someone like that anyway: Too risky; forget it.
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
I think a better solution would be this: If a video store is going to require ID to cut down on theft, they should destroy a patron's rental record as soon as the movies are returned.
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
And go through the whole ordeal again every time you want to rent a movie. That's not cost effective. Take your money somewhere else.
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
Any business transaction has some type of contract to assure that the agreement will be met by the vendor consumer. Video rentals is no different.
If I borrow or have borrowed DVD or CD from a friend I make note of it, not that I mistrust either myself or the friend, just so they don't get mixed in with our collections.
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
And go through the whole ordeal again every time you want to rent a movie. That's not cost effective.
End Quote
I think you misunderstood. I meant the video store should destroy the record of WHAT MOVIES A PATRON HAS RENTED once he returns them. I'm not talking about wiping out all his membership information.
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
I think you misunderstood. I meant the video store should destroy the record of WHAT MOVIES A PATRON HAS RENTED once he returns them. I'm not talking about wiping out all his membership information.
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Hmm. That makes sense then. I wonder if that could be requested... I'm sure you could talk to the video store and make a request like that - esp. the small, mom 'n pop places.
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
Scary Moose, despite what you may think, video stores aren't keeping track of the videos you rent for their personal pleasure. They have better things to do, like run the business.
The only purpose of requiring members to present valid ID is to keep the business alive.
Its not a big government conspiracy, and the video stores are not out to get you, they are just trying to keep people from robbing them blind, which did hapen prior to the reiquirement of presenting a valid ID.
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
What the hell ??? Just as long as we realize this is about renting videos. Yeah, renting movies. There is a raging topic about renting movies :) :D ;D
The powers that be will come down on me for having rented The Best Of Both Worlds: Chicks With "Thingies" That Would Put Mine To Shame.
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
This is officially the stupidest topic I've ever come across.
Oh wait, I probably read worse, I just decided to forget them :P
You better watch out, Scary Moose, the FBI is gonna be after you because you rented "The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood" ::) :P
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
You better watch out, Scary Moose, the FBI is gonna be after you because you rented "The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood" ::) :P
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come to think of it, anyone who rents that movie deserves to go to prison :D
(my fiancee rented it and omg it was horrendous! ;D)
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
It seems Scary Moose is really worried about his video rentals coming back to haunt him. Adult videos are not that big a deal, Scary. There's nothing wrong with renting them.
When video stores offer adult videos, it's just another category to add to their other categories. It's just business, nothing more.
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
It seems Scary Moose is really worried about his video rentals coming back to haunt him. Adult videos are not that big a deal, Scary. There's nothing wrong with renting them.
When video stores offer adult videos, it's just another category to add to their other categories. It's just business, nothing more.
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;D LOL! If he's THAT worried about it, then either buy them at an adult vid store (if you use cash nobody will trace it back to you!) or buy them off the Internet! But then again, if you purchase them on the 'Net you have to use a credit card & that will have your name on it. So it looks like you only have one option. ::)
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
;D LOL! If he's THAT worried about it, then either buy them at an adult vid store (if you use cash nobody will trace it back to you!) or buy them off the Internet! But then again, if you purchase them on the 'Net you have to use a credit card & that will have your name on it. So it looks like you only have one option. ::)
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Not if you buy them off Ebay ;) Money orders are usually accepted.
Oh, and BTW, libraries keep a record of what you check out, too. Credit card companies keep a record of what you purchase, TiVo keeps a record of what you record. Let's just face it, we're all being watched 8)
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
Oh, and BTW, libraries keep a record of what you check out, too. Credit card companies keep a record of what you purchase, TiVo keeps a record of what you record. Let's just face it, we're all being watched 8)
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Not only that....
The Social Security Administration and the IRS know Every Step You Take.
Subject: Re: Video Rental & Your Privacy
Not only that....
The Social Security Administration and the IRS know Every Step You Take.
End Quote
And if you work for the Federal Government? Fugheddiboudit! They probably have cameras installed in your home while you are at work & watch every move you make! ;)