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Subject: Dennis Miller
This is a Dennis Miller list, and it makes sense. Here is where I found it:
Here are 10 things to consider when voicing an opinion on this important issue:
1) President Bush and Saddam Hussein.....Hussein is the bad guy.
2) If you have faith in the United Nations to do the right thing, keep this in mind. They haveLibya heading the Committee on Human Rights and Iraq heading the Global Disarmament Committee. Do your own math here.
3) If you use Google Search and type in "French Military Victories," your reply will be "Did you mean French Military Defeats?"
4) If your only anti-war slogan is "No war for oil," sue your school district for allowing you to slip through the cracks and robbing you of the education you deserve.
5) Saddam and Bin Laden will not seek United Nations approval before they try to kill us.
6) Despite what some seem to believe, Martin Sheen is NOT the President. He just plays one on TV.
7) Even if you are anti-war, you are still an "Infidel" and Bin Laden wants you dead, too.
8) If you believe in a "vast right-wing conspiracy," but not in the danger that Hussein poses, quit hanging out with the Dell computer dude.
9) "We're not trying to kill the Iraqis, we're trying to liberate them." (thanks, Rice)
10) Whether you are for military action, or against it, our young men and women overseas are fighting for us to defend our right to speak out. We all need to support them without reservation.
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
Very well done, Dennis. Thanks for the post, Dagwood :D
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
Good one Dag!!!
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
Thank you Dagwood, and Dennis, thanks for the great list :) but please keep away from announcing sports. ::)
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
You're welcome, guys. I heard this on the radio this morning and thought that it needed to be posted here. A lot of his points make sense.
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
I've seen/heard several of Miller's political commentary over the last few years and I will say a lot of it is pretty interesting.
I remember hearing him on a talk show back when the Hollywood anti-war folk were claiming they were being blackballed for their beleifs. He said thats a flat out lie, and if anyone is being blackballed in Hollywood for their beleifs, its the conservative actors/actresses. He went on to say there are many many conservative Hollywood types, but they are afraid to come out, so to speak, because they want to keep their jobs.
Whats cool is that he is an admitted right-winger and not afraid to express his opinions, even if they do go against the typical Hollywood trend these days.
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
He makes it very simple, doesn't he? :)
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
Thought I'd steal TV9's spotlight and do this:
Even though Dennis Miller didn't actually write this, it doesn't mean that the messages in the list don't apply.
By the way, #9 should read that "We're not trying to kill the Iraqis, we're trying to liberate them."
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
Thought I'd steal TV9's spotlight and do this:
Even though Dennis Miller didn't actually write this, it doesn't mean that the messages in the list don't apply. End Quote
well isnt that interesting.
Dennis Miller is still cool though. :D
Quoting:By the way, #9 should read that "We're not trying to kill the Iraqis, we're trying to liberate them."
End Quote
hehe, I was wondering why #9 on the original post seemed a little off. :D
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
His wealth of words as well as his knowledge and candor about our last animated president being nothing more than an iniquity has always impressed me :)
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
You gotta f-ing kidding me ::) How come nobody is yelping the same old shut-up-Hollywood rants like the ones on the "This vs. That" topic? Hollywood celebrities don't know sh!t anyway, so Dennis Miller can kiss my anti-US govt. @$$ :-*
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
You gotta f-ing kidding me ::) How come nobody is yelping the same old shut-up-Hollywood rants like the ones on the "This vs. That" topic? Hollywood celebrities don't know sh!t anyway, so Dennis Miller can kiss my anti-US govt. @$$ :-*
End Quote
Because unlike some Hollywood types, Dennis Miller actually went to college. :P AND graduated.
Now I don't want to get on a rant here, but I don't see Susan Sarandon or George Clooney with one o'dem hard-earned DEEgrees, do you?
Of course, one might also wonder why smarty-pants like Conan O'Brien and Mira Sorvino (Harvard), or Dolph Lundgren (haha! but he did go to a bunch of prestigious universities, and had a chance go to M.I.T.) are spouting against the war...hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Even though I'm fairly certain Conan is liberal, the most he does is make jokes about how the President is stupid. At least he has some class ::)
Btw, James Woods also went to M.I.T., but was a unit or two from graduating before he became an actor. He majored in polisci, and has been somewhat vocal about his support of the troops and the effort. So who do you trust? Some loudmouth who has no idea what they're talking about, or someone who actually studied the stuff?
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
So who do you trust? Some loudmouth who has no idea what they're talking about, or someone who actually studied the stuff?
End Quote
I think I trust Crispin Glover and Danny Glover. And MAYBE Danny DeVito. ::)
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
Because unlike some Hollywood types, Dennis Miller actually went to college. :P AND graduated.
Now I don't want to get on a rant here, but I don't see Susan Sarandon or George Clooney with one o'dem hard-earned DEEgrees, do you?End Quote
Oh, so in order to make a statement on the issue one must have earned/gotten/bought/whatever a degree from college? Oh, I see. Yes, Mr. Miller got a degree from a Pittsburg college and it was in journalism. He was not a journalist though, so big friggin' deal to his deegree. He's a lame comedian anyway, but can pass it off as a sportscaster.
I prefer Jon Stewart and Mo Rocca myself, but that's just my style. Mr. Stewart has a degree in philosophy, I think. Big deal. He'd be just as funny without it.
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
I think I trust Crispin Glover and Danny Glover. And MAYBE Danny DeVito. ::)
End Quote
Danny Glover graduated from SF State, but I don't believe the other two made it past high school ;) Whatever floats your boat though :D
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
Danny Glover graduated from SF State, but I don't believe the other two made it past high school ;) Whatever floats your boat though :D
End Quote
I was joking RICE! :o ::)
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
I was joking RICE! :o ::)
End Quote
I know, I should have posted a sarcasm alert ;D
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
I know, I should have posted a sarcasm alert ;D
End Quote
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
Quoting:Even though I'm fairly certain Conan is liberal, the most he does is make jokes about how the President is stupid. At least he has some class ::)End Quote
...and they aren't even his jokes, they are his writers'. he just reads them off a cue card.
(liberal or not, Conan is still cool 8) :D)
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
You gotta f-ing kidding me ::) How come nobody is yelping the same old shut-up-Hollywood rants like the ones on the "This vs. That" topic? Hollywood celebrities don't know sh!t anyway, so Dennis Miller can kiss my anti-US govt. @$$ :-*
End Quote
The reason Dennis Miller shouldn't get shouted down is because Dennis Miller basically got famous off delivering his political views. I don't give a crap what Adam Sandler has to say on the subject, but if Chris Rock or Dennis Miller has something to say about war, that's different. I'd listen to them, because that's what I expect of them. That's what I pay them for. I pay Sheryl Crow to sing songs about leaving Las Vegas and soaking up the sun. I pay Martin Sheen to play the president on NBC. If they want to write some protest music or act in a film criticizing the government, that's fine, but I'm not going to bother with their take on politics.
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
Actually, people were lambasting Michael Moore and praising Dennis Miller for the same thing.
Personally, I like Bill Maher and George Carlin 8)
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
Actually, people were lambasting Michael Moore and praising Dennis Miller for the same thing.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
Actually, people were lambasting Michael Moore and praising Dennis Miller for the same thing.
End Quote
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
Actually, people were lambasting Michael Moore and praising Dennis Miller for the same thing.
Personally, I like Bill Maher and George Carlin 8)
End Quote
I don't think people were lambasting Michael Moore so much for his beliefs but for his venue and method he chose to display them.
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
And I think Michael Moore would have been lambasted anyway, regardless of the forum.
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
And I think Michael Moore would have been lambasted anyway, regardless of the forum.
End Quote
Nah, it was because it was the Oscars. His views were no suprise to anyone that knows him. I'm sure he has voiced his opinions in other mediums w/o this level of reaction.
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
I still remember and hear of the reaction Marlon Brando recieved when he won the Oscar for the Godfather years ago. Was there the kind of national sentiment towards the plight of the Native Americans then as to the war going on today? Heck no. Yet that was a very denounced action he took.
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
I don't think people were lambasting Michael Moore so much for his beliefs but for his venue and method he chose to display them.
End Quote
I agree.
I applaud Moore for his talent, and yes even though I am on the opposite side of the political spectrum as he is, his movies are well-done.
However, there's an appropriate time and place for eveything, and he made a selfish and shameless decision, in my opinion, to use his Oscar acceptance speech time to spew his politics. Especially considering the other Oscar attendees managed to hold back their political speeches.
Dennis Miller, on the other hand, has his own show. And anyone who watches ihis show knows where he stands politically, and if they dont want to hear him they can just turn the channel. He's not on CNN on a weekly basis spewing his politics like some celebrities(eh hem Martin Sheen).
Subject: Re: Dennis Miller
Can somebody tell me what happened with Janine Garafalo? I had heard she was talking some serious smack on CNN or MSNBC. But I didn't get any details. I know she is pretty outspoken on her political views (if that's what you call them) ::) but apparantly she went way overboard this time. If anyone can find a link about it, will you post it for me? Thanks! :-*