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Subject: This vs That
Celebrities have no intelligence-gathering agents, no fact finding groups, no insight into the minds of those who would destroy our country. They only have a deep seated hatred for all things Rebublican. By nature, and know one knows quite why, the Hollywood elitists detest conservatives views and anything that supports or uplifts the United States of America. The Silence was deafening from the Left when Bill Clinton bombed a pharmaceutical factory outside of Kartoum, or when he attacked the Bosnian Serbs in 1995 and 1999. He bombed Serbia itself to get to Slobodan Milosevic out of Kosovo, and not a single peace rally was held. When our Rangers were ambushed in Somolia and 18 young Americans lives were lost, not a peep was heard from Hollywood. Yet now, after our nation was attacked on it's own soil, after 3,000 people were killed by freedom-hating terrorists while going about thier routine lives, they want to hold rallies against the war. Why the change? Because an Honest, God-fearing Rebublican sits in the White House.....Part 2 to follow.....
Subject: Re: This vs That
IMO it is pretty shortsighted to see this conflict over Iraq as just Democrats vs Republicans. Celebrities aren't the only ones protesting this war, there are millions worldwide who are against it.
It really gets under my skin when people say that celebrities should shut up because they are not experts on foreign policy, yet come onto message boards like this and act like theyknow all the answers.
Pesonally I have decided that there is nothing anyone can do right now. The troops are there, let them do their job, and if it turns out that all this was a huge mistake, then the people responsible will have to face the music. And if this war results in peace in the mid east, well then you can shove it in the face of the people who protested.
Subject: Re: This vs That
IMO it is pretty shortsighted to see this conflict over Iraq as just Democrats vs Republicans. Celebrities aren't the only ones protesting this war, there are millions worldwide who are against it. End Quote
That's true. Joe Lieberman, for one, is a prominent Democrat backing the war effort. I'm sure there are Republicans who are against the war. I for one am not 100% for the war but I feel like it's the best option considering the circumstances. Not much I can do about it now, eh? ::)
It really gets under my skin when people say that celebrities should shut up because they are not experts on foreign policy, yet come onto message boards like this and act like theyknow all the answers.End Quote
Well, that's in a nutshell what celebrities do. But I never claimed I was a celebrity, nor did I say that I knew all the answers (I know you didn't direct this towards me, but humor me).
Pesonally I have decided that there is nothing anyone can do right now. The troops are there, let them do their job, and if it turns out that all this was a huge mistake, then the people responsible will have to face the music. And if this war results in peace in the mid east, well then you can shove it in the face of the people who protested.
End Quote
I feel the same way. But peace in the Middle East probably won't be so easily gotten, even after this war, and after Iraq is freed (relatively speaking anyway).
Btw, even though RnRF's statement is a bit empassioned and repetitive and what not, he does have a point: the hypocrisy is quite glaring :-/
Subject: Re: This vs That
It really gets under my skin when people say that celebrities should shut up because they are not experts on foreign policy, yet come onto message boards like this and act like theyknow all the answers.
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I don't think anyone really expects them to shut up and say nothing. However, personally I don't like how they use their status to stand on a soap-box and preach their personal politics for the world to hear.
Here's an example of what I mean:
If I, a nobody as far as fame is concerned, called up CNN and said I wanted to make a statement regarding the war, they would probably hang up the phone before I even finished talking.
However, if Martin Sheen, for one, called them up and said he wanted to make a statemtn regarding the war, CNN would have a camera crew at his house in less than an hour, and we would see it replayed on TV over and over.
That's true. Joe Lieberman, for one, is a prominent Democrat backing the war effort.
End Quote
Thats true. And I give him a lot of credit for having the nuts to go against the grain from the traditional Democratic response to war and publicly support it. Brave move, and a commendable one too.
Btw, even though RnRF's statement is a bit empassioned and repetitive and what not, he does have a point: the hypocrisy is quite glaring :-/
End Quote
I agree.
Its so blatant, but I doubt the hypocisy of it will ever be called upon to be answered.
Subject: Re: This vs That
Well, that's in a nutshell what celebrities do. But I never claimed I was a celebrity, nor did I say that I knew all the answers (I know you didn't direct this towards me, but humor me)
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No, there is really only one person that I was referring to. He tends to write long posts that include stories about his childhood that I think he believes can be compared to world politics.
Subject: Re: This vs That
No, there is really only one person that I was referring to. He tends to write long posts that include stories about his childhood that I think he believes can be compared to world politics.
End Quote
Then I guess it's keyboards at 40 paces for you, my friend ;)
Subject: Re: This vs That
Here's an example of what I mean:
If I, a nobody as far as fame is concerned, called up CNN and said I wanted to make a statement regarding the war, they would probably hang up the phone before I even finished talking.
However, if Martin Sheen, for one, called them up and said he wanted to make a statemtn regarding the war, CNN would have a camera crew at his house in less than an hour, and we would see it replayed on TV over and over.End Quote
I agree with you 100%. Not only do they want time on CNN to discuss their views, but stars like Janine Garafalo complain afterwards that they're not getting enough time.
Subject: Re: This vs That
I agree with you 100%. Not only do they want time on CNN to discuss their views, but stars like Janine Garafalo complain afterwards that they're not getting enough time.
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Well, maybe if she made some better choices in her roles ;D
Subject: Re: This vs That
Well, maybe if she made some better choices in her roles ;D
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;D It's not like she has much to chose from, the pickings are slim for actresses whos acting range is limited to "The sarcastic lesbian".
Subject: Re: This vs That
Quoting:...an Honest, God-fearing Rebublican...End Quote
Isn't this an Oxymoron? ;D
Subject: Re: This vs That
;D It's not like she has much to chose from, the pickings are slim for actresses whos acting range is limited to "The sarcastic lesbian".
End Quote
you forgot the "who aren't really that attractive" ;)
Subject: Re: This vs That
Do celebrities believe that since they draw such astronomical salaries, they are entitled to also determine the course of our nation? Did moronic Michael Moore have the backing of the nation when he thanked France, on our behalf, for being a "good enough friend to tell us we were wrong"? I know for certain he was not speaking for me. Does Sean Penn consider himself a diplomat, in going to Iraq? It's a wonderful dream to sit down with dictators and terrorists and join hands, singing Cumbaya and talking of world peace. But it's not real. We didn't stop Adolf Hitler from taking over the entire continent of Europe by simply talking to him. We sent our best and brightest, and defeated the Nazi regime. It's not really Democrat vs Republican so much as it is Hollywood think they're the moral measuring stick we should all live our lives by...Clinton was quite a hero in thier eyes though. At least President Kennedy stopped Soviet ships from unloading thier nuclear missiles in Cuba in 1962, but did he do it with mere words...No... he stopped them with action and the threat of immediate war if the ships didn't turn around. LBJ stalled the vietnam war and Nixon continued it as long as he could...he was also a crook. I simply meant that these "Do-good" celebrities pretend to know what is best for our country. What pisses ME off is how many people will listen and accept thier views, simply because they liked them in a certain movie, or have fond memories of an old television show.....
Subject: Re: This vs That
Well, I'm not too 'up' on who supports what cos I personally don't give a t*ss what celebs think but consider this....
First of all, who put them there? It's hardly Clooney's fault that people care what he says!
Secondly, wouldn't you? As 80sRocked said earlier, if he phoned up CNN they wouldn't care, so he comes here and gives his opinion! Everybody uses what influence they have.
I don't think Celebs should be listened to anymore than John Doe, but we're talking about war, we're talking about thousands of deaths, we're talking about serious stuff. If I thought I could get more people to listen to my views, I would!
Cos, let's face it, I'm right! just as I'm sure you think you are! and so do they ;D
Also, just as CNN don't care what I have to say about war, they also don't care if I get caught smoking a J, speeding or screwing a pro - minor crimes (in my country at least) but Clooney would be crucified!
Subject: Re: This vs That
Well, I'm not too 'up' on who supports what cos I personally don't give a t*ss what celebs think but consider this....
First of all, who put them there? It's hardly Clooney's fault that people care what he says!
Secondly, wouldn't you? As Screwball said earlier, if he phoned up CNN they wouldn't care, so he comes here and gives his opinion!
I don't think Celebs should be listened to anymore than John Doe, but we're talking about war, we're talking about thousands of deaths, we're talking about serious stuff. If I thought I could get more people to listen to my views, I would!
Cos, let's face it, I'm right! just as I'm sure you think you are! and so do they ;D
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I'd vote for you :D ;)
Subject: Re: This vs That
Isn't this an Oxymoron? ;D
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No, it isn't...I am proud to be an honest, god-fearing Republican. 8)
Subject: Re: This vs That
...we're talking about thousands of deaths...End Quote
no offence, but that is quite an overstatment. I'd be interested to know where you got that figure.
Subject: Re: This vs That
no offence, but that is quite an overstatment. I'd be interested to know where you got that figure.
End Quote
I was talking about potential casualties, I didn't intend to imply this was any kind of current body count!
The UK media was estimating a possible 100 000+ casualties in total.
Time will tell I guess!
Actually it won't. The Iraqis will lie about it, the US/UK will lie about it
I don't think we (the little people) will ever know the truth.
Subject: Re: This vs That
This is a link that shows the education and qualifications of our leaders that are being criticized, and the education and qualifications of the celebrities that are criticizing them for their actions.
I am copying from their site something I think should be kept in mind as well:
While comparing the education and experience of these two groups, we should also remember that President Bush and his cabinet are briefed daily, even hourly, on the War on Terror and threats to our security. They are privy to information gathered around the world concerning the Middle East, the threats to America, the intentions of terrorists and terrorist-supporting governments. They are in constant communication with the CIA, the FBI, Interpol, NATO, The United Nations, our own military, and that of our allies around the world. We cannot simply believe that we have full knowledge of the threats because we watch CNN!! We cannot believe that we are in any way as informed as our leaders.
These celebrities have no intelligence-gathering agents, no fact-finding groups, no insight into the minds of those who would destroy our country.
I will defend anyone's right to speak their mind, but at the same time, we have to realize the celebrities are just people like you and me when it comes to knowledge of defense of our country.
Subject: Re: This vs That
End Quote
Thanks Shaz, that was great.
Puts a lot in perspective.
Side note: While all the administration have quite impressive education backgrounds, I think the most impressive is Condy Rice. Geesh, how's that for a resume? :D
Subject: Re: This vs That
Excellant link Shaz. Thanks.