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Subject: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
Hackers Replace Al-Jazeera Web Site With American Flag
Thursday, March 27, 2003
WASHINGTON — Hackers on Thursday replaced the English-language Web site for Arab satellite television network Al-Jazeera with a U.S. flag and the message "Let Freedom Ring." Hours later, the site was hacked again by others.
Hackers calling themselves the "Freedom Cyber Force Militia" earlier hijacked Internet traffic destined for Al-Jazeera's Web site and redirected it to a different Web page on computers operated by Networld Connections Inc., an Internet provider in Salt Lake City. That site was shut down hours later.
The likely hacking technique, called "DNS poisoning," fools traffic-directing computers across the Internet, similar to vandalizing exit signs on an interstate to misdirect travelers. It is relatively difficult to defend against.
Internet records show the Web directories sending traffic to Al-Jazeera's site were changed early Thursday, apparently without authorization.
The page later removed also included the message, "God bless our troops," signed by a self-described "Patriot." There was no response to an e-mail sent to an address on the Web page.
"Certainly, it has been hacked," acknowledged Jihad Ali Ballout, a spokesman for Al-Jazeera. He described the attack as "a frontal, vicious attack on freedom of the press" and urged anyone with information about the hackers to contact authorities.
Hours later, the site was redirected again to another Internet provider with the message that it was "taken over by Saimoon Bhuiyan."
The Arab network's Web site has been suffering disruptions for days, ever since it showed pictures of dead and captive U.S. soldiers in Iraq.
Al-Jazeera, based in Qatar, is an unusually independent voice in the Arab world.
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
Hackers Replace Al-Jazeera Web Site With American Flag
Thursday, March 27, 2003
Hackers calling themselves the "Freedom Cyber Force Militia" earlier hijacked Internet traffic destined for Al-Jazeera's Web site and redirected it to a different Web page on computers operated by Networld Connections Inc., an Internet provider in Salt Lake City. That site was shut down hours later.
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Go hackers. (never thought I would say that) Networld is my ISP, I wonder what they thought of this.
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
Criminals - 1, Freedom of speech - 0
Another US victory? ::)
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
Criminals - 1, Freedom of speech - 0
Another US victory? ::)
End Quote
Sorry you didn't think it was amusing. I thought it was funny, the idea that a hacker would hack in just to change it to something patriotic. :-/
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
Hurrah! Let's keep the world from seeing what some other sides of the story may be. That way, they'll only get to hear what we want to tell them.
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
Hurrah! Let's keep the world from seeing what some other sides of the story may be. That way, they'll only get to hear what we want to tell them.
End Quote
And by "other sides of the story" you mean that you want to see images of British and American soldiers killed, by all means go to the website and view all you want. I find it disgusting that ANY website would show that.
And modified to say that any person who wants to view it is just as disgusting.
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
I'm sure that won over the hearts and minds of the Iraqi people. ::)
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
And by "other sides of the story" you mean that you want to see images of British and American soldiers killed, by all means go to the website and view all you want. I find it disgusting that ANY website would show that.
End Quote
REALITY CHECK - War is disgusting!
As they say, Don't kill the messenger!
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
My point is that, if a bunch of Arabic hackers did the same thing to the CNN website, it would be called "terrorism". Someone does it to an Arabic news service, and its "patriotism".
And by "other side of the story" I mean what the Arabic world feels about the invasion of Iraq. It's important that we know this, because the repercussions are going to be felt there first.
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
Hee hee
"Help! Help! I am being ganged up on by the "Socialists".....and the "Peace-niks"!"
;D Here guys, is my other cheek. Give it a good slap. Does it make you feel better? :-*
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
My point is that, if a bunch of Arabic hackers did the same thing to the CNN website, it would be called "terrorism". Someone does it to an Arabic news service, and its "patriotism".
And by "other side of the story" I mean what the Arabic world feels about the invasion of Iraq. It's important that we know this, because the repercussions are going to be felt there first.
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If someone hacked CNN's website how do you figure Al-Jazeera would report it? I find it hard to generate a lot of sympathy for a news organization which broadcasts interviews with POWs, which shows pictures of dead Coalition soldiers. Al-Jazeera is as slimy as a dead fish left out in the sun.
Maybe they can buy a Russian counter-hacker or something. They seem to be readily available to the highest bidder.
I agree, though, that it's important to know the other side of the story.
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
I agree that it is important to hear all sides of the story, and not to shout down the opposition. That is, after all, supposed to be the American way.
I will defend someones right to say their opinion to my dying breath, even if they are insulting me the whole time. ;)
I posted that story because I thought it would be a point of interest, not to be ganged up on by a bunch of people who claim to be for "peace". ;D
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
Right on Shaz!
You go girl...er "girlie". Just kidding. ;) :)
But seriously I agree with your post 100%.
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
I agree that it is important to hear all sides of the story, and not to shout down the opposition. That is, after all, supposed to be the American way.
I will defend someones right to say their opinion to my dying breath, even if they are insulting me the whole time. ;)
I posted that story because I thought it would be a point of interest, not to be ganged up on by a bunch of people who claim to be for "peace". ;D
End Quote
It is a point of interest, and quite a valid one. I don't agree that Al-Jazeera should have showed American POWs on TV, but I don't agree with their site being hacked, either. Two wrongs don't make a right.
My original post wasn't attacking you, it was condemning the cyber-terrorists who hacked the site.
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
's all good GoreRipper. And BTW I love your avatar. Metallica Rocks! :D
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
(I always thought of Shaz as a nice lady, BTW…)
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
I personally, agree with Shaz. To me, it's rather amusing. At least it was something harmless. If Al-Jazeera hacked into CNN's site, I'm sure they would do more than just post a picture of a flag ::)
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
It was harmless in that it didn't kill anybody. But it still made a lot of arabs and muslims much less sympathetic to our cause.
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
If someone hacked CNN's website, how do you figure Al-Jazeera would report it?End Quote
They may report it, they may not report it: That's the only answer one can give to your question. There's no figuring to be done.
Quoting:I find it hard to generate a lot of sympathy for a news organization which broadcasts interviews with POWs, which shows pictures of dead Coalition soldiers. Al-Jazeera is as slimy as a dead fish left out in the sun.End Quote
It's not just that news organization that broadcasted it...
Quoting:Maybe they can buy a Russian counter-hacker or something. They seem to be readily available to the highest bidder.End Quote
Why would they? They (Al-Jazeera) should be more cautious with their site, period, but they should not fear reprisals in the name of "patriotism." That's a lot of bunk. If the hackers had done this to Iraqi govt. websites, then it's a different thing, but attacking a foreign news agency is unworthy of the title "patriotic." They are misguided and it clearly shows that even "patriots," no matter how good their intentions are, are also unaware who their enemy really is.
Quoting:I agree, though, that it's important to know the other side of the story.
End Quote
Yes, I agree too.
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
Yes, I agree too.
End Quote
IMO, it's not just important, it's imperative.
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
If someone hacked CNN's website, how do you figure Al-Jazeera would report it?
They may report it, they may not report it: That's the only answer one can give to your question. There's no figuring to be done.
End Quote
Huh? News is a commodity, and Al-Jazeera caters to their market no less than CNN caters to theirs. Al-Jazeera is as biased as CNN and every other news organization. They may indeed report it, with a spin.
Unless, of course, you believe news selection and presentation is an objective process. If you do, then you're right.
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
Huh? News is a commodity, and Al-Jazeera caters to their market no less than CNN caters to theirs. Al-Jazeera is as biased as CNN and every other news organization. They may indeed report it, with a spin.
Unless, of course, you believe news selection and presentation is an objective process. If you do, then you're right.
End Quote
I thought it was selective and random all in one, but, fact is, we're having an opinion on a supposition.
CNN was not hacked. Al-Jazeera was hacked.
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
Al-Jazeera is as biased as CNN and every other news organization. They may indeed report it, with a spin.
End Quote
But...but...but....what about O'Reilly? :o :'( :'( :'(
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
I thought it was selective and random all in one, but, fact is, we're having an opinion on a supposition.
End Quote
Ahhh... well, at least we ain't accusing each other of being straw dogs, or whatever... ;D
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
But...but...but....what about O'Reilly? :o :'( :'( :'(
End Quote
Hi, Zella. Well, uh, er... I think O'Reilly oughta lay off the caffeine ;D BEING FULLY AWARE OF THE DEPTH OF LOYALTY O'REILLY ENGENDERS, HE TIPTOES AWAY VERY QUIETLY...
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
Hi, Zella. Well, uh, er... I think O'Reilly oughta lay off the caffeine ;D BEING FULLY AWARE OF THE DEPTH OF LOYALTY O'REILLY ENGENDERS, HE TIPTOES AWAY VERY QUIETLY...
End Quote
'S okay.... I haven't sharpened the cones or the jart lately... ;)
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
we're having an opinion on a supposition.
End Quote
Indeed. I was just using CNN as an example. I could have said "What if the White House's website was hacked?" but I figured a news agency would be a better example.
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
"We are the Straw Men, the Hollow Men..."
Bah! T.S. Eliot was a pretentious fascist!
End Quote
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
Hi, Zella. Well, uh, er... I think O'Reilly oughta lay off the caffeine ;D BEING FULLY AWARE OF THE DEPTH OF LOYALTY O'REILLY ENGENDERS, HE TIPTOES AWAY VERY QUIETLY...
End Quote
What is his programs mantra- "the no depth zone" ???
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
What is his programs mantra- "the no depth zone" ???
End Quote
Heehee... that was RACE who said that Zella...
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
... Al-Jazeera is as slimy as a dead fish left out in the sun.
Maybe they can buy a Russian counter-hacker or something. They seem to be readily available to the highest bidder.
End Quote
Russia. She a ho' from the former easturn bloc. For sale to 'nyone willin' to pay what she asks for 'ny time, 'nywheres. She sleeps wi' 'nyone 'ndiscremenately... and that's okay, but we cannot take 'er foreign policy on this matter seriously. Iraq be her AND Chirac's pimp, so we'd deservedly b!tch-slap them if anything bad happens 8) (Chirac be singin' 'nuther tune now, huh? ::) ).
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
There's a big difference between freedom of speech and being without morals.
How would you feel if it was your brother, son, or loved one that they showed shot and dead?
Post the facts, situations, interviews with Iraqi people. It's great to hear both sides of the story. Have some decency about it though.
The post made me laugh Shaz. :)
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
There's a big difference between freedom of speech and being without morals.
How would you feel if it was your brother, son, or loved one that they showed shot and dead?
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Just like the US dropping flyers on Iraqi cities with pictures of dead soldiers warning that is what will happen if they decide to fight the coalition? Those dead Iraqi soldiers were also someone's brothers, sons, or loved one...
Subject: Re: Score one for the Patriotic hackers!
I never stated that what the US did was right, if they did that. Don't put words in my mouth.
And I'm still standing by what I first said. It's not freedom of speech.